RE: October it is... (Full Version)

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LoBaron -> RE: October it is... (4/28/2011 7:19:10 PM)

18th Nov. 42

Several engagements came out empty for both sides, maybe except for retreating CA Kingusa
which was hit 2-3 times by 8 inchers and DD Bancroft also collected a couple of bullets.

I will try to catch damaged ships with a couple of subs in the area, we will see.
Rob thinks that BB Kirishima is sunk, I hope he is right. She will be out of action for the invasion phase and thats the most important.
I am not interested in long time damage to the IJN yet, but for the next few weeks I have to be able to achieve local naval superiority.

In PH the Soldiers of the 1st Marine Corps board their transports. [;)]

LoBaron -> RE: October it is... (4/29/2011 5:35:12 PM)

18th -19th Nov. 42

Ok finally the USN and IJN decided that enough is enough, the Japanese cruisers departing north while my force split into two groups,
the ships with only superficial damage returning to Noumea, 3 DDs - which will take a bit longer to repair - to Vavau.

The subs I sent in the way of the retreating Japanese ships got a hard contact which leaves open some question marks:

Sub attack near Ontong Java at 116,125

Japanese Ships
DD Sazanami
BB Mutsu
CA Nachi
CA Haguro
CA Myoko
CL Tenryu
CL Kitakami
DD Makigumo
DD Akebono
DD Arare

Allied Ships
SS Guardfish

Mutsu? On course SW? Which means in the direction of Lunga.

This is something to think about. If you are aware of heavy USN presence, would you expose another 4 major combatants and 2 light cruisers without
additional recon of the southern area?

Yes, probably, if KB is right behind them. Hm.

My CV group is south, a 2 days travel from Noumea. I feel the time for a couple of tough decisions coming...

On another end of the map, at PH, the amphibs finished loading and the order to depart is only hours away. No spying subs were sighted to the NW
over the last couple of weeks but still the first run to Midway will be quiet. At Midway the fleet will turn WNW and then aproach Marcus Island from the NE.

LoBaron -> Re: (4/30/2011 9:41:54 AM)

20th Nov. 42

Ok just a short question:

What do you guys think this implies?


840 Troops, 1 Gun.
5 Units?

I got explanations but what is the most likely? Please note that the intel stayed about in the above range for a couple of turns now.

- FOW, recon level is high but not high that the numbers are extremely reliable. In truth there are more troops on Marcus than I see.
- FOW, in truth there are less units there than I see. The troop count is more or less valid.
- Fragmented troops to avoid troops loss in case of conquest.
- A number of very small Japanese units (are there some? I believe yes, but it does not make sense to me to put em on one island)

Anyway, operation "Right Jab", the invasion of Marcus Island, has been launched. Its a genuine invasion, not a fake. I pondered long about whether
I should do this, but I do not believe Mike will fall for a cheap fake, and if he decides that it is I want some benefit out of the op.

TF composition looks like this:

Invasion force carrying the 1st Marines:
Flag: BB Oklahoma
1CL, 4DD, 1DMS, 3AP, 1xAP

Escort Group:
Flag: CA Chicago

Escort Car Div:
Flag: CA Quincy
CVEs Nassau, Altamaha, Copahee and Prince William
5 DD

Mine sweeping Group:

Supply Group:
5 AK

Supporting the invasion about 15 fleet submarines departed Midway today and form patrol barriers N, SW and S of Marcus island.

2 days befor the invasion begins I will start with additional recon flights over the Marshalls to decept the deception...

The invasion fleet under command of RADM Fechteler will head Midway, refuel there and then move to attack.

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (4/30/2011 3:36:03 PM)

If that intel is wrong , there would have to be a huge margin of error to deter the invasion. but only a fragment ? that seems a very odd choice to deploy there imo. Unless Offenceman is so deeply involved in china and Burma he hasn't done anything about the 'inner defense' zone and is relying on the outer solomons/marshalls etc. I which case i hope the invasion succeeds beyond our wildest dreams (ie take the place with minimal losses and no KB involvement).

Commonwealth involvement for the upcoming event is the invasion of Horn Island with the possibility of hitting PM and Milne Bay. Milne seems to be void of enemy troops and PM not held by much. However its all Australians prepping/prepped for these targets so we don't have a huge hammer and limited air power. It'll be much more intuitive rather than planned if we hit these targets (bar horn island which is certain). Japanese response will really dictate what happens next. The RN is en route to Perth (2 days) and will assist in E Australia until we lose our last CV to withdrawals in December.

wish us luck ! , as i fear we might need a large dose [;)]

EUBanana -> RE: Re: (4/30/2011 4:20:16 PM)



20th Nov. 42

Ok just a short question:

What do you guys think this implies?


