RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (Full Version)

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SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/12/2010 4:04:38 PM)

The Solomon's Feb. 28/42:


SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/15/2010 6:22:18 PM)

Feb. 28/42 Update:


Bassein fell unoccupied, but again I'm getting hit with a 1VP point loss until I can get a garrison unit there.


Allied ground troops at Medan were bombed by Betty's and Nell's today in preparation for a ground assault that will be launched tomorrow. 36 casualties were inflicted. Praboemoelih was assaulted by deliberate attack and fell to Japanese troops. Losses were light, 114 casualties compared to 1015 for the Allies, most of which were destroyed. I'm starting to shift AO's and tankers to Singapore for operations in Sumatra. I'm very concerned with Allied subs, so all tanker TF's will be heavily escorted. Sumatra is not heavily defended and should fall quickly.


Batavia was swept by Zero's and no allied CAP responded, although there are Allied bombers based there. Sally's followed up again bombing the airfield, damage was light, inflicting 2 AB and 18 Runway hits.


Makassar and Kendari were both swept and bombed today. No Allied CAP over either base and damage to Makassar was only 2 Runway hits while Kendari suffered 6 AB, 2 ABS (Air Base Supply) and 26 Runway hits.

The Ambon invasion force will land tomorrow. I've brought a large number of forces to support the landings. As much as I want to be sinking Allied ships, I feel it's best to just keep the Allied surface force at bay for now. If I can take Ambon at little cost I'll be very happy. Smeulders won't risk his fleet if the odds are not heavily in his favour, I figure, why oblige him? I want him fighting on my terms not his.

Madjene will be assaulted in conjunction with the Ambon landings, also supported by a strong surface fleet. I thought about hitting Makassar directly, but I only have the 144th Inf. Rgt. and a JAAF AF BN available. I'll march to Makassar and land additional units in support at Madjene.

KB is supporting the Ambon landing, once it lands I will shift it west to support the invasion of Java. However, if any Allied fleet units do appear, KB will stay to try and inflict some losses on the Allied fleet.


Daily bombing of Chinese units in range continued, and Pingsiang reached a Fort level of 1. Japanese forces continue to rebase and reorganize. I'm tryng to come up with a new strategy here. I'm going to push in the south and see how Smeulders reacts, if any openings present themselves I'll see if I can exploit them.

Home Islands:

All reinforcing LCU's get transported by rail to Nagasaki, which will be my port of embarkation for units deploying to forward areas. Maizur expanded to a level 6 port today. It's important to get this port built up to be a major destination for my resource TF's. It saves me using Tokyo, as that route is exposed to Allied submarines.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/15/2010 6:44:57 PM)

Mar. 1/42 Update:

The Celebes:

The Ambon invasion force runs the gauntlet of Allied subarines and I end up losing the DMS-17 to torpedo attack from the SS Gudgeon. Two other Allied submarines, SS KVIII and SS KIX, take cracks as well. Both miss and 1 DC hit is recorded on the KVIII. All that aside the troops are ashore and I lose no ships to coastal gun fire. My BB and CA's pour on suppressing fire in support of the landings. KB is lurking northwest in range of Ambon in case there is an interdiction by Allied naval forces. I will assault tomorrow.

I'm hitting Loewoek this turn as well with troops that embarked from Garontolo. I thought about hitting Kendari directly, but feel I'm overreaching with only 2 DD's as escort for this TF. Makassar's airfield was bombed again causing 3 AB, 4 ABS and 16 runway hits. The Madjene assault force will land tomorrow.


Medan falls easily. The defenders numbered roughly 6k while my total force is roughly 16k. I suffered 295 casualties to the Allies's 1023. The remaining Allied units are fleeing north.


Batavia's airfield was bombed again scoring another 2 AB, 1 ABS and 6 Runway hits.

Various expansions:

In China, Pingsiang expanded to a level 2 Fort. Cagayan on Mindanao expanded to a level 3 port. In research news, the Ha-45 was accelerated to 7/43.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/15/2010 7:31:14 PM)

Mar. 2/42 Update:

The Celebes:

Ambon fell today by deliberate attack, a great victory for Japanese forces! Japanese ground losses were 57 compared 4767 Allied losses with all three LCU's surrendering. However, the coastal guns had a much better showing today as troops and supplies were unloaded. Over 120 coastal gun shots were fired in defence and my tranports took some hits, in fact I lost two AMC's, which took the brunt of the shelling. Overall, I'm very happy taking Ambon this cheaply, this late in the expansion period. Shipping losses were 1 DMS and the 2 AMC's with the chance of a xAK sinking tomorrow. Ambon's airfield is heavily damaged so I'll have to wait awhile before I transfer most of the air units. I will transfer one for appearances sake and hope it will scare off Smeulders from launching an air raid.

Loewoek fell today and the insavion forces are ashore at Madjene. The base is undefended and I'll capture it tomorrow. I've also already dropped off some mines in anticipation of Allied subs trying a few shots at some of the tranpsorts.

