RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (Full Version)

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aztez -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (9/30/2009 2:29:31 PM)

Java (march 27th and 28th 1942)

The battle continues here. ABDA bombers flew mostly ground offensives here and managed to damage an IJA infantry division here. The casualty levels were not high but at least we hit something which is better than nothing.

ABDA bombers also flew againts BB Mutsu and BB Nagato near Soerabaja. Unfortunately the ships AA along with lba cap proved too much. The combat report indicates no hits made.

We were unlucky with submarines too. The allied submarines made assaults in this region and launched 16 torpedoes. No enemy ships reported hit though.

Japanese bombers are conducting heavy raids againts Bandoeng, Batavia and Soerabaja. These assaults are large scale operations.


LoBaron -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (9/30/2009 3:23:20 PM)



I still do remember the 1st time I loaded up witp. At first I was ready to give up since I'am really not that much into hex wargames before. I stick to it and started "foolishly" my first PBEM againts Vorsteher (later he was replaced by FDR) ... and well rest is history as they say.

i know that feeling. on a first glimpse all those possibilities and detail were a frightening view. even as an UV "vet" - witp raised the complexity of the game that it felt like learning everything from scratch.
UV really looks like a tactical RBS compared to this monster.


Actually I'am thinking to that effect myself. That is why RN carriers are heading into Pacific to join up with US ones. As said above I can muster total of 7 CV's and 1 CVL within next two months. That is an power that I feel can crush even the KB. If opportunity rises and I'am able to add some lba fighters + bombers into that mix than... well we might achieve a great victory.

Having said all this I must say that I need to be careful though since we are playing with NO respawn (it is an standard on gc scenario and we haven't edited this option) rule.

oh i did not know there was such a thing like a no respawn option in AE.
anyways 7CV´s are a mighty force. how do you move the British CV´s? to australia and then in a loop via fiji to PH?

this is just farfetched theory but it may be possible to show him a smaller part of your CV TF so he sends the KB out hunting?
im sure he didnt forget that he sunk your carriers, maybe he is not aware that you already are able to assemble such a strike force.

waiting to break up a large invasion where he uses the KB as protective screen might be another option but since the airstrikes then might
split up between the japanese CV´s and any invasion TF´s nearby theres an increased risk that he hast more planes to strike your flattops than you.
or ist this something that AE treats differently than stock?

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (9/30/2009 6:10:02 PM)


Rob: I have been keeping an eye on the pools. Allthough just checked and these monster battles have depleted my infantry reserves. Damn, there were plenty a month ago but those airstrikes, bombardments really do hurt the chinese alot.

I will revamp the whole replacement "system" here when the next turn arrives.

This really is the diffrence between disabled (casulaties) and destroyed category that I have been talking about. A lot of my losses have been in the destroyed category while his losses have disabled ones.

I have some 80 P40E's that I would love to use for AVG. The only BIG problem here is that I don't have +20 000 supplies even at Chungking so I'am unable to upgrade these squadrons! Annoying as ever.

You can fly them to ledo via some size 3 NW chinese base (cant remember the name off hand) then upgrade using commonwealth supplies. And i was wrong on the chinese P40's they arrive 12/42 , its the lancers in 4/42 and a20's follow on soon. but i cant see the lancer being much of an improvement over the exisiting flying rubbish the chinese operate D . AVG will upgrade to P40's peoviding spares for the other sqds.

RE casualties v disblements , yeah , thats why i mentioned it .. lost a lot in my game vs the AI , though not on your scale :D and the replacemenst are all to easily eaten up by the endless less than 100% chinese Divs and Corps. Best to really make sure that they go where needed else its a tiny bit everywhere that does you no good whatsoever.

I just had a thought (rare) , to save supply in china try and move the chinese bombers (fighters wont have the range) to india for a v long training schedule. bomber training seems to gobble up supply quite fast.

