RE: WitP2 Wishlist (Full Version)

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bradfordkay -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/17/2010 5:08:28 PM)

My WitP2 wish? For an unknown rich uncle to leave me enough money to quit work and devote the time necessary to truly enjoy this beast!!! 

steamboateng -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/17/2010 6:10:40 PM)

A ring binder type manual, clearly describing the GUI (with lots of pictures) and functionality of all the various game elements: i.e Production, Supply, TF's, Unit replacements, etc., & etc.,& etc........ The binder can utilize downloadable, printed insert for rule changes, add-on scenarios, fanbased info and wiki materials. The AE manual is cheaply made, and on some topics, not clearly written.
A map which can build historic roads and rr's. Also, more muted map coloring and greater land contour detail. At present, Wiley Coyote wouldn't look too much out of place scrambling across the Great Australian Outback.
A zoom in feature for working with TF's, air squadrons, and the like. I'm old.......even my 24" monitor has me squinting at little tiny red boats plowing (actually, they kinda hop)across the Pacific. (Little tiny GRAY boats, hopping across the monitor might add a bit of navy flavor.)
Division HQ's for LCU's, with their historic commanders. This mght help to keep units more organised across the board.

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/17/2010 7:46:12 PM)




ORIGINAL: moonraker

More scenarios. Options for strating a GC in '42, '43 or '44 would be nice if the information can be gathered. Perhaps some scenarios starting with specific opertaions like Watchtower and Cartwheel or perhaps Coral Sea and Midway.

We don't need that in WITP2.
We need those NOW!!!
WITPAE lacks scenarios (most are just variations of the Grand Campaign).

Andy has done several scenarios, in addition to the ones that shipped with the game: Marianas, Downfall, Buccaneer. There hasn't been that much interest or feedback relative to the GC scenario variants. I just don't think many people like the smaller scenarios. It's been sort of surprising to me.

bilbow -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/17/2010 7:56:04 PM)

Ability in-game to build road and rail facilites. A four-year campaign would see a lot of such activity.

Alcan highway, Burma railway come to mind quickly.

Ametysth -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/17/2010 9:21:30 PM)


Learning to play this game was like learning to play chess without anyone telling you how the pieces move.

Kwik E Mart -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/17/2010 11:47:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: herwin



I remember the old days of playing VG's Pacific War. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but when I play WiTP or AE, I don't have the same sense of conducting "operations". For instance, I decide I want to take a certain island/atoll. I may search thru the various unit screens, planning which ships, air units and LCU's would be best for the job, but once they are identified, there is no real game mechanic that links them all together (excepting TF creation and HQ assignments). IIRC, there were set amounts of time that could be allocated for ops (2 weeks, 1 week, etc). This, to me, put a "framework", if you will, around the operation. Some kind of game mechanic (other than keeping notes in a notebook) in which operations are planned and resources assigned would enhance the experience for me. Maybe have some tangible benefit or bonus for units working together in the same operation. I suppose one could say the mechanic of planning and prepping units for a target meets this need, but it still doesn't have the feel of planning and conducting an operation. Not sure if any of this is making sense, but that is something I would like to see in the next generation of this game...

You're asking for a op-plan mode for the game. You would select a target and a date and work backward from that to select and move the assets into position. It would hold slots for the various assigned HQs and assets--you might even assign it to a specific HQ. It would work more like a personal task management system than something that mandates actions at specific times, alerting you to the various things you have to do and when.

I suspect this feature would also be useful for the AI.

Op Plan Mode....i like section (for lack of better word) of the mode might be (for instance) "Island Defence Suppression"....the player would then assign TF's (most likely bombardment and covering forces) and airgroups (AF suppression, port and CD suppression, etc)....then give some tangible benefit for making these OpFor's....the HQ assigned with all the assets gets a small boost in admin and/or other skill levels....

another advantage of this might be less micromanagement of individual assets....for example, the player sets the threat level of the "Island Defense Suppression" activities....for low threat level, the computer automatically sets all TF's in that operation to "Do not retire"....for high threat level, all TF's are set to max speed or allow to retire, etc. (man, i'm really rambling now...[;)])

actually, from my very brief excursions into the AI scripts, it seems the AI does do this...didn't i see (for example) a script called "Take Port Morseby" which had assigned all the forces that the AI will use to do this? and then a date range for executing that script?

