RE: Janissaries Forward! (Full Version)

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06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/29/2010 7:27:22 PM)


In view of the current situation it was decided to move both the 1st and 2nd Armies into Grosswardien. I could only see one of the main Austrian Armies. It would have been at least a two province march for that one and most likely at least a 3 province march for the other one that I could not see. My armies would have a two province march-and arrive at the same time. If the Austrians did move south I would have a decent chance of victory as his forces should be somewhat under strength after all the marching they have done recently-even assuming that Austria still has replacements-which it may not.

I also felt fairly safe in making this move as it seemed likely that Emperor Matto would still go after a great victory against the Russians. On one hand it seems crazy to do such a thing with the French on their way, but if Austria can gain a great victory, moral will be recovered and he can make his way back to Vienna to boot the French out again. So, the Ottomans are on the march again-back into Austria. This time there will be no going back until victory-or total defeat.

The two Austrian armies that appear in this map are small formations of about 40,000 troops each-if that. They are no concern to me other than the possible case that those are pure cavalry. In that case they pose a threat to my supply lines.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/29/2010 7:30:46 PM)

Poland AO

The Russians have found themselves in an untenable situation. There is nothing to do but speed march to the east and attempt to avoid battle. Although it was possible that the Austrians would turn around and head west-it was unlikely.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/29/2010 7:36:50 PM)

Western Austria AO

The French have arrived on the scene-in a big way. I assumed that it would take the French 2 months to reach Vienna-it took one. The roads and good weather made this movement a bit easier-Emperor Matto must be at wits end.

Austrian moral will really tumble now. This is unlike the previous French movement into Austria as an attack was possible to throw the French out of Vienna the same month that they got there-this is not possible this time. Austria will suffer the pains of its capital being occupied for at least a month-and likely longer.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/29/2010 7:40:59 PM)


The Prussians and Swedes' are drunk in victory. However, the Royal Navy has just appeared on the scene. Things are going to heat up there soon. Winter approaching may be a factor in this war. King Kingmaker may choose to wait until Spring before taking action in Sweden.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/30/2010 3:25:17 AM)

October, 1806
Glory Standings

Spain has continued its amazing climb in glory-the second time up. It has just surpassed Great Britain. There must be powerful withes in Spain-there should be a crusade of some sort to root them out. After the evil that lurks within the Austrian Empire has been cleansed, I will see what I can do about Spain.

There were further provincial improvements this month. The war, even this rather short one, has put a damper on development. It has already slowed to a crawl-and may nearly cease in the near future. There are no additional barracks under development at this time.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/30/2010 3:38:29 AM)

Carpathian AO

The area looks a bit crowded. It is, however, ripe for some maneuver. Emperor Matto did what was hoped he would do; go after the Russians one more time.

My move into Grosswardien in September went unchallenged. I now have 2 main options; 1. move into Pressburg with a slow march seeking combat, or
2. Speed march to Vienna to attack the city.

Option one held the possibility of catching the Austrian forces after a long march-and possibly cut their supply. It also held the risk of meeting the entire Austrian Army and being defeated before I had a chance to storm Vienna.

Option 2 held the possibilities of not only definitely reaching Vienna and linking up with the French Army, but actually being able to take the citadel with "charge the walls" orders. There was also the chance that the city could not be taken as too much time would have been used in the march and a small battle at Pest. This could have resulted in Emperor Matto being massed, fully supply, in Pressburg with the French and Ottoman armies still just besieging the city. This would not have been a good situation for the Ottoman Army.

All things considered-option two was chosen. Whatever happens-there will be no retreat. The O.E. has over 50,000 trained replacements-they will all be used if need be.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/30/2010 3:47:41 AM)

Option Two

On this planning map you can see that the major Austrian forces cannot interfere with the chosen route to reach Vienna. The small Austrian forces in the area will be brushed aside by the 300,000 plus Ottoman Army.

The mountains of Carpathia are passable. However, to go from the north side to the south side takes longer than just going around. This means that I know that my planned move to Vienna cannot be stopped. It will take a bit of luck though to actually capture the City before the Austrian Army shows up in force. It somewhat depends on what happens in Pest-a quick battle may be enough to slow me down to eliminate a chance of storming the citadel.

