SoliInvictus202 -> Ancient empires against colonies - a companion AAR to "Aussies vs Austrians" - Japs only please (9/21/2010 2:18:56 PM)
Hi everyone, I've thought about starting an AAR for very long now (even before I had a game going ;) ) and as my Australian friend and mortal enemy in my game has started one I thought it would only be good for the readers to have an insight into the Japanese operations as well! -----no "Itdepends" beyond this point---- First of all, a total maniac and newbie was given command of the Japanese side - he doesn't know much about the game as of yet, but he is certainly eager to perform well in the war that was forced upon him and his emperor by the warmongering Allies! any advice that you will give me is more than welcome - can't wait to get more than just my own oppinion on my kamikaze operations....most of you will, no doubt about that, shake their heads when they see what I do and plan to do [:D] oh and before I start - please forgive my many mistakes in English - it's far from being perfect - but I come from Austria! now to the campaign: this is my first game as Japanese (got another one going at the same stage) so it's basically a "try and error" process! although I read a lot of AARs - it's most difficult to reproduce some complex operations - especially timing, which is of course as always in war - the crucial point! I will add screenshots as soon as I have time to work on them.....unfortunately I still haven't figured out on how to get the hexes away - because the way I've been told to do so only gets me stronger blue and green line - it doesn't make them go away [&:] the overall strategy is: China: clear up the south and threaten Changsha and the souther way to Chunking with the troops available in that sector while the main thrust will come over Sian and the nothern route - full PP has been paid for all available artillery out of the restricted areas - not knowing how much infantry I could relocate from there in order to not "undergarrison" these areas I didn't take any so far! I also plan to use 2 tank regiments to make a deep thrust into northern China and take all the ressource centres there - it's a long way - but I hope it's worth it!- not sure if I can maintain adequate supply lines though - we'll see... Phillipines: North: use the 4th Division and all assets from Pescadores to reinforce the initial landing parties and prepare them all for a long siege of Bataan already - I have no rush in taking this position, because once I've taken Manila and only Bataan remains I have little to worry about - supplies will run out eventually for the Americans, as I know from my game as Allied that aroudn 45000 supplies is pretty much the maximum my opponent can get there (I hope I'm not totally wrong there already [;)]) South: landing at Davao to take that large Island - one detachment of Legaspi will prep for Cebu and the main force that was destined for "Kuching" will move to take San Jose and Taytay as another one will take Puerto Princesa in the same turn as Taytay is being attacked! (so much for the plan) Covering forces for Phillipines and Eastern DEI: 3rd Carrier Division: starting with CVL Ryujo and Taiyo until CVL Zuiho and CVE Hosho have arrived from Japan with their upgraded airplanes - then 3rd CarDiv will consist of both CVLs while the 4th CarDiv will use both CVEs (mainly to cover landing ops), 2 Mobile SCTFs both consisting of 2BBs plus DDs and 2 CruiserDivs Malaya and Borneo: initially I planned for the Mersing Gambit with the reinforcements for Singora and the 33rd Division from Japan but I decided against it due to several reasons as discussed with my opponent - the Imperial Guards Division was sent via rail to Malaya with supporting assets I plan on first taking Malaya and then attack Sumatra with Java being the last nut to crack - I do plan on letting the Allies produce fuel at Palembang for me as long as possible as no tanker will leave Palembang and survive - to achieve this Sinkawang is to be taken and 2 squadrons of Nells are to be stationed there Miri, Beaufort and Jesselton will fall in the first wave, with the rest of the bases taken via land - these units will then take the eastern side of Borneo with the 3rd wave-objective being Balikpapan! Solomons-Fiji-New Guinea-Australia: 4 AmphibTFs will take the northern side of NG as planned by the AI - to make my opponent believe I do all the way it's supposed to happen all forces will be gathered to the attack Rabaul, Kavieng and Shortlands simultanously - supported by one Mobile TF with 2 BBs and one Cruised Div (Bombardement) - long range cover will be given by Kido Butai operation will commence as soon as Paratroops have been relocated to Truk to deal with any possible escape routs! Fiji/New Caledonia is the main target - although I expect that my enemy will start to build up there ASAP - it's SOP to do that - so I'm unsure whether I already posess the necessary skills to conduct these operations - but I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it Tarawa, Ocean Island and Nauru island will fall in the first wave while Baker Island and Canton are targets for second and 3rd wave! Wake will fall as soon as the cover forces for Rabaul are available: mainly 1 Mobile TF to conduct a bombardement there! I have no ambition in Australia whatsover except for submarine operations DEI: my most ambititous plan is in the DEI area: 1st Wave: Ternate, Manado - as already given my AI - cover forces as already mentioned 2nd Wave: Ambon (A strong enemy position so more units will be needed) and maybe Kendari 3rd Wave Koepang - a AirFlotilla will be dispatched for this to make Koepang a strong base to interdict any evacutaions to Darwin from Java - Perth is out of reach for me but I have dispatched 2 LR-subs with Glens to maybe sink a few of his transports there so much for the plan - any ideas, suggestions already? - am I as brain-frozen as I feared I'd be? [:D] screens will follow soon - having served in the military I know that a good map is worth 3 hours briefing by your CO! Best Regards, Roland