RE: delayed pilots and date non-recognition (Full Version)

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JocMeister -> RE: delayed pilots and date non-recognition (6/15/2012 9:09:04 AM)

Ah, that semi works!

Java launches "installing additional components" but get stuck there at "unpacking bundle"?

Gah, it worked perfectly before but I had to install Java 7 for another application!


Got it run using this version of java:


floydg -> WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/17/2012 3:32:07 AM)

Fixed a few things and added some other nice stuff.

New Features:
  • Ship Movement tracker in Map Panel shows when a ship was sunk in black
  • LCU Panel shows TOE in the table in the LCU tab and which LCUs use the TOE in the details of the Formations tab
  • Base Panel adds an "insufficent garrision" special filter
  • Ship Class Panel add a special filter to hide classes not available yet
  • Export CSV for pilots
  • Air Production Panel has additional details in the tool tips

    Bugs Fixed:
  • Ship weapon damage properly stored in the database
  • Aircraft types with a single quote in the name can be read
  • Export CSV exports strings with double quotes in them so that when they are read in to Excel/etc works fine
  • Production Panel fixes for convoy planner, filtering in Regional Industry tab

    Known Issues:
  • Ship Class Upgrades get confused when there are multiple of the same device in the same place
  • Ship withdrawal alert may show too often
  • Purchased LCUs with non-standard TOEs show database errors when they go back into the reinforcement queue (harmless, but annoying)
  • Scenarios where units have a delay of 9999 are shown, but a filter should be added to hide them

    The release is available from the regular place:

    Floyd and Damian

  • Hanzberger -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/17/2012 1:09:38 PM)

    Floyd did this just come out today??? Just got it working, simple as 1-2-3. PPL, just unzip the new file in a seperate folder. Pull the old .jar file out of your tracker and slide the new .jar file in.
    Damian and Floyd ROCK~!
    Thanks as always~!

    floydg -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/17/2012 1:23:22 PM)


    ORIGINAL: Hanzberger

    Floyd did this just come out today??? [&o] Any issues of installing over the prior version?
    Thanks as always~!

    You can just extract the witptracker.jar file from the ZIP and replace your current installation with it (nothing else changed).


    Hanzberger -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/17/2012 1:24:30 PM)

    Aww beat me too it for I could edit~!

    Air Production panel. Are you talking about mouse over? (changes)

    Question/request: Under Airgroups and Pilots, click on group, then click on pilots (bottom). Ok now for the request. Anyway of putting a History tab (+plus maybe even an additional tab, eg: last 5,10,15,etc days) on that pilot screen to see how their exp levels are coming along? Possibly displaying the entire group at once instead of clicking individually (just for this 'tab').

    floydg -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/17/2012 1:48:10 PM)


    ORIGINAL: Hanzberger

    Aww beat me too it for I could edit~!

    Air Production panel. Are you talking about mouse over? (changes)


    Question/request: Under Airgroups and Pilots, click on group, then click on pilots (bottom). Ok now for the request. Anyway of putting a History tab (+plus maybe even an additional tab, eg: last 5,10,15,etc days) on that pilot screen to see how their exp levels are coming along? Possibly displaying the entire group at once instead of clicking individually (just for this 'tab').

    If you show the history for the group, you see the aggregate experience change.

    USSAmerica -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/17/2012 2:43:11 PM)

    Cheers, Floyd and Damian! [sm=00000436.gif]

    mikkey -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/17/2012 3:01:28 PM)

    thanks for update guys

    BigDuke66 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/17/2012 3:01:58 PM)

    Runs fine, now also with RHS mod, BIG thanks to everyone who worked on this! [&o]

    floydg -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/17/2012 3:19:55 PM)


    ORIGINAL: BigDuke66

    Runs fine, now also with RHS mod, BIG thanks to everyone who worked on this! [&o]

    You're welcome. Enjoy!

    Oh, and I also fixed that error with the build rate of devices -- forgot to mention it.

    BigDuke66 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/19/2012 1:48:29 AM)

    Is there any way to modify the regions in the drop down list?
    I'm just doing a region file for RHS mod but didn't really worked down the map and now many regions belonging together are just scattered over the list so I would like to rearrange them to keep regions that belong together also on the list together, any way of doing that?

    floydg -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/19/2012 1:53:29 AM)


    ORIGINAL: BigDuke66

    Is there any way to modify the regions in the drop down list?
    I'm just doing a region file for RHS mod but didn't really worked down the map and now many regions belonging together are just scattered over the list so I would like to rearrange them to keep regions that belong together also on the list together, any way of doing that?

