RE: WitP2 Wishlist (Full Version)

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Alpha77 -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 9:08:22 AM)

Only what comes to mind first:

- Interface improvements

- Interactive reports (eg. click on a message and it brings you to the spot or unit it is about)

- Generally more feedback why something does not work (eg. why did these bombers not fly even if ordered, what was it mutiny in unit, weather, supply etc?)

- National morale system

- More limited manpower so one needs to actually care about this

- Obvious "issues" still in game

a) High altitude flights, so called stratosweeps
b) Ordered some Bettys to air lay mines at Lunga port it switched to "city attack" even if no "city" is located there to attack,
c) Ordered port attack at Brisbane but some of the units bombed the city = WAD or bug?,
d) Many land units stats all over the place - see recent TD "oh my" thread
e) Dive bonus too severe, escorts disadvantage too severe
f) Seems 1945 BBR rockets are too effective - see Castor AAR
g) Nav bombardements can not be done in reality at a pace like in the game, barrels wear out and the heavier the barrel the faster it wears, in game you can order BBs to bombard every 2nd day if you have replenishment near and this for 2 weeks for example. In reality after a week the barrels needed relining and crews a rest
h) "X" ships should get more malus in ambhib landings at defended beaches, see thread Blitzkrieg

i) May be not bug but design error(?), too many AKs esp. early on, there was a shortage of shipping (also or specific for the ALLIES too!) in game you can park as Allies 150+ xAKs etc. because you have so many. Even for IJN this is the case, if you do not lose half of them of course. Which leads to these ships not valued much by most players, except they have important cargo. If cargo cap was reduced even by 1/3 then players would actually care about xAKs even as Allied player

j) Guess not possible but a better AI, in current state playing vs. AI is only worthwhile for newbies or using fantasy beefed up scens

Alpha77 -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 9:58:15 AM)

Here an idea for a simple production system for the Allies:

- Ability to cancel ships and redirect these yards to build something different, eg. you have not lost many DDs and get "too much" so you can do without eg. 20 DDs build instead build eg. 1 CV or 2 cruisers. Yes, I know that size of yards need to be taken into account, a small yard that can build DDs cannot build a CV.

- Ability to redirect plane builds, eg. you have a TON of fighters and did not lose so many but you lost many Cats. Lets cancel these P40s and build Cats instead, there should be a delay for the factory for retooling (like "damaged" factories for the Japanese if one changes builds). Ofc a cat or 4E bomber would cost more, so lets say an older design fighter like P40 or F4 needs 3 to be cancelled to build 1 Cat. But modern fighters like P47/51 need only 2 to be cancelled for 1 Cat.

- Also a switch to turn off all build systems and simply go for historic plane and ship builds. For IJ players not wanting to deal with the research/production stuff.

Yaab -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 10:06:33 AM)

I disagree on the AI.

I use a few house-rules playing against the Jap AI. Non-universal supply, no fuel as cargo in xAK ships; only F/FB/LightBombers/DB aircraft can bomb in frontline hexes. Believe me, just the non-universal supply is enough to stymie the Allied player. What is this rule? Nations use their national supply - Commonwealth units use Commonwealth supply, US use US-made supply etc. For example, if I want to fight with US LCUs in India, Java, Australia I need to bring US-made supply. In Australia it is even a bigger mess, because I need to move manually US supplies from Townsville to Darwin. China can only recieve US-made supplies via the Hump for their US TOE corps, fighter training takes twice as long because I need to train Ground Attack skill now, tankers need many more escort ships, because I cannot afford to lose any TK/AOs; bomber rule means I have almost no aircraft to perform CAS missions other than obsolete Wirraways etc..

It is super fun and I only play the updated scen001.

Maallon -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 10:41:25 AM)



Only what comes to mind first:

- Interface improvements

- Interactive reports (eg. click on a message and it brings you to the spot or unit it is about)

- Generally more feedback why something does not work (eg. why did these bombers not fly even if ordered, what was it mutiny in unit, weather, morale?)