LoBaron , i think its a bit early to go KB hunting, one bad die roll and the entire allied CV forces are history till 43/4 , far too much to lose on a gamble imo. although i agree on the anti invasion duty if KB isnt covering it.

Sardaukar -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (9/30/2009 7:18:57 PM)

By chance, there was a post on forum, telling what extra troops you get released if IJ player invades certain areas (I added some comments):

these are units you don't get normally
us invasion
1x arm div
2x mot div
1x inf div
2x tank bde

5x inf div
1x arm div

2x inf div
1x arm bde
1x para bde
1x AA bde
1x inf bde
1x arm/cav regt

(this is the veteran NZ division from Europe, should be at least as good as  6th and 7th AUS Div)
3x inf bde
2x tank bde
1x cav regt
1x inf bn

IIRC, by AndyMac, NZ Div will arrive either in Aden or Cape Town. These are extra troops you get, I am not sure if other reinforcements are also accelerated like in WitP.

Xxzard -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 4:04:39 AM)

Looking over your analysis on longer term Japanese targets, I was reminded of something I was wondering about earlier. An invasion of PH in the original WITP was certainly a huge challenge, in fact I have only seen it attempted twice in PBEMs.

What really struck me when looking at the new PH defences though, is that the number of CD guns there is huge!

There must be around 30+ guns over 10-12 in, and something like 40 155mm guns. Try invading against that!

Add that to the restrictions on carrier ordinance, and the sheer number of aircraft at Pearl Harbor, slow beach unloading, and well.... everything else.... and it seems completely impossible.

krupp_88mm -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 5:26:57 AM)



Looking over your analysis on longer term Japanese targets, I was reminded of something I was wondering about earlier. An invasion of PH in the original WITP was certainly a huge challenge, in fact I have only seen it attempted twice in PBEMs.

What really struck me when looking at the new PH defences though, is that the number of CD guns there is huge!

There must be around 30+ guns over 10-12 in, and something like 40 155mm guns. Try invading against that!

Add that to the restrictions on carrier ordinance, and the sheer number of aircraft at Pearl Harbor, slow beach unloading, and well.... everything else.... and it seems completely impossible.

looks daunting.. but i dont see how it couldn't be possible in real life.. there must be a way to invade a stupid island lol is it that much harder than iwo jima?

Swenslim -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 9:48:01 AM)

If somebody wants to invade Perl Harbor, he must do it at first month of the game, and I think it quite possible. Of course it will cost you very much but with luck it can be completed. I think to accomplish it would be enough 3 free divisions on Islands - 33, 4, and and more(I dont remember number), 5-6 BB, all CV's.

aztez -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 11:16:38 AM)

LoBaron: I never played an UV before I jumped into witp. It certainly looks like a very small scenario when you compare it to AE or even witp.

The no respawn is standard option in AE so if you want to change before you jump into GC than this needs to be done via editor.

Decoying KB is an possibility but it is very risky business. Those RN carriers are enroute to Cape Town and than to pacific. The only viable situation I see when it worth of committing carriers is when I can bring in lba support. With that.. well I think it might work without it too risky.

You cannot control whether the ac's target to transports or carriers so that is still an high risk move. The carrier force game that I'am beta testing is diffrent story than again it is completely diffent game too.

Rob: Hmmm, intresting and don't be too modest you do have ideas! I'am moving those squadrons into quick visit to India. We shall soon have some 80 operational P40E's patrolling the skies above china.

I didn't know those bombers eat up a lot supplies when training. If so it might be worth moving them out too since they don't do too much good at the moment.

Absolutely golden advice regarding chinese replacements.

Sardaukar: Thanks. That clarifies a lot of things. These actual reinforcements were kind of mystery at least to me.

This is an vast improvement over witp to my opinion.

Those figures kind of spells that the northern oz sector is definately an target. Also confirms that my decision to move RN carriers out towards pacific was an right thing to do under these circumtances.

