RE: Janissaries Forward! (Full Version)

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06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/24/2010 7:12:36 PM)

Strength Comparison

Both Spain and Great Britain have suffered drops in strength from their little war.
France is recovering somewhat from the earlier battles. The Ottoman forces have been replenished except for a couple of irregular cav divisions.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/24/2010 7:17:40 PM)

National Comparissons

Austrian funds continue to climb from huge deliveries of gold from Great Britain. One little oddity; the gold is likely delivered through Ottoman controlled ports. Great Britain is an ally of the O.E.-just what can one do?


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/24/2010 7:21:43 PM)

Economic Report

One advantage of withdrawing into home territory is the reduced need for depots. Without that added burden the Treasury has ample surplus. There is a new drain though-Russia has some financial difficulties. I have started sending subsidies again-60 this month.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/24/2010 7:35:15 PM)

June 1806
Glory Standings

The positions are the same, but Great Britain has widened its lead on the O.E.

Five more provincial improvements were finished. The roads in Besserabia may have been a waste. It was intended to add to farms and factories in the province, but those do not seem really necessary anymore. Perhaps at a later time when there is gold to dump into the sea.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 5:05:37 AM)


Surprise number 4; Sweden declares war on Great Britain. It is now official-all Europe (and the Middle East/north Africa) is at war. Both Great Britain and Austria are facing off against 3 opponents. Prussia backing Spain rather than Great Britain is what really opened up the door to strategic imbalance-anything can happen now-other than an invasion of Great Britain. With the Spanish fleet gone there is little chance of being able to defeat the RN. G.B. can still be made to feel some pain though through the loss of its protectorates on the continent.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 5:09:17 AM)


France, Russia and the Ottoman Empire are benefiting from captured Austrian arts centers.
This results in one addition point of glory for the O.E. each month-every little bit helps.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 5:13:03 AM)

Political Report

Diplomats are working overtime in spreading defeatism in Austria-nothing can be overlooked in this struggle.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 5:16:02 AM)


The slow picking away at the Austrian Empire is having some affect. Austria looses moral for each lost province. It does gain some back when it recaptures a province, but not as much as it losses with the loss of same.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 5:18:54 AM)

Austrian Moral

This is a breakdown of Austrian moral changes. As you can see it is bleeding. Even without loosing a battle, it is going down. I just wish the deterioration was a little faster.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 5:23:43 AM)

National Comparisons

Great Britain, AKA money fountain, has not been so low on gold in many years time. Its funding of Austria is ongoing, but at a reduced rate. It now has its own war to fund. Its moral has also dropped slightly. My heart bleeds for my ally.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 5:40:54 AM)

Balkans AO

This was another quiet month regarding the war with Austria. Forces were pulled back into Greater Wallechia for reorganization-and to keep the smaller formations out of reach of Emperor Matto. The 2nd Army was ordered north to Upper Moldavia. The 1st Army is standing fast in Transylvania. If Emperor Matto is bold enough to attack my best army in the mountains-I will be happy to oblige in giving battle.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 5:52:40 AM)

July 1806
Gory Standings

Austria has just reached 2600-a milestone. If Austria cannot be defeated in this war, it will be invincible-I will not join in a British led coalition to defeat it at some later time-I might even help it. Without British help, Austria would have fallen long ago. I still have a hard time accepting the idea that king Kingmaker wants Austria to be supreme.

Another 2 cultural centers were expanded. This will continue for several years until the Ottoman empire is the envy of the world with its superior culture.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 5:54:59 AM)

Culture Ratings

Austria has taken a beating in its culture loss from the war. It had well over 100, now its far below-hopefully it will stay there.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 5:59:08 AM)

Political Reports

British aid to Austria is shrinking, but still substantial.

Another military upgrade was added to Ottoman forces-artillery drivers.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 6:03:51 AM)

Strategic Map

The Russians are coming! Just how to utilize this new advantage is still under discussion-there are several options-of course those are secret at this time.

It looks like the British are withdrawing in face of the approaching Spanish. England may have more important, if not bigger, fish to fry with its army.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 6:06:12 AM)

Denmark AO

The Swedish Army has moved into Copenhagen. Now doubt they have great plans for Denmark. I do hope the king of Sweden has kept a good force in Stockholm. It is likely the British are heading that way.


