RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (Full Version)

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Mad Russian -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/18/2010 11:36:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: shinobu


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian


ORIGINAL: shinobu

All the races look great! When do we get to preview the hot female warrior humanoid Amazonian race? (Sorry, just wishful thinking... [;)] )

My wife has been following along about the game and she said to tell you that all the art has been of female warriors so far...can't you tell by looking....[&:]

Russian: It's very obvious that your wife is a formidable warrior in her own right. Touché, milady. [&o]

She said the picture of the insect is not a female warrior...I just nod and go on....


Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/19/2010 12:21:20 AM)

Heh, that's a funny one.

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/19/2010 12:24:18 AM)



I would be happy to see a 4x game without machine races.It has been done to death and only SOTS did it right in my view.

Machine and partial machine races are often included in science fiction entertainment because they are popular and many believe a plausable direction a civilization could go. Popular elements help a game to become more popular.

Anyway, biological races are popular too but it seems odd also to say that they should be left out.

shinobu -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/19/2010 4:55:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

She said the picture of the insect is not a female warrior...I just nod and go on....


Russian: When the game begins, you should appoint your wife to be your diplomatic advisor. "Ambassador Mrs. Mad Russian" ...

Mad Russian -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/19/2010 6:01:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: shinobu


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

She said the picture of the insect is not a female warrior...I just nod and go on....


Russian: When the game begins, you should appoint your wife to be your diplomatic advisor. "Ambassador Mrs. Mad Russian" ...

At this point I think she's intetersted enough in the game to play it on her own. Shes much more a fantasy player and her favorite game is Arena Scrolls in all it's mutations....

Still this game has caught her eye and with the Grandkids involvement I imagine she'll step on board a space ship at some point.

Good Hunting.


Webbco -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/19/2010 6:17:21 PM)

How lucky...a man married to woman who loves games. I tried getting my fiancée into fallout 3. She shot a zombie in the face, screamed, then ran out of the room. I don't think she'll be playing anything ever again.

Gargantou -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/19/2010 7:16:56 PM)

Maybe you'll have more success getting her into video games if you show her a better video game..[;)]

Fallout 3 is average IMO, especially compared to the previous Fallouts.[:'(]

Webbco -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/19/2010 10:27:25 PM)

I think that depends if you are a hardcore fan of the series. For unexplainable reasons, I never discovered Fallout 1 and 2 and ended up playing them AFTER the third... I tried Fallout tactics too but it was a little too frustrating for me :S. I was quite a fan of oblivion and morrowind so enjoyed bethesda's rendition of the series. I apologise if I've offended anyone out there by saying these things!!

So what game would you recommend introducing her to? I think she'd prefer something with a bit more action in...

Probably could start a new thread on this..."What game would you use to introduce to your g/f to the gaming world?"

JamesM -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/19/2010 11:33:31 PM)

What type of release will it be?

Digital Express;
Standard; or
Collectors Edition?

Gargantou -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/20/2010 10:44:44 AM)



I think that depends if you are a hardcore fan of the series. For unexplainable reasons, I never discovered Fallout 1 and 2 and ended up playing them AFTER the third... I tried Fallout tactics too but it was a little too frustrating for me :S. I was quite a fan of oblivion and morrowind so enjoyed bethesda's rendition of the series. I apologise if I've offended anyone out there by saying these things!!

So what game would you recommend introducing her to? I think she'd prefer something with a bit more action in...

Probably could start a new thread on this..."What game would you use to introduce to your g/f to the gaming world?"

Depends on the platform but maybe she'd like Mirror's Edge, female protagonist, first-person action but also first-person 'puzzles' based around navigating levels using Parkour. It isn't gory like Fallout 3 is in some cases either.

And just to be clear, I actually did find Fallout 3 to be an enjoyable game but it wasn't as great as the previous two when it comes to the writing and plot in my opinion.

Oh well, sorry for the off-topic :P

Erik Rutins -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/20/2010 2:41:06 PM)

Hi guys,

Sorry for the lull in my activity, I've been traveling on business and will not be back in the office until next week. I would expect to see a lot more info on Monday or Tuesday leading up to the release on Wednesday or Thursday, assuming there are no last minute hiccups. In the meantime, here's another preview for you, the Zenox.

