RockinHarry -> RE: AAR HSG Urrah (10/3/2010 11:20:49 AM)
I do not want to interfer with this AAR (while enjoying it [:)] ) and itīs probably a topic for a different thread, but I have a little bit of trouble identifying the forested areas. It all looks like lightly forested ground, but probably itīs a mix of dense, light and open terrain with single trees, right? I understand you can not place the mass of tree objects, required to present the various areas properly and 6000 tree objects alone surely is demanding lots of computer resources. I think it would help, by adding a way darker and shadowy ground texture at those places which presents densely forested ground. Also adding more trees at the edges of dense forest patches and less in the interior would help to get a better grasp of the map structure, without going overboard with tree object count. With regard to LOD, at far view one could implement a single patch "forest object", roughly covering the densely forested area. This would be similar to what is used in SSIīs Panzer Commander tank sim and some other games. At close up view, one can replace single trees with larger billboards, covering a wider area of dense trees in the interior at the given LOS limit, which might be between 30 to 50m. Is things like that implemented in PCO, or planned for PC4? [8D]