RE: Janissaries Forward! (Full Version)

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06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/20/2010 5:32:07 AM)

Battle reports

Spain is having a hard time trying to take Lisbon. It is apparently a super fortress. Also, the British are helping with the Royal Navy.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/20/2010 5:37:01 AM)

Lower Rhine

Prussia is the master of the north. This comes somewhat as a surprise. Although it is little concern to the Sultan, it may be having some ill effect in Paris and Moscow.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/20/2010 5:41:22 AM)

Strength Comparisons

The O.E. is rocketing back towards the top of military strength. Austria is moving upwards, but at a strangely slower pace.

Austria does not have the levee in mass doctrine-yet. It now has more than enough experience points to acquire it.

There is one little problem with some of the Sultans forces. It seems that all 8 of the divisions that Austria had captured were moved into Prussia-along the Baltic coast. There should be some kind of international organization looking into such practices...
It will take some months for those divisions to make their way back to the homeland.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/20/2010 5:47:21 AM)

Draft Rates

Once again-the impact of levee in mass in operation. This is just amazing. This is also sucking the empire dry of manpower.
Adjustments were made to gain a growth in 2 manpower last month, but the total available has still fallen by 3. At this rate there will be no men left in the entire empire in 2 years. Of course, the draft will not have to be maintained at such a level forever.

The posted "target size" is actually only 2/3rd's of the actual amount.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/20/2010 5:53:49 AM)

Glory Chart

A vizier just concocted this new chart-never shown before. It is another few (long term) of glory changes.

The noticable surrenders are the Spainish surrender about 6 years ago followed by the French surrender. The Austrian surrender is somewhat obscured at this time, but I can see it[:D]. Russia's surrender happened early on-its glory was so low at that time that it is hardly noticeable.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/20/2010 5:58:11 AM)


Austrian moral has taken a big jump after its surrender. It is currently about 350 negative. It will take some time to recover. Austria does have excellent stocks of luxury good to allow for double consumption. It also, some how, maintained adequate textiles for consumption. These will help quite a bit. Austria will likely need the entire 18 months of enforced peace to achieve a moral of 1000 again.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/20/2010 6:01:51 AM)

National Comparisons

In this report Austria is shown in its new position-number 8. Some things will continue to drop for Austria such as its manpower. Next month, after losing 5 provinces to the O.E. and another 5 to Russia its population may not amount to 40-from the current 54. It will never again be able to fight a war like what it just had.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/20/2010 6:10:16 AM)

Economic Report

The draft laws were just change to enable a higher number of men per draft point. This will add about 10,000 to the combined pool. To maintain the moral standards, the training time had to be increased back to 16 months. This will result in a lower turnout of trained replacements, but the new number should be more than adequate.

Taxes are still at the maximum. I do not know if I will ever be able to drop those again. Every improvement in the empire cost about 10 to 20 times more than in the rest of Europe. If I am to maintain the current lead in barracks, the money must keep flowing. There is also a looming problem of not enough culture development. Of course, new courts will be needed for the expanded empire. There is no end to the financial demands.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/20/2010 6:12:01 AM)

Replacements List

This is a partial list of the units receiving replacements. Some of the divisions on this list could require such replacements for 6 months to completely recover their losses.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/20/2010 6:15:14 AM)

Culture Standings

Next month there will be some big changes in these standings. Russia is at a peak that it will not reach again for some years-it at all. It will loose many points as it leaves Austria. The Ottoman Empire will also loose some, but not as much as Russia occupies nearly all of Poland and Vienna. Austria itself will likely gain slightly if there are no further rebellions.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/21/2010 5:34:09 AM)

Peace Treaty

Before the last month was played I was informed that the system would make use of all victory points regardless of the Sultans wishes. Due to this new information a new treaty was submitted.

The differences include the addition of one province to be taken, an increase in reparations to 20% and the inclusion of removal of walls.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/21/2010 5:43:41 AM)

November, 1807
Glory Standings

The collapse of Austria and the current difficulties of Great Britain with its continental war has catapulted the Ottoman Empire into second place.
Current influences on glory gain will allow for an increase in relationship to the trailing powers, but not by much. Great Britain will actually continue to decline in relationship to Sweden and Prussia-at least until it wins this war.
Spain still has the required provinces and culture level to allow it to continue to increase at a greater rate than any other Empire-including the Ottoman Empire. The only war to stop Spain in its insane quest for glory is to defeat it, to humble it and return stolen lands to its rightful owners. This shall come to pass-so it is written.[:D]


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/21/2010 5:47:43 AM)


The surrender terms had to be accepted by Austria-thus those were promptly ratified.

