RE: KB strikes (Full Version)

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Rob Brennan UK -> RE: KB strikes (7/17/2011 2:21:58 PM)

Feb 10-11 1943

Its all a bit quiet (for now) , the allies finally get some engineers to Port Moresby to correct the oversight with the landing force composition. Japanese bombers have kept the AF closed with minor raids, hopefully it'll be open for duty very soon now. Australia has had a revamp of its AF in recent days so those squadrons that can be changed to non restricted HQ's have been and refitted with modern a/c for use in NG.

B17's paid a surprise visit to Moulmein Airfield which recon showed had bombers but no fighters. 12 Nells are reported destroyed and the runway is in ruins.

I do believe the US has some surprises for Japan in the days to come however so watch this space.


aztez -> RE: KB strikes (7/17/2011 2:51:46 PM)

You are back into to your hat mate [:D] ...nice hit with those LBA bombers.

I think you woke your opponent up and KB will be a bit more careful from now on.

LoBaron -> RE: KB strikes (7/18/2011 10:05:47 AM)

Feb 12th ī43:

Again a good day for the Allies. About 90 Japanese planes total fell from the skies
in battles over the last 2 days.


The fights were all over the map, Rob again performed sensational with his airforce.

The majority of the A6M3a kills again goes to Cactus airforce. I wanted to underline
my interest in visiting Shortland by sending Ndeni B24s, sadly it was less successful than
I hoped (although feared because of the bad weather forcast).

On day 1 the bombers did fly, but bad weather prevented the Lightnings to support the
strike from Lunga, on day two the sweeps flew but the weather prevented the Liberators
to fly that day.
I knew about the risk, but reconed since morale on the Shortland squads is slowly dropping
(how could it be otherwise? They lose planes at a rate of 4:1 - 5:1)the B24s received damage
but none were shot down.

Next days thunderstorms are predicted over target area, so only a small sweep will be flown.

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: KB strikes (7/18/2011 1:54:19 PM)

As my esteemed Ally has posted , this was a good turn for the allied air.

Initially the newly arrived Spits/sea hurricanes and P39's did excellent work defending PM airfields and got the Netty kills along with most of the Helens. The few A6M3a's escorting the Netties were of extreme experience and performed excellently even on escort. But the allied weight of numbers triumphed.

In china the Chinese nationalist AF along with American allies tried to contest the airspace over Kweiyang (the Chinese supply sink of a city). The Tojo sweep hurt the P66 vanguards badly (those planes are terrible but numbers matter and that's all the Chinese have to use frankly). The Tonys first appearance as escorts was a bit of a disappointment for Japan as they did not perform well and went chasing off after the low level P40's leaving the Lancers and P38's to maul the bombers. Follow up Oscar sweeps were 1-1 on losses and that's not good for china. although the plan to engage Japan all over the map is now commencing.

Burma saw its share of air use too with allied bombers hitting the Japanese troops surrounding Mandalay and causing some significant damage. Allied artillery openeed up for the fist time in ages while supply levels were good.

Example air combat in china .. 1 of 3

Afternoon Air attack on Kweiyang , at 74,49

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-49-IIa Helen x 38
Ki-61-Ia Tony x 12

Allied aircraft
P-40E Warhawk x 1
P-43A-1 Lancer x 5
P-66 Vanguard x 7
P-38E Lightning x 7
P-40E Warhawk x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-49-IIa Helen: 9 destroyed, 8 damaged
Ki-61-Ia Tony: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-66 Vanguard: 1 destroyed

while in Burma :-

Afternoon Air attack on 4th RTA Division, at 59,46 (Mandalay)

Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIc Trop x 10
Liberator II x 12
Wellington Ic x 12
B-17E Fortress x 17

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 4 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
77 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 13 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)
Vehicles lost 15 (3 destroyed, 12 disabled)

And the Allied bombardments :-

Ground combat at Mandalay (59,46)

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 38396 troops, 842 guns, 1259 vehicles, Assault Value = 3383

Defending force 97016 troops, 925 guns, 776 vehicles, Assault Value = 3489

Japanese ground losses:
147 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Vehicles lost 15 (2 destroyed, 13 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
154 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 19 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Vehicles lost 11 (2 destroyed, 9 disabled)

Given the games preference for the defenders in this sort of attack 1-1 isn't bad on losses. We will continue the air attacks but stop the artillery (bar one unit as a test) to save supply and try to convert the bombers disablements into solid kills.