Zenox are very cautious and will not lightly enter into an agreement with others. Any new treaties they form usually involve an extremely lengthy period of negotiation, with a protracted review phase at every step of the discussions. Zenox ensure that they are absolutely clear on every last detail of the agreement before finally approving it.

They take a particular interest in recording and preserving galactic history. They seek out items of historical significance from all over the galaxy.

Zenox are also outstanding epic story-tellers – they draw upon their vast store of old myth and legend to produce unique and compelling tales. Zenox claim to be guardians of secret knowledge of galactic history, some of which they reveal in their stories.

In fact some of their historical research has led to unorthodox claims about the galaxy’s past. One of these stories asserts that all the Insectoid races once betrayed the rest of the galaxy to an outside invader. However most other alien races dismiss these conclusions as unproven fairy-tales.

Zenox technology includes an advanced shield component, the Megatron Z4. These powerful shields impart a potent defense to Zenox star ships and bases.

Zenox typically live on the rolling plains of Continental planets or the mountainous areas of Marshy Swamp planets.

Race Family: Feline
Default Reproduction Rate: 13%
Quite Intelligent (+15)
Quite Passive (-10)
Very Cautious (+29)
Quite Unfriendly (-13)
Slightly Dependable (+5)
Natural Optimists: happiness +20%
Master Engineers: ship maintenance -10%
Special Government: Technocracy
Special Technology: Megatron Z4 (Shields)


Tycow -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/20/2010 2:49:19 PM)

Well, the Zenox should satisfy Sarissofoi!

Webbco -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/20/2010 2:49:54 PM)

Hehe these look funny. A blind goat/cat hybrid storyteller. Very interesting!

Westheim -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/20/2010 3:35:52 PM)



Well, the Zenox should satisfy Sarissofoi!

Not just him. In my next life, I want to be born as a Zenox! [:D]

Gertjan -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/20/2010 3:53:27 PM)

I'm looking forward to more info Erik!

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/20/2010 3:54:02 PM)

Beautiful, again. The Zenox have been consolidated to the top of this thread.


Zenox are very cautious and will not lightly enter into an agreement with others. Any new treaties they form usually involve an extremely lengthy period of negotiation, with a protracted review phase at every step of the discussions. Zenox ensure that they are absolutely clear on every last detail of the agreement before finally approving it.

That's like befriending a cat in real life.


They take a particular interest in recording and preserving galactic history. They seek out items of historical significance from all over the galaxy.

That's like a cat in real life watching everything and seeking things.


Zenox are also outstanding epic story-tellers – they draw upon their vast store of old myth and legend to produce unique and compelling tales. Zenox claim to be guardians of secret knowledge of galactic history, some of which they reveal in their stories.

That's like how cats sometimes make many different noises and how they often seem to be acting like they know or see something people don't.


In fact some of their historical research has led to unorthodox claims about the galaxy’s past. One of these stories asserts that all the Insectoid races once betrayed the rest of the galaxy to an outside invader. However most other alien races dismiss these conclusions as unproven fairy-tales.

Cats are often after insects.


Zenox technology includes an advanced shield component, the Megatron Z4. These powerful shields impart a potent defense to Zenox star ships and bases.

Have you ever tickled a cat's belly then had to deal with its back claw rake defense, and its front claws and teeth?


Zenox typically live on the rolling plains of Continental planets or the mountainous areas of Marshy Swamp planets.

Cats like to hide in grass or watch from hills and high places.

The race portrait guy even seems to be "cat napping".

Sarissofoi -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/20/2010 3:57:13 PM)

That this mean that you add more race family types?
Thats propably mean that custmisation guide isnt actual now. Anyway good to see cats in space.

CV Zuikaku -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/20/2010 6:27:29 PM)

What about pigs in space? [:D]

drillerman -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/20/2010 7:52:50 PM)

If the physical copy doesn't come with a nice glossy manual I can't see the point of having one, or am I missing something here?

Shark7 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/20/2010 11:59:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: drillerman

If the physical copy doesn't come with a nice glossy manual I can't see the point of having one, or am I missing something here?

