RE: New Version 10b the future (Full Version)

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eloso -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/3/2010 4:00:50 AM)

Thanks for the clarification.[:)]

Akos Gergely -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/3/2010 10:27:27 AM)

Hi Rick,

actually CA2D is not smaller but much larger than Alaska, even eclipsing the IRL North Carolina and South Dakota classes.

It was the largest design from the series done in the Alaska design process. It has 12 -12"/50 guns and the same or heavier AA suite as Alaska. On the other hand protection is much heavier, with a 13" belt and a battleship sized torpedo defense system. Only the deck armor department is lacking a bit, but as the ship was optimized for 10-20kyard fighting ranges it did not really matter.

Why we went with this larger ship is because we felt that the 50-60kton BBs and the regular 10-15k-ton CAs are too far apart and something would be needed in the middle.

JuanG -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/3/2010 10:43:11 AM)


I haven't done any art like you describe, though I did consider having the Colorado class (all 4 of them in this mod) start the war already partially rebuilt as you describe. In the end I decided against that. However, if you would like it would not be much trouble for me to do the artwork for you, especially as I am working on USN stuff right now anyway.

The CA2D is, as csatahajos said, even larger than the OTL Alaska class. Details below;

CB Alaska Class (CA2D Design)
CB-1 Alaska, CB-2 Guam, CB-3 Hawaii, CB-4 Philippines, CB-5 Samoa, CB-6 Panama
Standard Displacement 38,600tons
12 x 12in/50
16 x 5in/38 (2 twins superfiring on ends, 3 twins per side)
Belt 325mm
Deck 120mm
Tower 260mm
Speed 34knots

There is however, something like what you thought it was, the CA Los Angeles class;

CA Los Angeles Class
CA-63 Los Angeles, CA-64 Newport News, CA-65 Las Vegas, CA-66 Cheyenne, CA-67 Atlantic City, CA-68 Scranton
Standard Displacement 19,800tons
12 x 8in/55
16 x 5in/38 (2 twins superfiring on ends, 3 twins per side)
Belt 170mm
Deck 75mm
Tower 160mm
Speed 35knots

Akos Gergely -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/3/2010 11:31:43 AM)

So here is a little summary for the background of this particular scenario.

Ultimate Battleships - A battleship focused Pacific War

This modification is intended to be an all-out capital ship mod with the intention to retain as much from the modern ships as possible but also to increase the number of gunships. This might greatly influence the game thanks to the new AE surface combat routins and mid ocean intercept possibilities.

While it is clear that economically, politically and perhaps technically building all these ships would not have been possible, still we have tried to give a plausible historical background. Also we made every step to use historical, never-were ship designs as a basis for our ship classes, with only a few exceptions. It is simply intended for fun.

It is based on the following point of divergence from real history:
- the Washington Treaty of 1922 is a failure and while the intention was there the parties could not agree and no limitations came through
- everything gets built up to the point of 1929 when a new Treaty is conveyed in London; now with the economic crisis in the air the powers agree to limit naval forces much similar to the original WT
- the great Kanto earthquake of 1923 was 90% less dramatic then it was IRL
- the advantages/real technical data of the British K2/N3 designs are not known to the other navies

So in 1929 the 5 power Naval Treaty of London is concluded with the following limitations:
- no new BB or BC should be constructed up until 1st Jan 1936 except two ships for Japan and UK but with the limitations
- no new capital ship should exceed 37.500 tons standard and 16” guns
- no cruiser should exceed 10.000 tons and 8” guns
- no new carrier should exceed 27.000 tons and have bigger than 8” guns
- no new destroyer should exceed 1500 tons and 5” guns (destroyer leaders 1850 tons)

Exception from these rules: current ships that are bigger in any respect are allowed to be retained. The USN is required to decomission or withdraw into reserve it’s four oldest BBs. In order to compensate for the tonnage difference the UK is allowed to build two 37,500 ton BBs so that the BB ratio will be 10-10-7 tonnage wise.

Cruisers have no global tonnage limitation just individual size limits, same with destroyers.

RevRick -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/3/2010 11:57:10 AM)

Juan, I would love that art. Also, my bad on the the CA2D. Got it mixed up with one of the others I had seen which is your Los Angeles. I like that one. Although, absent the ubiquitous Miss Betty, the CA2D would make a wonderful commerce raider and an excellent counter the the Kongo class, and a good escort for the CV TFs as well. Hmmmm. Not a bad ship. Hope she can do at least 33 knots.