- Obvious bugs still in game

a) High altitude flights, so called stratosweeps
b) Ordered some Bettys to air lay mines at Lunga port it switched to "city attack" even if no "city" is located there to attack,
c) Ordered port attack at Brisbane but some of the units bombed the city = WAD or bug?,
d) Many land units stats all over the place - see recent TD "oh my" thread
e) Dive bonus to severe, escorts disadvantage to severe
f) Seems 1945 BBR rockets are to effective - see Castor AAR
g) Nav bombardements can not be done in reality at a pace like in the game, barrels wear out and the heavier the barrel the faster it wears, in game you can order BBs to bombard every 2nd day if you have replenishment near and this for 2 weeks for example. In reality after a week the barrels needed relining and crews a rest
h) "X" ships should get more malus in ambhib landings at defended beaches, see thread Blitzkrieg

i) May be not bug but design error(?), too many AKs esp. early on, there was a shortage of shipping (also or specific for the ALLIES too!) in game you can park as Allies 150+ xAKs etc. because you have so many. Even for IJN this is the case, if you do not lose half of them of course. Which leads to these ships not valued much by most players, except they have important cargo. If cargo cap was reduced even by 1/3 then players would actually care about xAKs even as Allied player

j) Guess not possible but a better AI, in current state playing vs. AI is only worthwhile for newbies or using fantasy beefed up scens

a) this works pretty much as intended, countering it with a layered cap is fairly effective
b) this is also the correct behavior even though it is not intuitive, they will drop mines.
see the 4th post:
c) dispersion of bombs and collateral damage, works as intended. Also not every pilot would drop his bombs where he was supposed to drop them historically, especially in bad weather.
d) land unit stats are not all that important as you mostly have to deal with what you have anyway
e) this is historically accurate, if everything else were equal in an air fight the group with an altitude advantage would win the day. As far I have observed until now the air battles work fairly realistic given how they are modeled. You need good def skills for you escorting pilots, also you can sweep a heavily defended base before bombing it.
f) possible balancing issue, make a mod if you don't like it
g) fair point, but works as designed. Maintenance of devices is not really the scope of the game. You also have several tools at you disposal to counter this: mines, air attacks, your own SCTF, subs.
Also battleships eat a ton of fuel and supply, rapid operations will drain your stockpiles fairly quickly.
All in all I would say it is well balanced.
h) this was likely designed with playability in mind, if you make it too low some bases will not be able to be conquered reasonably. It is already very hard to invade bases like Truk as is.
i) not a bug but a design decision for playability. Play DBB-C if you don't like it, cargo capacity of all cargo ships is reduced by 30% in this mod and according to the creator comes closer to the reality of the pacific war.
j) fair point, but certainly not a bug, the AI works as designed

The game has its bugs, but none of the points you have listed is actually a bug.
Also please keep in mind that WITPAE is not a simulation and is fairly unrealistic in a lot of aspects.
The game was designed with playability in mind.

Alpha77 -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 11:52:55 AM)

@Malloon: Figured the straying bombers were W.A.D. as it is realistic esp. in bad weather or night.

Re. the air mining here the report:

Night Air attack on Lunga , at 114,138

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid detected at 120 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 42 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G4M1 Betty x 6

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M1 Betty: 3 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
7 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 8000 feet
City Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb

Mission was mine port but report shows bomb attack at a city which is not there

Also my wording "bugs" is not 100% true you are right I will change it to "issues" [;)]

btd64 -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 12:05:49 PM)

Why?? Why dig up this old thread???[:D][:D][:D]....GP

Platoonist -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 12:35:37 PM)

Wow. A wave of nostalgia. All those avatars that I haven't seen for years and years. [X(]

Platoonist -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 12:48:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Bullwinkle58

Oh, and R&R periods for subs, and crew fatigue ratings for ships.

That one does have my vote. I tried keeping a roster once so that submariners got their obligatory two weeks of downtime in port, but it was a lot of work.

eskuche -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 12:52:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Platoonist

Wow. A wave of nostalgia. All those avatars that I haven't seen for years and years. [X(]

Speaking of recognizing avatars…you’re the guy on the Warplan forum who told me to read more on the Pacific war…so here I am seeing people saying that in fact even in WitPAE there is too much shipping and landing craft [:D]

Platoonist -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 1:06:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: eskuche

Speaking of recognizing avatars…you’re the guy on the Warplan forum who told me to read more on the Pacific war…so here I am seeing people saying that in fact even in WitPAE there is too much shipping and landing craft [:D]

That is quite true of the Allies in this game. They end up with such a surplus of cargo vessels that a lot of players ship them off-board to run supplies between the Americas and Capetown. Landing craft for the Allies don't really make an appearance until 1943, (and they are sloooww to cross the Pacific) but they do arrive in plentiful numbers. Tankers and oilers on the other hand are a scarier commodity.