Of note was the lack of any Allied fleet presence to interdict the landings. As predicted, the large Japanese fleet presence supported by KB kept the Allied ships away. Smeulders confirmed in an e-mail that he had a SCTF on hand to contest the landings, but the size of the Japanese TF's and KB's presence kept him away. He implied that I need to bring less force in future invasions if I hope to sink any of his fleet [8|]. I'm worried about the next turn though, he'll be looking to hit my transports unloading supply. I will not remove any of the covering surface ships until things are completely unloaded, no free attack for Smeulders like the previous one at Balikpapan. However, KB has already been withdrawn out of harms way. Allied subs converged on KB's last postion like moths to a flame, and I won't risk a lucky torpedo hit.


My DMS has reached Rangoon and swept 17 mines today. Meiktila was captured today by the 33rd Div. and company. Japanese losses were 9 to the 425 suffered by the Allies. My RTA units conitue to march north to take over garrison duties, but they are weeks away from arriving.


Elements of the 21st Div. attacked the Chinese forces in my rear at 88,47 today. Chinese losses were 238 and 4 guns to 0 Japanese losses. This force in the future will be dealt with by an Inf. Rgt. on hand, while the 21st Div. units pull out for tranpsort by rail to Shanghai for redeployment at Bataan.

The Philippines:

A note on Bataan. I've just been resting my combat units there the last few days, no bombardment attacks of any kind. I'm reducing my fatigue and disruption levels while I bring in additional artillery and the 21st Div. from China. When I bring sufficent force, I will assault by deliberate attack until Bataan falls. As long as I continue to take the Celebes with the forces on hand I can afford to delay somewhat. Northen Java will be hit by forces from Malaya and Sumatra in a week or two, and by then Bataan should have fallen. Then I'll have troops free to support in southern Java and invade Timor.

Various expansions:

Buna and Haiphong expanded to airbase levels of 1 and 4 respectively. Aichi HA-60 was accelerated to 5/42.

That's all for now. I'm up to date other than forgetting to post air production levels from March 1. Which I have no clue of now [:D]. I'll post some numbers next turn. Pools are increasing nicely to offset losses I'll incurr in Java. Java is where I anticipate Smeulders is drawing the line. He'll commit naval and air units to it's defence. With my few losses to date, I hope to bloody him quite badly with overwhelming force in naval and air power. It's time to make the Allies bleed.

Thanks for following along!

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/20/2010 5:55:30 AM)

March 3/42 Update:

Sub Ops:

SS Gudgeon is busy north of Ambon, but having little success today. It launches two separate 4 torp salvos at an escort and a xAK (see below) but all 8 torpedos miss.

I finally get a sighting of a lone Allied xAK and it is attacked off the west coast of Ceylon by the I-165. One torpedo hit, but no outright sinking. With my luck the xAK Lulworth Hill will make port and repair, being only 3 hexes away from Columbo (SP?). I'll have to wait till the next turn to find out.


19 mines were swept, the harbour is now clear.


Batavia's airfield was bombed again today, 1 AB and 10 Runway combined hits were recorded in separate raids, with one Catalina reported destroyed on the ground.

The Celebes:

The xAK Lyons Maru evades a torpedo salvo from our friend the SS Gudgeon, but sinks from previous coastal gun damage suffered at Ambon.
Madjene is captured by the 144 Inf. Rgt. and I've also landed a JAAF AF Bn.

New Britain:

I've been bombing the remaining Australian unit southwest of Rabaul with Val's stationed there to little effect. The air unit is composed of rookies getting on the job training, so I'm not worried about the lack of casualties. The longer is survives, the more training my pilots will get.

New Guinea:

Buna gets a visit from 4 B17's today and they are intercepted by 4 Zero's from Lae. All four 4E's are damaged, but none downed outright. I don't know about historically, but the Allied 4E's in the game seem almost invincible to me, even when unescorted. This doesn't bode well for the future when their numbers will be substantially higher.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/20/2010 6:32:43 AM)

March 4/42 Update:

Sub Ops:

The British SS Trusty launches 2 torpedoes at the xAK Shinsei Maru and scores one hit. Float damage is 86%, she'll sink next turn. That being said, xAK Lulworth Hill that I-165 hit yesterday, must have made port, I received no confirmation today. So much for uber Japanese subs, I can't even sink one unescorted Allied transport when I find one.

The xAKL Ayaha Maru is attacked southwest of Takao by an Allied sub on the surface and takes 10 shell hits. The TF consists of a number of unescorted 795 ton xAKL transports heading to Singapore for conversion to PB's. I guess I could have converted them at Takao first [:D].

New Guinea:

Buna again is treated to morning Allied air attack, but this time from SB2U-3 Vindicators and P40E escorts, 14 and 17 respectively. Some reinforcing TF's had just arrived and Buna had just expanded to a level 1 airbase last turn, but I had not sent any Zero's yet. Costly mistake. Two transports, the xAK's Suribaya Maru and Ryuzin Maru are hit with one 1000lb bomb each. 1 Zero from the CAP at Lae responds and is shot down, Allies suffer no losses. I lose some Naval Guard troops that were unloading. 2 more Vindicators follow unescorted and are met by 4 Zero's from Lae, one Vindicator is destroyed. Then 3 B17's appear right after, but score no hits and all three are damaged.

