RE: Janissaries Forward! (Full Version)

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06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/25/2010 1:55:37 AM)


I made the investment for another military upgrade this month. March Logistics should help in general movement and army reorganization. Hopefully, they is some positive battlefield affects also.

There are still enough "experience" points to get a small upgrade at this time, but I will wait until April. My next choice will be for infantry target practice.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/25/2010 2:00:31 AM)

January 1805
Strength Comparison

It is official; the Ottoman Empire has surpassed Spain in military power. The future war will likely include Spain, Austria and Prussia as enemies. France and the O.E. still have a tough road ahead. Of course, with G.B.'s help this will be a little easier. If Russia can be brought into the fold-then all is well indeed.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/25/2010 10:44:29 PM)

February 1805
Glory Report

Prussia is advancing nicely in Glory and moral-finally. Sweden is falling further behind the leaders and is not viewed as any threat. Russia will perhaps have the most to gain in the coming war. There are multiple "target" provinces for Russia in both Austria and Prussia. Not only will its glory make a big advance from winning a war, but its monthly increase will increase.

The O.E. is falling further behind Spain for now. But again, on the positive side; more barracks and banks were completed this month.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/25/2010 10:50:31 PM)

Moral Comparisons

Prussia, France and Russia are lagging in the moral area. Prussia is making some good improvement, while Russia is dropping suddenly. No doubt the budget crisis in Russia has something to do with this.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/25/2010 10:58:00 PM)

Strength Comparisons

The balance of power is shifting a bit more. The O.E. has nearly caught up with Austria in military strength; the first time since the end of the war. Depending on what Austria has been organizing, the O.E. will soon surpass it.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/25/2010 11:09:19 PM)

Unit Count

This report is accurate except for the infantry count. The Ottoman Empire actually has 43 militia and 35 infantry divisions. There will son be 3 more infantry divisions and an artillery regiment added to the active roll's. One more cavalry or infantry division will be added soon. I really need some regular cavalry. 4 of the 5 irregular cav divisions are of dubious value. Their unit moral will not climb- so they are almost useless in big battles. I can build some irregular cav which cost less money but more horses. New irregular cav do achieve moral in the normal fashion. Those other four are hold overs/survivors from 1792. The Army currently only has 2 regular Cav divisions and one very good irregular division. It does not seem like that is adequate for such a large force. The cost of regular cavalry is painful; money wise it is the equivalent to 4 infantry divisions. One the other hand, I cannot build another 4 infantry divisions yet-and I need the cavalry. Financial or military priorities?? They do go hand in hand sometimes.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/25/2010 11:35:52 PM)

Adjustment Table

There have been some very nice improvements in production due to various provincial improvements. This area has received much attention. The O.E. has only one significant advantage-the production of cotton and wool. Even textile production was limited to about 10 in 1792-it has been rolling along at about 40 textile units per month for some time now. This could not have happened without many factory developments and farms to support the added capacity.

Many farms were also built just in case I ran into population problems from all the road construction I have engaged in. The roads were deemed necessary to speed overall development. in 1792 it would take 45 months for a project to be completed without added labor (which drags down production).

The roads have helped in speeding production of barracks along with several other lower priority items. There have been approximately 140 barracks built since 1792-most of these at an accelerated rate due to proper road development. In some provinces any additional road development is not practical as it has become so expensive in textiles, labor and time.

This report also shows the current "waste"-which is at zero. In 1792 there was a painful wastage rate of 18% IIRC. This meant the need for 9 provinces with at least 5 courts each. There were only two with 3 courts, one with 4, 3 with 2 and the remaining 6 with 1 court each. The Empire has grown by 4 additional provinces-one which thankfully came with 5 courts. This required additional building of courts. There are several which had to be started from zero level courts which cost 150 in money to initiate. As there is the possibility of further growth of the Empire; courts must be kept under construction. I am currently planning on bringing an additional 5 provinces up to level five courts. The first 2 will be completed nearly 2 years from now and the other 3 in an additional 2 years. I have never been able to gain "extra" 5 level provinces since the beginning. In other word, the O.E. is alway trying to catch up-then it does-for a while. It is an expensive task and there are other priorities too.

The O.E. has a tough economy to advance. The cost of each non bank development is about 56 in money (other than the 1st which is 150). Banks cost even more. This compares to all the other nations cost of 2 to 5 in money per development. Of course, the other powers can have all the money they need but will still be limited by a lack of resources-especially for barracks. The only other country that has such a mess is Russia. Its "waste" is even worse than Turkey's. However, Russia still has the cheap improvement costs couple with a great abundance of wool. If it can escape the problems of waste, then it should become quite strong. It may have a dearth of banks though.

