RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (Full Version)

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terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (9/16/2009 11:24:18 AM)

Turn 50

Gentlemen, it seems our allied bear has caught some sort of disease that inflicts the thought-process.
Russia has just launched a sneak attack on Preussia, and since we are allies it was our obligation to do so as well. This is less than optimal, as that makes a war against Britain, Sweden and Spain a possibility as well.
We have started diplomatic talk in hope to remain left out of this new conflict, we will not march on Preussia, and hopefully they will not march on us.

The Russians did however emerge victorious from a battle with the Preussians, 35.000 dead Preussians and 30.000 dead Russians. But the Russians have a bigger population to make good these losses from than Preussia.

We ordered the production of two infantry divisions this turn, as things are escalating rather quickly, we need to increase our armies.

20$ was sent to Switzerland as Britain is doing so too, 20$ to Spain and 35 to Russia and Turkey. If we end up at war with Britain, we will no longer be able to hand out money, as that would most likely result in the sinkings of our merchant ships.


terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (9/16/2009 11:26:35 AM)



What kind of progress are your Turkish and Russian allies making against Austria?

Could we get some "big picture" here?

Turkey has captured Karlsburg and Russia has captured Vilna, but right now Russia has sneak attacked Preussia [X(]

Mus -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (9/16/2009 8:18:26 PM)

LOL Anthropoid is plundering his own territory, it's right there in the battle report.

That along with the sneak attack bringing Britain into the war (and maybe Sweden as well) make for a bad move!

terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (9/17/2009 10:20:43 AM)



LOL Anthropoid is plundering his own territory, it's right there in the battle report.

That along with the sneak attack bringing Britain into the war (and maybe Sweden as well) make for a bad move!

Aye, and it just got worse, read the next entry [8|]

terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (9/17/2009 10:21:14 AM)

Turn 51

Sirs, I have dire news.
I recieved a carrier pidgeon from Istanbul, the letter was signed by The Sultan himself. Turkey are offerign a cease fire to Preussia, and they will offer the same to Austria next month. They feel that the Russian attack on Preussia ruined alot of our chances, as well as the general feeling towards us in Europe.

Unfortunately I have to agree.
In order to preserve our merchant navy, and thus our income, I have offered a cease fire to Preussia as well. We have alot to lose, and almost nothing to gain at the present time in a war against England and Preussia.

The good news however is that our army in Austria captured yet another city, and is now marching on Munich (see attached map).
And the Russians had another victory against the Preussians!
Furthermore our spies report that the Austrian population is almost depleted, this means one of two things, either they are low on food, or there is ALOT of enemy troops out there somewhere.
20$ was handed out to Spain and Switzerland, while 35$ was handed to Russia and Turkey.
Our building programme saw the order placed for another infantry division, and we ordered one of our barracks expanded to lvl 4 so that we have more provinces were we can train troops.


terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (9/19/2009 9:59:54 AM)

Turn 52

Gentlemen, the situation in Europe keeps altering.
This month has seen a great battle faught between Austria and Turkey, and the Austrians took a severe beating. 33.000 Austrians were killed as opposed to 13.000 Turks, a great victory for Turkey.

Turkey and France signs a cease-fire with Preussia, and the cowardly Russians sign a cease-fire with Austria!! Our alliance will go on for another month, we will NOT lengthen it, with allies like Russia, who needs enemies?

Two infantery divisions were finished this month, and they are heading to Paris to join up with our armies there, and a corps was ordered so that we better can field larger armies. Two courts were ordered to be expanded this turn as well.

We handed out 20$ to Spain, 20$ to Russia and 35$ to Turkey this turn.

And we finally take a look at Austria's national morale:


terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (9/21/2009 10:45:25 AM)

Turn 53

Sirs, I bring dire news!
The cowardly Spanish launched a sneak attack on us on advanced a division into our supply center making sure no supplies reached our army in Austria. Losses were horrendous, more than 60.000 French soldiers dies this month.
This sneak attack has been denounced by all other powers in Europe, and Spain will pay for this treachery. And rest assured, our reserves counts more than 80.000 men, so losses can be made good quite fast, and as a bonus, these reserves are actually better trained than the men that were lost.
35$ were sent to Turkey and Russia this turn and 20$ to Switzerland. Our building orders were to create yet another corps, and to expand two courts throughout France.

