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LoBaron -> RE: Re: (5/28/2011 10:21:49 AM)

Ontang Java, Battle summary:

The 2 next days brought no new casualties except for xAP Hie Maru who ate a 14inch N of OJ.

This enables us to summarise losses and look for mistakes.

First the losses updated after the confusion of battle is over:

All in all it looks better than anticipated:

USN: 1BB, 1CL, 1DD

This does NOT yet include CA Louseville - which I thought to be dead after the surface battle and 2 torp hits.
Brave ship, she is on the way south to Ndeni with 75flt(35) stalked by subs and escorted by a single DD.

Minor damage to other vessels.

IJN: 1CA, 2-3DD, 1-2AP

This does NOT include potential major damage to a second CA, and slight-medium sys/upperworks damage to 3BB.


IJN tactical victory, but costly. All 3 BB received several 1000lb hits and could be out of the game for a bit,
so we opened a window of opportunity. Don´t know what to do with it yet as it came quite early in the campaign.
Also Mike has those 3 battlecruisers spotted operating around Guam, which could now be anywhere.

Loss of Indiana hurts, that was a highly capable fast BB, but I guess Mike thinks the same about Myoko.

The main mission, attriting the IJN, has to be viewed as success. [8D]


I decided against full scale move with the slow BBs also rushing North until too late, BB Indiana was the only battleship and
so got outgunned by 3 Japanese, 1 being Musashi. With 20/20 hindsight I should have sent either everything or nothing.
I can talk my way out of that though: first I expected cruisers as opposition, not BBs, second I wanted surface combat protection
for my CVs only 5 hexes to the south.
That leaves us with the option of only sending CV strikes, might have been the right thing to do. Such is life...

Much bigger was the mistake of not LRCAPing the Indiana group. The P-38s had been enough to scare off the scattered
Betty raids and this, while not saving Indiana, could have resulted in less damage to Louseville - and Gansevoort might
have had a chance.

Not too many mistakes for my rusty naval skills I think. Mike admitted sending Musashi down was a last minutes decision,
so luck, as always, played a role.

Finally, again thanks to witpqs, here is the New And Enhanced Battle Map: [;)]


witpqs -> RE: Re: (5/28/2011 5:35:39 PM)



Thanks again for suggesting Paint.NET, perfect program for drawing battle plans. [&o]

You're making most excellent use of it!

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (5/31/2011 12:12:09 PM)

28th and 29th Dec 1942

Its been a slow time again for the game, both action wise and soon to be players on various vacations and work schedules [:(], we will try and keep some semblance of pace but no promises. If as I suspect it slows to a crawl in the next week or two I'll do an in-depth look at the Commonwealth and Chinese situations .

The news today however is that Java still holds on by its fingernails ! despite relentless Japanese bombing and new ground assaults the plucky Dutch hold out once again vs superior ground forces.

There was a plan to fly up the new Australian Beaufort VIc's from Broome to Christmas island ( allowable due to their phenomenal transfer range compared to the older Beaufort I's) . However Japan spotted them landing and has since flown sweeps over Java with large Oscar formations. It was decided to withdraw the new planes for LRCAP ops when we go for New guinea (soon) and not risk losing them without a free hit on the bombers. It would have been nice to hack a few more helens from the sky but eagle eyed Ofenceman spotted us.

the 2 ground assaults today resulted in a Dutch hold ! , much to my surprise and who know we might even make it into 43 , not bad for just the dutch holdouts in redoubt Madeoin , Bataan looks like a short stay weekend holiday compared to this place [;)]

28th Dec

Ground combat at Madioen (54,104)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 55049 troops, 707 guns, 180 vehicles, Assault Value = 1800

Defending force 25902 troops, 363 guns, 132 vehicles, Assault Value = 455

Japanese adjusted assault: 580

Allied adjusted defence: 385

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 1)

Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1707 casualties reported
Squads: 3 destroyed, 34 disabled
Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 83 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 11 disabled
Vehicles lost 10 (2 destroyed, 8 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
1932 casualties reported
Squads: 62 destroyed, 52 disabled
Non Combat: 43 destroyed, 74 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 7 disabled
Guns lost 4 (4 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 15 (7 destroyed, 8 disabled)
Units destroyed 1

On the 29th the assault continued with little hope for the Allies.

Ground combat at Madioen (54,104)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 54016 troops, 707 guns, 178 vehicles, Assault Value = 1726

Defending force 23853 troops, 353 guns, 123 vehicles, Assault Value = 384

Japanese adjusted assault: 193

Allied adjusted defence: 271

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 0)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), fatigue(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
968 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 56 disabled
Non Combat: 14 destroyed, 56 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 16 disabled
Vehicles lost 10 (10 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
1992 casualties reported
Squads: 25 destroyed, 74 disabled
Non Combat: 23 destroyed, 159 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 6 disabled

Japan must have had a FUBAR command die roll for the adjusted assault to drop by so much in one attack. We aren't complaining in London however .. 3 cheers for the Dutch ! hip hip hoorah etc.

Once Madeoin falls I expect Japanese attention to switch to Christmas island , which is why we have launched 2 more amphibious groups to drop off more support troops and supply to this new front line Island. AT guns / Artillery / AA guns and some smaller Aussie HMG groups shipping in to help the defence. WE have 725 AV behind level 5 forts (75k supply) so its not going to be easy to assault. and even if Japan manages that then cocos island is even more heavily defended further out into the Indian ocean. I would imagine Japan will just use us as bombing practise while we try and slip in more supply.