It is interesting that the O.E. received more in reparations than Russia even though the ask for amount was less than what the Czar asked for. I assume this is tied to the slaughter rate.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/21/2010 5:50:03 AM)

Political Report

Austria wasted no time in declaring war on the newly independent Bavaria. Prussia likewise jumped at the chance to take Saxony-a former Austrian area.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/21/2010 5:53:57 AM)

Battle Reports

Spain is still struggling with the Portuguese at Lisbon. Casualties are high-I do hope the fortress can hold out-forever. The Sultan would like to help, but Lisbon is just too far away.

The mighty Prussian Army is killing freedom fighters in Siliesia.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/21/2010 5:55:41 AM)

Strength Comparisons

All powers except Russia are regaining strength after the recent great events. The Czar is having some depot problems it seems. The Russian Army needs to get out of Austria.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/21/2010 6:06:34 AM)

Strategic Map

It looks like this would be a prime time to take action against the Spanish. However, as mentioned earlier the Ottoman forces are badly depleted and there are no reserves just yet. There are also some financial difficulties. A major effort is underway to restart provincial improvements which had come to an almost total stop during the war.

By January some major new training doctrines may be added. The likely choice seems to be on square firepower. As great as the Ottoman Army is t is sorely lacking in cavalry. This appears to be a strong point in both the Spanish and Pussian armies. There is no time to try to build up the cavalry army-although it is being looked into. Square firepower will partially offset that particular advantage of possible future adversaries.


Zap -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/21/2010 8:04:25 PM)

Congrats, on the victory. You were also the major reason the allies pulled together to work in unision.

So now its rebuild to bring down the next obstacle(Spain)

Going to LV this weekend. And will be there next week Thursday,Friday,saturady, Sunday, Halloween week.

Tried to contact you by phone 2 weekends ago. The rain stopped our work. We would have stopped by to see your place.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/21/2010 9:04:44 PM)



Congrats, on the victory. You were also the major reason the allies pulled together to work in unision.

Thank you-it was a long haul. I was confident of victory from the outset, but there were a couple of ugly times. I was getting concerned about the very serious drop in the Ottoman Army troop strength-and the reserves were no more. For a couple of months it was starting to look like it might be a very long war.

Better coordination would have made it a much easier victory. There are things that just cannot be planned for-such goes war.

The grand plan seems to be coming together. The early schematic seems to have been accurate to a large degree. The one big surprise is how Great Britain has lost its power on the continent. I thought there would be a time of a couple of years trying to catch up with Great Britain. Spain and Prussia changed that situation.

In another year or so all Europe will be alarmed at the Ottoman Empire-but they will have nothing to fear-at that point. It will get interesting. The Sultan will see who his real friends are.


So now its rebuild to bring down the next obstacle(Spain)

The evil that lurks in Madrid must be reduced in its reach. Its a dirty job, but someone has to do it.[;)]


Going to LV this weekend. And will be there next week Thursday,Friday,saturady, Sunday, Halloween week.

Tried to contact you by phone 2 weekends ago. The rain stopped our work. We would have stopped by to see your place.


Work was heavy for a few weeks-did not get any message. I have been sitting at home for 4 days now-but going back in tomorrow-maybe weekend work-not sure.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/23/2010 7:21:56 PM)

December, 1807
Glory Standings

Spain is widening its lead, but slowly. This will continue until it is forced to surrender. Just when that might occur is open to discussion and is fraught with speculation.

The first barracks complex, in a very long time, was completed.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/23/2010 7:29:10 PM)


The standings are now at the stable point. The temporary occupation gain is over for the O.E. and Russia. Austria has not fallen quite as far as expected, but it has dropped in position.

Russia now has a solid lead that will be difficult for any nation to overcome. This will result in an added monthly boost in glory for the newly formed Russian Empire. Until it acquired lands in the Austrian surrender Russia was in a "nation" status.