Seems like a lot of rambling about the economy, but with the O.E. it must be the first priority if a Sultan wants to be a real player in Europe.[;)]


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/25/2010 11:45:33 PM)


According to this rumor report the Ottoman military is larger then France's. Ottoman cavalry actually amount to 70,000-counting the irregulars.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/26/2010 12:17:45 AM)

February, 1805
Strategic Situation

It is time to get back to geo-political matters. War is just about guaranteed to break out before summer of this year. It looks like all the various powers are at full strength (although Russia has a slight problem currently).

The aims for the O.E. in this next war are to secure its frontier with Austria by adding some mountainous provinces to the Empire. Also, it is a necessary step to further recover Muslim lands in North Africa. This means that a war with Spain will occur. I would be happy with the inclusion of 3 additional provinces to the Empire. Of course, to gain those provinces will entail a long and tough war.

The Sultan's diplomat's have been busy trying to figure out the aims of France and to gain the active participation of the Czar in a possible coming conflict. The French leadership are intent on taking back its home provinces from Spain. It also seems intent on punishing Spain for its surprise attack on France which had everlasting ramifications. There has been some very promising communication with Russia. It appears that the Czar does in fact view Prussia and Austria as its primary foes. It seems very likely now that Russia will join in the upcoming conflict as an ally of Turkey and France.

The two remaining Power's, G.B. and Sweden have unknown agendas' at this time. Sweden is allied to Russia, but it cannot really do anything unless its forces can pass British Protectorates. As they are not allies anymore, this would take some corrective action. It is possible that Sweden would make a naval transport of its Army to an area adjacent to Prussia. I do not think that the Swedish King is interested in long marches or multiple big battles. Sweden will be out of manpower in a year.
Great Britain still has much to gain from a war with Spain. It is, however, allied to Prussia. This presents a thorny problem. If Prussia does not come to terms with France, which I think is very unlikely that it will, then G.B. will have to make a tough choice as to what side they are going to support. If G.B. opts for siding with Prussia, then this opens the door to active Swedish participation. Sweden can achieve some nice gains in Danish territories currently under G.B,'s control.

How all this will unfold is a great unknown-that is until the light breeze of war turns into the storm of war. It will not be long in coming. In my estimation July is the longest that peace can continue. May is such a lovely month to begin a march....


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/26/2010 12:24:05 AM)

Now, finally, this AAR is caught up to the game. We are waiting on the March 1805 turn-the pace has picked up recently.

I will shift focus more to the military side of things in the near future. I am not planning on full mobilization of forces until April. However, if France makes a move, I will need to get things moving quickly.

Zap -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/26/2010 5:55:26 AM)

06 Maesro

An excellent update. Really gives us followers a taste of the world situation. Yhanks.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/26/2010 6:47:33 PM)

Thanks Zap. Hopefully, between the French and Turk AAR's this whole thing will make some sense. We will soon be into another interesting stage.

Tophat1815 -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/27/2010 3:36:01 AM)

Make A MOVE!! :) Gotta sometimes love the Frenchman!

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/27/2010 4:09:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: Tophat1812

Make A MOVE!! :) Gotta sometimes love the Frenchman!

Well, who and when dictates where. :) The last war started with a rather disjointed underhanded attack which caught "allies" unprepared. I hope that will not happen again.
The O.E. can be ready in one month-no problem. France could likewise be ready very quickly. Russia's situation is still somewhat unknown. It may need a loan just to mobilized, supply and pay its military.

So, you can see there are still a few nagging details to be worked out. I am not going to attempt any operational coordination. Some strategic agreement would be nice.

We are getting close to decision time. It would really be funny if Prussia comes to an agreement with France now.

Tophat1815 -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/30/2010 3:23:26 AM)

SO what the heck happened???????????

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/30/2010 8:27:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: Tophat1812

SO what the heck happened???????????

Yea, well, I would like to know too. Perhaps the temporary replacement player was told to stop until the real Austrian Emperor got back from vacation. That's what I am hoping anyway. It seemed like everyone was ready to go.

We are going on 6 days without a turn-not good.

Tophat1815 -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (7/30/2010 3:41:31 PM)

:(  oh boy,nope you are correct,not good at all.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (8/3/2010 4:07:24 AM)

The game is rolling along. We have advanced through April of 1805. The strategic map looks a little different, but there is still no war. It seems we are at a strategic impasse. Just how to break the stalemate without undue risk is the big question.

Now, if the Sultan was a big drinker he could just get hammered and start issuing orders to shake things up. [:D]

Tophat1815 -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (8/3/2010 2:27:20 PM)

Have a few shots of Jim beam and show the infidel some cold steel.