840 Troops, 1 Gun.
5 Units?

I got explanations but what is the most likely? Please note that the intel stayed about in the above range for a couple of turns now.

- FOW, recon level is high but not high that the numbers are extremely reliable. In truth there are more troops on Marcus than I see.
- FOW, in truth there are less units there than I see. The troop count is more or less valid.
- Fragmented troops to avoid troops loss in case of conquest.
- A number of very small Japanese units (are there some? I believe yes, but it does not make sense to me to put em on one island)

A couple of tiny Japanese engineering units? They have plenty of those - shipping engineering battalions, IJNAF companies, etcetera. Lil baseforces with 8 aviation support and half a dozen engineers each. Maybe a 15 AV naval guard unit.

Recon is very very dodgy in this game though, I hardly ever believe a word it says.

LoBaron -> RE: Re: (4/30/2011 10:00:19 PM)





20th Nov. 42

Ok just a short question:

What do you guys think this implies?


840 Troops, 1 Gun.
5 Units?

I got explanations but what is the most likely? Please note that the intel stayed about in the above range for a couple of turns now.

- FOW, recon level is high but not high that the numbers are extremely reliable. In truth there are more troops on Marcus than I see.
- FOW, in truth there are less units there than I see. The troop count is more or less valid.
- Fragmented troops to avoid troops loss in case of conquest.
- A number of very small Japanese units (are there some? I believe yes, but it does not make sense to me to put em on one island)

A couple of tiny Japanese engineering units? They have plenty of those - shipping engineering battalions, IJNAF companies, etcetera. Lil baseforces with 8 aviation support and half a dozen engineers each. Maybe a 15 AV naval guard unit.

Recon is very very dodgy in this game though, I hardly ever believe a word it says.

Thanks EUBanana, good suggestions.
If I had to decide I´d vote for the small BF plus some CD and/or nav guard unit. The fact that I sighted the single gun at all could simply
mean well hidden and fortified arty pieces.

Until now I noticed quite some underclaiming on ground intel - which would be historical, so in fact I like it.

Still, there are ok chances the 1st Marines can handle the task. Crack troops and Vandegrift is a nice combination I heard. [;)]
They are 100% prepped.

Currently I think there is only a high chance of the mission going awry in case KB shows up. And he will need the carriers soon in the south
except if he likes to lose Guadalcanal and open the door to island hopping.
So either he smashes "Right Jab" it and gobbles up fuel and airframes before the really deciding invasion starts, or I take Marcus.

Both situations can be turned into advantages.

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (5/7/2011 2:38:29 PM)

Hello readers , no updates for a few turns as the games gone a bit slow both in game and IRL where several players have rather hectic schedules.

However hers whats been happening upto the 26th Nov 1942.


To try and reduce the attention that chikikang (south china) has been receiving from Japan, the Chinese communists have marched east from Sian and are at 2-1 in AV against the Japanese forces shown in the piccie below. There is a large BUT coming ofc. 2-1 is not good enough in this terrain given we are facing a stack of pure Japanese troops and no fragile 'allies' from the warlord or Manchurian contingents. and once again supply reared its ugly head in the ~Sian area as soon as Japan started hitting us with heavy bombing runs. Chinese and American bombers from Chungking hit the japs with recon SBIII's flying from Sian to provide targeting Intel (the Chinese AF has been recon trained for just this contingency and lack of dedicated recon planes in china). Japan has the foresight to fly some Oscar CAP and bagged 4 A29's for one Oscar shot down by a Chinese A29, first bomber kill for Chinese airforce. With Sian dropping to naff all supply, Chinese fighters cannot fly into the area to help. So the bombers have been tasked with supply runs to Sian and the Recons moved to N china (where there is supply) for a nose around for any weak spots there. The infantry has been ordered to withdraw one hex West. Overall , a waste of time and supply , but never the less it keeps Japan honest with his defenders.


Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (5/7/2011 3:38:50 PM)


I have been keeping track of supply levels in Mandalay for a past few turns and for interest here is the results.

16/11 5172
18/11 4133
22/11 5675
24/11 3114
26/11 20

Let me elaborate a bit :-

Swebo has its usual 20 supply stuck in the usual starvation levels and i the troops went foraging (IE moved out one hex) to pick up some supplies on the 18th (hence the drop).