herwin -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/18/2010 7:41:11 AM)




ORIGINAL: herwin



I remember the old days of playing VG's Pacific War. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but when I play WiTP or AE, I don't have the same sense of conducting "operations". For instance, I decide I want to take a certain island/atoll. I may search thru the various unit screens, planning which ships, air units and LCU's would be best for the job, but once they are identified, there is no real game mechanic that links them all together (excepting TF creation and HQ assignments). IIRC, there were set amounts of time that could be allocated for ops (2 weeks, 1 week, etc). This, to me, put a "framework", if you will, around the operation. Some kind of game mechanic (other than keeping notes in a notebook) in which operations are planned and resources assigned would enhance the experience for me. Maybe have some tangible benefit or bonus for units working together in the same operation. I suppose one could say the mechanic of planning and prepping units for a target meets this need, but it still doesn't have the feel of planning and conducting an operation. Not sure if any of this is making sense, but that is something I would like to see in the next generation of this game...

You're asking for a op-plan mode for the game. You would select a target and a date and work backward from that to select and move the assets into position. It would hold slots for the various assigned HQs and assets--you might even assign it to a specific HQ. It would work more like a personal task management system than something that mandates actions at specific times, alerting you to the various things you have to do and when.

I suspect this feature would also be useful for the AI.

Op Plan Mode....i like section (for lack of better word) of the mode might be (for instance) "Island Defence Suppression"....the player would then assign TF's (most likely bombardment and covering forces) and airgroups (AF suppression, port and CD suppression, etc)....then give some tangible benefit for making these OpFor's....the HQ assigned with all the assets gets a small boost in admin and/or other skill levels....

another advantage of this might be less micromanagement of individual assets....for example, the player sets the threat level of the "Island Defense Suppression" activities....for low threat level, the computer automatically sets all TF's in that operation to "Do not retire"....for high threat level, all TF's are set to max speed or allow to retire, etc. (man, i'm really rambling now...[;)])

actually, from my very brief excursions into the AI scripts, it seems the AI does do this...didn't i see (for example) a script called "Take Port Morseby" which had assigned all the forces that the AI will use to do this? and then a date range for executing that script?

I'm basically suggesting a mode for script-writing and manually filling in the details for the scripts.

jomni -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/18/2010 7:55:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: crsutton

The ability to actually get into a plane and fly it around. [;)]

It's been done before... Pacific Storm.

Any automoation routine will be good (economic management, production, even whole theaters of operation).

The Gnome -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/21/2010 11:53:42 PM)

Sub warfare: Would love to see the ability for subs to attack as wolfpacks.

Swayin -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/22/2010 12:55:09 AM)

It would be great if you clicked on a sub and had access to a log of some kind that listed its "kills."

Iridium -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/22/2010 3:52:06 AM)

Everything in AE + a GUI...

I would like to see production on both sides in effect and a more flexible and intuitive construction system.

After that we can then decide how to build off that for 2.1.

bklooste -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/22/2010 12:28:41 PM)

What AE needs is National Will ....

It is the only thing that explains many things such as the low morale of late war verteran units - and is especially obvious in their later subs efforts and to a lesser extent aircraft maintenance.

Strike PH , land in HAwaii or West coast and the US gets a big boost.  Land near Japan and they get a big boost , Atomic bomb and soviets being active are also big penalties.

Basically as National Will reaches certain levels you get bonuses or penalties  to aggression  , repairs  and morale.  That way we can also reduce the aggresion of many Japanese commanders.

littleike -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/22/2010 3:10:28 PM)

1) A manual with a larger size and a solid upgradable structure (abandon the idea to put it into the dvd box).

2) An integrated report and statistics analyzer (witpstaff,witptracker like) so to avoid java troubles and the need to switch from a desktop application to another.

3) A supertutorial section with gazillions of examples, missions and tips to better learn the rules of the game and how to play it.

4) An optional real time in game help system ( with tips or warning display both at order phase ( example: You cannot disband this unit due to xxx - Warning- destination port size less than tf capacity!) and at end turn level: (Example : Base xxx has no supply, do you want to end turn anyway?) And so on.