More later folks.

Java , the beginning of the end , or is that the end of the beginning ? , must ask Winnie about this one [;)]


LoBaron -> RE: Re: (6/1/2011 5:05:57 PM)

Dec 30 42:

Jan 43 CV airgroup resizing is a pita.
I hope the coordination gain is worth the troubles of babysitting USN pilots. [:D]

Otherwise no news except that Guadalcanal continues to be built up (Lunga is lvl4 AF now) and waiting for the carriers to return from Auckland to action.

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (6/3/2011 12:29:48 AM)


This was a good end to the year for the Dutch secret service.

Sub attack near Dadjangas at 79,94

Japanese Ships
TK Huzisan Maru, Torpedo hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
PB Nagato Maru
DMS W-22
DMS W-19
APD Tade
APD Fuji
TK Toa Maru
TK Teiyo Maru
TK Rikko Maru
TK Goyo Maru
TK Gen'yo Maru
PB Shinkyo Maru
PB Seikyo Maru
PB Sinko Maru
PB Ronsan Maru

Allied Ships

Also :-

Sub attack near Kendari at 71,107

Japanese Ships
PB Kinsyo Maru #2, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
PB Tonon Maru

Allied Ships

B17's hit the Japanese troops besieging Mandalay and barely damaged the 15th Army HQ, Back to supply hauling while Japan flies LRCAP over the target for a few days. The P38's will try and sweep any Japanese fighters that venture over Mandalay however.


Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (6/6/2011 11:07:59 AM)

1943 has arrived !

With a whimper rather than a bang. The B17's hit troops unmolested once again although Japanese AAA fire did damage a few at 10k , so we'll up the altitude to 12-13k when we add in the mediums after a days rest and transferring fighters for a heavy CAP as I'm horribly aware of what happens to medium bombers if left unescorted.

Java is still alive, but one more push and it will collapse, but lasting into 43 is a miracle even if its provided some good bomber practise. The Additional troops and supplies have arrived safely in Christmas island (much to my surprise 3 TF's spotted by Japan and no attempt to attack them oddly) the 16 Canadian kittyhawks seem to deter any non escorted attacks. although I suspect Japan has its Netties in the Pacific while the CW is facing more army bombers.

Here is a list of the top pilots for the Allies for now. The huge numbers on the P38's are somewhat due to the pilots being ex-AVG who did very well early war and have survived. I cannot see any point in putting these guys into reserve as America needs more pilots like a giraffe needs a ladder [;)].

Further down are 5 Chinese Aces and a lot of British hurricane drivers. The Dutch never quite got to 5 kills but 2 have 4 kills and there are 2 Dutch fighters left in cocos so they might get to 5. Really wish I could transfer some fighters to the Dutch as we have huge pools of P40E's and P39's , even hurricanes look good over with over 60 C Models. not to mention the vast numbers of obsolete buffaloes (just as good vs bombers as anything else flying solo).

Piccie , and any requests ?


LoBaron -> RE: Re: (6/7/2011 11:19:35 AM)

The first days of 1943 already got me a sunk minesweeper by an MK14.
Greetings to the IJN, you guys will hear more boom and less boing over the
next months. [;)]

Sub attack near Kushiro at 124,54

Japanese Ships
CM Nasami, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage
CMc Ma 2

Allied Ships
SS Tuna

Jan 3rd will be a bit higher tension bacuase of two parallel operation which
I really want to be successful:

- The first reinforcement of Marcus Island, supplies, fuel and a USN BF will land there
and be the first step of turning the Atoll into a forward sub base.
If successful the AS based at Midway will relocate there and then we will start to have some fun
with the Japanese transfer routes to the south/southwest pac.

- Lunga will get its first reinforcement convoy. Heavily guarded by combat ships but without
carrier support, this time the air defense will be kept to 3 VMF fighter squads at Lunga AB and
P-38 LRCAP from Ndeni. I´d really like to wait for the CVs to get ready but I want to keep
the pressure on.
The worst case would be an intervention by KB, but even then I expect high A2A losses for any
attacking force and Mike is careful, so playing around with high value assets is the only
way to get him involved anyway.

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (6/9/2011 3:04:03 PM)

Jan 3rd 1943

Chinese hopes for a quick sneak breakthrough in the north have been dashed in main due to the awful supply levels, not enough was sent forward to support the attack else the result could have been very different. Oh well at least its keeping Japan's eyes away from other areas.

Ground combat at 86,29

Allied Shock attack

Attacking force 15379 troops, 134 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 621

Defending force 3407 troops, 26 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 126

Allied adjusted assault: 290

Japanese adjusted defense: 389

Allied assault odds: 1 to 2

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+)
Attacker: shock(+), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
361 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 33 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 18 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied ground losses:
1346 casualties reported
Squads: 5 destroyed, 100 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 31 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled

Assaulting units:
82nd Chinese Corps
3rd Chinese Cavalry Corps

Defending units:
12th Indpt Infantry Regiment

Java will fall at the next assault certainly given the foods almost run out and ammo is as rare as hens teeth. Christmas island however has been topped upto max supply (80K) and all the new troops offloaded unmolested, this will be a tough nut should Japan try and assault it. I suspect though that Japan will just suppress it with bombers for a long while until the allies can achieve enough numbers to warrant a war of attrition.