Xxzard: I also read few AAR's where the invasion of Hawaji was done. I personally think it is doable in AE too but you need to advance towards immediately.

At the moment taking those CD guns, reinforcements in terms of ground and air units into consideration I think it is an suicide mission.

The IJN carriers would propably sunk within few days and leaving the transports to suffer the mayhem.

krupp_88mm: Nice pic. Personally I love those CD guns and they kind of make Bataan ones look like piece of cake... and those ones already sunk BB Ise near Luzon.

Swenslim: I kind of agree that Hawaji offensive is doable from the start and It brings in a lot of benefits. As you stated though it must be done immediately.

I'am in no doubt that we will see some PBEM games where this is actually done.

aztez -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 11:17:42 AM)

Java (march 29th and 30th 1942)

Dave is continuing is two headed push towards Batavia and Soerebaja.

Japanese airpower conducted heavy offensives againts Badoeng and thus closed down the airfield in this region.

I'am moving my infantry units from Badoeng into Batavia. The terrain is good but those units would be isolated soon if not moved out.

The base at Tjilitjap is next to fall. I have ordered an counterstrike 40 miles north of this city. No guarantees that this will actually work out.

The main advance is definately coming through northern shores of Java. It seems that the assault on Soerebaja will commence within next 2 turns.

I did withdraw a lot depleted ABDA air units last turn. They have battered badly.

Personally I think those banshee divebombers plus some P40E's would have made an impact. This is definately an hindsight thought but I strongly believe so now.


aztez -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 11:18:33 AM)

China (march 29th and 30th 1942)

The encirclement is complete near Sian. We did try to push those Japanese units out but the operation was unsuccesfull.


Ground combat at 85,43

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 55587 troops, 291 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1218

Defending force 23185 troops, 145 guns, 92 vehicles, Assault Value = 635

Allied adjusted assault: 45

Japanese adjusted defense: 532

Allied assault odds: 1 to 11

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), fatigue(-), experience(-)
Attacker: disruption(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1479 casualties reported
Squads: 5 destroyed, 89 disabled
Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 79 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 24 disabled
Vehicles lost 55 (1 destroyed, 54 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
1992 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 136 disabled
Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 113 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled

Assaulting units:
96th Chinese Corps
93rd Chinese Corps
36th Chinese Corps
38th Chinese Corps
9th Chinese Corps
27th Chinese Corps
47th Chinese Corps
61st Chinese Corps
80th Chinese Corps
90th Chinese/C Corps
1st War Area
36th Group Army
14th Group Army
Jingcha War Area
4th Chinese Base Force
8th Group Army
10th Chinese Base Force

Defending units:
15th Ind.Mixed Brigade
5th Mongol Cavalry Division
3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
5th Armored Car Co
59th Infantry Brigade
28th Engineer Regiment
15th RGC Temp. Division
8th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
5th Ind.Hvy.Art Battalion

...but in the next day Dave conducted an bombardment assault here. Notice the the potential av value that nearly doubled now.


Ground combat at 85,43

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 20339 troops, 142 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 1245

Defending force 58358 troops, 290 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1117

Allied ground losses:
302 casualties reported
Squads: 5 destroyed, 6 disabled
Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 10 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Assaulting units:
110th Division
15th Ind.Mixed Brigade
5th Armored Car Co
9th Armored Car Co
59th Infantry Brigade
28th Engineer Regiment
13th Indpt Infantry Regiment
24th NCPC Route Brigade
51st Recon Regiment
3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
5th Mongol Cavalry Division
15th RGC Temp. Division
8th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
5th Ind.Hvy.Art Battalion

Defending units:
61st Chinese Corps
47th Chinese Corps
80th Chinese Corps
93rd Chinese Corps
27th Chinese Corps
38th Chinese Corps
96th Chinese Corps
36th Chinese Corps
9th Chinese Corps
90th Chinese/C Corps
4th Chinese Base Force
14th Group Army
1st War Area
8th Group Army
36th Group Army
Jingcha War Area
10th Chinese Base Force

These troops can soon be written off. It is not an total disaster since the replacement pools are not in good shape anyways. I get these units back in 1/3 of strenght within a month or so once they are annihilated.