5) A gui improvement without twist the actual layout ( i like the actual graphic , specially the game map) with windows resizing and moving capabilities, use of hyperlinks between reports and map locations, a better way to display hex coordinates on the game map when mouse hover over an hex (like now happens with base and TF informations); use of the mouse wheel to zoom in and out from the game map (from a single hex content till the strategic map display.) :)

The Gnome -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/29/2010 8:42:00 PM)

* Would love to see more useful unit formations. For example:
-- Make TF's that can be disbanded into a port, then reformed, without having to select each ship over and over.
-- Allow TF's to be built by using sub units (ie TF38 = Enterprise, Essex, Yorktown + Cruiser Division 2 + Destroyer Squadron 3)

* Lose Altitude for aircraft. Aircraft altitudes should be set by the local commander depending on the mission being run. I know people like doing that, but it really just seems like a silly thing for a theater commander to worry about. We don't set sub depths do we? Also, we only get to set an altitude band for the squadron, so if I want bombers to search, perform asw, and be ready for naval attack they all use the same setting.

* Sub Patrol areas that are independent of ships.
-- Set a patrol area using a number of boundaries, and then set the number of subs you want assigned. The computer will either automatically send replacements when existing patrollers go winchester or bingo, or just send a reminder if you want to do it manually.

oldman45 -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/29/2010 9:12:43 PM)

There sure are a lot of good suggestions, I think I like the GUI and mission planning the best.

Sredni -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (7/8/2010 6:59:57 AM)

As I plan my burma offensive I've thought of a few more ground war improvements.

I'd love the ability to form Army Groups that would function effectively the same way as a Task Force. Form the Army Group in a city and add units to it, assign a general to command it and then that army group would appear as and move as a single unit. Then as units become depleted you could switch them out with other units just like you would with ships in a TF. I could make a 1st army, 2nd army, and Armored Army for my burma offensive instead of individually controlling 50 units during my offensive.

The ability to click on equipment in a ground unit and see the details for that particular piece in the pools. How many are in the pools, how many are produced each month, and during what time period it is produced. Would save a lot of time to be able to check pool levels for equipement directly from a units screen without needing to close the unit, open intelligence, and then open equipment pools.

Adnan Meshuggi -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (7/8/2010 1:08:35 PM)

My wishlist for WITP -2?
1.) better Land war - at the moment it is not good or realistic
2.) Production: both nations could develop new ships. Say, the US get kicked around and loose until may 42 5 carriers and 20 cruisers (including british ships). In this case, the player is allowed to "improve" his production plans. Say, the US can now build for each sunk carrier 3 new carriers. This cost production points (each day the allies get some). If you say, you drop the montanas you save production points now and every day until they start to build the ships. After this day, you get only some % of the production points.
The whole thing is difficult to handle, but i think the usa could build more cvl (say, they drop ALL cruisers and built em as cvl) or cvīs or "expensive" ships like ar or ae or as...
With this, the allied player can counter some things the japanese can do. But - you need time or heavy losses to do so. (each sunk cv gives so much points you can "order" a new essex class... including the planes
3.) Airplane_Production
First - you do not know realistic start-dates for production and how many planes per month will be "produced" (sure, they know this things, but not 3 years ahed and - the war in europe is the other factor)
You can mainpulate the production for the us
a.) by increasing the generell production numbers, say in the moment the USA produce 1000 P47 per month and now 1200
b.) by increasing the %-Numbers of the planes you recive from the generell production, say, 1000 P47 per month, 20% -> 30%

So you can bring in a maximum flexibility, but it costs "prestige" - in the end you could change all to 100% but your Victory is worth nothing cause you needed everything the usa could produce.

Same by ships.

With this, you can beat good japanese player, but you honor their superior gameplay.
4.) Groundforces:
same as 3.)

all things have delay times... if you change the production, it cost time - if you order 5 new divisions it cost time.

5.) the japanese can flexible create "new ships" (say, the japanese player realize he need much more sub-hunter, he build (costs a lot resouces) new slips and facilities, with a delay (say 150 days) the japanese can build more DE or DD...