    Please check

    BigDuke66 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/20/2012 7:07:09 PM)

    Got some problems on the industry screen.

    On the "Regional Fcy/Resources", "Oil&Res" & "Fuel&Supply" sheets the regions with brackets are ignored, nothing is shown for them when clicking on them, can this be solved?

    Another small one is on the Regional Ind/Repair sheet, when I stay in a column and click thru it the info below does not update, it only updates when I change the column.
    For example I click on a cell in the oil column and I get the info at the bottom, then I click on the next cell in the oil column and it doesn't update the info at the bottom, only works if I first click a cell in a different column and then back again to the oil column, can this also be solved?

    n01487477 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/20/2012 11:06:10 PM)


    ORIGINAL: BigDuke66

    Got some problems on the industry screen.

    On the "Regional Fcy/Resources", "Oil&Res" & "Fuel&Supply" sheets the regions with brackets are ignored, nothing is shown for them when clicking on them, can this be solved?

    You mean you have changes the region file to have "()" and now it doesn't work ? Screen shot or the region file saved here please so I can check

    Another small one is on the Regional Ind/Repair sheet, when I stay in a column and click thru it the info below does not update, it only updates when I change the column.
    For example I click on a cell in the oil column and I get the info at the bottom, then I click on the next cell in the oil column and it doesn't update the info at the bottom, only works if I first click a cell in a different column and then back again to the oil column, can this also be solved?

    This is WAD. I tried to change this once a long time ago but couldn't get Java to do what I wanted. I'll try again someday - but I have bigger fish to fry[;)]

    BigDuke66 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/21/2012 7:58:58 AM)

    Thanks, here is the regions file.

    n01487477 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/21/2012 9:21:11 AM)


    ORIGINAL: BigDuke66

    Thanks, here is the regions file.

    Yep, too many letters, words, dashes, hyphens, braces etc ...

    I'd have to do a new release to fix this through code... or you can change the region mapping file.

    BigDuke66 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/21/2012 11:03:43 AM)

    What are the limits now for a region name?

    I would prefer if you could fix it thru a new release.
    The names are so "complicated" because I wanted to be as precise as possible.

    USSAmerica -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/21/2012 2:13:44 PM)


    BigDuke66 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/21/2012 3:22:46 PM)

    WoW what?

    Ingtar -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/21/2012 6:26:31 PM)

    I am still trying to figure out how to read some of the screens. What I can get from it so far is helpful. It's simply that wading through 126 pages of posts in hopes of figuring things out is daunting.[&o]

    USSAmerica -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/21/2012 9:13:16 PM)


    ORIGINAL: BigDuke66

    WoW what?

    Wow, I can't believe how self important your post made you seem. You may not actually think of yourself that way, but your post came off like a little child asking the two fine gentlemen who have VOLUNTEERED countless months of their own time to build THEIR own tool and shared it with us, that they should change THEIR application and release a new version of it because you are too lazy to edit a simple text file the way it will work with THEIR application.

    I really do hope that this was only an impression from this post that you made and not an accurate reflection of your personality.

    BigDuke66 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/21/2012 9:54:18 PM)


    ORIGINAL: USS America

    Wow, I can't believe how self important your post made you seem. You may not actually think of yourself that way, but your post came off like a little child asking the two fine gentlemen who have VOLUNTEERED countless months of their own time to build THEIR own tool and shared it with us, that they should change THEIR application and release a new version of it because you are too lazy to edit a simple text file the way it will work with THEIR application.

    I really do hope that this was only an impression from this post that you made and not an accurate reflection of your personality.

    Indeed, anyone thinking that way got a totally wrong impression.
    He stated two choices and I simply answered what I would prefer as I don't see how I can rename & shorten them without at least using some special signs like brackets or so, nothing more unless I have in the same way misinterpreted his answer.
    Anybody else should do that too but I guess nobody really cares about it as doing regions from scratch is a lot work.

