RE: A few newbie questions (Full Version)

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chrisol -> RE: A few newbie questions (12/30/2010 4:08:35 PM)



Secondly, is there anywhere a list on the ship type abbreviations? I know the BBs, BCs, DDs, PTs and most of them, but not not all of them are clear. I can always see the ship details, but the difference between ie. CVE and CVL is not obvious to me. Or AK, AKx, etc.

They are in the manual (as stated) but I ended up copying the list into a separate page that I use as a bookmark in the manual - you might find it helpful (it's also got the keyboard shortcuts and a couple of other things I could never remember). It's posted in the War-Room thread here. (I think you have to scroll down a bit to get the latest version, which should be printable in a way that folds up).

And now a question about Supplies moving overland...

Let's say I have a chain of bases overland (like India for example) with reasonable connections:


...and I have lots of supplies at A that I want to shift across to E. I get that I can increase the Supplies requested tab in E base up to pull supplies across, but what do I do at the other bases ? Does A matter as long as the supplies present are higher than the demand ? (or is it the difference between A and E requests ?), and should B, C and D be set to an increasing steps ? (perhaps: 1000, 5000, 8000 and on to 10,000 at E) or should they be set as low as possible ?

Help gratefully appreciated ! (particularly before mainland Asia falls to the Japanese onslaught !)


brian800000 -> RE: A few newbie questions (12/31/2010 7:39:46 AM)




ORIGINAL: brian800000

Does anyone have an idea why my torpedo bombers at singapore are attacking naval targets with bombs? There is an air hq with torpedo supply present.

My guess is that the targets are low value, or I've attacked too high (10000 ft).

Also need to attack only within normal range, not at extended range.

thanks, I think the range may have been the problem.

A new ai curiousity. I still hold singapore, sumatra, and java. A bunch of inj aks and aps just showed up in the indian ocean off the north coast of sumatra heading south. My question is, how did they get there? I can't. Imagine they ran the malacca straits without me noticing.

pacificbetta -> RE: A few newbie questions (12/31/2010 2:32:53 PM)

Hijack the thread a little :P

Does anyone know how exactly is fule consumption of a ship calculated? The manual said fuel is deducted from endurance, does that mean for each endurance that the ship consume when it moves, it exhaust 1 fuel point?

Shellshock -> RE: A few newbie questions (12/31/2010 4:32:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: brian800000

A new ai curiousity. I still hold singapore, sumatra, and java. A bunch of inj aks and aps just showed up in the indian ocean off the north coast of sumatra heading south. My question is, how did they get there? I can't. Imagine they ran the malacca straits without me noticing.

One of cheats available to the AI is the ability to teleport disbanded ships from one port to another. They may have been teleported to a place like Georgetown on the Indian Ocean side of Malaya from elsewhere and then formed up into a Task Force.

brian800000 -> RE: A few newbie questions (12/31/2010 5:24:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: pacificbetta

Hijack the thread a little :P

Does anyone know how exactly is fule consumption of a ship calculated? The manual said fuel is deducted from endurance, does that mean for each endurance that the ship consume when it moves, it exhaust 1 fuel point?

I think for non carrier groups 1 endurance equals 1 mile at cruise speed. Full speed burns a lot more. Divide the endurance by 40 and you get the range in hexes.

pacificbetta -> RE: A few newbie questions (12/31/2010 9:16:18 PM)

Thanks, that is what I thought, but ouch, the Tosu PBs have a fuel of 91, that means a range of less than 3 hex? So does that poor fella starts drawing down his endurance of 1700 after hex 3, or does he slow down the entire convoy to "refuel from other ships"?


ORIGINAL: brian800000


ORIGINAL: pacificbetta

Hijack the thread a little :P

Does anyone know how exactly is fule consumption of a ship calculated? The manual said fuel is deducted from endurance, does that mean for each endurance that the ship consume when it moves, it exhaust 1 fuel point?

I think for non carrier groups 1 endurance equals 1 mile at cruise speed. Full speed burns a lot more. Divide the endurance by 40 and you get the range in hexes.

pacificbetta -> RE: A few newbie questions (12/31/2010 10:01:05 PM)

Also, does anyone know when can the Jap player start to "Convert Cargo Space to carry Troops"?

brian800000 -> RE: A few newbie questions (12/31/2010 10:03:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: pacificbetta

Thanks, that is what I thought, but ouch, the Tosu PBs have a fuel of 91, that means a range of less than 3 hex? So does that poor fella starts drawing down his endurance of 1700 after hex 3, or does he slow down the entire convoy to "refuel from other ships"?


