WoodMan -> Addon Discussion (8/3/2010 3:28:16 PM)
Hi guys since it has been announced that there will be an addon for DW (very good news indeed, cheers Elliot/Matrix), I thought I'd start a thread to discuss what kind of things people would want included. I know there is already a wishlist and a modders wishlist in the forum, so I hope this is not overkill. However, the modders wishlist is serving its purpose just fine, and as far as I understand the modders patch will come before the addon, and the general wishlist I notice many things that when I read them I think "no chance, its too big for a patch, something like that would come in an addon". Well a couple of things I would like to see: New Ship classes: most noteably Fighters and Carriers to carry the fighters and launch them into battle, the fighters themselves should not be capable of using hyperdrives. Other suggestion would be a Minelayer, thats right lay minefields around wreckage sites!!! Science ships, some kind of ship that travels between your research stations and the Research Stations of anyone who has a Research Agreement (like a trade agreement) with you, giving small bonus in research everytime they dock. New Tech Tree: Well this could work in two ways, I'd like a tech tree that has improvements that are not components, it could either be a seperate second tech tree or the components could all be incorporated into the new tech tree. Categories could be things such as Diplomacy, Trade, Industry, Subterfuge, Science & Research and Defence. Super Techs: The super techs are in the tech tree (at the end), but greyed out, you can not research them. The only way you can get them is by finding an event (like at a ancient ruin or abandoned space station) which would activate that tech in the tech tree. You still have to research it yourself, and all the previous tech in that branch of the tree before you can research it. My suggestions for these techs are things like: Cloaking Device (invisible ships but uses energy while cloaked), Planetary Shield (immune to bombard or world destroyer, have to be invaded by troops), World Destroyer Weapon (like the Devastation Moon), Wormhole/Stargate technology (build two, and then you can travel instantly between them, but you still of course have to build them both first). Random Events/Objects/Items/Locations etc: Just some ideas: Space Plague - plague breaks out at a colony somewhere in the galaxy which slowly reduces population, ships that dock at that planet or its spaceport can spread the plague to the next planet they dock at. Planets gradually become immune (perhaps depending on their development level) and 'cure' any ship that docks there slowly stoping the spread. Space Accident - A freighter driver got particularly sleepy and crashed his freighter while docking at your spaceport, the spaceport is now badly damaged. Outsiders Arrive - a fleet of refugee Ketarov(example) ships have arrived from outside the galaxy, they have begun a new Empire in the "blah blah system". Assassination - Some political activists have assassinated our leader, chaos ensues -happiness throughout your Empire for 1 year, lower taxes now to compensate! Asteroid Strike - An asteroid has struck our colony on "blah blah planet" wiping out all life and changing the planet to an uninhabitable Barren Rock planet. Breakthrough - A brilliant scientist has made a breakthrough at our research facility "blah blah research facility" giving us knowledge of a new component/tech. Space Probe - We have discovered an ancient probe launched by a pre-hyperdrive race thousands of years ago in the hope of discovering alien life, we have activated the probe and discovered the independant planet "blah blah at sector blah blah"/homeworld of the Attuk Council at planet "blah blah in sector blah blah". Cultural Hotspot - Our colony Sol 2 has been voted the galaxies greatest cultural hotspot, the planet will now gain the functions of a resort base for 4 years as well as acting as a normal colony. You get the idea, there could be literally hundreds of possibilities here!