For the total losses taken, take a look at the attached report.


terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (9/21/2009 8:31:29 PM)

Turn 54

Well, this month makes me realise that France is about to lose the war with Austria which again means the war against Spain as well since they are allies.
Although our forces now are located in Vienna and Austrian morale takes a blow, an Austrian army is seen heading towards Vienna, and it seems alot bigger than our reduced army.
Spain also captured Lombardy from us (Lombardy was one of our protectorates, and as such can be outright captured by the enemy troops).
Orders have been issued to place depots over alot of Europe, and this results in a net loss of 200$ this turn!
We continue to build courts throught France.


Mus -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (9/21/2009 10:27:05 PM)

Difficult for me to understand why you would subsidize Russia when Russia has gotten you in a bunch of wars and then ceasefired almost immediately, leaving you holding the bag. Particularly Turn 53 after they had ceasefired with Austria.

Wouldn't that money be better spent on additional infantry divisions?

I would negotiate with Turkey to see that they do not end their war with Austria or so that the cease fire is between Turkey AND France with Austria and then switch French focus to Spain in a similar situation.

terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (9/21/2009 11:43:08 PM)

Russia has learnt her lesson, and I prefer to keep Russia up and running as a counterweight to the Austrians and Preussians.
And it is not money that is causing me to not build any military units this turn, it is a lack of horses. However our secondary army now contains about 150.000 troops, and is ready to depart Paris.

terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (9/22/2009 11:07:05 AM)

Turn 55

A decision has been made Gentlemen. The order has been given.
We withdraw from Vienna. Our "Armee du Center" needs to reinforce before fighting any battles. Let the enemy think we are fleeing, we are merely reorganising. Our second army is marching south, but alas it seems it will arrive too late to help save Genoa from being captured by Spain, but that is ok, we will pay back by liberating all of Italy. Soon the Spanish will have to face 400.000 French troops.
And if that is not enough, our fleets have been ordered to sail south and to enter the Mediterreanean. There we will fight the old and obsolete Spanish fleets one by one.
We hand out 50$ to Russia and Turkey this turn, and we order another infantry division to be formed, and we expand two courts. The good news is that we do now have alot of level 5 courts, but we will not be happy untill they are all level 5!

The choice is also taken to spend some of our experience points to buy another upgrade. For full details about this, see the attached report.


terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (9/29/2009 9:12:47 PM)

Turn 56-58

Sorry about the belated reports, but my PC fried and I lost all screenshots from these turns.

Anyway, a brief summary of these turns are as follows:
-we continue to stay at war with Austria and Spain
-Spain is pressing us hard, capturing provinces and hurting our national morale
-Turkey is doing well in Austria, but not forcing them to take enough morale loss to end the war
-Our main army is trying to relocate to Paris
-we continue to build INF and CAV divisions and expand our courts.

terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (10/5/2009 10:34:34 PM)

Turn 59-60

Again sorry for the late replies, but am swamped at work IRL at the moment.

Anyway, the Spanish now roam around France, and our morale is taking a hit due to it, however we hope to soon be able to march out of Paris and offer battle again. It seems we might have to let the war with Austria lapse, as we need to focus all our attention against Spain.
The only ray of light in this war is that we have captured a colony from Spain.


Mus -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (10/5/2009 11:10:23 PM)

What is the size and location of your other Army, Armee du Nord? Why not wait until both Armies are at full strength before reengaging, or at the very least force Spain to march its armies into the interior of France before engaging? Seems you have fought in a very piece meal fashion over the past few months.

terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (10/6/2009 8:54:14 PM)

Turn 61

We build a CAV division in Paris, and one court and one barrack. The good news is that most of our provinces now have reached the magical level 5 courts, so soon there will be no need to build more courts.
The war is however wrecking havoc to our economy (not only cash-wise).
And of course the war is not going too well as is clearly indicated in the attached map...


terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (10/7/2009 10:13:26 PM)

Turn 62

Alas, Spain keep grabbing provinces in the south and our national morale is dropping rapidly. I fear we need to win a few major battles soon to avoid defeat. Our armies are rebuilding in Paris, but will it be done in time?


Rondo -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (10/15/2009 2:21:50 PM)

So, can someone give an update on how this game is going? Things were just starting to heat up.

terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (10/29/2009 12:51:40 PM)



So, can someone give an update on how this game is going? Things were just starting to heat up.