The Commonwealth will bomb heavily Mandalay besiegers tomorrow with heavy fighter CAP while the Chinese take a rest as today's small sir combat was a it of a draw (5 Oscars - 4 lances ). Not a good ratio but some P40's are flying into china to buff up the numbers next time we have a go at stopping Japan bombing offensives.

Morning Air attack on Kweiyang , at 74,49

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 10
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 10
Ki-49-IIa Helen x 62

Allied aircraft
P-43A-1 Lancer x 8
P-66 Vanguard x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 3 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-43A-1 Lancer: 1 destroyed
P-66 Vanguard: 1 destroyed

Allied ground losses:
4 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Airbase hits 4
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 45


P.S with the coming of 43 , The allies have to keep a careful eye out for the new "43" squads and not waste them on base forces. this is particularly true for the Australians and Indians. with the Indians not arriving till 3/43 we have enough time to fill out the 93/93 11th division refitting since Singapore to max 42 squads. Ram-tree island (off the Burmese coast and still an allied dot hex) is looking like a nice expansion ooze for next ops in Burma. We have one Brit brigade and some Base units prepping already and will hopefully move in a few weeks time.


LoBaron -> RE: Re: (6/10/2011 5:12:10 PM)

Jan 3rd, ´43:

Both, the reinforcement of Marcus Island and the reinforcement of Lunga started smoothly, but this was to be expected.

Still, while continuing to unload at Lunga I decided to retreat from Marcus island because I was spotted by subs there.
I am very reluctant to risk my CVEs and the only BB in the CentPac, the USN BF unloaded safely and I got about 10k supplies
off the ships. The rest will move back to Wake and unload there in case I am not detected.
Considering Mikes careful play I see higher chances that he will try to intervene with the Marcus Island operation and I simply do
not have the forces there for a fair battle.

Lunga is a different story. The convoy is covered by a large SAG and has enough air cover to make an attack costly.
Also I need those supplies there soon, first because Rob and my first joint op is on the horizon for which I will need
the APs, second because the AF is going lvl 5 next turn and will receive additional air support, opening the base for heavy bomber
Recon flights show ships docked at Rabaul but I expect heavy fighter cover, so the next thing moving over will be more fighters
and maybe medium bombers, this is still in the works.

Except for 2 Nells trying to penetrate the Marcus Island convoy CAP (and failing with one bomber shot down) theres not much more to report.

Edit: see bold text quoted in the post below. Thanks witpqs. [;)]

witpqs -> RE: Re: (6/10/2011 5:28:23 PM)



Jan 3rd, ´42:

I hate it when I do that (which is every time a new game year rolls over). You'll be dating checks wrong for the next month too! [:'(]

LoBaron -> RE: Re: (6/10/2011 5:34:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: witpqs



Jan 3rd, ´42:

I hate it when I do that (which is every time a new game year rolls over). You'll be dating checks wrong for the next month too! [:'(]

Doh! [X(]
Happens to me all the time, in game and in real life.

Will correct the post before somebody starts to ask what the hell I am doing at Lunga 1 month after the war started... [:D]

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (6/12/2011 9:55:53 AM)

Jan 7th 1943

Java finally fell with a large haul of Dutch prisoners, I just hope they are well treated by their Japanese captors.

Ground combat at Madioen (54,104)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 57176 troops, 708 guns, 171 vehicles, Assault Value = 1917

Defending force 21535 troops, 302 guns, 119 vehicles, Assault Value = 301

Japanese adjusted assault: 797

Allied adjusted defense: 163

Japanese assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 0)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Madioen !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1089 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 81 disabled
Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 63 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 18 disabled

Allied ground losses:
15510 casualties reported
Squads: 586 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 2820 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 177 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 317 (317 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 154 (154 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units destroyed 24

The allied air offensive in Burma has been rolling for 4 days now unmolested by Japan and will continue tomorrow , the best attack so far is this one :-

Afternoon Air attack on 21st Division, at 59,46 (Mandalay)

Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb Trop x 6
Hurricane IIc Trop x 20
Liberator II x 17
Wellington Ic x 9
Hurricane XIIb x 2
B-17E Fortress x 29

Allied aircraft losses
Liberator II: 2 damaged
B-17E Fortress: 3 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
261 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 19 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 20 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

There are 4 artillery units resting in rear bases to improve morale and their holiday is now over as Japan has reopened its shelling of Mandalay and they are to be railed back into combat ASAP. with i might add much improved morale (70 compared to the 10-20 they had before).

Additional troops just North of shwebo are reprepping for Mandalay, I am in two minds here about just going head to head with large armour advantage or trying a flanking approach to Magwe (recon states 20k troops there , so no walk over) , for now its head to head with one div moving down from Lashio as a threat to supply lines. what makes me wary of a large flanking move is Japanese air power which now Java has fallen can be moved to Burma and hammer any allied ground moves, the commonwealth just isn't capable of sustained air operations yet.

Piccie courtesy of Paint.Net (thank you for recommending this one) and shows the last Dutch outposts ( i have changed one small base in Australia to ABDA as a last fall-back for the patrol planes, who by now are very very experienced. the Dutch B25's are trained up in Ground attack , Low Nav and now ASW . Should be a hard nut to crack.


