RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (Full Version)

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lancer -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/25/2010 2:48:13 AM)


Naxxilians normally live on the tundra wastelands of Ice Glacial planets, but can sometimes also be found in the polar and mountain areas of Continental planets.

Race Family: Reptilian

A small point but reptiles, likely even Alien reptiles, don't tend to function in the cold. I'm curious as to how they find the heat necessary to jack up their reptilian metabolisms into first gear.

Try sticking your pet lizard in the freezer. Stand well back and watch how lively he becomes.

Perhaps they (Naxxilians) can park their bum over a convenient volcanic vent way up high in the polar mountains.


Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/25/2010 4:43:24 AM)

It says about the Naxxilians: "Although they are reptilian, Naxxilians are covered in shaggy fur."
That seems like a very alien reptile. Thus they have evolved a metabolism to deal with extreme cold. Recent evidence shows that some dinosaurs evolved to survive in harsh cold climate in the now Antartica as the continent slowly drifted south. At a certain threshold though, the other life including vegitation died out due to the climate getting too cold. The cold adapted dinosaurs thus died out.

Of course, dinosaurs were not reptiles they were of similiar scientific classification as birds. We are surrounded by the descendants of dinosaurs: birds...or evolved dinosaurs.
Maybe the Naxxilians are more like dinosaurs but are listed as "family" Reptillian for the diplomacy aspects. They certainly look like our dinosaurs. :)

research: "polar dinosaurs"

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/25/2010 5:01:18 AM)


...Omg im overanalyzing here but thats what happens with Carl Sagan youtube clips [:D]...

Dr. Carl Sagan is and was great.
I still love to watch his 'Cosmos' shows that have been updated with new images, animation, and graphics. I sometimes get relaxed and unintentionally fall asleep listening to his voice and the 'Cosmos' piano music. Of course, when I watch it, it's often at night.

YouTube: Carl Sagan, previews: (YouTube list) (Great Minds: Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot [new HD version]) (Carl Sagan - Cosmos Intro) (Carl Sagan - Cosmos - Drake Equation)

Carl Sagan's 'Cosmos' FULL EPISODES free:

Dr. Michio Kaku is great too.

He's been on many shows on The Science Channel, The Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, the news, etcetera.

Previews of Michio Kaku: (YouTube list) (YouTube - Michio Kaku On Aliens On Physics ...) (Michio Kaku: WIll We Ever Be a Galactic Civilization?) (Dr. Michio Kaku on The Day the Earth Stood Still and more)

I appreciate them both.

(Yeah, I know I made many links. There are so many more great videos.)

Xmudder -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/25/2010 5:26:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

Kiadians are shrewd and sensible. They carefully evaluate and plan for potential repercussions from any course of action they undertake. They also make some of the most loyal allies known.

Kiadians are deep thinkers with an absorbing culture of profound subtlety. They love to ponder the abstract complexities of advanced mathematics. They are also a very practical people: they apply their sharp intellect to developing sophisticated technology.

Their advanced technology includes the ShadowGhost ECM 2000, an exceptionally capable countermeasures component. These powerful countermeasures make Kiadian star ships very difficult for enemies to target, allowing them to avoid a lot of enemy weapons fire.

The Kiadian honor code is legendary: they would prefer to die than break their word. Once a Kiadian commits to an agreement they will never break it.

They are also a very proud race, and they revel in undertaking impossible assignments that typically end in honorable defeat. This seemingly irrational approach can sometimes lead to astonishing accomplishments – Kiadians will struggle tenaciously in a situation that others would dismiss as hopeless.

The typical habitats of Kiadians are the mountains and low plains of Continental and Marshy Swamp planets.

Race Family: Humanoid
Default Reproduction Rate: 13%
Very Intelligent (+28)
Slightly Aggressive (0)
Very Cautious (+25)
Slightly Friendly (+5)
Extremely Dependable (+37)
Gifted Scientists: faster research +20%
Master Engineers: ship maintenance -10%
Special Technology: ShadowGhost ECM 2000 (Countermeasures)

I think I like these guys the most. Is +20% research the best you can get in the stock races?

I also wonder what these special government types do. But then again I wonder what all government types do :)

Gargantou -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/25/2010 11:16:36 AM)

Some pterosaurs(which were reptilian) did in fact have a form of hair and fur, iirc.