On the 24th I switched on fort and airfield building in Mandalay and Swebo (as a test) .. Mandalay did get a few points in both while Swebo gained all of 1% on fort levels (its been on fort 1 for months now) I would dearly love to get its airfield up so it pulls in better supply but its nigh on impossible to built it up. Even with over 800AV and an HQ in it. all construction has since been halted.

On the 26th Japan launched its bombardments again , this hammers my supply levels even though 1/2 the dedicated arty is back in Mythilinka and Kathka on rest orders to try and regain some morale (v v slow improving these puppies.

FYI :-

In Mythilinka on rest (1972 supply)

2/9 Field artillery, 49 Morale.

In Katha on rest (3604 supply) with eastern army HQ commanded by vinegar Joe Slim (insp 72 and prepped for Mandalay 100% , in range)

8th Medium Regiment 33 Morale
2/11 Field regiment 32 morale
2/23 field regiment 43 morale
102 RAF Base force 10 morale (new commander assigned with 59 inspiration and 64 admin)(was 44/56)

In Mandalay, The Burma Corps HQ is down to 39 morale and no effect leaving it on reserve. With a range of 1 I am unhappy moving this HQ out, but with General Alexander in charge I'm suprise its morale is so bad. Other poor morale units in Mandalay are the Base forces from 24-35, all combat troops are at least 50 with the 17th Indian /C division on 52. The bigger formations are all quite happy on 80+ Morale. But we are now supply short on 3 units , one AA gun regiment , the 17th Indian /C and the 5th Chinese Corps. Its quite amazing how the supply goes on counter bombardments.

Ground combat at Mandalay (59,46)

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 675 troops, 59 guns, 45 vehicles, Assault Value = 3385

Defending force 96447 troops, 1534 guns, 1692 vehicles, Assault Value = 3472

Japanese ground losses:
Guns lost 11 (3 destroyed, 8 disabled)
Vehicles lost 28 (3 destroyed, 25 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
31 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Even with a good number of arty guns away from Mandalay the counter fire was still effective.

Flying supply in from Ledo / Dacca and now Dimapur (to Katha and Mythilinka to avid Jap LRCAP )are :-

AC Number Capacity

B18 18 2200
C-33 13 2400
C-47 119 6000
DC-3 12 6000
Hudson 11 1400
Wellington 26 4500
Blenheim 16 1000
Liberator II 28 8000
B17E 40 6800
B25C 16 4000

Thats a total of 299 a/c flying in supply ..

Totaling up all the Transport capacity results is = 1,545,200

I cant find much in the manual about how this translates to supply points , the most relevant is

Supply Transport – The unit will fly supplies to their DH, which does not
necessarily have to have an airfield (thus allowing the ability to airdrop
supplies to ground units in the field) The unit must have a friendly unit set
as the destination in order for the Mission to be flown. Transport Missions
may be flown to destinations that are within half (50%) of the Maximum
range for base supply, or within Normal range for airdrop supply. The
amount of supplies carried is dependent on the capacity of the transports.

But says nothing about how capacity translates to in game supplies, I thought it was 1000 supply = 1 supply point , but would love to get confirmation of this please.

If so then im flying in 1,545 supply per day , which is a goodly amount, but it never lasts and i have no idea if /any gets pulled into Burma across borders.

Now i'm beginning to wish i had a spreadsheet on this puter [;)]

Thank you all for reading my diatribe ..


kfsgo -> RE: Re: (5/7/2011 4:10:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: Rob Brennan UK

AC Number Capacity

B18 18 2200 - 36/day
C-33 13 2400 - 26/day
C-47 119 6000 - 357/day
DC-3 12 6000 - 36/day
Hudson 11 1400 - 11/day
Wellington 26 4500 - 78/day
Blenheim 16 1000 - 16/day
Liberator II 28 8000 - 112/day
B17E 40 6800 - 16/day
B25C 16 4000 - 32/day

-> 720 s/day; 1 supply point for every 2000lb of load capacity, rounded up (as far as I'm aware)

My understanding of the supply situation: You do get movement across the border from India - problem being that as the supply movement cost increases (as it will in the jungles) you get less supply movement events per week - so, if we pretend base X can draw 500 points per 'event', you can either get 500 points per week from India, or more (I think the max is 4*week, so 2000) if the trace distance is shorter. Have you built up Warazup, the dot north of Myitkyina, beyond making it not a dot? You should in theory be able to shuffle several 0000t of stuff through there per week from Ledo, which should then flow down into Burma relatively easily on the rail.

