janh -> RE: Why not free production? (5/18/2010 4:40:51 PM)
ORIGINAL: SnowBlue88 Meh, seems like most players who want free production only consider the German side of the situation and want a system where they can only do historically better. No one really seems to care how complex such a system has to be or provide an idea that wont screw what was historically possible. Keep in mind that a Soviet player will also have similar options and in the end you are going to end up in situations that would seem atrocious from a historical point of view, like Panther equipped division fighting JSIII and T-44 Tank Corps. Anyways to truly affect production as the 3rd Reich certain drastic changes would have to be made that would seem even more unhistorical, like mobilizing women. Some people might want these options but I think having that much change would just seem odd. Why not also include the whole political aspect and allow the Nazi's to recognize Ukraine and the Soviets to abolish commissars right from the beginning? Sure, that is the point: To make a fighting as a German interesting beyond 1943, i.e. give it a reasonable prospect of fighting for something beyond knowing that you'll just be overrun by masses and can't do anything about it anyways, you have to add some "features" that allow you to change history. Otherwise playing beyond 1943 is pointless from a German point of few since you just can reduce it to a numbers game. So being able to change production lines, and do different or better than history is crucial for me. I just don't want to simply "replay" history. Manipulating R&D would have been an awesome progress along the lines of WITP that would have been a cherry on the cake, but unfortunately for me a big part of the cake is missing now. Same as with the abstract West and Southern Fronts, which gave you some opportunities to try things that you can't if you just have to do with what you got. I would also have considered it a worthy advancement to enhance those ideas, rather than to remove them. I understand your principles to put players into the role of OKH/STAVKA and keep everything as historical as possible. I would, however, have much preferred that you make that an optional choice at the beginning of the game, and allow other players to tamper with production, R&D, transfers if they'd like to in much the same, or even enhanced ways compared to WiR. Well, but the decision decision is what it is now. I will surely keep watching the next few month and see how well the AI really does after release, and whether people can mod some of the things that from my point of view are missing.