ORIGINAL: brian800000


ORIGINAL: pacificbetta

Hijack the thread a little :P

Does anyone know how exactly is fule consumption of a ship calculated? The manual said fuel is deducted from endurance, does that mean for each endurance that the ship consume when it moves, it exhaust 1 fuel point?

I think for non carrier groups 1 endurance equals 1 mile at cruise speed. Full speed burns a lot more. Divide the endurance by 40 and you get the range in hexes.

No, I think fuel is just the amount of fuel points held by the ship. So if a PB has an endurance of 1700 and a max fuel point of 91, it can still go 40+ hexes without refueling. I assume fuel points are just burned in proportion to how far you have gone (ie, if you travel that PB 850 miles, you would burn about 45 fuel points).

brian800000 -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/1/2011 9:35:42 PM)

Is bombing ground troops effective?

My thoughts based on Japanese bombing of my troops in China was no. However, I've been bombing the Japanese troops as they marched down Malaya and in our first battle I cleaned their clock with them showing a negative combat modifier for disruption. I'm not sure whether that high level of disruption is becuase they just marched through Malaya or if it is because I was bombing them.

DivePac88 -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/1/2011 11:26:09 PM)

Yes bombing can be very effective against ground units in the open, and or moving. But maybe not so effective against troops that are dig-in behind forts. In my book any way that you can effect the disruption and morale of enemy ground units is worth it.

Alfred -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/2/2011 1:00:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: brian800000


ORIGINAL: pacificbetta

Thanks, that is what I thought, but ouch, the Tosu PBs have a fuel of 91, that means a range of less than 3 hex? So does that poor fella starts drawing down his endurance of 1700 after hex 3, or does he slow down the entire convoy to "refuel from other ships"?


ORIGINAL: brian800000


ORIGINAL: pacificbetta

Hijack the thread a little :P

Does anyone know how exactly is fule consumption of a ship calculated? The manual said fuel is deducted from endurance, does that mean for each endurance that the ship consume when it moves, it exhaust 1 fuel point?

I think for non carrier groups 1 endurance equals 1 mile at cruise speed. Full speed burns a lot more. Divide the endurance by 40 and you get the range in hexes.

No, I think fuel is just the amount of fuel points held by the ship. So if a PB has an endurance of 1700 and a max fuel point of 91, it can still go 40+ hexes without refueling. I assume fuel points are just burned in proportion to how far you have gone (ie, if you travel that PB 850 miles, you would burn about 45 fuel points).

IMHO, I don't think this quite explains it clearly enough for new players. So here goes an attempt to explain fuel consumption more fully/clearly.

The distance a ship can travel is determined by it's endurance number (see page 105 of the manual). Each hex travelled uses up a certain amount of endurance. At cruise (or lesser) speed, the endurance used up is 40 x number of hexes travelled. Hence at cruise speed a ship which travels 4 hexes reduces its starting endurance by 160 (ie 40 x 4). Travelling at flank speed, the endurance reduction is an additional 240 endurance per hex moved beyond the distance traversed which the cruise speed setting would have achieved.

The fuel points listed on a ship's screen should be read as the amount of fuel, measured in tonnes, in the fuel tanks. When refueling the ship, an equivalent fuel point (or tonne) will be removed from the port fuel stockpile. Hence if a ship has only 1 fuel point left out of its maximum 91, when it refuels it will transfer 90 fuel points (tonnes) from shore to its fuel tanks.

Note that different ship classes can burn fuel at different economy rates steaming at the same rate. Hence different ship endurance totals can result from the same fuel points.


brian800000 -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/2/2011 5:19:39 AM)

I've come upon my first airgroup withdrawals. The chinese ones were easy: I just withdrew the planes. But for the American ones, I don't have an option to withdraw and can only disband. Is this what I need to do? They are in the Eastern US, if that matters.

Alfred -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/2/2011 5:50:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: brian800000

I've come upon my first airgroup withdrawals. The chinese ones were easy: I just withdrew the planes. But for the American ones, I don't have an option to withdraw and can only disband. Is this what I need to do? They are in the Eastern US, if that matters.

Yes, just disband.

As a generalisation, both disband and withdraw buttons will be available for groups due to be withdrawn but also scheduled to return subsequently. Only the disband button will be available for groups which are scheduled to be withdrawn permanently, not to return subsequently. This represents the permanent loss of men and planes of these permanent withdrawal units which were sent to other theatres, not to return historical to the PTO.


brian800000 -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/2/2011 8:17:26 AM)




ORIGINAL: brian800000

I've come upon my first airgroup withdrawals. The chinese ones were easy: I just withdrew the planes. But for the American ones, I don't have an option to withdraw and can only disband. Is this what I need to do? They are in the Eastern US, if that matters.