Alfred -> RE: Re: (5/7/2011 7:32:15 PM)

It is definitely 1 supply point per 2000 lb cargo load.

IIRC, the only rounding up is for transport planes with less than 2000lb cargo capacity which get rounded up to 1 supply point. Otherwise such low capacity planes would be basically worthless. I'll have to do some searching to confirm that bombers do not get rounded up.

Therefore I think you are only flying in daily 531 supply points.


Alfred -> RE: Re: (5/7/2011 9:16:20 PM)


Further to my last post I did a quick search on "aircraft supply capacity" and "re"found posts from:

treespider (March 2010)
Blackhorse (October 2010)

where both commented on no rounding up. Treespider had run tests on the Dutch transport plane. It's cargo load is 1300 lb but it only delivered 1 supply point. Blackhorse (one of the devs) specifically said up to 3999 lb cargo load, only 1 supply point delivered. He did advise that a transport plane would deliver 1 supply point even if it's cargo load capacity was less than 2000 lb.

michaelm (June 2010) confirmed cargo load capacity is divided by 2000.

Then of course there are those posts from me elsewhere which state the same thing ... they must be correct[:D]


LoBaron -> RE: Re: (5/8/2011 12:15:51 PM)

25. Nov 42:

Just a quick situational update from me today:

"Right Jab" refueled successfully at Midway and is now on course to target, I expect the landing to take place in about 7-8 days.

I expect the 1st Marines to be highly fatigued after landing because of the long travel on an amphib TF, but this is a good test to
see how bad the fat value will be on such occasions.

The last of the convoys bound for Noumea is now 4 days off, the SeaBees and USAAF ground staff will switch from strat mode to
combat immediately, and then everything is set up for the second part of the op, "Left Hammer".

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (5/8/2011 4:43:17 PM)

Thank you for the information Alfred and kfsgo , 1/2000 i had not even guessed at . RE warazup , its a L1 AF (so a base) and i have 2 more Eng units 1 hex away designated for base building. I'll try and max this place out asap for supply flow from India as i cannot just use the allied transports at the exclusion of china tbh. Similarly I'm building up the base SW of Imphal (1 hex over the border)for the same reason (to Katha hopefully).

Much appreciated chaps ! [&o]

RE game - Operation 'retake horn island' (imaginatively named) can go in 4 odd days (awaiting some fuel and 4 DD's) . given how easily Japan retook sulamaki <sp> I'm flying out the Aussie troops from the neighboring base and building up the island 1 hex N of Darwin instead.

also CL Caradoc took a torp entering Perth .. she will survive.. My elite Aussie search and ASW hudsons (LR) aren't a golden bullet for clearing the passages , while the KV ASW group wanders aimlessly about [;)]


witpqs -> RE: Re: (5/8/2011 8:24:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Rob Brennan UK

Thank you for the information Alfred and kfsgo , 1/2000 i had not even guessed at.

Think "ton".

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (5/9/2011 6:31:04 PM)

Proximity to the European Union means i think in decimal [;)], more often than not. Although still comfortable with feet/inches and gallons (imperial) .. Decimal makes more sense when looked at logically but i just cannot relate to Liters Kilograms etc . think i need a Pint of beer to mull it over [;)]

OffemceMan has finished his frenetic week so we can hopefully update a tad more often now. Is Tad, a decimal or imperial measurement of time i wonder ? darn it , where is that beer ?

LoBaron -> RE: Re: (5/10/2011 9:05:56 AM)

27. Nov 42:

The subs assigned to the protective zone N and SW of Marcus Island
have reached their assigned PZs.
None have been detected so far, so until now except for daily recon flights
there are no hints that the invasion is coming.

CVE air setup is 3 F4F squads and a dauntless group to give a small offensive
punch in case Mike tries to engage with surface forces.
All in all the invasion has about 70 fighters available, engough to neutralise the
small airforce at Marcus.

My greates fear at the moment are mines, hopefully the sweepers with the invasion
group will be enough, the air cover TF will stay out of the hex anyway.