The general idea is, that you have historical start values, but with time and the new results in the war, things change. You canīt change everything, but you should change so much, that the other side does know only a part of the whole thing.
In the moment i knew exactly how many ships the japanese can have (if he play smart) and on the other side, as the japanese, i can even say that the USS Essex can be in the fleet at Date X. That is stupid.

Maybe impossible to implement, but this would be the best thing to change the 20:20-superiority...

funkpapa -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (7/10/2010 5:49:20 AM)

fuel draw in addition to supply draw. I hate dropping fuel into a base and then watching it get sucked right back out again the next day.

FatR -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (7/10/2010 9:16:31 AM)

1)Good GUI, with no bugs. When making a turn already easily makes up to an hour, it is bloody annoying when the game refuses to open the screen for the airgroup I need or when ship screens aren't in the same orders as ships in the list on the taskforce screen. Some effort towards simplyfing the time-consuming micromanagement, such as being able to select items in bulk, form ground equivalent of task forces, and so on.

2)Better, more comprehensive manual as well.

3)The supply system that finally works without extensive micromanagement. Wouldn't it be nice for supplies at Home Islands to flow to where they needed, instead of pooling in Tokyo?
While we are at it, the supply flow through jungle and other terrain without roads shouldn't be quite so easy. But an option of building or upgrading roads would be nice.

4)A better land combat model. In particular, engagements between very large stacks tend to produce out-of-whack results, and there is no option for a cautious attack in the game after the artillery nerf.

5)Tracking of who sank whom in naval combat. If the game can track kills for individual pilots, this is surely possible.

jwilkerson -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (7/10/2010 6:53:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: bradfordkay

My WitP2 wish? For an unknown rich uncle to leave me enough money to quit work and devote the time necessary to truly enjoy this beast!!! 

Right - when all you guys with c compliers and/or paint programs are ready to get started - let me know! [:D]

(Oh and if you mis-placed your c complier, you can download a new one for free -- MS Visual Studio Express 2010 from here ... [:)]

RUDOLF -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (7/10/2010 7:36:28 PM)

If its true that Allied fighters get a free fighters bounce on Jap Cap in 1944 in AE, then that would be the first thing I would removed in WITP2. [:'(]

Xxzard -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (7/10/2010 10:21:30 PM)

If you want strategy, and tactics, and 3D animations, and piloting individual planes yourself, and forming squadrons at will, and building ships by your order, and ordering planes by batch/series....

This game already exists: it's called Pacific Storm!

Too bad the people who made that game didn't care a bit about the historical aspects of the game, or the gameplay aspects, or making the game run properly. [8|]

Believe me, this is not an endorsement. In my view, and really by just about any standards, WITP is ten times better than Pacific Storm, because it works, it works historically, and it works as a game. People who knew what they were doing made the game, and the level of detail they put into it is amazing. Are there issues? Sure. But it's nothing comparatively to the kind of problems all too common in other "historical" games.

The Gnome -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (7/10/2010 10:40:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: jwilkerson


ORIGINAL: bradfordkay

My WitP2 wish? For an unknown rich uncle to leave me enough money to quit work and devote the time necessary to truly enjoy this beast!!! 

Right - when all you guys with c compliers and/or paint programs are ready to get started - let me know! [:D]

(Oh and if you mis-placed your c complier, you can download a new one for free -- MS Visual Studio Express 2010 from here ... [:)]

I've coded C for 10 years, and would be glad to help. Are you serious, or just trying to make a point? ;)

As an aside, I don't think anyone was criticizing WiTP 1, but that we like it so much we want to see a 2.

Heeward -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (11/3/2010 8:56:10 PM)

Easier pilot selection:
A. Where a player can select several pilots at once for transferring. Example I want 4 level 60+ exp Air skill pilots for my front line squadron

B. Where a player can select a max - min training level and one or more skills - Example I want to cross train Naval Search and ASW skills I first train pilots in Naval Search in one squadron - after reaching a certain level - lets say 60 then I want to transfer that pilot to a squadron training in ASW. To find suitable pilots I would like to set my pilot search to Min Naval skill of 60 and max ASW skill of 60, and return only the pilots that match that criteria.

C. Automatic Graduation when a Pilot reaches a certain level - say 60 in Ground Bombardment that pilot is moved out of the squadron and a new pilot is added to the squadron. Ideally implemented with #2 above.