Mus -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 7:05:07 AM)

Russia should be aggressively operating against Austrian supply lines with Cossacks. Just a turn or two of severed lines to large formations can cripple. What is the Russian OOB like? Does he have several armies with corps attached and max 20 divisions assigned or several smaller armies? If the latter he will have a hard time going head to head with Austria.

Game sounds interesting. I am surprised that Sweden is willing to betray Britain like this. Clearly Britain, after hurting Spain a bit in Italy, can switch forces to the that AO and put severe hurting on Sweden by landing in Karlsrona and seizing the Swedish fleet and merchant marine. A little chunk of Denmark is kind of a booby prize in the face of the damage Britain can do.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 7:27:58 AM)



Russia should be aggressively operating against Austrian supply lines with Cossacks.
Just a turn or two of severed lines to large formations can cripple.

That sounds good to me. Austria's supply lines are very short in this war-so far. Russian cavalry is very welcome right now as I really have very little-one good irregular and 2 somewhat worthless irregular.


What is the Russian OOB like?

I still can't see all of the Russian Army. From what I have seen so far is that it is still not concentrated into armies. For our alliance to have any value (IMO) Russia needs to concentrate at least one full army to maneuver with Ottoman forces. I would think that a force of 480,000 troops can handle the Austrian Army. One other thing I'm hoping to get from Russia is enough troops to safeguard the supply base.


Game sounds interesting. I am surprised that Sweden is willing to betray Britain like this. Clearly Britain, after hurting Spain a bit in Italy, can switch forces to the that AO and put severe hurting on Sweden by landing in Karlsrona and seizing the Swedish fleet and merchant marine. A little chunk of Denmark is kind of a booby prize in the face of the damage Britain can do.

King Andrew of Sweden must be counting on Prussian help-otherwise his action would seem rather suicidal. It is very likely that the British Army is heading to Sweden at this time.
The game has gotten even more interesting-and the pace has picked up quit a bit. There has been several real surprises recently-not the least of which is how Austria is clinging on.

Mus -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 7:36:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: 06 Maestro

King Andrew of Sweden must be counting on Prussian help-otherwise his action would seem rather suicidal. It is very likely that the British Army is heading to Sweden at this time.

Is Prussia even strong enough to stand up to England? I would expect England this late in the game to have big doctrinal advantages and Britain should also have more specialty units that get bonuses in quick combat and I would also expect British morale to be ~5ish or so while I would expect Prussian morale to be ~4ish.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/26/2010 9:22:09 AM)


Is Prussia even strong enough to stand up to England? I would expect England this late in the game to have big doctrinal advantages and Britain should also have more specialty units that get bonuses in quick combat and I would also expect British morale to be ~5ish or so while I would expect Prussian morale to be ~4ish.

In both size and the number of army combat specific upgrades G.B. and Prussia are very close. G.B. may have one or two more upgrades than Prussia, but Prussia has some good ones. Also, I think Prussia has spent more on divisional training. I think it is a safe bet that G.B. units have a higher moral after its major victory against Spain.

Zap -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/27/2010 2:15:42 AM)

I see the upgrades you recieved. The engineers upgrade ooks very good. I like the capabilities that upgrade gave you.

Are your troops getting nearer to the level off Austian troops? I would think Matto has little money to spend on upgrades at this time.

Also you are very cautious in ingaging Matto. Is this more because you are looking to maintain your level so that when you have completed this war you will be in the running for the final victory?

Don't you think you could defeat him ? But I do understand how good it is to have Russia envolved.

And France. No reports from him for a month. He must have taken a beating?

The whole world is at war. Suprising developments

How much longer do you think Matto can hold out?

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/27/2010 2:26:30 AM)


France did take a beating, but it is recovered now-we should hear some news from Terje soon.

Austria still has a marginal lead in military upgrades. It would not be significant except for the "patriotism" one-Austria gets .5 moral (I think) for battles on his own territory-this is a significant advantage. I must be very careful, I would loose in a one on one battle-already did at Odenburg-that hurt.

I am glad that Russia is involved now, but the Czar did not heed my advice-he is now in a pickle in Poland. The operational situation is crazy right now (working on September). Matto is good-I can't help but to admire his abilities.