In the afternoon another raid of 12 SB2U-3's and 15 P40's strikes again, another Zero is downed to no Allied losses. Another two transports are hit, the xAK's Tomahoko Maru and Saiho Maru receive 2 bomb hits each. I lose 280 more Naval Guard troops. The Tomahoko sinks.

Lae is then attacked by 2 SB2U-3's, 12 Zero's on CAP respond and one Vindicator is destroyed.


Meiktila was bombed today by 45 Blenheim bombers. The 33rd Div. suffered 103 casualties. I'll move Oscars up next turn to provide CAP.


A small ground attack at 76,55 resulted in a Japanese victory. 684 Chinese casualties to my 6.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/20/2010 6:58:40 AM)

March 5/42 Update:

Sub Ops:

Or lack thereof. 6 Japanese subs patrolling off the coast of Madjene fail to spot, or react, to a 7 ship Allied SCTF that bombards the base during the night. This is par for the course so far in this entire game for me. It's getting old.

xAK Shinsei Maru sinks post SS Trusty's previous days torpedo attack.


Batavia's airfield is bombed again by 35 Sallys and 19 Betty's. Damage is only 1 ABS and 12 Runway hits, while I lose 1 Betty to flak. The damage seems very low, but what do I know.

The Celebes:

As mentioned earlier, an Allied SCTF comprised of the CA Houston and company bombarded Madjene today causing only 9 Japanese casualties. Smeulders continues to be extremely fortuitous in his endeavours. As mentioned the 7 ships (1 CA, 2 CL's and 4 DD's) ran a gauntlet of 6 submarines and a minefield of 40 mines at Madjene, suffering no sub attack or mine hits. [:@]


Sally's pound on a Chinese force east of Sinyang that should be having supply troubles. Casualites are 199 of which almost all are destroyed.

New Guinea:

After the previous days attack by Allied DB's I diverted a small DD force to bombard Port Moresby's airfield. They were attacked just south of the base by 11 Vindicator's escorted by 14 P40's. I moved a fighter unit to Buna and CAP of 4 Zero's intercepted. 1 P40E was reported shot down as was 1 SB2U-3, 6 more DB's were damaged, while I lost another Zero. No bomb hits were recorded.

Again 2 Vindicators showed up unescorted over Buna this time and intercepted by 10 Zero's. One SB2U-3 was destoyed. and no bomb hits recorded, however the xAK Saiho Maru sinks from the previous days damage.

The Celebes:

Kendari was bombed by Betty's escorted by Zero's, only 1 AB and 4 Runway hits recorded.


25th Army units continue to push Allied forces back along the east coast, north of Medan. A deliberate attack caused 985 Allied casualites to Japanese losses of 53.

bklooste -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/21/2010 5:42:58 AM)

How is PM going ? They still going up Kakoda

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/22/2010 8:38:58 PM)


Half of my assault troops are in the hex directly northeast of PM, where they are waiting on the arrival of reinforcements from Buna which have recently landed. My total assault force will consist of:

24th Inf. Rgt.
146th Inf. Rgt.
51st Naval Guard
82st Naval Guard
83rd Naval Guard
8th Tank Rgt.
2nd FA Rgt.
17th Med. FA Rgt.

I hope this will be suffucient, the last recon I had of PM showed 12k Allied troops. Airbase support units will be airlifted in once PM falls.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/22/2010 9:02:50 PM)

I just wanted to throw out some of the latest air production figures. I'm still trying to get production numbers up early in order to hit production of new aircraft running, as it comes online. I don't want to be expanding factories later in the game, and I want to have good pools of reserve aircraft built up. Here are the latest numbers as of March 8/42:


A6M2 Zero - Pool (116) Bld/Mth 162x(78)
B5N2 Kate - Pool (39) Bld Mth 60
D3A1 Val - Pool (63) Bld/Mth 58
E13A1 Jake - Pool (32) Bld/Mth 54
G3M2 Nell - Pool (8) Bld/Mth 44
G4M1 Betty - Pool (8) Bld/Mth 55
Ki-21-IIa Sally - Pool (2) Bld/Mth 25 I will be increasing this to 50
Ki-27b Nate - Pool (73) Bld/Mth 10 PDU is off, so that's why I'm still producing these.
Ki-43-Ic Oscar - Pool (43) Bld/Mth 142x(10)
Ki-48-Ib Lily - Pool (13) Bld/Mth 34


Ha-31 - Pool (214) Bld/Mth 45x(0)
Ha-32 - Pool (41) Bld/Mth 211x(0)
Ha-33 - Pool (3) Bld/Mth 154x(76)
Ha-34 - Pool (41) Bld/Mth 10x(0)
Ha-35 - Pool (6) Bld/Mth 294x(11) I know this is an important engine, I will expand to 400+. What amounts do others usually produce?
Ha-5 - Pool (110) Bld/Mth 45x(0)

Are there any suggestions for different production numbers?