After loosing my HDD to mechanical failure on Christmas Eve, I was really glad I got the physical copy...was much easier than re-downloading or installing from back-up while having to go and find the serial numbers again. It's a convenience for sure.

drillerman -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/21/2010 12:07:34 AM)

I understand what you're saying Shark7, but wouldn't you just save the downloaded file to disc. What I suppose I mean is wouldn't it be in the publishers' interest to include a nice glossy manual, tech tree, whatever so as to encourage people to buy the physical copy, otherwise is all they are offering is the same downloaded file on a disc then there is no point paying the extra, is there?

martok -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/21/2010 5:46:33 AM)

Intriguing. I think the Zenox might be my favorite race so far. I'll definitely have to give them a try in one of my first games!

Gargantou -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/21/2010 10:14:19 AM)




ORIGINAL: drillerman

If the physical copy doesn't come with a nice glossy manual I can't see the point of having one, or am I missing something here?

After loosing my HDD to mechanical failure on Christmas Eve, I was really glad I got the physical copy...was much easier than re-downloading or installing from back-up while having to go and find the serial numbers again. It's a convenience for sure.

I feel with you, I suffered a similar fate several years back, since then I have external HDDs to which I do monthly backups.

It's saved me a lot of headaches!

ASHBERY76 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/21/2010 12:11:37 PM)

Do the Keterov chase them around the galaxy? Great work I just wish they moved in 3D.

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/21/2010 12:19:48 PM)

Heh. A game might involve a three way war between Keterov, Zenox, and Ugnari. (Although, the Keterov, I think, are meant to be more bear-like than dog-like: "Race Family: Ursidian")
I think, in that situation, the three should try to come to understand their similarities and unite to strengthen their civilizations. They could prepare to face other races more different that might be of lower reputation("evil").


Shark7 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/21/2010 2:22:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: drillerman

I understand what you're saying Shark7, but wouldn't you just save the downloaded file to disc. What I suppose I mean is wouldn't it be in the publishers' interest to include a nice glossy manual, tech tree, whatever so as to encourage people to buy the physical copy, otherwise is all they are offering is the same downloaded file on a disc then there is no point paying the extra, is there?

Sure, and I have an external USB HDD that I do save things to. However, I'd still have to either remember to write down my serial number somewhere or go back through the process of retrieving it. With the physical copy, the serial number is printed write on the game disk, making it much simpler to keep up with. It is far more convenient, especially with the number of Matrix titles I own.

Mad Russian -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/21/2010 3:38:39 PM)

I'm good now. [&o]

I got the Dogs, Cats, Bugs and I'm sure the humans will be along in due time......[8D]

Good Hunting.


Baleur -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/22/2010 5:15:53 PM)

I wonder if the human art is saved for last :P
I just hope it looks... Um, human XD As opposed to some other games where they either look like smurfs or gargantuan inbred colonists with a stupid grin :P

Epsilon -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/22/2010 6:49:22 PM)

Nice art, no mechanoids or cybernetics?

Erik Rutins -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/22/2010 10:40:26 PM)

Hi guys,

Here are a few more for you...

Ikkuro have very large, widely-spaced ears that enable them to precisely determine the location of sounds. This ability gives them rudimentary sonar skills, allowing them to ‘see’ in the dark.

They tend to be intelligent and aggressive, though cautious. Ikkuro are often short-tempered. When provoked or threatened they can quickly become violent. Despite this they are generally gentle and affectionate to those they know well.

They are extremely capable mechanics. Ikkuro can repair nearly any type of machinery. They also confidently reverse-engineer new devices they encounter. In fact they often end up improving the machine when they reassemble it.

This natural mechanical predisposition has also led the Ikkuro to develop the S2F4 RepairBot, an advanced repair robot that can swiftly fix damage to star ships, even while they are in battle.

Ikkuro have a great fascination with trees and plants, and have extensive knowledge of the various types of flora throughout the galaxy. They use this expert understanding to create an array of highly effective herbal medications.

They typically live in tree-dwellings high in the forest canopies on Continental planets.

Race Family: Ursidian
Default Reproduction Rate: 12%
Quite Intelligent (+14)
Quite Aggressive (+15)
Quite Cautious (+11)
Quite Unfriendly (-8)
Quite Dependable (+14)
Master Engineers: ship maintenance -10%
Warrior Class: troop maintenance -30%
Natural Merchants: colony income +10%
Special Technology: S2F7 RepairBot (Damage Control)


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