Useful Info for Beginners (Full Version)

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Chuske -> Useful Info for Beginners (9/15/2010 5:18:22 PM)

As someone fairly new to WITP AE I thought I'd share the resources and threads that have been useful so others new to the game can get a head start.

If anyone else has other resources or threads they think are great for beginners then do post below and I'll edit them into this post at the top. I've only really played as Allies so far so links related to playing as Japan would be appreciated.

I'm posting other threads as links but external sites I'm writing out in full so you can see the URL.

Note on searching the forum.
The forum search function can be a bit troublesome, firstly its better to search with less precise match ticked or to instead use google to search the forum. To google search go to google and type the following:- +"War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition"

adding your search term at the end of that.

Starting Out

Suggested reading when you first start:-

1. Video tutorials by n01487477
2. Newbie Tutorial
3. Newbie FAQ
4. Beginners gets their questions answered and also here


Also there is a wiki's_Edition_Wiki

There was a previous wiki at (currently unavailable but hopefully I gather online again soon)

Small Scenarios

It helps with learning the game to play smaller scenarios before attempting the grand campaign.

You can download more smaller scenarios here

Advice on good scenarios for beginners

Walkthrough of Coral Sea scenario

Guadalcanal scenario advice

Guadalcanal scenario After Action report (AAR) by its designer

Japanese Guadalcanal AAR

Misc Info


Ship abbreviations

How to use your auxiliary ships and also this post

Coordinating airstrikes with fighter cover

Skyros Reference sheets V3 (Original thread by him here)

Port size needed to rearm ship ammo

Carrier sortie rearming

Using HQs

Picking good leaders

Logistics 101

Amphib Assaults

Ship Repairs

Pilot Training

Base Building Times

Grand Campaign

When you're ready for the Grand Campaign then the very place to start is Sardaukar's excellent tutorial guide or see his newer guide

Early war Allies strategy

Allied fuel & supply logistics

Kull has also produced spreadsheets showing good initial orders (vs AI) for first turn of the campaign for Allies and Japan

Other Useful AAR's (After Action Reports) for beginners (Thanks to post by Graymane)

Allied Perspective:

Greyjoy:The Power of Inexperience Greyjoy's ARR (he is a newbie and gets lots of advice)

Andy Mac:Andy Mac v PZB Andy Mac is a dev and gives lots of insight into the game engine

Nemo121:Salutations and solicitations Nemo gives insight into the strategic level of the game and the mind games that go on in a PBEM

jcar:Aussies vs Amis - World Defence jrcar talks a lot about strategy, operations and tactics and how the all relate

CanoeRebel:Here come the Rebels! (Canoe v. Q-Ball)

CanoeRebel:Tokyo Rose was a Hussy!

wneumann:Sleepless on Samoa, the Sequel Very detailed discussion of many strategy topics and things such as pilot training

Q-Ball:Hairy Yankee Reports

BlitzX:Balade of the Newbie vs AI

Japanese Perspective:

PzB:BACK IN BUSINESS - PzB goes East again(st) Andy Mac The other side of the Andy Mac AAR, good things on what Japs can do

Mike Solli:Once Again into the Breach

Japanese Production

Crash Course


Useful Utils

WitP Tracker

Combat Reporter

n01487477 -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (10/4/2010 6:18:39 AM)

bump for beginners who have bought during the sale ... [;)]

n01487477 -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (10/4/2010 6:19:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: n01487477

bump for beginners who have bought during the sale ... [;)] Wish we could have a VSWG thread stickied just like the old witp days ...

Damn duplicate !

Kull -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (10/4/2010 6:37:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: n01487477

bump for beginners who have bought during the sale ... [;)]

Excellent thread - I hadn't seen this before!

Edit: Damian - thanks for those nice video tutorials! Even an experienced player would be advised to check them out. I just learned a few things myself!

Chuske -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (10/4/2010 11:14:44 AM)

Added link to the excellent beginners questions in the main forum. 

Glad some peeps finding this useful, do suggest further links and I'll add them above.  If this is considered useful then maybe it could be make sticky?

AZKGungHo -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (10/4/2010 3:45:47 PM)

As one of those beginners who bought during the sale, I'd LOVE to see a sticky with all the beginners links in it.  As well as info on any other scenarios out there (especially the smaller ones), play aid locations, etc.

Thanks guys!

Skyros -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (10/8/2010 3:15:16 AM)

Here are my most recent version of the reference sheets I use in PDF and excel.

Chuske -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (1/4/2011 2:36:45 PM)

Just bumping this thread in case it's useful for newbies who haven't seen it.  Must try and find time to do an update soon....

stuman -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (1/15/2011 1:34:39 AM)

Good resource.

Skyros -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (1/15/2011 3:54:43 AM)

Don't forget that the manual is a pdf and can be searched as well. There are also two addendum that came with the patches that can be searched as well. There is a lot of information in these documents.