I believe there was a "bottleneck" mod developed to reduce the current cargo capacity of ships. It helped slow down the pace of the game a bit.

witpqs -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 1:22:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: Platoonist


ORIGINAL: eskuche

Speaking of recognizing avatars…you’re the guy on the Warplan forum who told me to read more on the Pacific war…so here I am seeing people saying that in fact even in WitPAE there is too much shipping and landing craft [:D]

That is quite true of the Allies in this game. They end up with such a surplus of cargo vessels that a lot of players ship them off-board to run supplies between the Americas and Capetown. Landing craft for the Allies don't really make an appearance until 1943, (and they are sloooww to cross the Pacific) but they do arrive in plentiful numbers. Tankers and oilers on the other hand are a scarier commodity.

I believe there was a "bottleneck" mod developed to reduce the current cargo capacity of ships. It helped slow down the pace of the game a bit.

"Da Babes" Scenario 29-C IIRC is the one with smaller cargo capacities.

Another thing you can do as the Allied player is self-limit by not loading fuel into cargo space. To do that, only "load fuel" on fuel types (TK, AO, YO, etc). When using "load Cargo" the game will automatically load fuel into fuel spaces, such as the small fuel transport tanks on Liberty ships.

Platoonist -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 1:37:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: witpqs

When using "load Cargo" the game will automatically load fuel into fuel spaces, such as the small fuel transport tanks on Liberty ships.

Oh yeah..Liberty ships and Victory ships. There is a point in the game where those vessels seem to roll out of the US shipyards like Kripsy Kreme donuts on a conveyor belt. I had to remind myself to check Alameda everyday so a backlog wouldn't develop.

eskuche -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 1:43:19 PM)

I seem to recall reading that they were 7 weeks from layday to donut shop-front. Legend has it if you wait for twelve to accumulate a thirteenth magically appears, delivered by lady liberty herself.

Platoonist -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 1:54:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: eskuche

I seem to recall reading that they were 7 weeks from layday to donut shop-front. Legend has it if you wait for twelve to accumulate a thirteenth magically appears, delivered by lady liberty herself.

It's an amazing production feat. I just wish there was more variety in their names. Scrolling through the list at least half of them seem to be named John or James or Joseph.

RangerJoe -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 2:08:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Platoonist


ORIGINAL: eskuche

I seem to recall reading that they were 7 weeks from layday to donut shop-front. Legend has it if you wait for twelve to accumulate a thirteenth magically appears, delivered by lady liberty herself.

It's an amazing production feat. I just wish there was more variety in their names. Scrolling through the list at least half of them seem to be named John or James or Joseph.

Those are all names of people that were important in US history. Those three first names were very popular.

RangerJoe -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 2:11:12 PM)



@Malloon: Figured the straying bombers were W.A.D. as it is realistic esp. in bad weather or night.

Re. the air mining here the report:

Night Air attack on Lunga , at 114,138

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid detected at 120 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 42 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G4M1 Betty x 6

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M1 Betty: 3 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
7 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 8000 feet
City Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb

Mission was mine port but report shows bomb attack at a city which is not there

Also my wording "bugs" is not 100% true you are right I will change it to "issues" [;)]


When you bomb the port, the port includes the shipyard of which Brisbane has one.

Minelaying by aircraft is a city attack.

RangerJoe -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 2:15:22 PM)



Here an idea for a simple production system for the Allies:

- Ability to cancel ships and redirect these yards to build something different, eg. you have not lost many DDs and get "too much" so you can do without eg. 20 DDs build instead build eg. 1 CV or 2 cruisers. Yes, I know that size of yards need to be taken into account, a small yard that can build DDs cannot build a CV.

- Ability to redirect plane builds, eg. you have a TON of fighters and did not lose so many but you lost many Cats. Lets cancel these P40s and build Cats instead, there should be a delay for the factory for retooling (like "damaged" factories for the Japanese if one changes builds). Ofc a cat or 4E bomber would cost more, so lets say an older design fighter like P40 or F4 needs 3 to be cancelled to build 1 Cat. But modern fighters like P47/51 need only 2 to be cancelled for 1 Cat.

- Also a switch to turn off all build systems and simply go for historic plane and ship builds. For IJ players not wanting to deal with the research/production stuff.

A player should never have too many DDs, there is always something for them to do.

