06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/6/2010 2:57:33 AM)
May 1804 I usually focus only on Austria's use of everything, Great Britain's stocks of wool and cotton (of which the O.E. is a prime supplier), French moral and money, and occasionally look in on the other powers training doctrines. In the May report it is possible to see that Austria did not build any more units. Its manpower actually jumped by 2-very unusual. Also of interest is that G.B.'s stock of wool is falling. At some point I expect a British attack-maybe for not another 10 years, but it is likely. I think it is a good possibility that if the O.E. were to embargo G.B., King Kingmaker would promptly DoW the O.E. [image]local://upfiles/18421/17F8C982BD514372897526862C65275B.jpg[/image]