Japanese conducted heavy raids againts Changhsa and Sian area. I have now started moving AVG squadrons into India in order to equip these pilots with P40E's fighters.


aztez -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 11:19:34 AM)

Samoa Islands (march 29th and 30th 1942)

We concluded the amphibious operations at Savaii. The base was seized on the 30th of march by 7th Marine Defense batallion.

This was not an large scale operation but as said the first allied offensive of the war.

There also was an raid of some +30 Bettys flying out of Noumea. The target was our transports unloading at Suva.

The good thing is that none of the ships were hit and we shot down +10 Betty bombers. Nice going by those US pilots defending the base.


Kereguelen -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 3:35:12 PM)



3. Midway and Johnston Island

I think he will show up in these bases in some strenght. These bases might not seem important ones but they will give a) buffer zones for his rear areas and b) he can recon and keep some annoying torpedo planes here.

These two are likely targets.

Your opponent cannot use it as a Betty base unless he is willing to station one of his Air HQ's there. The Pacific atolls do not have the same value for the Japanese in the AE as they had in WITP.

Yamato_Blitzer -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 4:26:03 PM)

Can you post a world map view?


crsutton -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 5:06:31 PM)

Not so sure it should be done even if it can. This is a different game from WITP and the Japanese supply and shipping situation is much more limited. The loss of Pearl would be a sore point for the Allies but the costs to Japan would be prohibitive and the costs of keeping the base could cause Japan to lose out in some of the more important campaigns due to lack of resources. Biggest problem is that holding Pearl really opens up an opportunity for the Allied carriers. They can interdict shipping to Pearl and force Japan to keep KB in the Central Pacific as a counter measure. Probem is, Japan needs KB elsewhere to suport campaigns in the South West Pacific or India. If held by Japan-and American carriers are intact then Pearl becomes the "Tar Baby" for Japan, sucking up troops, supplies and shipping.


ORIGINAL: Swenslim

If somebody wants to invade Perl Harbor, he must do it at first month of the game, and I think it quite possible. Of course it will cost you very much but with luck it can be completed. I think to accomplish it would be enough 3 free divisions on Islands - 33, 4, and and more(I dont remember number), 5-6 BB, all CV's.

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 5:10:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kereguelen



3. Midway and Johnston Island

I think he will show up in these bases in some strenght. These bases might not seem important ones but they will give a) buffer zones for his rear areas and b) he can recon and keep some annoying torpedo planes here.

These two are likely targets.

Your opponent cannot use it as a Betty base unless he is willing to station one of his Air HQ's there. The Pacific atolls do not have the same value for the Japanese in the AE as they had in WITP.

Not sure off hand about johnson but Midway is a lvl 4 AF at game start so japan can definately use it as a torpedo bomber base if he has enough supplies (unless im getting the lvl 4 confused over old WITP stats) . not sure he will need an HQ for lvl 4 , deffo for a lvl 2 mind you and very vulnerable to counter attack on an atoll. Im huessing those Japanese air hqs are very valuable for him.


"Absolutely golden advice regarding chinese replacements." /blush [;)]

jrlans -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 5:44:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: Rob Brennan UK

Not sure off hand about johnson but Midway is a lvl 4 AF at game start so japan can definately use it as a torpedo bomber base if he has enough supplies (unless im getting the lvl 4 confused over old WITP stats) . not sure he will need an HQ for lvl 4 , deffo for a lvl 2 mind you and very vulnerable to counter attack on an atoll. Im huessing those Japanese air hqs are very valuable for him.