LoBaron -> RE: Re: (6/12/2011 8:25:41 PM)

Jan 7th, ´43 (hah now I got it right...)

BB Oklahoma was seen taking evasion action after torpedo track had been identified heading straight for
the Flag of Reinforcement convoy Wake. All guns except the main turrets trained to starboard firing into
the general bearing of incoming fish to distract the sensible warheads.

30 seconds later a significantly larger watersprout was witnessed by crew members on escort vessels and resulted in confused reports.
"Oklahoma has been hit broadside!!"

Sub attack near Wake Island at 135,97

Japanese Ships
SS RO-66

Allied Ships
BB Oklahoma, Torpedo hits 1
CA Chicago
CL St. Louis
DD Waller
DD Reid
DD Wilson
DD Mustin

SS RO-66 launches 6 torpedoes at BB Oklahoma
RO-66 diving deep ....
DD Reid fails to find sub and abandons search
DD Wilson fails to find sub and abandons search
DD Mustin fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Mustin fails to find sub, continues to search...
Escort abandons search for sub

5 Minutes later everyone was back to general quarters, relieved that the the assumed hit was only a premature explosion
of one of the torpedoes caused by accurate 20mm fire. The destroyers remained on the scene searching for the
Japanese sub but failed to make contact, resuming course to Wake 45 minutes later.

witpqs -> RE: Re: (6/12/2011 8:51:42 PM)

Kudos to guys for keeping up resistance in the enemy's primary objective for so long!

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (6/14/2011 2:03:06 PM)

The Java hold-out was an idea I had before the game started and wanted to test (same with the Kuala Lumpur defence earlier in the war). Most players try and defend Batavia and/or Soerbaja. Japan knows this and preps its troops accordingly. with the withdrawal to Madeoin I was expecting a delay of max 3 months from early June 42. Japan could have taken it earlier if she had used her airforce more aggressively in the early months. As it was a few Dutch and Brit fighters were able to scare off the bombers for quite some time. Japan only had evens AV in Java for a long time (2 divs + bits) so was unable to really prosecute the attack given the defence modifiers and the level 5 forts. supply reduction was the key to prising the Dutch out of their bastion and Japan failed for months to bring in enough a/c to really accomplish much.

Once enough bombers with decent fighter sweeps (both the Hiyo and Junyo air groups were used for this , tying up 2 CV's as a bonus) were used the supply losses increased sharply even though the AAA was very effective and managed to shoot down a good number of Japanese bombers. the Helen losses are 95% ones lost over Madeoin in the past 6 months. along with some sallies earlier on.

Why Madeoin though ? 3 main factors decided the issue.

1) Had to be a base so supply could be sucked in using the draw supply buttons to the base max of 80k, The base was built up by engineers from day 1 so more supply could be stored here.

2) terrain , the higher the modifies the better and wooded mountains don't get much better.

3) non-coastal was very important, so as not to give the Japanese Navy free practice and any coastal base would be rapidly reduced by bombardments, which could easily be resupplied from Batavia or Soerbaja ports.

Lasting into 43 was a huge surprise, as the initial thought to this defence was to tie up troops as to make an invasion of Australia much harder for Japan. Similar thinking went into the Burmese defence too (which once again I am surprised actually held in Mandalay). building up Christmas island and the cocos group were again meant as speed bumps to a Japanese expansion in the SW pacific. with both of these in tip top shape, Japan can go for them but it'll take time and cocos will require KB, making it predictable and vulnerable to allied CV ambushes. Cocos Island troop limits though do make it less than ideal for a staging post to re-invade the DEI. Christmas (if we can hold it , however has unlimited stacking and would be an excellent staging post to liberate Java).

The commonwealths time of glory has now slowly passed and from now on the main allied aggressor will be the USA. We will not be idle however and will annoy Japan as much as possible to draw off men and material making life easier for our allies.

TTFN and watch this space.


Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (6/16/2011 11:03:42 PM)

Jan 11th '43

The Chinese airforce did well these past 2 days over Kweiyang, the Japanese bombers were successfully intercepted while the escorts were handled roughly indeed.

the Betty losses were courtesy of the US just south of Guadalcanal.


LoBaron -> RE: Re: (6/19/2011 8:32:14 AM)

Sorry for the lack of updates lately.
Work is intense at the moment and my spare time is spread too thin between different stuff.

Preparations for the invasion of PM continue on US side who will be responsible for the support role, the overall command for the attack will be with our British friends though.
I expect the fleets to be ready and on station in about 3 turns (6 days).

BTW: Rob, old friend, whats the name of the operation? Not a good idea to launch an attack without a name...thats bad karma man, bad karma!

Other news Jan 11th ´43:

Our subs start to get into ´43 shape. Over the last couple of days we had some hits on AKs which actually exploded (Sonarman 2nd class, Bruckner, on duty on
USS Guardfish has been heard to shout "deph chaaargeees...!" while diving behind a tray of lemons when the first MK14 went off with a loud burp, he simply was
not used to the noise...) and Rob was even lucky enough to sink a DD.

Next two days we will try some fighter sweeps over Shortland and see whats there. Operation Knockknock is in preparation, the diversion heavy bomber raid of Rabaul
during the attack on PM. The fighter sweeps on Shortland are targeted to convince Mike its my next primary objective.