    DivePac88 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/22/2012 9:01:24 AM)

    Thank you for the update, and all the hard work you Guys put into WitP Tracker. [&o]

    n01487477 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/22/2012 11:06:20 AM)


    ORIGINAL: BigDuke66


    ORIGINAL: USS America

    Wow, I can't believe how self important your post made you seem. You may not actually think of yourself that way, but your post came off like a little child asking the two fine gentlemen who have VOLUNTEERED countless months of their own time to build THEIR own tool and shared it with us, that they should change THEIR application and release a new version of it because you are too lazy to edit a simple text file the way it will work with THEIR application.

    I really do hope that this was only an impression from this post that you made and not an accurate reflection of your personality.

    Indeed, anyone thinking that way got a totally wrong impression.
    He stated two choices and I simply answered what I would prefer as I don't see how I can rename & shorten them without at least using some special signs like brackets or so, nothing more unless I have in the same way misinterpreted his answer.
    Anybody else should do that too but I guess nobody really cares about it as doing regions from scratch is a lot work.

    The () braces are what is ruining the mappings. I've done a few of the changes, all you need to do is go into File-Regions and get rid of the braces for the rest.

    [edit]Of course I find this mapping to be very unusual for economic data though ... and the bases haven't been assigned well. I would have started with Kulls and made changes from there.

    BigDuke66 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/22/2012 3:45:28 PM)

    Thanks, the region file is still in work and the sorting will likely be redone at the end when every region is defined.

    Could you tell me if there are other limits for the region name? Only thing the webpage mention is a 26 character limit.
    Are the braces the only problem symbol, what about - , . :?

    erstad -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/23/2012 4:55:48 AM)

    Just noticed, the Victory Point screen appears to show the number of airplanes lost, not the number of victory points for lost airplanes.

    Is this intentional? I would have expected it to show the victory points, not the count.

    Historiker -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.1 Available! (6/23/2012 9:31:32 AM)


    ORIGINAL: Dan Nichols


    ORIGINAL: Historiker


    ORIGINAL: n01487477


    ORIGINAL: Historiker

    I have the Java Memory Issue, running Win 7 64bit


    Use the C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe command to start the witptracker.bat file. You can make a short-cut for this by making a copy of the witptracker.bat file and change the extension to something unused (e.g., witptracker.witp) and then associate the file (using the "Open With..." dialog) to open using SysWOW64\cmd.exe.

    Doesn't work

    Running with NoMap works, but I can't load new turns.

    How many turns ? What are your memory settings ?

    -Xms512m -Xmx768

    23 turns

    memory settings? The file starts with

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xms512m -Xmx768 -jar "WitPTracker.jar"

    It doesnt work with -Xms512m -Xmx768, if you implied so.

    Add an m after the -Xmx768. As in -Xmx768m.

    It works for now, but without the map.

    Is there any chance to get the witp tracker fully working with 64bit systems?

    BigDuke66 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.1 Available! (6/23/2012 11:29:33 AM)

    It is fully working with a 64bit systems, at least with my, I guess yours must have something that prevents this, question is what could it be.

    floydg -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/23/2012 1:03:35 PM)


    ORIGINAL: erstad

    Just noticed, the Victory Point screen appears to show the number of airplanes lost, not the number of victory points for lost airplanes.

    Is this intentional? I would have expected it to show the victory points, not the count.

    I don't follow. The Victory Points screen in the game shows the number of aircraft points lost on each side; the Victory Points panel in WitPTracker shows the same. At least it does for me...

    erstad -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (6/23/2012 6:05:12 PM)


    ORIGINAL: floydg


    ORIGINAL: erstad

    Just noticed, the Victory Point screen appears to show the number of airplanes lost, not the number of victory points for lost airplanes.

    Is this intentional? I would have expected it to show the victory points, not the count.

    I don't follow. The Victory Points screen in the game shows the number of aircraft points lost on each side; the Victory Points panel in WitPTracker shows the same. At least it does for me...


    The Witptracker victory point screen does not tie to the in game aircraft *points*. It ties to the in game aircraft *lost*. The difference is that the 4Es count for two victory points each. So the number of aircraft lost is not the same as the number of victory points.

    the difference can be seen in any game that's gone a while. The "Allied Aircraft Points Lost" on the main intelligence screen will be bigger than the "Campaign" allied losses on the aircraft losses subscreen.


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