Austria still has plenty of money, due to the flood of gold sent in by Great Britain. Fortunately, he needs military experience rather than money for military upgrades-I have the advantage there now-but it will take time for that to be decisive. He has been building new units like crazy though-this would not be possible if not for the British aid.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/29/2010 5:52:09 PM)

August 1806
Glory Standings

Spain is coming back up the ladder. Without G.B. taking its territory, it will soon surpass G.B. The Ottoman Empire continues on its somewhat slow, but steady increase in Glory. Hopefully soon, it will get a 200 point bonus from the collapse of Austria.

Another couple of cultural centers were expanded. As the "arts" were largely ignored for years while there was hectic increases in barracks and roads, there are now about a dozen provinces that can add culture centers at double speed-more than once.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/29/2010 6:00:36 PM)

Carpathian AO

The 2nd Army had an uneventful move into Upper Moldavia. The 1st Army is still sitting in Transylvania. It would be foolish of me to risk an offensive battle at this point, so I am just waiting to see what Emperor Matto does.

Both my main armies are in good positions. The 1st is invincible where it is deployed. The 2nd Army is also fairly safe as the Austrian forces would either have to attack (and move) through a mountain province border or take the longer 3 province route to attack. If he was to hit the 2nd army with his concentrated force, he could still defeat it. However, it would be a costly victory-one which he does not need right now.

I have held out hope that the Russians would move south to link up with my forces, but that apparently is not going to happen. The Austrians have gotten in the way.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/29/2010 6:07:27 PM)

Strategic map

The Russian forces are still scattered in small groups-not able to fight a major battle this turn. This is not what I had tried to coordinate, but it is still good to have the Russians in the area.

A massive French cavalry corp is operating in Austria. The main French armies are just about ready to move again-back into Austria.

The British have said "goodbye" to Italy. No doubt they will be back. It is a safe assumption that the British King is out to punish his old ally; Prussia. Just how he will go about that is a mystery. The Prussian Army is a strong force. I suspect Sweden will be the first target.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/29/2010 6:14:49 PM)

Political Reports

Austria is still suffering from diplomatic actions-knocking its moral down further. This strategy is working.

Prussia has acquired the Rapid March upgrade. This a very good attribute to have-especially if fighting against a superior foe. I chose that early on in the first Austro/Ottoman war. Without that ability, I could not have continued the fight.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/29/2010 6:19:53 PM)

Moral Comparison

Austrian moral is still tumbling. Diplomats can be very effective-too bad thise are so expensive. I actually raised the court level (in Constantinople) to the level where I could create new diplomats years ago, but still have not created a new one. The cost is 500 plus 100 textiles-not counting inflation. It is the most expensive thing in the world.

Austria is now 3rd from the bottom-the orange line.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/29/2010 6:26:32 PM)

International Comparison

If Austria continues to loose moral like this it will loose the ability to win a major battle-even on its own ground.

It is also noteworthy that Great Britain has not been so short on gold since the early years of this era. Its moral has also fallen slightly-and will fall further as Spain is likely to seize its Territory's in the Italian peninsula.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/29/2010 6:49:46 PM)

September 1806
Glory Standings

Spain continues to approach G.B. in glory. It won't be long before Spain is in number 2 position. It is increasing by an amazing rate of about 24 per turn-and that will soon increase.

This is another big month in culture development. The Amphitheater Initiative is beginning to show some results. The courts are still required in the possible case of added provinces adding to "waste". The Ottoman Empire now has a surplus of two provinces with 5 courts-I would like to have 6.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/29/2010 7:16:12 PM)

Strategic Map

The main French Army has moved back into the border area of Austria-we know which way it is heading.

The Czar has found himself in somewhat of a bad situation. All the Russians can do is run like hell and pray.

The Ottoman Forces have found themselves in an advantageous situation-with multiple options. Last month there was some discussion as to just what Emperor Matto would attempt. It was recognized that he needed a great victory-and intermediately , to correct Austria's tumbling moral. His initial move into Poland was somewhat expected. The perplexing Problem for Austria is that he did not catch the Russians in a great battle in August, so he must try again. However, he knows that the French Army is on its way. He must also know that the main Ottoman forces are not going to just sit idly by while he is north of the Carthapanian's.

There must be great stress at the Austrian High Command right now.


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