And I got a new slogan: "Carrier squad reorganisation, stealing WitPAE´s players lifetime since 2007" [:D]

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (6/23/2011 11:40:32 AM)


As LoBaron stated in his last update the pace has slowed a lot of late. BUT things are beginning to get back to normality. The CW are just waiting for the US to send over its fleet to Sydney so the transfer of flag admirals can occur before proceeding north to cover the large invasion flotillas assembling in Townsville. the Royal Navy support elements are in Rockhampton (away from jap recon) and lots of AP's have been in townsville since the invasion of Horn Island. Hopefully to all intents and purposes Japan does not know when we are coming. she does ofc know we will be coming as its a no brainer next advance.

Next post I'll detail the actual attacks (3) planned on the new guinea coast. Recons have shown very little to be in the area and with all dot bases checked out daily recons run over PM and Lae , the only 2 occupied bases we can find (very low levels of Japanese activity in this area , Like LoBaron I suspect the main defences to be up around the admiralties and Rabaul.

With clear skies and bright moonlight the allied bomber forces in India struck Magwe airfields defended by 30 Oscars on night CAP, losses show 3 oscars downed by gunners while 6 planes destroyed on the ground (2 tonys 1 nick and 3 more oscars) , also Japanese fighter numbers are dwindling here (down to 120 from over 300 ). Looks like a target for day sweeps in a few days time. Sadly the availability of new US airframes (or lack thereof) means one P38 unit in India has downgraded to P40E's , not a biggie unless we meet serious opposition. with the notable absence of Japanese bombers over India (ever !) , day CAP is still flown but not a major priority. this really is a sitz-Krieg situation for now.

china however we have some good news, the central probe in force routed a weak jap force (see piccie) , Japanese bombers however draw a horrendous toll and with 3 new unidentified units arriving the turn after we routed the enemy , discretion seems the better part of valour and the Chinese will withdraw to the old defence lines just over the river.

Air attacks ! horrible losses for troops in combat mode :-

Morning Air attack on 73rd Chinese Corps, at 75,53

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid spotted at 28 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-49-IIa Helen x 55

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
355 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 29 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 27 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled

the ground combat was nice to watch though ! [:D]

Ground combat at 75,53

Allied Shock attack

Attacking force 63001 troops, 388 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2625

Defending force 1512 troops, 58 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 44

Allied adjusted assault: 3190

Japanese adjusted defense: 9

Allied assault odds: 354 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-), supply(-)
Attacker: shock(+)

Japanese ground losses:
1435 casualties reported
Squads: 61 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 66 destroyed, 13 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)
Units retreated 3

Allied ground losses:
127 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Given nil recon and not even an arty barrage , brave move from the Chinese army but had we waited, 3 more units would have arrived (unknown strength) the results could have gone the other way. although this force is not expendable, there are sufficient reserves to replace it should disaster occur. Interesting he has supply issues just one hex away from a city on a railline ?? interesting.


LoBaron -> RE: Re: (6/23/2011 5:33:06 PM)

Flag transfer will be in about 4-6 days, then things will start to get more busy again.

The Carriers departed Auckland, will refuel at Noumea and then handed over to their new commander Admiral Brennan.

No specific news atm except for CL Honolulu bagging a small (sp: tiny) resupply convoy off Munda.

LoBaron -> RE: Re: (6/30/2011 6:21:56 AM)

Ok we are definitely lacking in updates atm. RL is too intense for keeping
up the AAR on a regular basis (at least the USN has this issue sadly)

Here is the current situation for 23rd Jan ´43:

We are in preparation for the next step to move the southern front into
the attrition zone:
In a couple of days Australian troops will land at PM, creating a second threat
vector for Rabaul. The USN carriers and escort groups temporarily have been put
under CW command to enable a smooth op.
Details have to be provided by Rob as he is responsible for the planning.

To make the task easier the US has decided to increase the pressure on the eastern flank
and start raiding Shortlands which is currently bristling with fighters.
For this 4 P38 squadrons have been dispatched to Lunga AF, while the marine fighters on
Tassafaronga provide CAP for the (badly needed) reinforcement convoys for Guadalcanal.

I would prefer to support the Lightning sweeps with the VMF units but Tassafaronga still
lacks the supplies for drop tanks and I wont run sweeps at extreme range except if its

To reduce this issue a supply shuttle convoy has started regular runs from Ndeni to Lunga
and a major convoy from Noumea is in the works.

Depending on the outcome (bad weather, less planes available than I´d like, 70 fighters sighted at Shortland)
of the sweeps during the next two days I will decide how to continue, but I will try to keep the pressure on.

The primary goal of this operation is to draw Japanese fighters to Shortlands, reducing the number of potential
escorts available for any Netty raids against the invasion convoys.

The next AF to get operational will be Tulagi with a USAAF BF on the way, when this is done the
size and frequency of offensive operations against the northern solomons will only be limited
by number of planes available.

On the CentPac front the Marines on Marcus Island have their expected feast on every supply available
celebrating their victory. They will have nothing to eat by tomorrow...
To improve the situation a convoy consisting of AKs and 2 ASW escort groups is on the way (Marcus is
bristling with Japanese subs), but is still a couple of days out. I have nobody but myself to blame
for this situation as I knew that supply consumption will be dreadfully high with a full regiment and a
USN BF on a 6k limited atoll, but the main reason is that the first supply runs all have been cut short
by the close vincinity of KB, I hope this wont be an issue this time.