"Absolutely golden advice regarding chinese replacements." /blush [;)]

As I understand the mechanic regarding Air HQs and torps, an Air Hq must be in range and the unit assigned to the proper HQ for it to use torps even if there is suffcient supply and a large enough AF. This makes the small attols with low troop garisons significantly less valuable for the Japanese. The real question and I am sure its gamey, is can you put and Air HQ fragment and have it function as if it were a the parent unit.

However, I would still expect an attack either or both islands. They are great scouting bases and can effectivly wall off cent pac from any "sneak" invasions.

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 7:01:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: jrlans


ORIGINAL: Rob Brennan UK

Not sure off hand about johnson but Midway is a lvl 4 AF at game start so japan can definately use it as a torpedo bomber base if he has enough supplies (unless im getting the lvl 4 confused over old WITP stats) . not sure he will need an HQ for lvl 4 , deffo for a lvl 2 mind you and very vulnerable to counter attack on an atoll. Im huessing those Japanese air hqs are very valuable for him.


"Absolutely golden advice regarding chinese replacements." /blush [;)]

As I understand the mechanic regarding Air HQs and torps, an Air Hq must be in range and the unit assigned to the proper HQ for it to use torps even if there is suffcient supply and a large enough AF. This makes the small attols with low troop garisons significantly less valuable for the Japanese. The real question and I am sure its gamey, is can you put and Air HQ fragment and have it function as if it were a the parent unit.

However, I would still expect an attack either or both islands. They are great scouting bases and can effectivly wall off cent pac from any "sneak" invasions.

Looks like im carrying over baggege from WITP then , i do remember seeing a thread re the fragment option for torp supply and iirc andy sstated that ONLY the combined HQ or fragment /1 would allow it. So i believe its not exploitable afaik.

Remenents -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 7:10:10 PM)

Could you post a pic of ship and aircraft sunk/lost? And maybe a world map? Would help get a big picture of whats going on. :)

aztez -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/1/2009 9:31:02 PM)

First. I do Appreciate the intresting debates/feedback guys. Good stuff.

I'am suffering the 1st flu of forthcoming winter season. Hopefully it will ease up overnight since I'am getting my daughters to stay with me over the weekend.

Here are few answers and comments. I do not have turn yet so expect the monthly update to be posted tomorrow.

Kereguelen: In a way yes and In a way no. I think some atolls are valuable even if they serve as recon base in frontlines.

I think Midway is an such an base and Johnston Island not far behind.

Dave has already proven how effective it is to blockade the recon missions. His carriers and transports have showed up unexpected few times already. Also I have had couple of lucky submarine sightings too.

Yamamoto_Blitzer: No problems. I will post the world map view when the next turn arrives. It is also time for the monthly recap of losses so far.

crsutton: Hmmm. I think it actually might still be worth the assault if you can capture it by end of january 1942. If not than it becomes more problematic.

If Hawaji is lost than the allied player must keep units at wc. If he loses his carriers defending the islands and his battleship row is sunk than you have bought yourself time and also kind of putting up an blockade towards south pacific.

Intresting to see whether someone will actually try to do this. I think it is beneficial in longterm even if the japanese can't hold it forever.

Thankfully he chose not to do so. I have headaches to last a lifetime already. I wouldn't want to think that I would lost Hawaji too in the opening months.

Rob: No need to blush! Yeah, what I have read those seem very valuable HQ's indeed. Maybe those bases are not that valuable but ie. divebombers do not use torpedoes so it could be nasty place to counterstrike.

Another great value is the recon factor. This has changed a lot from the old witp. It is way more important now.

That is my take on those things. I do hope that you are correct about those fragmented Air HQ's not working.

jrlans: I do agree. One key element is scouting/recon. If I had better recon in place at Noumea we would not have lost bulk of the ANZAC fleet.

On the other hand our recon saved a lot of troops in Suva when we got an "early" warning and had chance to react.