You are asking for a production system for the Allies like what Japan has. If you want to use a production system, play Japanese.

Make a mod with all of the changes that you want to make.

Write new AI scripts, someone would like to play them - at least one person would.

Platoonist -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 2:18:19 PM)



Those are all names of people that were important in US history.

One Joseph in particular. [:D]

BBfanboy -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 2:21:09 PM)





Only what comes to mind first:

- Interface improvements

- Interactive reports (eg. click on a message and it brings you to the spot or unit it is about)

- Generally more feedback why something does not work (eg. why did these bombers not fly even if ordered, what was it mutiny in unit, weather, morale?)

- Obvious bugs still in game

a) High altitude flights, so called stratosweeps
b) Ordered some Bettys to air lay mines at Lunga port it switched to "city attack" even if no "city" is located there to attack,
c) Ordered port attack at Brisbane but some of the units bombed the city = WAD or bug?,
d) Many land units stats all over the place - see recent TD "oh my" thread
e) Dive bonus to severe, escorts disadvantage to severe
f) Seems 1945 BBR rockets are to effective - see Castor AAR
g) Nav bombardements can not be done in reality at a pace like in the game, barrels wear out and the heavier the barrel the faster it wears, in game you can order BBs to bombard every 2nd day if you have replenishment near and this for 2 weeks for example. In reality after a week the barrels needed relining and crews a rest
h) "X" ships should get more malus in ambhib landings at defended beaches, see thread Blitzkrieg

i) May be not bug but design error(?), too many AKs esp. early on, there was a shortage of shipping (also or specific for the ALLIES too!) in game you can park as Allies 150+ xAKs etc. because you have so many. Even for IJN this is the case, if you do not lose half of them of course. Which leads to these ships not valued much by most players, except they have important cargo. If cargo cap was reduced even by 1/3 then players would actually care about xAKs even as Allied player

j) Guess not possible but a better AI, in current state playing vs. AI is only worthwhile for newbies or using fantasy beefed up scens

a) this works pretty much as intended, countering it with a layered cap is fairly effective
b) this is also the correct behavior even though it is not intuitive, they will drop mines.
see the 4th post:
c) dispersion of bombs and collateral damage, works as intended. Also not every pilot would drop his bombs where he was supposed to drop them historically, especially in bad weather.
d) land unit stats are not all that important as you mostly have to deal with what you have anyway
e) this is historically accurate, if everything else were equal in an air fight the group with an altitude advantage would win the day. As far I have observed until now the air battles work fairly realistic given how they are modeled. You need good def skills for you escorting pilots, also you can sweep a heavily defended base before bombing it.
f) possible balancing issue, make a mod if you don't like it
g) fair point, but works as designed. Maintenance of devices is not really the scope of the game. You also have several tools at you disposal to counter this: mines, air attacks, your own SCTF, subs.
Also battleships eat a ton of fuel and supply, rapid operations will drain your stockpiles fairly quickly.
All in all I would say it is well balanced.
h) this was likely designed with playability in mind, if you make it too low some bases will not be able to be conquered reasonably. It is already very hard to invade bases like Truk as is.
i) not a bug but a design decision for playability. Play DBB-C if you don't like it, cargo capacity of all cargo ships is reduced by 30% in this mod and according to the creator comes closer to the reality of the pacific war.
j) fair point, but certainly not a bug, the AI works as designed

The game has its bugs, but none of the points you have listed is actually a bug.
Also please keep in mind that WITPAE is not a simulation and is fairly unrealistic in a lot of aspects.
The game was designed with playability in mind.

(c) attacks on a port that has a shipyard include a chance of hitting the shipyard. Shipyards are industry that can only be hit by City Attack, so the algorithm probably include a chance of some bombers switching to City Attack to try and hit the shipyard.

(g) Best practice might be to replace the liner every few hundred rounds, but that was not always done. I saw a documentary on an old BB (Texas or New York) that sailed up and down the coasts of Japanese held territory during the last two months of the war and bombarded daily. By the end of it, each gun had fired thousands or rounds and the liners were "hanging out of the barrels". I don't know how that works, I guess the anchoring point at the breech let go and only the taper of the bore kept the liner in the gun. Fuel and availability of ammo did not seem to be an issue worthy of mention in the documentary.

+1 on emphasis that it is a game, not a complete simulation. If it was a simulation Japan would be beaten far sooner thanks to player knowledge of historic weaknesses.