Also, sometimes Michio Kaku is good but I feel he often oversimplifies science on his show so the 'simple man' can understand, and often these oversimplifications leads to getting these 'simple men' to believe that many of his theories are not in fact theories but proven concepts.

I recently saw a show where he discussed how we would be able to via a huge amount of energy rip a hole for us to travel into an 'alternate' universe or something like that so we could survive when our universe dies.

I can understand why Kaku is so popular though, because as I said, he makes science a lot simpler for the common people.

Stardog -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/25/2010 11:49:44 PM)

I'm with Wade1000 on this

Perhaps an expansion, or even better an update, can add some more races like:
-a robotic/android race
-a cyborg race(part machine, part biological)
-a floater, gas giant planet dwelling race
-a feathered avian race

I sure wish there was some robotic/android race or cyborg's in this game.

The DogStar


Erik Rutins -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/25/2010 11:57:01 PM)

Many things are possible in the future, keep posting ideas and we will keep listening.

Gertjan -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/25/2010 11:59:09 PM)

Good to hear!

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/26/2010 10:42:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: Wade1000


ORIGINAL: EisenHammer

Wade1000 you're probably right. but as far as I know, cats like to kill rodents. so they should probably not be classify with them. It just doesn't sound right.

On Earth, each race "Family" of the game has predatory versions that like to kill others types in its "Family".
"Rodent" was the only viable "Family" option to change "Feline" to.

So now there are:
Amphibian: 3 races
Rodent: 3 races
Humanoid: 3 races
Ursidian: 3 races
Insectoid: 4 races
Reptilian: 4 races

Heh. Besides, other than the Zenox previously stated as "Feline", NOW no where in the original race portrait characteristic does it state that the Zenox are cats or cat-like.
Their portrait art can even be imagined as more intelligent and/or predatory rodents. For those that want cats then they can be imagined as alien cats that have evolved to coesist peacefully with (other) rodents. Perhaps their "cats"(rodents) had a different source of prey other than rodents on the planet that they evolved on.

I like cats. I like dogs. I also like squirrels. The Zenox can be squirrels in my imagination. The Zenox also can be dogs. They resemble some dogs, like Terriers. :) They even resemble wolves.
One Zenox empire can be cats and another be squirrels and another be wolf/ one game.

The Zenox can be imagined as several types of Earthly animals: cats, squirrels, or even wolf/dogs...or even more.
The Keterov also can be imagined as several types of Earthly animals: bears, dogs, or even cats,...or even more.

We should remember that all of the races are alien.

The Distant World developers are brilliant with these game design elements.

-Upon more thought, maybe there needs to be another race "Family" to group mammilian races that do not seem appropriate for Rodent Family and Ursidian Family. Maybe call the Family...Therians!

[image]local://upfiles/9/C29E9335724C4527B302455BD2F1E033.jpg[/image] (from 'Chaos Cats in space. First impressions.')

EisenHammer -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/26/2010 11:03:17 AM)

I would consider Zenox as Cats and Keterov as Dogs and they both hate each other. And cats should also hate rodents.

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (4/6/2010 4:32:56 PM)

More from (New Alien Race Screenshots for Distant Worlds!)
These Atuuk, Dhayut, Quameno, and Naxxilian images have been consolidated to the top of this thread.


Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (4/6/2010 4:36:18 PM)


Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (4/6/2010 4:38:06 PM)


Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (4/6/2010 4:41:21 PM)


SiempreCiego -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (4/20/2010 8:20:21 PM)

just being really pedantic but in theory there should be no reason why these aliens could not be lizards and live in cold environments. Lizards are cold blooded, but only means if its hotter they get hotter and colder leads them to be colder. It does not mean they are the same temp as their surroundings. Some sea turtles (lizard family) are quite a bit warmer than their surroundings.

Astorax -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (4/20/2010 9:03:03 PM)

Reptiles that are cold-blooded tend to slow down dramatically metabolically when they are cold, hence why they "sun" themselves on rocks to warm up. They are getting their metabolism revved up for normal activity. Cold-blooded creatures on a cold planet would be screwed unless they were next to some geotherm vent/volcano.