Hopefully those fragments wohn't work or we have some serious issues rising up. With Betty range as long as it is they could hit ships far away. I really cannot provide aircover for every single TF that is sailing around.

I actually already had an look at Marshall Islands. Well, with an well placed HQ it could become quite an stronghold.

Remenents: No problem at all. I will post those screenies along with the monthly update when I have recieved the turn.

The japanese empire is already vast as you will see when next update is posted. Keep in mind that FOW factor is on so the ships / aircraft losses are not written into stone.

LoBaron -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/2/2009 2:59:51 PM)

Have a nice weekend aztez!

how do you interprete the japanese attack on savaii?

i see a potentially dangerous situation arising.
if this was not just a lucky try but an attack to path the way open for an invasion of suva i think id do something similar. "encircling" the fijis to
prevent reinforcements and then hit with a large invasion force.
if you lose fiji this adds to the loss of noumea and could result in a total isolation of australia.

aztez -> RE: March 1942 begins... Japanese push forward... (10/2/2009 8:13:23 PM)



Have a nice weekend aztez!

how do you interprete the japanese attack on savaii?

i see a potentially dangerous situation arising.
if this was not just a lucky try but an attack to path the way open for an invasion of suva i think id do something similar. "encircling" the fijis to
prevent reinforcements and then hit with a large invasion force.
if you lose fiji this adds to the loss of noumea and could result in a total isolation of australia.

Thank you. These weekends are the ones that mean most to me. Already had an very nice evening back here.

Now that the little ones are at sleep had time update this thread.

I think your situation analysis is definately on to something. Check the monthly and turn reports for more details.

aztez -> April 1942 in this war... (10/2/2009 8:14:38 PM)

Java (March 31st - April 1st 1942)

Nothing significant happened in past two days.

There are steady progress made by the japanese army.

Only significant note here is that Dave seems to have withdrawn his carriers and battleships. The disappearence might also be related to poor recon capabilities now. The japanese bombing runs are starting to take toll in this region.

I have some 750av of troops in Batavia and 600av placed in Soerabaja. Both bases have almost level 4 forts.


aztez -> RE: April 1942 in this war... (10/2/2009 8:15:43 PM)

China (March 31st - April 1st 1942)

As suggested the AVG squadrons are temporarily moved into India for upgrades and refit. This is simply because it seems I cannot muster 20 000 supply points currently in any single base in China.

The japanese launched two ground offensives againts the "pocket" near Sian. As expected the losses were horrific.


Ground combat at 85,43

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 43771 troops, 281 guns, 166 vehicles, Assault Value = 1254

Defending force 57929 troops, 288 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1111

Japanese adjusted assault: 611

Allied adjusted defense: 172

Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
2322 casualties reported
Squads: 10 destroyed, 160 disabled
Non Combat: 26 destroyed, 107 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 9 disabled
Vehicles lost 45 (33 destroyed, 12 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
3417 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 183 disabled
Non Combat: 10 destroyed, 91 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled

Assaulting units:
51st Recon Regiment
5th Armored Car Co
15th Ind.Mixed Brigade
3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
24th NCPC Route Brigade
5th Mongol Cavalry Division
28th Engineer Regiment
59th Infantry Brigade
9th Armored Car Co
110th Division
13th Indpt Infantry Regiment
15th RGC Temp. Division
8th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
5th Ind.Hvy.Art Battalion

Defending units:
96th Chinese Corps
38th Chinese Corps
36th Chinese Corps
47th Chinese Corps
27th Chinese Corps
80th Chinese Corps
61st Chinese Corps
93rd Chinese Corps
9th Chinese Corps
90th Chinese/C Corps
Jingcha War Area
4th Chinese Base Force
1st War Area
8th Group Army
36th Group Army
14th Group Army
10th Chinese Base Force


Ground combat at 85,43

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 41783 troops, 281 guns, 148 vehicles, Assault Value = 1127