The French Emperor was invited to stand down his forces. He took great loses (over 40,000) in capturing the city the last time-this time it should be the Turks that bleed.
The French Army seems chronically short of replacements-they have done enough in this war. I shall pay back the French Emperor two fold at a later time.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/30/2010 3:53:24 AM)


The Russians still have not been able to merge their forces. It is quite difficult to concentrate forces while moving around-and that is what the Russians have been doing since they entered the fray. I think that the Czar is safe now for a month. Hopefully, he will be able to organize a full army to participate in one big battle to finish Austria.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/30/2010 4:00:14 AM)

Army Reports

The big fear last month was that the Austrian forces would catch and destroy a significant body of Russian troops. Not only would this have been disheartening for the Czar, but it would have added to Austrian moral-giving them a false hope of being able to continue the war.

As it transpired- the Czar was able to get away with barely being hurt by the Austrians.

It seems like the amazingly good luck of the Austrian Emperor Matto has run out. He has put up a magnificent fight. He is trying to do the impossible now. It is almost over.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/30/2010 4:06:25 AM)


The Czar wanted a new treaty between France, the Ottoman Empire and Russia-we obliged.
He also apparently made a new treaty with Prussia (without due discussion with his allies). The Sultan has no hard feeling against Prussia (the Egyptian revolt is water under the bridge). However, there are certain other treaties which, if Prussia maintains, can cause some friction between the O.E. and Prussia. Thus, my good friend in the Kremlin will have to choose sides.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/30/2010 4:16:00 AM)


Funds for development are dwindling. Textiles have been largely reserved for consumption to help moral. It may be that after this war ends development can once again rapidly increase.

The Sultan is having second thoughts about the Amphitheater Initiative. It has cost a fortune already-and it has barely begun. After all, what is it the people really need? They need canons to keep them safe-that is what they need. The Sultan must keep his people safe from the barbarians.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/30/2010 4:21:32 AM)

National Comparisons

Austria still has money to spare. Great Britain has a treasury, which for G.B. iis rather low. G.B.'s national moral is also lower. It looks very similar to what it was a few months ago. Apparently King Kingmaker can manage his Empire's fortunes quite well. He has kept it steady even though it has taken some losses. I wonder just how low G.B. can be pushed down...


Zap -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 4:47:57 AM)

Hi Maestro,

How long does it take for the results to show? For example after a province has been taken. And other battle results. I noticed the question concerning your game. Are there still a lot of things that are unclear, not in the rule book)

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 5:54:50 AM)



Hi Maestro,

How long does it take for the results to show? For example after a province has been taken. And other battle results. I noticed the question concerning your game. Are there still a lot of things that are unclear, not in the rule book)

Hey Zap

The reports for any events/battles come in on the following month/turn.

There are a few things that are still unclear-hopefully the one about manpower in enemy controlled provinces has been answered. The problem was that the reports show what would be total manpower available-apparently it is showing MP in all provinces of an empire-and not what is actually available to a player who has enemy units occupying his provinces/cities. is actually available.

The effects of military upgrades on instant combat are not clear-it is sort of engaging in wishful thinking when picking an upgrade. The rules are quite clear for detailed combat and quick combat is covered to some degree. However, in PBEM games all combat is "instant" combat. Whoever thinks they know-spare me-it is not there. Of course, if you are the guy that wrote the game-I'm all ears. It is supposed to be similar to FOF, but that does not help too much. You can see the results simply in playing the game. Things like Engineers really make a huge difference in taking forts. I would like to know what they all do-in instant combat.

There are many things coming up in the suggestions thread-many are good-and some I'm not so sure about. I know a few things that were mentioned in this AAR have been added to the wish list (current ongoing thread) for the new patch.

The reports generally seem to be accurate. There are a few oddities. One little item that causes some confusion is that the reports generally cover the preceding month-not the current situation-so, the numbers seldom match the way some would expect. Something that I have mentioned a couple times in this AAR is the confusion (or inaccuracy) of the infantry division count. The game counts militia as infantry in some reports. If you want an accurate count, then you need to open up the military dialog-and count the militia. In this current game I can currently have 43 militia (hopefully increasing soon). As it is important to know what you have, it would be nice to have a report that clearly shows that-all other types of units are accurately counted. I suspect this will be an easy addition-hopefully included in the next patch.