Yes, just disband.

As a generalisation, both disband and withdraw buttons will be available for groups due to be withdrawn but also scheduled to return subsequently. Only the disband button will be available for groups which are scheduled to be withdrawn permanently, not to return subsequently. This represents the permanent loss of men and planes of these permanent withdrawal units which were sent to other theatres, not to return historical to the PTO.


Thanks, but it makes me wonder whether some of the units need to be in the game. What is the point of squadrons that are permanently restricted to the US and withdraw during January with both their pilots and planes?

Alfred -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/2/2011 9:10:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: brian800000




ORIGINAL: brian800000

I've come upon my first airgroup withdrawals. The chinese ones were easy: I just withdrew the planes. But for the American ones, I don't have an option to withdraw and can only disband. Is this what I need to do? They are in the Eastern US, if that matters.

Yes, just disband.

As a generalisation, both disband and withdraw buttons will be available for groups due to be withdrawn but also scheduled to return subsequently. Only the disband button will be available for groups which are scheduled to be withdrawn permanently, not to return subsequently. This represents the permanent loss of men and planes of these permanent withdrawal units which were sent to other theatres, not to return historical to the PTO.


Thanks, but it makes me wonder whether some of the units need to be in the game. What is the point of squadrons that are permanently restricted to the US and withdraw during January with both their pilots and planes?

Look around the AE forum and you will find many threads were complaints are made that the game is just not historically accurate enough.[:)] If these units were not present there would be a wail of protest from the usual suspects.[;)]

To be less flippant, if one really ... really ... tries hard enough, some "justification" for the presence of these units would be:

1. They provide some additional on hand forces to deal with a Japanese landing on the West Coast on 7 December 1941
2. They provide additional (albeit for a limited time) training places for flight school students
3. Before disbandment, the better pilots can be harvested and replaced by rookies
4. IIRC some of the units are issued with front line airframes which can be substituted with obsolete airframes, the net result being a modest boost to the Allied aircraft pools of the most modern airframes
5. IIRC, some of the units could be reattached to an unrestricted HQ if the PPs are paid. Once unrestricted the unit could be rushed to the front
6. Being already present in the OOB makes it easier for modders to incorporate them in alternative history mods


pacificbetta -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/3/2011 3:21:53 AM)

Another hijack :P

If I place a AF unit on "rest" does it still provide aviation support to planes based in the same hex?

Alpha77 -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/3/2011 3:39:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: pacificbetta

Another hijack :P

If I place a AF unit on "rest" does it still provide aviation support to planes based in the same hex?

This is not adviseable at all. Esp. when you have baseforces with AA, the AA won´t shoot at "rest" status and I *believe" they also do not provide aviation support either....

vicberg -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/3/2011 4:05:02 AM)

AF units on rest provide air support.  Look at the base and those units will add into the total air support for the base.  The AA doesn't fire in rest and the engineers that are part of the AF unit don't build or repair.  Once you move them out of rest, you'll see the # of engineers at the base increase. 

pacificbetta -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/4/2011 12:35:33 AM)

Torpedo usage


When a group is ordered to attack ships, the group checks for any BF or HQ in the same base. If one is found, a number of torpedoes equal to the planes are expended from the BF or HQ.

If no HQ or BF is found, then a HQ with the base within the HQ's Command Radius is checked for. If one is found, then torpedoes are expended from it.

Regarding the bolded text, if a squadron is based in a hex that belongs to 16 Army. It has no torpedo ordance within the base. However it is within command range of the "Southern Army". Supply levels and other checks aside, does this meet the requirement to have the planes run a torpedo strike?

PS: Command HQ refers to Kwantung, China Expedition, General Defence etc, those that the name of the "base", correct?

brian800000 -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/4/2011 5:05:47 PM)

A couple of questions that may be simple but are important....can you withdraw ships early?I am hoping not, because the dominion monarch is almost due for withdrawal but despite moving it to colombo, karachi, and now abadan I can't get it to withdraw.

Second, I thought I was going to be tough to dig out of the pi, but the airstrikes are depleting my supply. Have I done something wrong or is this how the last stand in the pi generally goes, at 25% effectiveness due to a lack of supply?

USSAmerica -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/4/2011 5:10:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: brian800000

A couple of questions that may be simple but are important....can you withdraw ships early?I am hoping not, because the dominion monarch is almost due for withdrawal but despite moving it to colombo, karachi, and now abadan I can't get it to withdraw.

Second, I thought I was going to be tough to dig out of the pi, but the airstrikes are depleting my supply. Have I done something wrong or is this how the last stand in the pi generally goes, at 25% effectiveness due to a lack of supply?