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/23/2010 5:01:10 PM)

March 6/42 Update:

New Guinea:

My four DD group arrived offshore and proceeded to inflict 12 AB, 69 Runway and 2 Port hits on Port Moresby. No enemy planes were damaged or destroyed, as they had been withdrawn the day before. I am confident Smeulders will not fly any more missions from the airfield, and I'll periodically hit it until my ground assault units arrive in force.

Hollandia was invaded by Sasebo 1st SNLF. This unit has been busy, charged with capturing all the bases on the northern coast.

New Britain:

I continue to bomb the Allied BF southwest of Rabaul with Vals, 11 casualties were recorded. I'm not concerned with the poor results as this unit is receiving good combat experience, and the bombing skills of the rookies is progressing nicely.


Bombing has achieved what no amount of land combat could do to the 48th Chinese Corps northeast of Sinyang. Sally's caused 151 casualties and finally destroyed the unit. In my experience, I've found using bombers to finish off small Chinese units much more effective, than chasing them around with LCU's. Small units seem to be able to retreat indefinitely in the face of ground assault, wasting your time and often causing the enemy unit to retreat onto a supply route in your rear areas.

The Celebes:

After Madjene was bombarded by SCTF the day before, Smeulders today sent in 7 x 139WH-3's to attack the base. These planes were unescorted and met by 6 Zero's flying LRCAP from Balikpapan. Three 139WH-3 were destroyed and 1 damaged.

The Philippines:

I bombarded Bataan with artillery today in preparation for a deliberate ground assault tomorrow. I'm not optimistic.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/23/2010 5:14:45 PM)

March 7/42 Update:

Sub Ops:

SS 019 launches a two torpedo salve at the SC CH-5 and misses near Tawau.
SS S-34 in two separate torpedo attacks sink the PB Nagato Maru off the east coast of Lae. The PB takes 3 torpedo hits.

New Guinea:

I kept the 4 DD's off the shore and they bombarded Port Moresby again today. A further 9 runway and 2 Port hits were recorded. They are off to Rabaul to rearm.

New Britain:

Daily bombing of the Allied BF by Vals continued.


Oosthaven was swept by Zero's today, no Allied fighters on CAP. Forces are moving south to capture Oosthaven, this will be one prong of my assault on Java.


Batavia was bombed again by Betty's, 1 ABS and 3 Runway hits to the airfield.

The Celebes:

139WH-3's again made an appearance over Madjene today. Only two enemy bombers appeared with 1 being destroyed again by LRCAP out of Balikpapan.

The Philippines:

My deliberate attack on Battan went off well surprisingly. The fort level was finally reduced to 3 and Allied casualties were 2032 to my 3337. I will launch another deliberate attack tomorrow.


The 33rd Div/C captured Magwe intact today, it was undefended.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/23/2010 8:20:11 PM)

March 8/42 Update:

Sub Ops:

SS O24 was busy today, first being spotted and attacked by the DD Kasumi, in which no hits were recorded, then in the afternoon SS O24 launched a torpedo attack against the DD Oyashi but missed. DD Amatsukaze responded with a DC attack in which no hits were recorded...again.

New Britain:

DB bombing continued.


Two separate bombing raids again targeted Batavia and 3 AB and 21 Runway hits were recorded.

I assembled a strong SCTF supported by a 5 carrier strong TF to motion towards Java from Singapore, they ended the days movement at a rage of 7 hexes from Batavia, but no Allied bomber attack was launched. I want to see how Smeulders will react to what may appear to be the long awaited invasion of Java. I will pull these TF's back next turn and continue to sweep and bomb Batavia. I will post a screen shot in a day or two explaining in detail my planned invasion of Java.

The Philippines:

Sadly I received a reality check at Bataan. It was too good to be true, to think I might get 2 consectutive turns worth of positive results. Bataan was deliberate attacked again today, but at worse odds than yesterday's 1:2. My forces attacked at 1:3, saw no reduction in the fort levels and suffered 3374 casualties to Allied losses of 1490. Discouraging to say the least. I will just bombard next turn. I am bringing in the 21st Div. from China to finally crush Bataan. I am pulling out some units which have been almost destoyed while attacking. I'm glad I looked, because some were armoured units. I wonder why casualties are not more evenly distributed among attacking forces. Some are almost wiped out, while others have been hardly scratched.


Mandalay fell today to the 33rd Div/A with casualties of 49. The Allies retreated northwards suffering 212 casualties.


Canton expanded to a level 7 airbase today, and the Ha-43 engine has been accelerated to 8/45.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/23/2010 9:07:19 PM)

March 9/42 Update:

An interesting turn today. My feint towards Java had a positive result and did draw a response from Smeulders. I am putting things in motion to hit Java hard and severly limit the Allies from an effective defence. I think the extra time I take now will provide huge dividends down the road. Troops are embarking from Singapore to staging areas at Balikpapan, where the majority of troops will embark from. Right now the priority pre-invasion is recon, sub detection/suppression and the destruction of airfields and aircraft.