Zap -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (8/3/2010 8:14:36 PM)

Somebody soon will feel the situation is right to make the move. As time runs down, the desire to try and gain world glory as victor will be too much temptation to let slip away. Maestro, have a feast at the Sultans palace, invite your allies and drink to your hearts content. Drunk ,the leaders will try and take bragging rights as the most couragous. Alas, war!

Hey, I will be out there (LV) this weekend. The wife and grandkids will be staying behind(birthday party). If your availble Saturday come on over I'll treat lunch. I'll give you a call.

Tophat1815 -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (8/4/2010 12:03:45 AM)

They still have more than 100 turns to go don't they?

Zap -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (8/4/2010 1:03:56 AM)

I believe your right. But I would think they will need to position themselves after the war to take advantage of the gains(if any) of those battles. Since the leaders in this game are going for the top spot. Won't they need time after to make the last push for the top position.?

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (8/4/2010 3:47:38 AM)

We do have about 120 turns to go. That is ample time for a nation to recover and have another go. I am tempted just to go for it myself-and risk defeat. For a year or two it will be tough going to recover-however, there is a small matter of 300 "experience" points for military reorganization. That would be a very nice addition to my 60 plus Turkey is getting each quarter.

Defeat is just such a bummer though. Regardless of the advantages, it is a tough pill to swallow.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (8/4/2010 4:59:17 AM)

March 1805

There are no significant changes in the glory levels this month.
There was one more barracks completed-every little bit helps.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (8/4/2010 5:04:02 AM)


The Sultan offered a treaty to France this month. This was offered on the assumption that war was nearly upon us. It seemed like the honorable thing to do-not to surprise other nations with a new and unexpected enemy.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (8/4/2010 5:06:18 AM)


The Empires military is slowly concentrating. Within a month or two everything will be emplaced for war. There will still be new divisions making their way to their assignments for a few months to come.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (8/4/2010 5:29:30 AM)


The Balkan theater does not offer many options for Ottoman grand plans. The Sultan has three main choices;
1. Converging attacks into eastern Austria aiming for Pest, Then press on to Vienna north of the Danube-or
2. Converging attacks onto Pest thence proceeding to capture Poland for temporary glory and military points-or
3. Shifting the axis of advance to the south bank of the Danube.

Option 1; this would entail a decisive battle with Emperor Matto rather quickly. Although the Ottoman Army is much stronger now it is doubtful that giving the Austrians a defensive advantage would end in success. The war would drag on in undetermined paths-if at all.

Option 2; This avoids an offensive decisive battle (most likely) and would give some benefits during a long war. However, even with the loss of all of Poland, Austria will not be crippled. It would drag on for years.

Option 3; this is a more challenging approach. I took this route one time in the last war-it was a total surprise and got me into Vienna. It is impossible that such luck will happen again. However, there is the possibility of engaging the main Austrian Army before all the other corps can be brought into the area. There is also the advantage of supply by sea. Sea supply would be costly, but relatively safe compared to the land routes. A successful operation to the direct south of Vienna would open 3 possibilities-one of which would be a decisive push on to Vienna. This route would also guarantee the need to fight the entire Austrian Army rather quickly-but possibly in smaller groups.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (8/5/2010 3:44:08 AM)

April 1805
Glory Report

Spain continues to gain Glory at a very rapid rate. If there was no war ending in Spanish defeat, It would be taking the lead-again. It is very unlikely that there will be no war.

Another six developments, including 3 barracks were completed this month. Those tree projects cost approx 40 textiles to start. The others also cost a few textiles each also. The Empires production of textiles has already fallen to 38 due to taxation increases-production will go much lower in the near future.

There were an additional 7 projects begun this month-a cost of nearly 400 in gold. The treasury is starting to run low. Those same 7 projects may have cost any other power 20 in gold. However, no other power except Russia can match the Ottoman Empires production of textiles. This advantage is being pressed.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (8/5/2010 3:47:52 AM)

Strategic Map

You can see that some armies have been concentrated. Also, Spain has finally moved a large army to the north. No doubt the Spanish King, IronWarrior, is expecting some trouble real soon-he is likely correct.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (8/5/2010 3:55:03 AM)


The first Army is nearly complete. It is missing on infantry division which is on its way. It has moved into Transylvania in anticipation of war with Austria. However, I have not decided on an action as of yet.

The moral measures favorably with the European powers now. The 2 infantry divisions with below 4 moral were units that were captured and then returned after the end of the last war. The irregular cavalry is rather low-and won't increase. I can't really afford to disband it as new cavalry is quite expensive. Perhaps in another 5 years.


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