Thats it for now, and sorry folks, it will take a bit until I will be able to return to the 1 update per turn

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (7/2/2011 8:04:51 PM)

Sorry too for the poor updating recently , Blame World of Tanks !

A Picture speaks a thousand words so :-


The Milne attack looks to be uncovered , and it is , but as Milne is empty i'm sending in a small element of the Ausssie 5th Div on 3 APD's for a quick grab.

PM itself should be hit in strength , 2 Divs + support (all at once because of japanese CV retaliation.

the Americans are focusing Japan nicely on Shortlands now with successful P38 + F4/3 sweeps. Recons shows PM rather weak tbh so its a sledgehammer vs a nutshell hopefully. And Lae has a few bombers , no fighters therefore Beau-fighter LRCAP should be ok covering the northernmost attack.


Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (7/4/2011 5:29:03 PM)

Jan 30th 1943 .. Invasion !

Orphan Anne came on the radio today to announce that the allies will die in droves trying to take PM from the peace loving Japanese empire! Never heard that message before as vs the AI I never lost the place [;)]. Nice fluff devs !

Allied forces also landed on Milne bay and yes its nice and empty, thankfully given how weak the attack was.

PM was a bit of a sledgehammer on my part though.

2 Bombardment TF's hit hard initially just before the landings.

1st though the jap sub defending the harbour met a grisly end (i hope)

ASW attack near Port Moresby at 97,131

Japanese Ships
SS RO-33, hits 4, heavy damage

Allied Ships
DD Frazier
CA Devonshire
CA Houston
DD Bailey
DD Barton

Bombardments closed the runways , which was a good thing as the beaufighters escoring the bombers on the 29th were shredded by zeros.

Night Naval bombardment of Port Moresby at 98,130

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
BB Valiant
BB Warspite
CA Devonshire
CA Houston

Japanese ground losses:
89 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 3 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Guns lost 8 (1 destroyed, 7 disabled)
Vehicles lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)

Airbase hits 12
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 49
Port hits 13
Port fuel hits 2
Port supply hits 1

Walrus II acting as spotter for BB Valiant
BB Valiant firing at 144th Infantry Regiment
Walrus II acting as spotter for BB Warspite
BB Warspite firing at Port Moresby
CA Devonshire firing at 144th Infantry Regiment
CA Houston firing at Port Moresby

Night Naval bombardment of Port Moresby at 98,130

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M3a Zero: 1 destroyed on ground

Allied Ships
BB Mississippi
BB Maryland
CA Northampton
CA Indianapolis

Japanese ground losses:
118 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 22 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 6 (1 destroyed, 5 disabled)
Vehicles lost 10 (4 destroyed, 6 disabled)

Airbase hits 4
Airbase supply hits 3
Runway hits 63
Port hits 10
Port fuel hits 1
Port supply hits 1

Most of the combat troops are ashore safely , just 2 days to unload what's left in the AP's before we retire. The ground troops are resting for now,Although their disruption is at worst 2 ! , fatigue is upto 40 at worst.

CBL hermes will still be the closes CV (1hex) while the big American ones stand off another 2-3 hexes from the invasion site. Churchill agreed to leave a SC TF at PM just in case unspotted jap surface forces arrive and also as a decoy for jap torp bombers. 6 of which flew to attack the APD's unloading at Milne , no effect as hoped for.

As a bonus US sub SS Barb did a marvellous job sinking 2 full AO's near Iwn Jima. While Australian bombers hit and set fire to a jap Tanker and AKL (sinking a PB as a bonus) in Boela harbour (recon suggested no fighters and we did not encounter any).

Morning Air attack on Boela , at 80,110

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Allied aircraft
Mitchell II x 12

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
TK Amakusa Maru, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
xAKL Shinsoku Maru, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
PB Takunan Maru #5, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk

the storms had no effect and despite average bombing skills (40-50) (8k alt) the results are very favourable.

As a brief counterpoint , Japan now rules the skies over Christmas island after murdering the Canadian P40E unit based there. this was to be expected but keeps jap fighters and bombers in Java while they might be better employed elsewhere.


LoBaron -> RE: Re: (7/5/2011 10:41:23 AM)

Jan 30, 43:

While the Aussies landed and now prepare to liberate PM, the US had a row of successes over the last
couple of days, unpreceded in the war.

First the contest of airspace over Shortlands is clearly onesided, with a kill ration of close to 5:1.
The 4 experienced P-38F/G squads now based at Lunga are taking turns sweeping the Japanese base and, while
the Zero drivers there are clearly elite and put up a good fight, they lose.

I expected this performance. This is what Lightnings should be used for and they do a hell of a job,
using their alt advantage to bounce the CAP and their superior speed to evade the counter. It works
much more often than not.

Over the last four days the estimate is about 40-45 Japanese fighters shot down for the loss of about 8.

Mike will face difficult decisions soon, Shortlands is in range of Ndeni B-24s and I deliberately showed
him this fact by flying an ineffective port attack.
He can either stand and fight, losing pilots at a rate which he cannot keep up with (planes, as we know might
be another story) while I can easily replace my losses, - or he can give up defending and let Shortland get
whacked by continous heavy bomber raids, acting as training ground for my LBA and wearing out the defenders.