Brian, you should be able to withdraw ships early. Even if it is excessively damaged it should be able to withdraw at an off map base like Abadan. Are you possibly using the beta patch? It has a reported problem with some buttons missing. Do you see the withdraw button for any ship, anywhere? This may be your problem.

Second, yeah, that's usually how it goes. [:D] 1941 and early 1942 are not fun times for the Allies.

Misconduct -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/4/2011 5:14:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: brian800000

A couple of questions that may be simple but are important....can you withdraw ships early?I am hoping not, because the dominion monarch is almost due for withdrawal but despite moving it to colombo, karachi, and now abadan I can't get it to withdraw.

Second, I thought I was going to be tough to dig out of the pi, but the airstrikes are depleting my supply. Have I done something wrong or is this how the last stand in the pi generally goes, at 25% effectiveness due to a lack of supply?

You can withdraw anyship at anytime, for good reason I leave British ships around Ceylon, and keep a sharp eye on air groups, nothing sucks more then transporting a fighter unit due to withdrawal then find out its on a transport.

PI is tough to defend, on the ground you are fine till the airstrikes take out supplies, then you are pretty much out of luck till the steam roller comes in.

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/4/2011 5:40:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: Misconduct

You can withdraw anyship at anytime, for good reason I leave British ships around Ceylon, and keep a sharp eye on air groups, nothing sucks more then transporting a fighter unit due to withdrawal then find out its on a transport.

You can withdraw ships anytime after the button appears. I've never plotted it, but isn't it about 20 days out? Or am I dreaming?

brian800000 -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/4/2011 6:33:18 PM)

I think what may have been confusing me is that under the public beta there is a bug under which the button doesn't appear. I tried it under the old patch and it worked.

An emergency naval evacuation of singapore or other base isn't really feasible in this game because lthe units will come out of strat mode when attacked. Is that correct? It is going to be a sad day for me when singpore falls as I still have air superiority, the use of the naval base, and a lot of av there (just less av).

Alfred -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/4/2011 7:14:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Bullwinkle58


ORIGINAL: Misconduct

You can withdraw anyship at anytime, for good reason I leave British ships around Ceylon, and keep a sharp eye on air groups, nothing sucks more then transporting a fighter unit due to withdrawal then find out its on a transport.

You can withdraw ships anytime after the button appears. I've never plotted it, but isn't it about 20 days out? Or am I dreaming?

Withdraw button appears when ship is 30 days away from withdrawal date. Corresponds with filter on ship withdrawal list in info screen.


Bullwinkle58 -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/4/2011 8:09:37 PM)



Withdraw button appears when ship is 30 days away from withdrawal date. Corresponds with filter on ship withdrawal list in info screen.

That makes sense. Thanks.

wdolson -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/4/2011 8:22:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: brian800000

I think what may have been confusing me is that under the public beta there is a bug under which the button doesn't appear. I tried it under the old patch and it worked.

An emergency naval evacuation of singapore or other base isn't really feasible in this game because lthe units will come out of strat mode when attacked. Is that correct? It is going to be a sad day for me when singpore falls as I still have air superiority, the use of the naval base, and a lot of av there (just less av).

Units in strat mode won't come out of strat mode when attacked. They will suffer heavy losses and stay in strat mode. Units in move mode will change to combat mode when attacked.


Alpha77 -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/5/2011 8:38:27 PM)

@ Bill: Sorry to ask again, but units in MOVE mode also suffer more than those that are in combat mode ?

@ Bryan:You cannot do much hold Singers, Phils and/or Rangoon in my experience (which are only 2 games btw.) [;)] In my 2nd game I had good experience with withdrwing the worthy units to India asap. I just left some weak units.....the upside of this is you can go to the offensive in 10 or 11 of 42 easily in Burma (when you rest, train and supply your units good in India). Also recombine the divisions !

brian800000 -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/8/2011 6:45:51 AM)

Hello all, I need a little help understanding LCUs. I'm picking out the 17th Group Army Corps HQ unit as an example, which just got mauled in my game.

In the upper left of the screen, there is the display 45/64. What do those numbers mean?

Also, in the center of the screen, it says that the unit consists of "Support (17) x 41." I'm assuming this means it has 41 squads of support, and can have 17 more added to it. Is this correct?

When I click the TOE button, a new screen comes up that shows "Support x 90". I have no idea what this means.

wdolson -> RE: A few newbie questions (1/8/2011 6:55:09 AM)

The unit can have a total of 90 support squads.  It currently has 41 good squads and 17 understrength/disabled squads.  If given a chance, the disabled squads will repair, the missing squads will have to be replaced from the pool.


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