The Dutch subs sank an oil filled AK as a bonus off of the southern Philippines.

Sub attack near Dadjangas at 80,94

Japanese Ships
xAK Tatutaki Maru, Torpedo hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
PB Kenan Maru
PB Kogyoku Maru
PB Kamitu Maru
AO Sata
AO Iro
TK Tonan Maru #3
TK Tonan Maru #2
TK Kyokuyo Maru
xAK Noto Maru
xAK Tatukami Maru
xAK Kagu Maru
PB Okuyo Maru #2
PB Okiyu Maru
PB Ginyo Maru
PB Ronsan Maru

Allied Ships
SS O16

Lets see what happens tomorrow.


aztez -> RE: KB strikes (7/18/2011 2:41:52 PM)

Hmpf. Why does he has so much troops at Mandalay?

I think you guys have a great chance to make him pay for that decision. At least I have found that base to be a bit... well tricky.

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: KB strikes (7/23/2011 3:41:40 AM)

Feb 16/17 1943

He just left Mandalay Aztez , dragging all my ground attack a/c with them 1 hex to a swarm of tonys and tojos. fortunately the fighters in Mandalay had a modest cap% so there was a lot left for escorting, The hurricanes did not fare too well but the new P40K's (at lower alt) did much better. and few bombers were lost.

Here is the largest and most successful attack .. tomorrow we will have a re-think on Burma.

Morning Air attack on Imperial Guards Division, at 58,47 (Meiktila)

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 51
Ki-61-Ia Tony x 3

Allied aircraft
Liberator II x 18
Wellington Ic x 12
Hurricane XIIb x 30
B-17E Fortress x 47
B-25C Mitchell x 11
P-40K Warhawk x 15

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 3 destroyed
Ki-61-Ia Tony: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Liberator II: 1 damaged
Wellington Ic: 1 damaged
Hurricane XIIb: 2 destroyed
B-17E Fortress: 7 damaged
B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
315 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 41 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 32 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Japanese subs are becoming a plague between NE Oz and New Guinea, when refits are complete we will have spare DD's to run ASW groups , until then the sparse escorts will have to do. There is a large convoy heading to Milne bay with 5th Aussie Division and support elements, we will use PM air to cover it as Lae is officially empty (today spitfire sweeps encountered nothing) and allied bombers continue to harass the japs falling back to Buna.

Japan has re-started its night city raids over china [:(], the only CW night fighter unit has recently arrived in Australia so no proper night cover available. Poor Chinese civilians terrorised by perfidious Japanese aircraft once again.

America had some hum-dinger air battles over shortlands (details left to LoBaron to supply)

Losses .. Helens start dropping from flak over Christmas island , hopefully this will rise with the proposed arrival of massive AAA reinforcements on the way. and allied planners have a 'plan' to stop this terror bombing of the indigenous crab population.

PS .. Zeros were over shortlands , Tonys and Tojos in burma.


Rob Brennan UK -> Burma rethink (7/23/2011 2:49:43 PM)

I received an e-mail from LoBaron asking what my plans/thought are for future moves in Burma . Here is a copy of my return E-mail as it gives some more insight into what the allied command are thinking about with the somewhat unexpected withdrawal :-

I need to see how he positions his troops after withdrawal , he has to defend 2 bases which splits his troops up. this will hopefully allow me to mass attack one stack and I have para troops prepared for bases further back to cut off supply and retreat rail moves for a few turns, I have more troops entering Burma atm , esp lots more tanks but also one more inf div (100%) .. I'll have to tally up my AV , but as far as prepping goes , the non Mandalay based forces have already switched to the base just south of Mandalay (not magwe) .. I wont change the Mandalay units (yet) as he could be playing a trick, whereby I re-prep my Mandalay forces and he re-enters the hex with him at 100% prep and me at 0% .. could force a huge allied disaster .. So I'm being careful .. Although if I can force him back by manoeuvre and not even fight that would suit me fine as I have limited ground replacements for allied units (I have plenty atm bar the Indian 42 squads which I have used up completely refitting out 2 divs taken from Singapore ) . Tank replacements are also an issue as I still have several improvised tank units and v weak light tanks , grants and Stuarts are coming to the front nicely however and no real fighting here for ages has allowed me to replace all the old militia crap at least..