Chuske -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (5/1/2011 11:49:13 PM)

Added a few more links such as the new wiki and the Early War Allies Strategy

Chuske -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (8/9/2011 12:47:25 PM)

More updates.  Added useful AARs and advice on forum search

Chuske -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (8/12/2011 1:36:07 PM)

Added the excellent Logistics 101 thread. 

Any comments welcome.  Anything you want to see here that isn't here already or does anyone feel this thread is redundant and not really needed?

Chuske -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (11/5/2012 5:59:16 PM)

Added a few more links

Micah Goodman -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (12/14/2012 7:39:21 PM)


netjam99 -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (1/5/2013 2:25:38 PM)

Thanks, this was a big help. I played a full campaign years ago vs the AI with the original game (Pac War). Trying to give this WITP AE a go and this helps. By the way I checked out one of those AARs, the one by GrayJoy, holy freaking cow thats an internet gem. Spent better part of a week reading that.

By the way the link for the spreadsheet with the ship types....pure gold!

sprior -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (1/5/2013 2:54:42 PM)

My advice:

Get out while there's still time! Save yourself!

My AAR has got as far as March '43 so far as the allies. Come over and have a look:

ilovestrategy -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (1/6/2013 1:47:20 AM)

Man, I'm thankful for this thread.

ilovestrategy -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (1/6/2013 1:51:14 AM)

Is it possible to play in window mode? That way I can keep checking the manual.

Cpt Sherwood -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (1/6/2013 3:32:48 AM)

Look in the readme.rtf file in the main WitP:AE directory. There are a number of different command line switches and some of them pertain to playing in windowed mode.

Wide Screen Support

New in the third official update:

-px -py

To have any effect x must be greater than 1024 and y must be greater than 768. If values less than or equal to px=1024 and py=768 are used the original values of 1024 and 768 will be substituted.

Spanning mode is not supported and user should ensure that both the video adapter and monitor support the px and py values.

We were unable to test on all possible monitor combinations, if you experience issues you should immediately remove the –px –py from your command line switches to revert to standard display behavior.


-f -px1920 –py1200 for a 1920x1200 monitor in full screen mode

-w –px1680 –py1050 for windowed mode, so that the window is within desktop

Other Switches
-colorBlind : Support for color blindness
-deepColor : Enables 32 bit color, intended for Full Screen mode
-altFont : Enables alternate in-game font (Lucida Sans Unicode)
-w : Windowed mode
-wd : Windowed mode, daily autosaves
-ww : Windowed mode, weekly autosaves
-fd : Full screen, daily autosaves
-fw : Full screen, weekly autosaves
-r : Show Roads
-autosave : Daily autosave
-archive : Put data reports in archive directory
-skipVideo : Skip the intro video when starting the game
-fixedArt : Will not use rotating images

ilovestrategy -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (1/7/2013 9:17:47 AM)

I looked in the read me file as instructed but I'm still confused as what a command switch is. I did find out that I can minimize the game by hitting the window key next to the space bar.

Lokasenna -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (1/7/2013 4:11:21 PM)

You can also minimize with Alt+Tab.

You should add the following to your command line (which you can access by right-clicking and selecting Properties for the shortcut to the .exe, forgive me if you already know how I'm jumping in late here):

-w -pxAAAA -pyBBBB

Where AAAA is equal to or less than your monitor's horizontal resolution (usually something like 1280, 1440, or 1920) and BBBB is equal to or less than the vertical resolution (usually 990, 1080, or 1280). So if you have a big 1920x1080 monitor and want to run it at about 3/4 of your screen size, you'd put in "-w -px1600 -py800".

Hope this helps.

Skyros -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (3/2/2013 3:16:18 PM)

I have updated my reference spreadsheet and created a spreadsheet for allied air production from Scenario 1. The rearm tab is still raw on the reference sheet and needs some work. As always suggestions, corrections etc are always welcome.

Skyros -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (3/2/2013 3:17:47 PM)

Here is the allied air production spreadsheet. Thanks to the Tracker team for the tools to be able to extract this info.

Skyros -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (3/2/2013 3:22:15 PM)

Here is a sample from the reference sheet.


Skyros -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (3/2/2013 3:25:23 PM)

Here is a new tab, hope to add Japanese shipyards soon.


PaxMondo -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (3/5/2013 5:50:36 PM)


Check your numbers for the Hellcat ... they look low. Not sure how as all of the other numbers look right.

Skyros -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (3/6/2013 1:03:34 AM)

Thanks, what a difference 16 to 130 a month.

Here is the new version.

PaxMondo -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (3/6/2013 1:38:31 AM)



Thanks, what a difference 16 to 130 a month.

Here is the new version.

Yep! [;)]

Thanks for the update.

Skyros -> RE: Useful Info for Beginners (3/7/2013 1:37:29 AM)

Found a few more errors so here is a new version. made changes to Vengence I AUS, Hurricane IIB Dutch, Wellington BX BRit, PBY-5 NZ, F-10 Mitchell US Army and P51H UsArmy.

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