Tulagi is short on supplies still, but this will change over the next couple of days, opening up a new base
I intend to use for recon planes and medium bombers trained for low naval attack. Soon anything trying to reinforce
Shortlands will have to fight to reach destination.

Morning Air attack on Shortlands , at 109,131

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 38,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 4
A6M3a Zero x 30

Allied aircraft
P-38G Lightning x 22

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M3a Zero: 9 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-38G Lightning: 2 destroyed

I like to take over initiative here but I wont. I will react.
If Mike keeps the resistance up I will simply continue this tactic for a while since my secondary goal is attrition.
If he hides and moves back to Rabaul I will speed up my buildup and move forward sooner.
No rush, we got all the time we need. [8D]

Also as Rob already mentioned, SS Barb did a great job sinking 2 AOs laden with oil in CentPack.
They were small ones but this turn surely hurt with two AOs and one TK lost in 2 days.
The Silent Service is getting better.

Sub attack near Iwo-jima at 101,79

Japanese Ships
AO Shiretoko, Torpedo hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
AO Tsurumi
AO Erimo
xAK Saiho Maru
PB Kiso Maru

Allied Ships
SS Barb

SS Barb launches 6 torpedoes at AO Shiretoko
Barb diving deep ....
PB Kiso Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...
PB Kiso Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...
PB Kiso Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...
PB Kiso Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...
PB Kiso Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...
Escort abandons search for sub

Sub attack near Iwo-jima at 101,79

Japanese Ships
AO Tsurumi, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
AO Erimo
PB Kiso Maru

Allied Ships
SS Barb

SS Barb launches 4 torpedoes at AO Tsurumi
Barb diving deep ....
PB Kiso Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...
PB Kiso Maru attacking submerged sub ....
PB Kiso Maru loses contact with SS Barb
SS Barb eludes PB Kiso Maru by diving deep
Escort abandons search for sub

Good luck to the Australian Soldiers on the beaches around PM!

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Re: (7/6/2011 6:59:59 PM)

Jan 31 1943

The landings have been under attack from Japanese betties on torpedo runs, fortunately the CAP was able to see off most of these with heavy Japanese losses (no escorts) along with float plane attacks from Lae , One AP (small) was lost to a torpedo strike. Nothing much of note as it was already empty.

APDs' retiring from Milne (captured today) , had a stab at a Jap Ro boat ..

ASW attack near Milne Bay at 101,134

Japanese Ships
SS RO-63, hits 5

Allied Ships
APD John D. Ford

Christmas island is coming under increasingly heavy air attack , more supply is being run in with AKl's i hope it unloads safely but japan now has anti shipping planes lurking. Lost 2 AMc mine sweepers today.

Tomorrow we retire from PM completely and CVL Hermes shifts north while the CV's skedaddled back covering the AP's to Townsville. Another APD run to milne is ordered with USN DD escorts.


LoBaron -> RE: Re: (7/8/2011 7:48:26 AM)

Feb 2, 43:

I do not have much to add to Robs post.

The invasion was clean, a 4:1 superiority of AV is at the beaches at PM, so
I guess Rob will attack tomorrow.

Interesting was that Mike did not provide escorts for the Betty bombers attacking
the amphibs, I cannot comment on the reason but I suspect either bad weather or bad
morale of the concerned fighter units, or both.
The IJN fighter squads (currently 3 different units confirmed) have been mauled by P38
sweeps over the past couple of days, I estimate the losses 55+ fighters, that cannot be
good for their mood.
Anyways the carrier fighter had a field day on the Betties, I hope Mike lost a lot of pilots
though this might not be the case as they were shot down over (still) friendly territory.

The other news is that CV flag has changed back to USN again.
The reason is:

52nd Division is located at Kanazawa(111,57).
31st Field AA Battalion is located at Mandalay(59,46).
17th Medium Field Artillery Regiment is located at Babeldaob(90,97).
Heavy Volume of Radio transmissions detected at 112,119.
Tachirai JAAF Base Force is located at Fukuoka(103,57).
5th JAAF AF Bn is located at Tokyo(114,60).

Whatever this is, it is big and quite fast, and it has - additionally to sigint - been sighted by submarines
on a southerly heading, currently right between Truk and Guadalcanal.

I believe this to be KB.

My reasoning is:
- Mike knows he currently is unable to contest airspace over Shortlands with LBA.
- He is aware that I can hit Shortlands and everything further South with Medium bombers
or B24s.
- He knows that PM is lost, and knows that the allied carriers are around, so are free to
counter moves in that area without KB protection.

So this is what I will do:

- The carriers have been ordered to move to a position 300nm North of Noumea and meet with
a smaller group consisting of 3 CVEs.
- Ndeni B24 have suspended ops against Shortland and put on naval search.
- VMF squads on Guadalcanal have been put on alert and 2 P38 squads will fly high cover.
- I will not suspend sweeps against Shortlands but took this into consideration in case
Mike usese KB to cover operationst Shortlands.

Whether I engage will depend on Mikes intentions, TF composition and position.