Yes, sorry about that, been really busy IRL lately, I do however have all the screenshots, so I hope to have this AAR updated by the weekend, and I promise you, things are REALLY getting interesting!!

Again, I am sorry for the delay here guys.


Rondo -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (10/29/2009 2:10:27 PM)

Much appreciated, Terje. Looking forward to the update with anticipation.

terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (11/1/2009 8:51:38 AM)

Turn 63

Although the war on land does not go too well, at sea the Spaniards are terrified of our superior fleet. I also decided to keep my fleet at sea so that Spain cannot bring supplies through the Med.


terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (11/1/2009 8:54:03 AM)

Turn 64

Alot of Spanish armies are reported to be located in Southern France. I know that all of these cannot be armies, as there is no way Spain can afford the cost. So I need to know which is an army and which is only single divisions and or corps. Our diplomats will have to be recalled!


terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (11/1/2009 8:56:28 AM)

Turn 65

We are ready to counterstrike. We have gathered some information about the Spanish forces and moved our own armies to Burgundy. If this fails, we will have lost the war!

The main question now is; just how big is the Spanish army?


terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (11/1/2009 8:58:37 AM)

Turn 66

We delay our attack one turn to fill up a few more divisions, so nothing really happens this turn. So this might be a good time to take a look at the situation in Europe.


terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (11/1/2009 9:01:01 AM)

Turn 67

It is payback time!
We order our armies to march, and we are going to try to cut Spanish supply lines like they did to us earlier with devastating effect. This is the "Do or Die"-Day of France!!


terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (11/1/2009 9:06:17 AM)

Turn 68

Ares, Anat, Bast, Brahma, Tor, Kali, Mars and Set are only a few gods that have been called Gods of War.
The important thing is, they are obviously all French!
A good result from our troops see the entire situation turn around!


terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (11/1/2009 9:11:18 AM)

Turn 69

Operation "Kick the Dons around" continues.
Another stunning victory for our forces, and we even capture enemy artillery.
What is even better is the fact that the enemy army retreats north! Further away from their supply lines and into disaster. Our morale is increasing every turn while the Spanish is dropping like a sack of bricks.

We also see good news from our Ottoman allies. They are still wrecking havoc in Austria! If this keeps up, we might be able to force the Spanish to surrender and turn around and march on Vienna once more.

My main concern now is Britain, with a change of the King (the original player has been substituted), they have gone from Pro-France to Anti-France. I can therefore safely guess that they do not want me to win too many wars...


Mus -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (11/1/2009 11:23:23 PM)

Hey Terje, what is your OOB looking like after your most recent victories? Just curious if you could provide a screenshot of your two big armies.

I see your infation is sky high so I am assuming you have been just pumping out infantry divisions like mad trying to play catch up with the Spaniards.

Have you considered blockading the Spanish fleets in Sardinia with two of your fleets and capturing them with an amphibious move using your third fleet?

terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (11/2/2009 12:11:18 AM)



Hey Terje, what is your OOB looking like after your most recent victories? Just curious if you could provide a screenshot of your two big armies.

I see your infation is sky high so I am assuming you have been just pumping out infantry divisions like mad trying to play catch up with the Spaniards.

Have you considered blockading the Spanish fleets in Sardinia with two of your fleets and capturing them with an amphibious move using your third fleet?

You are correct of course, my armies consists mainly of infantry, which actually suits the French as they have quite a few infantry upgrades when they start the game, but I will post a shot of my armies next turn.

Yes, I considered capturing the Spanish fleet, but I estimate that that would be the most efficient way to get Britain to DoW me, so I will not do so.


terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (11/7/2009 12:55:05 PM)

Turn 70

While we continue to wreck havoc amongst the Spanish army, our economy could be far better than it is. We make a little profit, but not nearly enough to give financial aid to Turkey or Russia. It now actually takes us 4 turns to save up enough money to make a Millitia which we need to regarrison the cities captured and retaken from the Spanish. Hopefully we will manage to break Spain soon!
Mus posted a wish to see my OOB, so here it is:


Mus -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (11/7/2009 9:35:22 PM)

Nice turn around terje.

Did you lose some of your guns in the earlier losses or are your other artillery divisions with Armee Du Midi somewhere? I heard you captured a Spanish gun, so you ought to have 3 Artillery divisions plus a Horse Artillery if you didn't already lose some in battle, but your first couple battles were pretty wicked losses.

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