RangerJoe -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 2:57:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Platoonist



Those are all names of people that were important in US history.

One Joseph in particular. [:D]


RangerJoe -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/6/2021 3:00:07 PM)







Only what comes to mind first:

- Interface improvements

- Interactive reports (eg. click on a message and it brings you to the spot or unit it is about)

- Generally more feedback why something does not work (eg. why did these bombers not fly even if ordered, what was it mutiny in unit, weather, morale?)

- Obvious bugs still in game

a) High altitude flights, so called stratosweeps
b) Ordered some Bettys to air lay mines at Lunga port it switched to "city attack" even if no "city" is located there to attack,
c) Ordered port attack at Brisbane but some of the units bombed the city = WAD or bug?,
d) Many land units stats all over the place - see recent TD "oh my" thread
e) Dive bonus to severe, escorts disadvantage to severe
f) Seems 1945 BBR rockets are to effective - see Castor AAR
g) Nav bombardements can not be done in reality at a pace like in the game, barrels wear out and the heavier the barrel the faster it wears, in game you can order BBs to bombard every 2nd day if you have replenishment near and this for 2 weeks for example. In reality after a week the barrels needed relining and crews a rest
h) "X" ships should get more malus in ambhib landings at defended beaches, see thread Blitzkrieg

i) May be not bug but design error(?), too many AKs esp. early on, there was a shortage of shipping (also or specific for the ALLIES too!) in game you can park as Allies 150+ xAKs etc. because you have so many. Even for IJN this is the case, if you do not lose half of them of course. Which leads to these ships not valued much by most players, except they have important cargo. If cargo cap was reduced even by 1/3 then players would actually care about xAKs even as Allied player

j) Guess not possible but a better AI, in current state playing vs. AI is only worthwhile for newbies or using fantasy beefed up scens

a) this works pretty much as intended, countering it with a layered cap is fairly effective
b) this is also the correct behavior even though it is not intuitive, they will drop mines.
see the 4th post:
c) dispersion of bombs and collateral damage, works as intended. Also not every pilot would drop his bombs where he was supposed to drop them historically, especially in bad weather.
d) land unit stats are not all that important as you mostly have to deal with what you have anyway
e) this is historically accurate, if everything else were equal in an air fight the group with an altitude advantage would win the day. As far I have observed until now the air battles work fairly realistic given how they are modeled. You need good def skills for you escorting pilots, also you can sweep a heavily defended base before bombing it.
f) possible balancing issue, make a mod if you don't like it
g) fair point, but works as designed. Maintenance of devices is not really the scope of the game. You also have several tools at you disposal to counter this: mines, air attacks, your own SCTF, subs.
Also battleships eat a ton of fuel and supply, rapid operations will drain your stockpiles fairly quickly.
All in all I would say it is well balanced.
h) this was likely designed with playability in mind, if you make it too low some bases will not be able to be conquered reasonably. It is already very hard to invade bases like Truk as is.
i) not a bug but a design decision for playability. Play DBB-C if you don't like it, cargo capacity of all cargo ships is reduced by 30% in this mod and according to the creator comes closer to the reality of the pacific war.
j) fair point, but certainly not a bug, the AI works as designed

The game has its bugs, but none of the points you have listed is actually a bug.
Also please keep in mind that WITPAE is not a simulation and is fairly unrealistic in a lot of aspects.
The game was designed with playability in mind.

(c) attacks on a port that has a shipyard include a chance of hitting the shipyard. Shipyards are industry that can only be hit by City Attack, so the algorithm probably include a chance of some bombers switching to City Attack to try and hit the shipyard.

(g) Best practice might be to replace the liner every few hundred rounds, but that was not always done. I saw a documentary on an old BB (Texas or New York) that sailed up and down the coasts of Japanese held territory during the last two months of the war and bombarded daily. By the end of it, each gun had fired thousands or rounds and the liners were "hanging out of the barrels". I don't know how that works, I guess the anchoring point at the breech let go and only the taper of the bore kept the liner in the gun. Fuel and availability of ammo did not seem to be an issue worthy of mention in the documentary.

+1 on emphasis that it is a game, not a complete simulation. If it was a simulation Japan would be beaten far sooner thanks to player knowledge of historic weaknesses.

If I remember correctly, for some of these bombardment missions, usually the ones later in the war, the amount of powder was reduced and then there was little to no wear.

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