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (5/10/2011 1:26:40 PM)

26th Nov 1942

Speaking of Subs !

submarine attack near Perth at 48,147

Japanese Ships
SS I-8

Allied Ships
xAK Orfor, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage SUNK

xAK Orfor is sighted by SS I-8
SS I-8 launches 6 torpedoes at xAK Orfor

Sub attack near Busselton at 47,149

Japanese Ships
SS I-168, hits 2

Allied Ships
CV Illustrious
BB Valiant
BB Warspite
BB Prince of Wales
CA Devonshire
CA Dorsetshire
CA Houston
CL Mauritius
CL Dauntless
CL Hobart
DD Nestor
DD Nepal
DD Norman
DD Nizam

Perth is fast becoming the graveyard of the CW shipping , 2 ASW groups and 4 air groups on mixed search/ASW are on patrol but no contact more often than not. The CV group had been given way-points to avoid a straight run into Perth to no avail in the end. I was S%$%%^&g myself when that screen popped up [;)]. Actually the most annoying aspect (ater the miss) is Japan now knows that the UK Cv group is now in Australia. Oddly Perth is out of fuel ! considering its the main drop off point for Australia that's a tad annoying and im shipping some back from Adelaide. 8 Tankers are 4 days out , so no long term problems really. 2 British a/c transports are coming into Perth and have been beefed up with spare DD escorts.

Dutch Sub KX has been lurking near Boela and spotted and attacked 3 TF's with large tabkers and some Japanese AO's , interestingly are those AO's just being used for fuel transports ? i suspect so tbh. Sadly the brave but inaccurate sub was sunk on the 27th.

ASW attack near Boela at 80,110

Japanese Ships
AO Tsurumi
AO Sata
AO Notoro
AO Naruto
TK Amakusa Maru
PB Narita Maru

Allied Ships
SS KX, hits 8, heavy damage

SS KX is sighted by escort
PB Narita Maru attacking submerged sub ....
Sounds of submarine breaking up detected!
Escort abandons search for sub

Japan launched a ground attack on the main front in south china. The few Chinese AT guns and newly arrived artillery (81mm mortars) seem to have made a large compared to Japans last attack. I'm actually pretty happy about this . Tomorrow the US bombers will attack the damaged Japanese forces and try and turn some of those disablement's into permanent casualties. Chinese fighters will provide escorts and LRCAP .

Ground combat at 78,51

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 105117 troops, 947 guns, 1759 vehicles, Assault Value = 4111

Defending force 90393 troops, 538 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3531

Japanese adjusted assault: 2158

Allied adjusted defense: 7072

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 3

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
7907 casualties reported
Squads: 17 destroyed, 540 disabled
Non Combat: 72 destroyed, 514 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 41 disabled
Vehicles lost 451 (112 destroyed, 339 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
5119 casualties reported
Squads: 17 destroyed, 242 disabled
Non Combat: 11 destroyed, 229 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 30 disabled

Not a single Chinese AT gun was lost although the supply levels have dropped into the red.

Mandalay was once again bombarded , no losses worth talking about but the supply cost is a killer. IF i put a lot of troops into reserve would it stop them using up supply for counter battery fire ? If i do get assaulted however i'm aware that I'll need some leadership tests , so it will weaken the defenses BUT could save me a fortune in supply if i just leave the artillery + one inf div on combat orders.

Ground combat at Mandalay (59,46)

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 426 troops, 58 guns, 38 vehicles, Assault Value = 3388

Defending force 96643 troops, 1556 guns, 1692 vehicles, Assault Value = 3472

Japanese ground losses:
Guns lost 9 (7 destroyed, 2 disabled) GOOD ! ..
Vehicles lost 28 (23 destroyed, 5 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
6 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

In the Indian ocean the CW is mooching around with a fake AP force heading to near the Andaman islands in an attempt to lure Japanese forces into the area. Doubt we will have much effect but we are escorting with BB's and ASW groups so it 'looks' a s real as possible. But with only some Beaufighters for LRCAP the air cover is pathetic. even if KB shows up and sinks the lot it'll be worth it as a distraction for whats coming in the Pacific. don't want to lose it to LBA in the process though so I'll pull back tomorrow. No Japanese search a/c spotted yet so I have no idea if we have been spotted yet . Andaman is appears empty according to recon ?? If i could make a decent fight of it I'd try and retake the place but this would be a self made POW camp.

More tomorrow hopefully.


Alfred -> RE: Re: (5/10/2011 8:06:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Rob Brennan UK

Mandalay was once again bombarded , no losses worth talking about but the supply cost is a killer. IF i put a lot of troops into reserve would it stop them using up supply for counter battery fire ? If i do get assaulted however i'm aware that I'll need some leadership tests , so it will weaken the defenses BUT could save me a fortune in supply if i just leave the artillery + one inf div on combat orders.

Units in "reserve" are completely immune from a pure bombardment attack. Hence you will get some supply benefit from not incurring casualties.

Regarding the leadership test, that only becomes an important issue in the event a deliberate/shock attack is at 2:1 odds or better. Under those circumstances, there is a test to determine whether the units in "reserve" are activated.


Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (5/10/2011 11:22:04 PM)

Thanks Sensei alfred ,, can always rely on you when i'm too lazy to read the manual [;)]

28 + 29th Nov 1942


The Chinese AF was granted a golden opportunity to bag some unescorted bombers today ! and fluffed it , only a few tangled with the Helens (guessing range was the issue) but we still nobbled a few while one lancer was destroyed on returning to base. The Bombers hot the target with no opposition but did no damage worth talking about. All this jumping about with the Chinese AF is hopefully causing the Japanese to deploy even more a/c into theater.


Japanese bombardments halted today and Mandalay jumped to 1968 supplies, even swebo went upto 120 ! about 100 more than has been there for months , hopefully we'll stop starving there from now on and can slowly build up the infrastructure. I'm going to take Alfreds advice and reserve all men in Mandalay bar 2 combat divs and some Armour. I seriously doubt Japan will attack anytime soon and we will see the impact on supply when she resumed shelling.


Madeoin Is starting to crumble , with the huge increase in Japanese air attacks its no great surprise and the daily sweeps of 60+ zeros keep away any allied attempts to interfere here. Still its all to the good i suppose. Not sure i mentioned this before but we had a 'plan' to coincide with the current US invasions of the CW re invading Java. It was scrubbed due to being utterly unsupportable and rescuing the dutch would have been a political maneuver not a military one. IF the dutch actually got replacements (from where i have no idea ) post 6/42 there might have been a point to it.

Madeoin supply now 2349, won't last long now , but we did rebuff a Japanese assault which launched a few days too early. The AA guns here have over the past few months shot down a LOT of Helens .. pretty much all the Flak Helen kills have been over Java. shame that its all completely restricted as i would like to evacuate the better units. C'est la vie.

Ground combat at Madioen (54,104)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 55034 troops, 685 guns, 181 vehicles, Assault Value = 1911

Defending force 34591 troops, 400 guns, 174 vehicles, Assault Value = 948

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 3

Japanese adjusted assault: 813

Allied adjusted defense: 5254

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 6 (fort level 3)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
6322 casualties reported
Squads: 5 destroyed, 201 disabled
Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 324 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 85 disabled
Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
2405 casualties reported
Squads: 18 destroyed, 179 disabled
Non Combat: 9 destroyed, 170 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled


The 8th Australian A/Division has been mostly evacuated from Babar (the island N or Darwin , Not the French elephant). Notably all the support personnel have gone while the poor grunts are left at the back of the queue. Typical brass ! The AKV Athene arrived safely in Perth after running the sub blockade , while hudons flying from geraldton reported attacking a Jap sub heading North. We did lose another AK south of Perth to sub action today and apart from the incoming TK convoy (with 4 DD escorts) all else is being re routed.

Thats about it from the War Office in London .. TTFN


LoBaron -> RE: Re: (5/11/2011 9:05:03 PM)

29th Nov 42

Invasion of Marcus island is imminent, either on Nov 30th or Dec 1st.

Mike did a small test sniff at Lunga, sending 2 AKLs and a couple of PBs there - probably to test my reaction, I doubt he landed anything.

Three NZ Hudsons attacked the ships and scored the only bomb hit of the day on xAKL Katsuragisan Maru.
Later a couple of B17s and B24 tried the same but failed to hit anything.

Ship of the day:

On the other end of the map the Captain of AM Outarde made medal candidate with his performance
off Santa Catalina.

Sub attack near Santa Catalina Is at 224,77
Japanese Ships
SS I-24, hits 5
Allied Ships
AM Outarde

TF 115 encounters mine field at Santa Catalina Is (224,77)
Allied Ships
AM Outarde
5 mines cleared

Nice work for such a small boat. Float planes had detected the minefield a day ago and Outarde got the orders to investigate.
One of the DC drops was a direct hit, I hope I-24s skipper is now convinced to leave the area. Its a long way home.

Other news:
The ships assigned to "Left Hammer" have all arrived at Noumea, in two days the combat units and engineers will board their transports.
The CV groups will stay between Suva and Noumea but slowly start moving north.

LoBaron -> RE: Re: (5/13/2011 1:46:01 PM)

2nd Dec 42:

1 days delay to Right Jab but troops will land tonight.

At Noumea the forces for Left Hammer are loading.

First wave OOB below:

Lunga Landing Group:

2nd Marine Reg
2nd USMC Tanks
23rd SeaBees
43rd Construction Reg
179th USAAF BF

Additional air support can be flown in after the landing is secure and a small
AF has been established.