JuanG -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/3/2010 12:09:11 PM)



Juan, I would love that art. Also, my bad on the the CA2D. Got it mixed up with one of the others I had seen which is your Los Angeles. I like that one. Although, absent the ubiquitous Miss Betty, the CA2D would make a wonderful commerce raider and an excellent counter the the Kongo class, and a good escort for the CV TFs as well. Hmmmm. Not a bad ship. Hope she can do at least 33 knots.

34knots for CA2D.

Do you just want Maryland/Colorado with the AA upgrade? Any other modifications to them, like a cut down cage mast or something of that sort?

Heres a preliminary version - sorry for the bad picture quality, ImageShack is being troublesome again so I used TinyPic;

Let me know if theres any changes you want, and if not, drop my a pm with your email so I can package the sides and shils and send them to you.

And heres the CA Los Angeles too;

RevRick -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/3/2010 6:34:38 PM)

PM Sent this AM.. and thank you very much..


Historiker -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/6/2010 5:18:12 PM)

Is there an ETA für the Ultimate Battleship and the CV-Variants?

JuanG -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/6/2010 6:01:03 PM)

This weekend if all goes well for Ultimate BB, and I -hope- by the end of the month for CV Variant.

Historiker -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/6/2010 8:18:47 PM)


ny59giants -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/8/2010 12:19:56 AM)

The Aichi Ha-60 engine doesn't become available until 10/42 (which was when the Judy came on line). However, I can get the Mike fighter in 1/42 with that engine. Oops! [;)]

JuanG -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/8/2010 2:11:08 AM)

Oversight on my behalf. Its meant to come online 3/42, with a starting pool of around ~30 engines. I forgot to transfer that change when I updated it to Patch 2 standard. I fear the same situation may exist for the G5N's engines - I will check ASAP and correct them.

The Ha-60 has a sizeable amount of research anyway if I remember correctly, so it should show up around 6/42 or 7/42 if your lucky anyway.

Sorry for the screwup.

RevRick -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/19/2010 12:40:06 PM)

Hey, Juan!!
Any word on the Ultimate BigBoys Mod?????

In other words... Hurry Up!!

JuanG -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/19/2010 4:26:07 PM)

Just putting the finishing touches on RN artwork...

BB Iron Duke

BC Tiger

BC Invincible (G3)

JuanG -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/20/2010 5:20:34 PM)

Some more RN stuff;

BB St. Andrew (N3)

BB Incomparable (K2)


For comparison, here are the contemporaries to the K2;

BB Settsu (No. 13)

BB President (Modified Fast BB Design D)

These are all ~48,000ton, ~29knot, 8x18in fast BBs.

PS - I just realised I've used the same background for all of these! This is purely coincidence...[:D]

Akos Gergely -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/20/2010 6:27:41 PM)

Brilliant and a job well done!!! Leeet's get ready RUUUUMMMBLEEE......... :D

FatR -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/24/2010 11:33:34 AM)

In my current game vs ny59giants, where I play as Allies, I recently decided to check my conversion options for USN BBs. And, even though there are alternate upgrade paths in the editor for old BBs, I see no conversion options or data in the game itself. Is this a bug?

JuanG -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/24/2010 11:37:13 AM)

The rebuilds only become available after the first (01/42) upgrade for the standards. If theyre not showing up after that, then yes, it is a bug...

On another note, the Ultimate BB version is very close to finished - I am just making changes similar to those by JWE to submarines. With any luck it should be out tonight.

RevRick -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/24/2010 12:01:00 PM)

Timing is everything.. I leave this afternoon for a three day business trip.... attending a seminar. And, well, I get to work in a couple of hours or so.

JuanG -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/24/2010 12:20:11 PM)

Sorry RevRick, theres no way I can redo devices for 50% of the submarines in a couple of hours. As I said, later tonight is a reasonable estimate if everything goes well and nothing strange crops up.

I can definately promise it'll be out by the time you get back though! [;)]

FatR -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/24/2010 1:32:21 PM)



The rebuilds only become available after the first (01/42) upgrade for the standards. If theyre not showing up after that, then yes, it is a bug...

