Phatguy -> RE: Insane Steam Holiday Sale (1/8/2010 6:11:30 PM)
ORIGINAL: Emobama quote:
ORIGINAL: apathetic lurker Well, I'll throw my 2 cents in...I absolutely hate/despise downloading full games over any of the services out there. I prefer hard copy. And no, I dont want to download and then burn it. I want the original. And yes, I have some steam crap cluttering my system. The biggest is Empire:Total War. Do I play it? No. I forgot to shut off the auto patching and Steam patched it up to the point of it not working. Havent played it since.....Another problem(non-steam related) I had with direct downloads is when I bought Total Pro Football years ago as a DD. Wanted to play it a few weeks ago. Couldnt. Company out of business. Confirmation e-mail gone many many hard-drives and upgrades ago. But I dragged out my old copyof x-com:terror of the deep(3.5 disk), from another defunct company and drm, no idiotic internet "activation" or no internet access required.... If my broadband(thru TW) goes down I cant play about 5 or so games... Why bother? I was seriously thinking of utilizing Steam and purchasing 1 or 2 of its "sale" games over Christmas break... Oops, my phone line got cut by a truck doing some work on a tree. No phone or internet for 1 day.So no purchase which I believe is a good thing. I might not have been able to play my new purchases....... The most I can accept is the Matrix way. DD plus hard copy. Clearly you were willing to purchase through Steam yet were unable to do so. This could have happened to any downloadable content or purchase from a brick and mortar store where weather could prevent you or employees from getting there. But you did admit you were getting ready to make a purchase. May I ask why? With all of the problems you outline why would you even consider a purchase? There is a lot of fear in this thread. No, I wasnt willing to purchase using steam I was forced to(previous games). Why was I willing, you ask? well weather is one reason, but to let you know, we dont close our stores due to weather.I didnt want to scrape 2 inches of ice off my windshield before driving 5 miles. Price is another, although that is usually never an issue with me, considering how many full priced Matrix games I own, and lastly pneumonnia. Couldnt get around that last one. Then you go throw in the fact that the nearest gamestore happens to be a gamestop which has less pc games than my one bookshelf. This time the prices were so cheap as to make me willing to try steam with a brand new complete dl product instead of a store bought game that requires steam, ala Empire. After sitting there in the peaceful presence of no ringing phone, No mother in law, no idiots trying to sell me sat tv etc etc, I realized that if I bought one of those games even 2 hours earlier, and then couldnt get it to work because it couldnt connect to wherever I would be ready to bend, fold and mutilate someone.I dont need that kind stress. Just like I wont buy drm heavy games anymore, no matter how much i'm jonesing for them ( certain WW1 era naval games come to mind)I think Im going to stay far far away from steam for the foreseeable future. I figure if I want cheap I can hit amazon or ebay,