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (4/20/2010 9:10:13 PM)

Their race "Family" and reptilian description may be based on appearence and social actions. They are alien and may have totally different bodily systems then the reptiles we know on Earth.

Also, again(see posts further up on this page), some dinosaurs lived in cold, snowy regions. Dinosaurs were/are not reptiles like lizards. Dinosaurs are still with us today in their new forms we call birds. Many birds/dinosaurs live in cold, snowy regions. An extreme example are penguins. [8D]

Astorax -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (4/20/2010 9:15:02 PM)

Wade, if they are "cold-blooded", even if they are alien, they would be screwed on a cold world. If some fact of their alien-ness circumvented that, they would not be, in fact, cold-blooded.

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (4/20/2010 9:21:37 PM)

Yes, That could be true if they are cold blooded. No where that I read does it state that they are. Their alien "reptilian" descriptions could be based on appearence and social actions in order for diplomatic "Family" groupings. It might be better than calling their family "Dinosaur" or "Bird".

Webbco -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (4/20/2010 9:55:12 PM)

From what I remember from my Biology degree, dinosaurs were possibly warm-blooded anyway...or some sort of intermediate between cold and warm blooded.

Edit: Here's a easy-to-read wikipedia entry on it:

Anthropoid -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (4/20/2010 11:00:05 PM)

There is only one known species that has developed the full-blown capacity for creative syntax and advanced technology: a large-brained bipedal ape called a Homo sapien sapien. That is on a planet that has given rise to millions of species and at least 60,000 different vertebrates. Those numbers would at least double if we counted all the extinct species, most likely far more than that.

For hundreds of millions of years, many many vertebrate species did just fine with a brain that was good for learning and habituation but unsuitable for creativity. It is only during the past 25 to 40 million years that animals remotely resembling "sentient" in terms of creativity and language have started to exist, and of course, only the last 4 million or so that we have been recognizably humanlike. Indeed, if we restrict ourselves to clearly human culture, only about 50,000 years.

In sum, if how long, and infrequent it has occured on Earth is any indication the evolution of byzantine intelligence like our own, which would be a requisite to developing spacefaring technology, is a great rarity.

So any arguments about any of these alien species being "unrealistic" or not adhering to realistic principles are pretty much out the window right from the word go [:D]

The designers want furry reptiles wearing a Monocle and snow skiing wearing a bikini!? Who am I to argue!? [:D]

J HG T -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (1/13/2011 7:21:58 AM)

Sweet, a spammerbot. Lock this nuisance out to darkspace.

Shark7 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (1/13/2011 7:26:10 AM)



Sweet, a spammerbot. Lock this nuisance out to darkspace.

Yep, reported it. Too bad they can't lock em all out...even with the new security some get through. [:(]

J HG T -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (1/13/2011 7:29:30 AM)

Tell me about it. It's gotten quite ridiculous on some bigger gaming sites. Damn, how I hate those things!

Setekh -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (1/13/2011 7:52:49 AM)



Tell me about it. It's gotten quite ridiculous on some bigger gaming sites. Damn, how I hate those things!

No spam system is 100% foolproof, because some of them are humans registering, then the bot takes over.

2guncohen -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (1/13/2011 1:57:14 PM)

For a new race => Ok what about a Aquatic race who can only settle on ocean planets or continantal planets (population penalty)

The only races we have in the game who are closed are semi toads or froggs.
So... [:D] lets go for Fish or lobster ?

Next race

A species wo evolved from the Space Scorpion ? => Who make bio ships and lives on lifeless planets without atmosphere and a wicked desire to destroy all other species ? or a duality in this species bad><good

Shark7 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (1/13/2011 2:28:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: 2guncohen

For a new race => Ok what about a Aquatic race who can only settle on ocean planets or continantal planets (population penalty)

The only races we have in the game who are closed are semi toads or froggs.
So... [:D] lets go for Fish or lobster ?

Next race

A species wo evolved from the Space Scorpion ? => Who make bio ships and lives on lifeless planets without atmosphere and a wicked desire to destroy all other species ? or a duality in this species bad><good

Then once we capture them we can serve them with a light garlic butter sauce... [:'(]

2guncohen -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (1/13/2011 2:57:02 PM)

[:D] Damn it sounds so delicious!!!

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