Thanks for the clarifying. I haven't upgraded any BBs yet, so I suppose everything works as intended.

ny59giants -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/24/2010 5:35:18 PM)

If the damn Allied BBs hold still long enough, this option will not be available.  [:D]

ny59giants -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/25/2010 3:36:53 AM)

In your Enhanced versions, you should increase the amount of Engineer Vehicles the Japanese get. LCUs like the Naval Construction, Independent Engineers, and Special BF should come with about 15 to 20 Engineer Vehicles. The other Construction units should get upgrades in late 42 to include about 10 Engineer Vehicles. The ability to quickly expand bases and later to dig more forts would help the Japanese, IMO. 

JuanG -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/25/2010 3:39:23 AM)

I have considered such a change, and may make it before I get this version out (80% of subs done - annoyingly tedious to shift all the devices down 2 columns for 100+ ship classes...)

However, that said, I do not want to poke around with the LCUs too much because I fear doing so may break the game somehow! [:D] Especially the AI...


Ok, I've done that - however, I only update the TOE, so the units will need to be filled out with the new units. Also, I did not make these an upgrade, but rather part of the default TOE. This way I wont break anything...[;)]

ny59giants -> RE: New Version 10b the future (1/25/2010 3:48:15 AM)

You should only have to change the Class of the LCUs and not each individual unit. Japanese players would have to allow replacements "on" to fill these out. 

JuanG -> Version 11 + Ultimate BB Scenario (1/25/2010 7:25:55 AM)

Well, that took longer than expected. Lets hope I didnt forget anything too important.

After a night of work during which I almost irreversably destroyed both Scenario 42/43 due to careless copy/pasting in the database files (thank god for backups!), I'm happy to announce;

Version 11 is out. [8D]

This release features several bug fixes from v10. In addition to this, it also includes the following changes;
-Correction of certain USN 5in/38s to Single Purpose mounts
-Modifications to submarine torpedo tubes. All tubes (with one or two exceptions) are now grouped into pairs.
-Changes to pilot experience and availability. (Scenario dependant)
-Changes to a few max airfield sizes, including Tinian.
-Corrections to Japanese industry. (Scenario dependant)
-Addition of 2 new patrol groups to Enhanced Variant.

In addition to this, this version introduces the Ultimate Battleships scenario, the result of a joint project between csatahajos and myself. It is radically different to the other scenarios, and should make for interesting gameplay. There is an included readme detailing the history of the scenario.

Here are the download links, enjoy;
Scenario 42 - BB Variant

Scenario 43 - Enhanced BB Variant

Scenario 44 - Ultimate Battleships

Ship Artwork

Aircraft Artwork (No change from v10)

PS: I was shocked to find I've done close 200 peices of ship art for this mod. Thankfully the CV variant wont need too much more...I think.

PPS: On another note, I'm working on a Wiki for this set of scenarios, as a reference, and to link downloads from and to post update lists on. More on that later. I need some sleep! [>:]

Akos Gergely -> RE: Version 11 + Ultimate BB Scenario (1/25/2010 8:54:12 AM)

Let me be the first to openly congratulate and say a hearty THANK YOU for this awesome mod! I think I can speak for many here that you made an old wish come true with this mod. [&o]

So thanks for all the hard work done and awaiting your first turn :)....right now drooling over the artwork here while colleagues are staring at this shaking their heads in disbelief [:-][X(]

HMMM - the ship artwork pack seems to be the same as the scenario files......

c_m_kwong -> RE: Version 11 + Ultimate BB Scenario (1/25/2010 11:31:39 AM)

Gorgeous ships! Thanks for all your time and effort![&o]

c_m_kwong -> RE: Version 11 + Ultimate BB Scenario (1/25/2010 11:55:24 AM)

Hi JuanG, it seems that there is a file missing in the Scenario 44 - Ultimate Battleships pack, both zip and rar - so the game cannot open the scenario. Maybe you can take a look into it when you have time. Thanks![&o]

P.S. I have checked, there should be something like a "scn044.cmt", but missing.

JuanG -> RE: Version 11 + Ultimate BB Scenario (1/25/2010 12:18:12 PM)

Ah, I can see why it might be missing. I filtered for ".dat" files when packing, so it got left out. I'll reupload all the scenarios as a v11a as soon as I get home.

Sorry for the screwup, but -something- has to go wrong.[:D]

csatahajos, I'll check the files - they worked on for my test d/l.

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