Overall, the game runs very good and plays well. After more than a year of some intense playing there have been many things identified that should be improved. As mentioned, there are some areas of the manual that were a little weak.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 4:29:11 PM)

November, 1806
Glory Standings

Positions have remained the same, however, the O.E. has closed on G.B.

No provincial improvements were completed this month-a rarity.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 4:37:39 PM)


The effects of the war on Austria are quite clear looking at its culture rating. It has fallen from its normal number one or two position to dead last.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 4:41:13 PM)

November 1806
Ceramic Map

This is an odd little map, but it gives a reasonably clear picture of the current borders of the various empires.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 4:52:23 PM)

Siege Report

The speed march to Vienna paid off. The Ottoman forces got there in time to storm the citadel. Losses were not too severe. The French also took some losses-they should have just been starving the city-I will have to make an inquiry into that.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 4:59:44 PM)

Vienna AO

This situation map shows the realization of a dream; Vienna Province is not only occupied, but the fortress captured and the main Austrian forces a good month march away.
Austria is in a very bad situation. The combined French and Ottoman armies are over 450,000 troops.

Just what will Emperor Matto do? He should surrender, but he won't. It is more likely that he will try one more big operation; cutting supply to Ottoman forces while attacking the city-then he will surrender after that operation fails-we shall see.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 5:18:11 PM)


After some discussion it was decided to stay put in Vienna. I am fairly certain that Emperor Matto will try one more battle before he surrenders. I strongly suspect that he will try to cut our supply lines. My allies do not seem to be so concerned with this possibility. The French are not so vulnerable as most of its divisions have the forager trait, however I do not think that will help much if cut off and forced to fight.

There will be a couple of French cavalry divisions sent to Odenburg-and stay there. This is being done in case the Austrians do not attack Vienna this month (which I expect), but rather to threaten Austrian supply in the event of a later advance on Vienna. The Ottoman 2nd Army (the weaker force) will move into Odenburg and back into Vienna. This is being done to defeat any Austrian raiding force. It may be that it will move too slow and fail in its mission-we shall see. The Carpathian Army is also being ordered into Odenburg and thence into Styria-the goal is the same-protect supply depots.

New depots have been built. A sea supply lane from Salonika has also been established. Supply is the key in this finale stage of the war. If Emperor Matto can disrupt allied supply, he can fight on. If he cannot disrupt allied supply, he faces nothing but defeat until surrender.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 5:26:28 PM)

Ottoman 1st Army

The 1st Army is the main force. It is nearly at 100% after its speed march and charging the walls. These are the victorious forces from the battle of Belgrade and Grosswardien in the the last war. One more major battle by them in this war should be enough to finish this war-God willing.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 5:28:57 PM)

Political Reports

Austria is not being given any rest-the diplomats are working overtime.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 5:33:42 PM)

Austrian Moral

Here is the breakdown of Austrian moral changes last month. This has plunge Austrian moral well below zero-about 120 negative. The low moral will eventually force Emperor Matto to surrender-regardless of what he prefers to do.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 5:38:02 PM)

Ottoman Glory

This is a noteworthy report; the increase is second only to when the Spanish surrendered. The normal glory increase is about 12 per month-this was double that.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 5:40:02 PM)

Moral Comparison

Austrian moral has taken a severe drop-and it is not done yet.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 5:43:54 PM)

Strength Comparison

Austrian strength has only slightly dropped last month-there should be bigger news soon.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 5:48:58 PM)

Military Upgrades

Massed artillery was added to the list of Ottoman organization.
That little upgrade cost 135 experience points. There was a time, long ago, that would have taken five years of saving points to acquire. It now takes five months to build up those same points.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 5:53:51 PM)


The war is not cheap- neither in gold or in Ottoman manpower.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/1/2010 5:56:27 PM)

Northern War

Nothing much has change in the Baltic area. It seems that G.B. is not sure what to do at this time. its strength is dropping while its main army remains embarked in the Mediterranean.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/4/2010 3:24:23 AM)

December, 1806

The glory looked good at the beginning of this month-it will take a slight dip very soon. This is a side affect of loosing 100,000 troops.

Only one project was completed this month-and funds are too low to proceed with that particular province plan.

If one is not careful in times such as these thoughts can drift to the National Harem or some such thing. Focus must be kept-for the good of the Empire.


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