Sub Ops:

SS O24 sure has an issue these days, another torpedo salvo launched at the SC CHa-10 missed, however not one DC attack was launched in return. I don't get it, these SC's were directed to respond to yesterday's sighting and attacks from SS O24, yet they are the ones attacked and they launch no ASW DC attack. I am starting to get more air sightings of Allied submarines by Lily's devoted strictly to ASW air patrol though. The odd Lily will actually make an ASW bombing run now as well. I'm hoping as they gain experience they will become an effective ASW force, because my ASW naval component remains putrid at best.


The Billiton invasion force has landed. The assault force includes a support unit and JAAF AF Bn. to begin construction of an airfield.

Langsa in the north was attacked today, pushing the Allied forces out of the base. Allied casualites were 655 to 0 losses for Imperial troops.


Another sweep of Batavia this time found Allied CAP over the base. Smeulders had moved a fighter unit to the base in anticipation of an invasion. 17 Zero's intercepted 23 Buffaloes and promptly shot down 7 Buffalo's to the loss of 1 Zero. I was actually rather lucky, the Zero's were meant to escort a bombing run and got separated. At only 12k altitude they did great. However, 38 unescorted Sally's sent to bomb the airfield were intercepted by 6 Buffalo's. Only 1 Sally was destroyed while a further 17 were damaged. The airfield was bombed though, causing 3 AB and 22 Runway hits. One 139WH-3 was reported destroyed on the ground.

The Philippines:

Bataan was bombarded by artillery today after yesterday's ground assault debacle. Taytay on Palawan was captured, resulting in the destruction of the Allied defence.


Is quiet as Smeulders and I both shuttle troops around.


Nagasaki has expanded to a level 5 airbase and Pingsiang in China has reached level 3 fortification. The Ha-44 was accelerated to 4/43.


I will post a detailed screenshot of my planned invasion of Java and the forces to be utilized. Right now supplies are being stockpiled and troops/shipping massed for the assault. Once Oosthaven is captured and consolidated, the invasion goes ahead.

I've reached a point in the game where I'm frustrated by Smeulders' hit and run tactics. From now on, I will be anticipating these tactics and hitting everything with such force that no matter what Smeulders may do, he'll pay a price for. The days of any Japanese freebies are over. I see anything Allied, I'm going to try and crush it. I am willing to take losses to my surface fleet in order to accomplish this. I'll be raiding ports, bombarding airfields, hitting multiple targets. Anything to unbalance him. I've been far too conservative in my approach, and that plays directly into my opponents hands. I think if I can "blitz" him somewhat, he may get rattled and that could open up opportunities to exploit. Now if I could only reduce Bataan quickly, that would free up 3 divisions to hit Timor with, when he'll be reeling in Java.

Stay tuned...oh, and is anybody out there[&:]

Mike Solli -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/23/2010 9:19:21 PM)

Lemon, I'm reading!  Keep pushing.  Remember, your invasion bonus ends soon (April I think?).

For Billiton, I recommend more engineers and an air HQ there (22 Air Flotilla or 3 Air Division), and maybe more air support units.  That'll allow you to put more planes there to support Java/Palembang.

Mike Solli -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/23/2010 9:19:22 PM)

Always assume Smeulders is just around the corner. Overkill is a good thing.

Deathtreader -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/23/2010 10:48:38 PM)



Stay tuned...oh, and is anybody out there[&:]

I'm here too...... and enjoying both yours and your opponent's AAR's very much. [sm=00000613.gif]



bklooste -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/24/2010 7:17:03 AM)

Keep pushing, take risks esp with the amphib bonus ... He can only snipe at 1 location  .  Note air cover is more important then overwhelming force.
There is no point holding your assets till 43 because they will just be sunk by US subs and aircraft with high experience.  Its best to loose most of your Navy and Air in 41 and try to get better than a 1:1 return , it doesnt get any better.....

Oh get Tulagi ASAP just use a fragment and fly in a base force.

bklooste -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/24/2010 7:21:27 AM)

Get Timor ASAP  another good trick is to support Java with mini KB , when he sees the CV  his ships will try to make a run esp with oil and then send KB between Java And Australia always nets quite a few tankers.

Also surprise KB raids on Suva , Brisbane and Aukland are well worth it , at least it forces him to react and he may have Cvs there.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/27/2010 8:30:07 PM)

March 10/42 Update:


Billiton was captured today and the construction of an airfield will begin.


I continue the softening up northern Java's air defence with daily fighter sweeps and bombing runs against Batavia. The sweeps generally meet no opposition as Smeulders will not commit his force unless it looks like the invasion is coming. A Zero sweep met no opposition today and another bombing riad went in unopposed. 32 Oscar's escorted 36 Sally's and Batavia's airfield took another 2 AB, 3ABS and 35 Runway damage. Another 139WH-3 was reported destroyed on the ground.

I am planning a night raid by a SCTF to hit the airfield at Kalidjati in a few days to knock that airfield out of commision as well. I do not want to hit Bandoeng too hard, as that will be my main air base for operations in northern Java.

