romanovich -> RE: Never get involved in a land war in Asia (7/29/2009 6:46:03 PM)
Don't know about you, but I read the "Features" list under the title before ordering: -An all new 40 nautical mile per hex map covering the entire Pacific theater and off-map bases -Six new scenarios, including a new grand campaign with meticulously researched orders of battle -Improved naval operations, including waypoints, mid-ocean intercepts, new ship classes and devises and a greatly improved ship upgrade system, engine vs. system damage, new ship art and realistic new port limits for ships, cargo and repairs -Improved air operations, including more realistic CAP, more detailed and realistic dogfighting, an improved pilot skill and replacement system, persistent plane damage and more realistic plane maintenance, improved fog of war, new aircraft art and over 500 airplane types -Improved land operations, including transportation networks defined by hex-side, new operations modes for land units, dynamic zone of control, tactical movement, improved fog of war and overstacking rules for atolls and small islands. -Improved economy and industry to reflect more realistic operations as well as more historical balance -The most historical and detailed order of battle for the Pacific War ever put into a wargame!