Spain has taken another jump forward in its capture of Lisbon.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/23/2010 7:34:34 PM)

Political Report

Spain has sought to take Portugal for a very long time-it has finally succeeded. However, its acquisition of Portugal will never be safe util it has come to terms with Great Britain-that is not likely.

France will soon have Parma under its control. There is nothing that Spain can do to stop this-nor Prussia either. Assuming France is victorious in the next war with Spain, control of Parma will allow it to take even more provinces.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/23/2010 7:44:31 PM)


Austria continues to make rapid increases. Russia is slightly falling. Russia has an apparent problem in producing an adequate amount of goods for consumption. France is making decent progress-actually better than Great Britain at the moment.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/23/2010 7:52:28 PM)

Strength Comparisons

The Ottoman forces continue rapid recovery of strength. The pace of increase will slow soon as most units are reaching he current cap of 85% readiness. The Sultan see's no reason to exceed the85% level until there is threat of war. This will save on monthly military cost and slow down the workings of the induction masters who are cleaning out the empires stock of manpower.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/23/2010 8:30:02 PM)

New Border

The northern border of the Empire has had some major changes. In a military sense, it has improved considerably. The great fortress in Krajina is now under Ottoman control. Along with that is the added ability to garrison 8 divisions at that one point. There is a good road going directly from Krajina to th Adriatic at Carniola. The same road is connected to Serbia. This will be of benefit to the Empire later on. Importantly also is the fact that such a system is now denied to our possible enemies.

There are some rather negative effects of gaining those 6 new provinces. As there were only 2 excess court developments the empire is now experiencing 8% waste. This seems to have affected food production and wool more than the other items. It is critical that manpower growth is maintained. This means that an even more disproportionate amount of labor needs to be dedicated to agriculture.

The new provinces are all suffering from unrest. This will likely continue for 9 months. During that period the normal production will be drastically reduced. Those places are barely able to cover their own food requirements. The end result of this is that the new provinces are actually a significant drain on Ottoman resources.

It is being considered at this time to create a protectorate-perhaps two. It was planned to make Montenegro a protectorate. However, that province is producing exactly what would be saved by reducing waste by 2%. It does not make any sense to release it. The new provinces can be released also. There is some doubt as to how well that would work while they are in unrest.

In July 2 more provinces will attain the magical number of level 5 courts. This will reduce waste to 4%. In September the unrest will end in the new provinces. As it will be another year before a further 2 court level 5 provinces will be completed there may be 2 protectorates formed at that time-if it has not been done already. The total number of provinces amount to 49.

Cotton and wool production has been affected in such a bad way that stocks will be exhausted in about 7 months. Reducing taxes would help alleviate this problem, but the funds are needed.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/23/2010 8:37:57 PM)

Production Report

This report covers November-before the waste began. There was more than adequate production in all areas. The spice and luxury shows a balance of production minus trades. Currently 30 spice and 15 luxury units are being traded to France. Beginning with the new 8% waste, production will be affected. Both those items will suffer falling stockpiles for at least 9 months. Current stocks are adequate to cover such a shortfall.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/26/2010 10:59:54 PM)

January, 1808
Glory Standings

The Ottoman Empire continues to widen the gap with Great Britain. Spain continues to increase its lead. Sweden is enjoying a high level due to its acquisitions in Denmark.

The court in Ezerum is part of the program to eliminate waste. This was started long ago, but there is still another 6 months to go-just for that one province to reach level 5.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/26/2010 11:01:31 PM)

New Map of Europe

The borders of the O.E. and Russia have expanded-at the expense of Austria.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/26/2010 11:08:05 PM)

Economic Report

As there are current problems with production due to waste some relief was offered in the way of lower taxes. The tax rate was dropped from 30% to 29%. Selim 06 the Merciful has bestowed this gift to his people. This has resulted in a drop of revenue of 28- a hefty loss for one point.

The number of replacements in the system is around 98,000-this should be adequate.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (10/26/2010 11:11:04 PM)

National Comparisons

Austria's manpower is down to 32-that is even lower than what I had expected. It will be hard pressed just to get its army back up to strength-let alone build new units. Its treasury is also dropping-even with subsidies from Spain.


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