The Philippines:

Bataan was bombarded again as I continue to wait for reinforements to arrive from China. Japanese forces lost a gun while only 22 casualties suffered by the Allies.


Air action over Kweilin today. My daily bombing raid of Sonia's escorted by Tojo's was intercepted by 12 H81-A3's. One tojo was shot down to no losses Allied losses.

A deliberate ground assault west of Kukong at 78,56 caused another 438 Chinese casualties to Japan's 82. I will continue to hound and push this force east.

Kwangchowan was captured by the Shanghai SNLF unit. That will increase my supply production in China.


Shortlands in the Solomon's expanded to a level 1 airbase and Lae expanded to level 4. I'll be transferring a bomber unit in for ASW operations and bombing of Port Moresby.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/27/2010 8:43:52 PM)

March 11/42 Update:

New Guinea:

My 4 DD bombarding TF based at Rabaul made another visit to shore bombard the airbase at Port Moresby. The airfield received damge of 2 AB, 5 ABS and 23 Runway hits. Port supply and fuel suffered a few hits as well.


Batavia ws once again hit by air attack. 33 Oscar's and 36 Sally's caused 4 AB and 11 Runway hits and another 139WH-3 destroyed on the ground.

Oosthaven was captured today at minimal cost. The 5th Recon Rgt. and 6th Tank Rgt. ousted the Teloekbetoeng BF inflicting 196 Allied casualties for no loss. The transfer of invasion troops for Medak will travel by rail from Palembang as well as support units for the airbase. I'll transfer in fighters once the support is set up.

The Phillipines:

Bataan bombarded for little gain.


A quiet day will the normal daily bombing of any Chinese units within range and another small attack at 78,56 inflicting 561 Chinese casualties to 204 for Japan.

Here are a couple of screenshot updates showing the situation for the upcoming turn in southern China and Java.

Southern China:


SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/27/2010 8:44:33 PM)



SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/27/2010 9:20:03 PM)

March 12/42 Update:

For our PBEM this was an action packed turn! Overall a good turn result wise, but not in execution. I still have to figure some things out.

Sub Ops:

The SS O23 was spotted by PB's and attcked north of Brunei, but no DC hits were recorded.

The Solomon's:

Tulagi converted to Japanese control.

The Philippines:

Daily bombardment of Bataan continued with the same meagre results, but reinforcing troops are arriving on Luzon and on the march.


Djambi was captured, driving out the Dutch with losses of 154 to Japan's none.


The second consecutive interception of a bombing raid, this time over Kukong. The same 12 H81-A3's tangled with Soni's and Tojo's again. 1 Allied fighter was shot down, but at the loss of another Tojo and 2 Sonia bombers.

Another deliberate attack which was reinforced with the arrival of more troops at 78,56 finally pushed out the Chinese forces. The Chinese suffered 3653 to 454 for Japanese troops. I thought they would retreat north into the bush, but unfortunately they retreated east towards Henyang. That kind of screws me, they are on a clear road hex now and can head north next turn, while my troops have to cross a non-road hexside to enter the hex, effectively stopping any chance of me catching them again. This has happended a few times now and to the detriment of my forces everytime after winning a succesful battle.


This was where all the action happended. My night raid did not go off as planned. I parked them 7 hexes from Kalidjati, well fueled and set to bombardment and mission speed. They crawled to Batavia and did not arrive till the afternoon. In the morning they were attacked by a force of Allied naval torpedo planes. 12 B-339D's and 1 Buffalo escorted 12 Vildebeest III and 6 Swordfish I bombers. At first I thought, oh no...they may be slow, but the torpedo planes tend to be fairly effective. 6 Zero's from Palembang on LRCAP intercepted and shot down 2 B-339D's and broke up the raid somewhat even though no bombers were attacked directly. I still thought, no toredo planes downed I could be in trouble here, however Flak was very effective and no Japanese ships were hit! Flak showed one Swordfish downed and the rest of the bombers damaged. No afternoon attack followed.

Watching the replay I almost thought the SCTF wasn't going to bombard at all, but then up came the action. The sheling was way more effective than I had anticipated. the airfield itself took 22 AB, 10 ABS and 275 runway hits. the port also suffered some minor damage. Allied planes destroyed on the ground were 1 L-212 and 2 FK-2's. However then end of turn report indictated 6 FK-51's, 5 139WH-3's and 2 L-212's destroyed as well. Of the 6 PT Boats in port, 5 took heavy damage and 2 were on fire. Allied ground losses also amounted to 563.

Kalidjait was reconned to a detection level of 9/10 so I wonder if that was why this bombardment was so effective. I'm happy regardless of the fact my night time raid failed miserably, but it's time to get out of dodge next turn to avoid another air attack.