LoBaron -> KB strikes (7/11/2011 10:17:38 AM)

Feb 4th, 43:

KB hit the British landing forces at Terapo and south of Milne Bay.
While the losses were tough it looked graver than it was, the most hurtful loss being CVL Hermes and CA Dorsetshire.

Morning Air attack on TF, near Terapo at 96,127

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid detected at 160 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 60 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M3a Zero x 35
B5N2 Kate x 51
D3A1 Val x 104

Allied aircraft
Martlet II x 17
Beaufighter VIc x 1

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M3a Zero: 2 destroyed
B5N2 Kate: 1 destroyed, 22 damaged
D3A1 Val: 1 destroyed, 17 damaged

Allied Ships
BB Prince of Wales, Bomb hits 9, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
xAK Goulburn, Bomb hits 5, and is sunk
AM Cessnock
CA Dorsetshire, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1
CVL Hermes, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 3, on fire
CL Birmingham, Bomb hits 1
xAK Mernoo, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAP Iron Knob, Bomb hits 11, and is sunk
DD Thracian
xAP Johanne Justesen, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
AM Stawell
AM Rockhampton
DD Arunta
CL Mauritius, Bomb hits 2
CL Hobart
AM Shepparton, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk
xAK Mangola, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage

This was our fault, I guessed a KB approach from the east of Shortlands and we did not pull back the landing at Terapo when the
PM landing group and the USN Carriers retreated south.

Mike made a good move here but it could be the battle is not over yet, see map below.
The carriers will move to a position West of Guadalcanal and surface combat groups, ASW forces and LBA will support. In case Mike
gets a small victory desease and moves South we will greet him with 1000 pounders.
To be honest I doubt it, my guess is he will retreat North and be happy with the results, therefore I tried to make the best of the situation,
set an attack on Shortlands, cover the exit routes into the Bismark Sea with subs and use the CV umbrella to reinforce Tulagi.

Next turn could be interesting.


Rob Brennan UK -> RE: KB strikes (7/11/2011 4:36:34 PM)

Ah yes , the CW got a bit greedy and tried to cover the last few days of the northern landing with the CVL Hermes. Sadly she is no more but the planes made it to PM which also fell on the 2nd. Additionally the POW escaped pretty unharmed apart from several AA batteries KO'd and bot radar sets nobbled.

We got away quite likely tbh.

The APD run to Milne has been aborted after one was sunk by kates the escorting DD group did not fare too well either losing 3 more.

More detail when i get the time



Rob Brennan UK -> RE: KB strikes (7/14/2011 6:13:19 PM)


There is a saying that revenge is best served cold. The CW however prefer it to be delivered with fire and brimstone. The loss of the Hermes sent winnie into a rage and he ordered an all out effort to find and damage those responsible. Australian and US field commanders thought it unfeasable and possibly suicidal but the 17's were readied for a speculative attack on the admiralty islands. The dawn broke slowly to the rumble of distant thunder, no Japanese fighters in the sky and large flat targets in the harbour below. By a miracle the japs were caught with their pants down !

Morning Air attack on Manus , at 101,119

Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

Raid spotted at 25 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 5

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
CV Kaga, Bomb hits 1

With the first days information analysed the second day saw the bombers heading back with much better results.

Morning Air attack on Manus , at 101,119

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid spotted at 38 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 6

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
BB Hiei, Bomb hits 1
CV Hiryu, Bomb hits 1
CV Zuikaku, Bomb hits 1
CA Ashigara, Bomb hits 1
CV Akagi, Bomb hits 1, on fire
BB Haruna, Bomb hits 1

Port hits 2

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x B-17E Fortress bombing from 8000 feet *
Port Attack: 4 x 500 lb GP Bomb

While I suspect not much more than paint was chipped , the morale boost to the allies was immense !

Elsewhere the japs were running surface ships into Lautern (N of Darwin) , the low level skills of the newly arrived Mitchells were put to good use :-

Morning Air attack on TF, near Saumlaki at 78,117

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 3,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Allied aircraft
Mitchell II x 10

Allied aircraft losses
Mitchell II: 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
xAP Palau Maru, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
CL Naka, Bomb hits 1
CL Abukuma

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x Mitchell II bombing from 1000 feet
Naval Attack: 3 x 500 lb SAP Bomb
6 x Mitchell II bombing from 1000 feet
Naval Attack: 3 x 500 lb GP Bomb

Sadly this was tempered by the final signal from a Dutch sub limping home from an air attack near Kendari and another AKL lost trying to supply Christmas island. NB Christmas is getting pounded badly from the air daily and the AKL's suffer badly on the supply runs.

Overall though seeing one jap CV on fire is heart warming [8D]


witpqs -> RE: KB strikes (7/14/2011 9:02:16 PM)


LoBaron -> RE: KB strikes (7/15/2011 10:54:31 AM)

Wow indeed. Rob always has a good hand when it comes to such things.

I really would have loved to see Mikes face when he watched the replay... [;)]

Nothing much to say from US side, except that the resupply of Marcus Island went
well. It will need a couple of runs more though as the Marines there consume as
fast as I can deliver, my own fault to stack the atoll 1.5k over the 6k limit,
but I want to make reconquest as hard as possible.

That Island could be my door to Guam so I will fight for it.

The usual air battles over Shortlands, Mike keeps on fighting which suits me quite well.
He cannot attrit me, and if it does not attrit him its at least good training for my
USAAF pilots.

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