Defending force 55487 troops, 287 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 973

Japanese adjusted assault: 306

Allied adjusted defense: 163

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1688 casualties reported
Squads: 9 destroyed, 59 disabled
Non Combat: 25 destroyed, 84 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
Vehicles lost 41 (24 destroyed, 17 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
3665 casualties reported
Squads: 11 destroyed, 171 disabled
Non Combat: 12 destroyed, 221 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 2 disabled

Assaulting units:
51st Recon Regiment
5th Armored Car Co
13th Indpt Infantry Regiment
110th Division
15th Ind.Mixed Brigade
59th Infantry Brigade
24th NCPC Route Brigade
3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
9th Armored Car Co
5th Mongol Cavalry Division
28th Engineer Regiment
15th RGC Temp. Division
8th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
5th Ind.Hvy.Art Battalion

Defending units:
61st Chinese Corps
93rd Chinese Corps
80th Chinese Corps
38th Chinese Corps
96th Chinese Corps
36th Chinese Corps
27th Chinese Corps
9th Chinese Corps
47th Chinese Corps
90th Chinese/C Corps
4th Chinese Base Force
14th Group Army
Jingcha War Area
36th Group Army
8th Group Army
1st War Area
10th Chinese Base Force

At least we are inflicting some casualties againts the stronger enemy here. You need to look at the bright side of things even at the darkerst hours.

The good news of the turn came from north of Lanchow. There two tank regiments were forced to retreat.


Ground combat at 81,33

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 15273 troops, 141 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 484

Defending force 2676 troops, 0 guns, 284 vehicles, Assault Value = 157

Allied adjusted assault: 254

Japanese adjusted defense: 118

Allied assault odds: 2 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), fatigue(-), experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
Vehicles lost 99 (56 destroyed, 43 disabled)
Units retreated 2

Allied ground losses:
146 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 28 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 18 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Defeated Japanese Units Retreating!

Assaulting units:
56th Chinese Corps
34th Chinese Corps
95th Chinese/A Corps

Defending units:
23rd Tank Regiment
11th Tank Regiment

Another bunch of armour destroyed or disabled. I wonder how much of these tanks he really has here. There are additional 3 tank regiments furhert up in the north raiding.


aztez -> RE: April 1942 in this war... (10/2/2009 8:16:46 PM)

Burma (March 31st - April 1st 1942)

This battlefield is heating for sure. RAF recon indicates that there are now 13 enemy units at Mandalay.

You don't need to be an einstein to figure that next turn shall see the 1st assault againts the base.

I think he can have maybe around 1500av worth of troops here. I'am shocked if he has brought in more.

The decision whether to start falling back towards Myithkina will be made after the next turn.


aztez -> RE: April 1942 in this war... (10/2/2009 8:17:52 PM)

Samoa Islands (March 31st - April 1st 1942)

The US marines wiped out the remaining japanese resistance at Savoaii.

By looking at the pic I think Dave might have tried to evac some of those troops via submarines.

The most disturbing news however came in the Allied Signit report:

"9/4th Division is planning for an attack on Pago Pago."

This intel news caused some grave concerns in Allied HQ.

I wonder whether Dave actually reads these reports too. To me these signit reports really should be ALLIED ONLY stuff but I think it is visible for him too.

This was one my main gripes in the old witp and remains to be such in the AE too.


aztez -> RE: April 1942 in this war... (10/2/2009 8:18:37 PM)

The "world map"...


aztez -> RE: April 1942 in this war... (10/2/2009 8:19:18 PM)

The intel screen...


aztez -> RE: April 1942 in this war... (10/2/2009 8:20:19 PM)

The aircraft losses...


aztez -> RE: April 1942 in this war... (10/2/2009 8:21:00 PM)

Allied ship losses...


aztez -> RE: April 1942 in this war... (10/2/2009 8:21:42 PM)

Japanese ship losses...


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