Vitoria Point expanded to a level 3 fort. This will be a primary defensive bastion. The Allies could land here and effectively cut the rail line to southern Malaysia. I want freedom of movement to reinforce north or south if I need to.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/27/2010 9:56:00 PM)

March 13/42 Update:

Today saw mostly bombing of airbases. I'm experimenting with different combinations and altitudes to see what is most effective. I'm delaying a couple of invasions right now, until the final pieces of the naval puzzle fall into place. The plan will be to hit Kendari at the same time as the Java landings begin, and then to grab Timor before Smeulders can pull everything back from Java. To that end I have split my carrier forces. 3 CV's and 2 CVL's will operate around northern Java, and 3 CV's and 1 CVL supported by LBA will operate in the Celebes. I have to be careful of an appearance of Allied carriers, but I also need to hurry up and gain these last few objectives before my invasion bonus time ends.


Batavia was bombed again today scoring 1 AB, 2 ABS and 5 Runway hits. the airfield shows 60% damage. Kalidjati today showed runway damage of 100% so that airfield is closed for awhile.

My surface TF cleared the area and is heading to Singapore to rearm. Once rearmed they will rendeveous with the invasion fleets out of Palembang and the invasion of Java is finally on. The initial landing will fall on Kalidjati and then Merak. Oosthaven to Merak will be the primary route of reinforcements for Java. Barges will suppliment the moving of troops quickly between the two ports.

The Philippines:

Daily routine continued.

The Celebes:

Namlea was invaded today to set up another airfield for use against Timor.

Kendari was treated to numerous air attacks on its airbase today as follows:
1. Betty's escorted by Zero's cause 9 AB, 2 ABS and 52 Runway hits.
2. Sally's (28) and Lily's (6) escorted by Oscar's (10)cause 5 AB, 3 ABS and 52 Runway hits.
3. Unescorted Lily's (15) cause 3 AB, 2 ABS and 9 runway hits.

No Allied planes made an appearance in defence.


Dutch troops continue to be pushed north of Medan by Japanese forces attacking along the east coast. Allied losses were 722 to Japan's 17.


I received a slough of reinforcements today. 4 x RF Gun Bn's, 7 Naval Guard Units, 29th Ind. Eng. Rgt., Hong Kong Special BF, 85th JAAF AF Bn, 21st Special BF and the 25th Air Flotilla HQ. I'll ponder what to do with all of these units. I'm thinking it may be time to start thinking about reinforcing my Pacific outposts.

I will try and post more screenshots of the immediate action after the next turn. There will be large concentrations of the Japanese Fleet gathered and I'm positive Smeulders will find something to attack, or defend against for that matter. I hope I have prepared enough to counter whatever he has planned for the defence of this region. The primary goal is to take my land objectives and isolate Java completely from reinforcement or withdrawal. However, any Allied ships that make an appearance will be the number one priority. Naval search is indicating no Allied ships of any consequence in most ports, so I'm clueless to where the Allied fleet is. I wouln't be surprised if Smeulders is waiting for me to commit fully to the DEI and then he'll strike the Marshall's. I've been withdrawing units to Truk, and do not plan on defending the Marshalls if it comes to that. I'm curious to see if that may develop.

Stay tuned!

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/29/2010 11:31:57 PM)

March 14/42 Update:

Sub Ops:

SS Grayling was spotted east of Toyohara today, and was actually attacked by SC's, two DC hits were recorded causing some minor damage.
SS O21 was spotted north of Brunei by ASW naval units, but no DC attack was launched.


The planned invasion will be launched in three days, so the softening up efforts continue. I created a couple of MTB's in Osthaven and sent them into the harbour at Batavia. MTB-2 hit a mine and sank. That doesn't bode well for the idea of a possible shore bombardment of the airbase. If two MTB's can get into mine trouble, I can only imagine what will happen to BB's and CA's.

Bandoeng was swept with Oscar's (11) and Zero's (10) today and Allied Buffalo's (4) made a special guest appearance. One Buffalo was shot down to no Japanese losses. Rather a poor result I think. Sally's (41) then followed to bomb the airfield causing 2 AB, 5 ABS and 22 Runway hits. A Swordfish and Hurricane IIb Trop were destroyed on the ground.

The Celebes:

Kendari was hit again today in three separate raids inflicting 9 AB, 4 ABS and 53 Runway hits. No losses were suffered in the air, but I do notice that Japan's air units do suffer from a fair amount of Ops losses every day. Rather discouraging to end up with more wrecked aircraft and pilot losses daily from crashes than actual air combat.

The Philippines:

Bataan was bombarded again today, I will try another Deliberate attack tomorrow and see what happens.


The Djambi BF surrendered just west of Djambi today after a Shock attack, the Dutch surrender 182 while Japan's casualties were 14. Benkoelen was assaulted by deliberate attack and Allied forces retreated north towards Padang, leaving 314 of their number, no losses suffered by Imperial forces.


I received the SS I-29 at Port Arthur today, as well as the AMc Wa-2 and a CMc at Tokyo.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/29/2010 11:42:32 PM)

March 15/42 Update:

Sub Ops:

Both the SS O21 and SS O23 were spotted north of Brunei, but once again no DC attacks were launched.


Invasion support TF's are being assembled at Singapore today. The assault TF's are all ready to go at Palembang. Batavia was again bombed today. Sally's (37) hit the airfield causing 3 AB, 2 ABS and 18 Runway hits, and one Sally fell to Flak.