Tassafaronga Landing Group:

145th Inf Reg
35th SeaBees

Tulagi Landing Group:

22nd Marine Reg
15th SeaBees

Renell Island Landing Group:

2nd USMC Para
43rd SeaBees

I will have aviation support ready to fly in wherever airfields become operational.

seydlitz_slith -> RE: Re: (5/14/2011 2:30:40 AM)

Perhaps the Outarde snagged the sub with her paravanes and rolled the depth charge right down it.

LoBaron -> RE: Re: (5/14/2011 7:23:56 AM)

Hey seydlitz! Good to see you, I hope RL is not treating you too bad. [:)]

Outarde was on constant ASW duty since her arrival, might have to check her stats. I agree though
that the direct hit was a matter of really good luck.

LoBaron -> RE: Re: (5/14/2011 7:43:42 AM)

4th Dec 42:

The 1st Marines have landed on Marcus Island!

The first wave was greeted by stiff resistance from prepared positions but managed to get a hold
on the beach. Losses were acceptable and the troops already got more than 2 weeks of supplies and ammunition.

Both on Dec 2nd and 3rd, Vandegrift received a leaders(-) roll on shock attack. [X(]
Are there other reasons for that modifier than leader attributes? The only other explanation (except really bad luck) that
comes to mind is that the unit is the wrong theatre. Hm.

The landing fleet itself got away clean, not a single ship was hit by (quite active) coastal guns fire or mines. I attribute this to the good performance
of Oklahoma - who is nearly out of 14in by now - and CL St. Louis, and the reliability of every minesweeping-capable vessel on duty. Good job!

The Marcus Island garison is now revealed, theres more troops than intel suggested, but as I already said, I like this part of FOW.
Currently my guess is that in case you multiply the recon figures by 2.5 - 4 you come close to the real troop strenght.

Opposing the 1st Marines are:

45th Road Const Co
Jaluit Base Force
7th JNAF Coy
47th Road Const Co
10th JNAF AF Unit

All in all thats about 2400 troops when recon indicated between 5 and 800.

Still the Marines should handle them except if Vandegrift decides to get another couple of leaders(-)...

On a sidenote: KB has not showed up yet, which either means Mike will not react to that landing (increases the threat on Left Hammer),
or he is on the way but not there yet (in which case he will hit empty air).

Thats all for today guys. [:)]

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (5/14/2011 2:44:28 PM)

Commonwealth side of the war is a lot less interesting for the past few days.

China , static as usual with some hefty Japanese combat sweeps over now empty airfields. The majority of the bombers have moved back to

Burma and will partake in a planned huge attack on Magwe airfield. Initially we will hit nearby troops with the B17's and try and draw off some base CAP. Then a real risky turn with multiple bomber attacks on the field itself (aimed at PM attacks) while P38's and hurricane C's sweep in the AM while allotting P40's and the .303 hurricanes as escorts. should happen in 2-4 days time as I made a bit of a cock up with the Lightning groups due to hideous maintainability delays. Basically i 'upgraded' the groups to old P36's as the P38's had delays upto 20 days ! Then swop back the P38's . However this little cheat/exploit has been halted by the Game,thankfully, as i got damaged planes back , good programming all. However I'd failed to notice that Calcutta was desperately short on AV support (oops) and that was the delay problem, so i railed the planes to Dacca where the overcrowded but ground crew heavy base can fix them up quickly.

So YES i got caught out trying to exploit the game engine , or i just tried out something new , you decide [;)]

Java , Madeoin is now out of supply for all intents and purposes , the AAA guns shot down 6 more Helens and damaged a lot more in the past 4 days, not long now and Japan will notice the guns are silent. We have only intrinsic supply now. I wonder if other units will share supply with the AAA guns ? will be nice to experiment on this.

DEI .. We got a small measure of revenge and sank a patrol boat off java :-

Sub attack near Donggala at 68,97

Japanese Ships
PB Isshin Maru, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage
SC Ch 16
PB Ichiyu Maru

Allied Ships
SS O21

And more importantly bagged an unescorted AO near Kendari. I wonder if japan has a fleet supply reserve Oiler fleet or is she using them to haul fuel/oil back to Japan ?

The horn island invasion fleet is boarding in Townsville this turn. We will be hitting the beaches with 100% prepared troops.