D. Pilot sort on min or max skills - and returning only those that met that criteria. Multiple skills would be even better.

Senior Ranked Commander Keeps his job:

Currently in the game when the game in when a division is split you get the original commander in charge on one part and in general two lower level leaders in command of the other two parts. Example Major General Bob is in command of the unit. It is then split Part A - Major General Bob, Part B Brigadier General Fred Part C Colonel Ralph; commanding respectively In some cases when the unit is recombined Col Ralph is now in charge of the Division and Major General Bob is sent to the unemployment pool.

Permanent Task Force Organizations

For a certain amount of political points, a permanent Task Force Command would be created. It would be created in the port. It would then be available for assignment to any task force at that port. Alternate would be the replacement of a Junior TF Commander by a more Senior Commander at no political point cost. The big change for me would be the assignment of some of the less desirable admirals to convoy commands. I do not use automatic leader assignment by the way.

Chris21wen -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (11/5/2010 9:00:31 PM)

I originally screwed up and pasted this in WitP when it was supposed to go here.

I do wish you could do something about this.

I've got a large number of LCU that were originnally part of various withdrawn HQs. i.e. Burma Corp etc. In game terms there might not be any effect on them being part of an organistaion that no longer exists but militarily it would be a no no.

This is only part of the problem really as the whole way the game deals with the command structure is wrong. Why should an LCU unit 3000 odd miles away from its HQ suffer no penalties. I know any command HQ will do but militarily it will only do so if it is attached (even temporarily), otherwise the response to 'can I have supplies please' would likely be akin to .... off.

In a game of this size it should be a major part of the game, after all we do have individual pilots!

I know its an old chestnut but I can still wish, but it's probably too late.

AW1Steve -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (11/6/2010 8:36:12 PM)

A selection that allows to "motivate" non or underpreforming commanders. The ability to change out commaders is excellent, but wouldn't it be fun to allow choices such as 1) shoot (My favorite!) 2) demote 3) permanetly assign to supply duty @ (your choice of unpleasant duty stations) 3) permanently retire 4) shoot! (Yes I know I said that one twice, but I really,really like it!). [:D]

But in all seriousness, thanks for a great game and your continous support.[&o][&o][&o] I really wish that I could help, but I'm pretty useless mucking around with computers! [8|]

mike scholl 1 -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (11/6/2010 9:18:22 PM)



A selection that allows to "motivate" non or underperforming commanders. The ability to change out commanders is excellent, but wouldn't it be fun to allow choices such as 1) shoot (My favorite!) 2) demote 3) permanetly assign to supply duty @ (your choice of unpleasant duty stations) 3) permanently retire 4) shoot! (Yes I know I said that one twice, but I really,really like it!). [:D]

Should read "demote to private, assign to the infantry" if you want to motivate them. [:D]

AW1Steve -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (11/6/2010 10:06:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: mike scholl 1



A selection that allows to "motivate" non or underperforming commanders. The ability to change out commanders is excellent, but wouldn't it be fun to allow choices such as 1) shoot (My favorite!) 2) demote 3) permanetly assign to supply duty @ (your choice of unpleasant duty stations) 3) permanently retire 4) shoot! (Yes I know I said that one twice, but I really,really like it!). [:D]

Should read "demote to private, assign to the infantry" if you want to motivate them. [:D]

Yeah,but shooting them would motivate them more. And save money too![:D]

Wikingus -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (11/6/2010 10:44:39 PM)

1. more things should be automated if the player wants it - pilot management comes to mind first and foremost, but having the AI handle other aspects of the game would also come in handy, but of course this should be optional

2. more tooltips should be included...when I hover my mouse over an option in the game, there should be a little box popping up explaining the thing to me, or if it's grayed out there should be an explanation why I can't click on it. There's already quite a lot of these in the game, but every little thing should be included.

3. tutorial and/or a regularly updated manual which included the myriad of little details and things we now have to pick up from the forums

DeZanic -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 8:15:54 AM)

Please have a globe as a map and not a flat one. For absolute precision WITP2 should be played out on a 3d globe with the absolute correct distances and without distortions.

I also would like to see original Japanese nicknames for their aircraft rather than using allied reporting names.

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