SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/23/2010 9:07:19 PM)
March 9/42 Update: An interesting turn today. My feint towards Java had a positive result and did draw a response from Smeulders. I am putting things in motion to hit Java hard and severly limit the Allies from an effective defence. I think the extra time I take now will provide huge dividends down the road. Troops are embarking from Singapore to staging areas at Balikpapan, where the majority of troops will embark from. Right now the priority pre-invasion is recon, sub detection/suppression and the destruction of airfields and aircraft. Sub Ops: SS O24 sure has an issue these days, another torpedo salvo launched at the SC CHa-10 missed, however not one DC attack was launched in return. I don't get it, these SC's were directed to respond to yesterday's sighting and attacks from SS O24, yet they are the ones attacked and they launch no ASW DC attack. I am starting to get more air sightings of Allied submarines by Lily's devoted strictly to ASW air patrol though. The odd Lily will actually make an ASW bombing run now as well. I'm hoping as they gain experience they will become an effective ASW force, because my ASW naval component remains putrid at best. Sumatra: The Billiton invasion force has landed. The assault force includes a support unit and JAAF AF Bn. to begin construction of an airfield. Langsa in the north was attacked today, pushing the Allied forces out of the base. Allied casualites were 655 to 0 losses for Imperial troops. Java: Another sweep of Batavia this time found Allied CAP over the base. Smeulders had moved a fighter unit to the base in anticipation of an invasion. 17 Zero's intercepted 23 Buffaloes and promptly shot down 7 Buffalo's to the loss of 1 Zero. I was actually rather lucky, the Zero's were meant to escort a bombing run and got separated. At only 12k altitude they did great. However, 38 unescorted Sally's sent to bomb the airfield were intercepted by 6 Buffalo's. Only 1 Sally was destroyed while a further 17 were damaged. The airfield was bombed though, causing 3 AB and 22 Runway hits. One 139WH-3 was reported destroyed on the ground. The Philippines: Bataan was bombarded by artillery today after yesterday's ground assault debacle. Taytay on Palawan was captured, resulting in the destruction of the Allied defence. China: Is quiet as Smeulders and I both shuttle troops around. Miscellaneous: Nagasaki has expanded to a level 5 airbase and Pingsiang in China has reached level 3 fortification. The Ha-44 was accelerated to 4/43. Strategy: I will post a detailed screenshot of my planned invasion of Java and the forces to be utilized. Right now supplies are being stockpiled and troops/shipping massed for the assault. Once Oosthaven is captured and consolidated, the invasion goes ahead. I've reached a point in the game where I'm frustrated by Smeulders' hit and run tactics. From now on, I will be anticipating these tactics and hitting everything with such force that no matter what Smeulders may do, he'll pay a price for. The days of any Japanese freebies are over. I see anything Allied, I'm going to try and crush it. I am willing to take losses to my surface fleet in order to accomplish this. I'll be raiding ports, bombarding airfields, hitting multiple targets. Anything to unbalance him. I've been far too conservative in my approach, and that plays directly into my opponents hands. I think if I can "blitz" him somewhat, he may get rattled and that could open up opportunities to exploit. Now if I could only reduce Bataan quickly, that would free up 3 divisions to hit Timor with, when he'll be reeling in Java. Stay tuned...oh, and is anybody out there[&:]