2nd Australian Division , still has militia and not 1942 squads unfortunately.
2/4 Armoured unit. With Stuarts and Grants.
1st Medium Arty

while back up is the C/B CD guns unit and 2nd RAF base force

We have Macarthurs command in range and 100% prepped for the target too, The 1st and 2ND Aussie HQ's are prepping for PM and Milne bay instead, so we wont be carrying those along. Only been running recon and that says 1-2000 men and 4 guns , I hope that doesnt translate to 10k men and huge CD guns. Escort is pretty weak with the newly repaired CA Australia and several DD's and AM's . Sadly no minesweepers as I just do not have any and neglected to ask America for some.

Reconnoitering PM too and hope that Japan thinks this is the main event and defends the wrong base , but that most likely wishful thinking.

Fingers crossed.


seydlitz_slith -> RE: Re: (5/14/2011 4:14:25 PM)

Glad to see this game is still going on. I read through the thread during the week to catch back up on things. Very interesting.

Print more maps for us...

RL is still moderately busy, but I have been able to keep up my game with Traskott.

now is the time for the US forces to start to shine. I know that it is hard to sit and watch for the whole first year.

How about a map of the Burma theater. I am kind of curious as to what it looks like.

Did Mike start a new job yet? I know that he was looking last year when I had to drop out.

witpqs -> RE: Re: (5/14/2011 6:21:19 PM)

It looks like only Imperial support troops on Marcus, except perhaps a few organic squads...

LoBaron -> RE: Re: (5/14/2011 8:58:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: witpqs

It looks like only Imperial support troops on Marcus, except perhaps a few organic squads...

Small correction:

It looks like only Imperial support troops were on Marcus, except perhaps a few organic squads... [;)]


Allied forces CAPTURE Marcus Island !!!

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
No Japanese losses

Combat modifiers
Defender: disruption(-), preparation(-), experience(-)
Attacker: shock(+), disruption(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1361 casualties reported
Squads: 14 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 113 destroyed, 36 disabled
Engineers: 57 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 5 (5 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units destroyed 2

Allied ground losses:
295 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 33 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 22 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Ok that was the good news. Clean op.

The downside list is a bit longer than I hoped though:

1) diversion fail:

Easy to guess why. Mike did not react with any noticeable forces as he knew frome start that Marcus would fall, so the advantage of drawing Japanese attention
away from the Guadalcanal area is lost. Well, that would have been the bonus anyway. Its an Island gained on Mikes flank so sooner or later he will
have to do something against it to prevent it developing into a staging area.

2) additional losses:

This was due to my decision to do only a final big bombardement with the escorting surface combat group and then disengage, leaving
xAP Bloemfontein and the unloading AK s behind, protected only by the minesweepers.

The cost was Bloemfontein and xAK San Vincente. I-23 came away without a scratch. I dislike increasing the already formidable skill
of the IJN sub commanders...

So thats the situation, still the dice has been thrown and operation Left Hammer will proceed, containing close to every large USN combat ship
in the south pacific.

seydlitz_slith -> RE: Re: (5/15/2011 3:20:33 AM)

My guess is that Mike will not react until you take Kwaj and Roi Namur and possibly not then. You should be clear all the way to Eniwotek.

Other than the northern Solomans, if I were him, I would not be threatened until you took Ponape (threatens Truk) or moved on Guam/Tinian/Saipan as that threatens to cut off the entire theater. In fact, if you were bold enough, going after Guam/Tinian/Saipan now you would probably find it not yet heavily defended or built up and you could force a major change in his defensive plans.

LoBaron -> RE: Re: (5/15/2011 8:38:42 AM)

I agree.

In fact Guam is part of the long time plan for ´43, early ´44.

I will try to implement a 2, later 4, axis of advance plan.

1) Attrition can only be accomplished by crawling up the Solomons. So this is one axis and has to be done. If you neclect this area
you do it at your own risk. I have already seen many AAR´s where not forcing attrition on the Japanese ended badly.

2) Broaden the advance on the Marcus Island Axis, taking the northern Marshalls and finally Guam to choke the South Pac.

3) Open a second frontline from the south in direction of the Marshals.

4) Move along the Aleuthians at a modest speed to put pressure on the Kuriles.

At least thats the rough outline.

Thats said, please talk about Mikes potential defensive setup or general strategy only on very rough terms. You are a great player and know so
many details about Mikes intentions that you could leak information unintentionally. I know how difficult it is to decide what to talk about and what
not - and I have at least a mediocre talent to read between the lines. [;)]

Ponape definitely looks like an interesting target, Mike seems to use it on a regular basis (possibly but not exclusively as an advance guard for Truk)
if the radio transmisions over the last week are true, and I think they are.

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