The CL Dragon and DD Stronghold were spotted in Buitenzorg by Betty's (6) and attacked, however I was set to bombs and no hits were recorded.

The Philippines:

The Deliberate attack went ahead as planned against Bataan today and a very good result was achieved. I achieved 2:1 results, the fort level fell to 2 and Allied casualties were 3582 compared to only 1588 for Imperial forces. Bataan is finally cracking.

The Celebes:

Namlea was captured today.


Ambon expanded to a level 1 fort and Billiton expanded to a level 1 airbase.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/29/2010 11:53:10 PM)

March 16/42 Update:

Sub Ops:

The SS KVII launched a torpedo salvo at the SC CHa-22 east of Kendari and missed. No ASW attack was launched.

The Philippines:

I launched another Deliberate attack at Bataan today and again was successful in reducing the fort level to 1. However casualties were heavier this time, 3042 Japanese casualties to 2149 Allied. I will attack again tomorrow.


Merak was bombed today by Sally's (42) and inflicted 106 casualties on the defenders. The invasion TF's have met up with their covering SCTF's just east of Palembang. Tomorrow they go to within 3 hexes of Kalidjati covered by LRCAP from the carriers and LBA bases at Oosthaven. All bombers in the area have been set to to ASW patrol. It's on in Java.


In the north a Shock attack from crossing the river pushed the Allies back once again. Losses were heavy for Japan suffering 349 to the Allies 651.


Davao expanded to a level 1 fort, Miri expanded to airbase level 3 and Bihoro expanded to a level 3 fort. A couple of engines were accelerated as well, the Ha-42 to 9/45 and the Kayaba Argus to 7/44.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/30/2010 12:18:35 AM)

March 17/42 Update:

Sub Ops:

SS Grenadier takes a crack at the DD Yayoi east of Orchids Island south of Formosa and misses, no ASW attack is launched in retaliation...sigh.

The Philippines:

Yet another Deliberate attack at Bataan reduces the fort to level 0. Allied losses were only 1232 while Japan's were 3604. My troops are suffering from disruption and fatigue right now, I wil ldecide whether to rest them a day or two, or try one more attack to finally break the defence on Luzon.


Japanese forces try and quickly captured Sibolga with a Deliberate attack, but the Allied defence holds. Casualties were 14 for Japan to 124 to the Dutch. I will attack again tomorrow.


All Invasion TF's have met up north of Batavia. Allied responses was swift with the launching of a bomber attack by 139WH-3's (17) escorted by B-339D's (5) against an invasion TF. Zero's (4) from LRCAP on Akagi responded and downed three B-339D's, but failed to reach the bombers. Luckily all bombs missed and 8 139WH-3's were damaged. My CAP from Oosthaven never appeared, they were set to 80% LRCAP but had sweep as their primary mission so I wonder if that was why they did not respond. I will fix matters for tomorrow, for Smeulders will transfer bombers to airbases within range now, as he has done every other time. I want to sky to rain Allied planes tomorrow.


An undefended Nanning was captured today. A Deliberate attack in the north at 89,39 sent the Chinese reeling back, suffering 2837 casualties to 307 for Japan.

The Celebes:

I have transport ships en route for Ambon to start loading for Kendari. My carrier support TF is south of Manado, but I may pull it back for lack of more surface ships in the area. Smeulders has a completely intact surface and carrier fleet out there and if he was to try and pull something I may be at a disadvantage. An interesting comment in an e-mail from Smeulders has me raising a red flag. I've split my carrier forces and have two "KB's" out there right now. I don't know which one Smeulders was referring to, but I think he means around Ambon. He thought it was an interesting combination, 3 CV's and 1 CVL, and if his carriers were near by he might risk an engagement. This tells me two things, I think there are forces near by, and if he's even thinking of an attack I am too weak in surface ships to really counter. I might withdraw temporarily and see if Smeulders moves anything in, my LBA will hopefully spot anything. I'm not going to risk anything yet around Ambon needlessly. In fact with Bataan almost finished, I may just wait and hit Timor hard like originally intended and seal off Java. Imay be completely wrong, and if I am, I really don't lose anything in terms of an objective or time. In fact it really is preferable to wait until Bataan is cleaned up.

I'll post some screenshots tonight for clarification.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/30/2010 3:59:44 AM)

Java invasion about to hit the beaches. I've brought some serious firepower, but I hope I haven't made a mistake splitting KB right now. I'll find out in the next couple of days.


SqzMyLemon -> RE: Empire of the Rising Lemon? SqzMyLemon (Japan) v Smeulders (Allies) (3/30/2010 4:04:22 AM)

Here is the situation in the Celebes. For all my grand strategic thoughts, I really don't know what I'm doing down here. I'll feint and probe and just see if I can draw some Allied ships out. When Bataan falls, I'll consult my crystal ball and hopefully get an epiphany. I just hope splitting KB right now is not a mistake, as I mentioned earlier.

Stay tuned!


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