Chinas inf replacements have doubled for 6 months while I produce both 42 and 43 squads @200/months , also some 105 mm arty guns are trickling into Chinese units too , cant get the arty units to take them yet. I initially want to completely refit the corps in Mandalay 1st as a priority , then fill out units reformed after destruction. China land has stale mated now I think .Also noticed he had a troop build up in one hex so moved in another 1000 AV to counter it + reserves shuffled around. Sian area is supply short but not so bad everyone's starving but attacks are out of the question . I need to get more from the airlift to china but im still doing 50/50 into Burma . if he pulls back there I hope my supply draw will increase because of more bases calling for it.

Ramtree island off the S Burma coast has been a spot i've prepared a lot for and with Akyab being a good airbase now I can try and move in to build that up and place Rangoon under allied fighter range. BUT I don't get spits till 9/43 and hurricanes aren't best vs his newer plane types. I think I can defend myself adequately but air offensives might be tricky, we will see though.

That's enough of a rant for now




LoBaron -> RE: Burma rethink (7/24/2011 8:26:23 AM)

Thanks for the details Rob, like the paradrop aspect. Donīt got recon data on those bases?

Ok its Feb 17th, and Iīd like to go a bit into detail on the last air battles over Shortland.

As I said some pages ago, the goal of keeping up the pressure on the Northern Solomons is not conquest, but attrition.
I hope to force Mike to either defend Shortlands for as long as possible - and invest way too much forces into this area - or make him pull back
slowly - and open up the path for a few cheap invasions without the need for carriers. I am fine with both, but I prefer the first.

An attemt at analysis:


The current loss rates are brutally high for both, but I think I got the upper hand when it comes down to pilots. Replacement atm is easy,
my pools got a regular infusion of 70air/70def fighter pilots, so if anything the 3 squads currently bearing the brink of the fight get better,
not worse.

The question is: what does this situation come down to concerning pilot losses for Mike? I have to make an educated guess when talking about his
losses, but I estimate about 100 A6M3a shot down in A2A over the last 10 days - 2 weeks, while another 50 crashed on landing.
I currently estimate (plane loss: pilot loss) over friendly bases at 5:1 when including op losses. This would mean about 30 pilots lost.
Contrary to my losses though, his losses are the prewar elite pilots, so every loss for Mike traded 1:1 tips the balance in my direction, which
clearly is a part of the mission.
Another point not to be underestimated is I am fighting the IJN only. So the IJN pool has to replace these losses and we know that the replacement
rate is dreadfully low. Donīt know if this has a real impact though, against an opponent who for sure knows how to set up a meaningful pilot training

Next point is losses in airframes:

Whatever Mikes build rate for IJN fighters is, it is not 350+ A6M3a per month. So I am draining his pools.
Official production start of the A6M3a was 10/42, I will admit Mike a fine hand in planning his R&D so lets say production started 9/42.
People usually think that a IJNfighter production for scen #1 should be about 150-200, so thats about 1000 fighters produced up to now.
With the current loss rate in theory it should take only 2 months to get him down to plane count in squadrons with pools dry.

This would be a good achievement: the next Zero production model is still half a year away, and from these calculations the total fighter
strenght of the IJN drops.

Lets look at the USAAF side of things.
At the moment there is no doubt: I am losing more P-38 airframes than I can replace. Much more.
Currently I am producing 20 of the G models, and slowly running dry on F. Thats bad. But:

- I am attacking, I can dictate the P38 op tempo. If the pools get dry I will reduce to an attrition rate I can cope with.
- P38 is not the only fighter airframe for the USAAF, the other jobs are done by P39Ks, and some older models and the pools of those are bursting
with airframes. I can easily throw in some of those in case the Lightnings need to reduce op tempo. And lets not forget about the USMC, now mainly
flying defensive missions. But to break the spear, so to say, I need the best fighters.
- Contrary to the above the IJN got this one fighter, the Zero. It is in use on CV flightdecks (or not, see below [:D]) and for LBA. He has no way
around this aircraft except downgrading to older stuff or calling the IJA for help and that one has her hands full fighting Hurricanes in Burma.

So my conclusion is: now is the time to fight with the best I got for as long as possible, and this is what will happen.

Last, the tactical situation:

I got between 3 and 4 Lightning fighter squads at the moment, all based at Lunga AB.

Mike is using 2 different LBA Zero units but the delightful thing is: he is using at least 3(!) Carrier squads. Hiyo (sunk) but 2 active: Soryu and another I forgot.
Pulling the teeth of CV squads is my hobby. In case he keeps that up he can hurt me bad, but this situation alone makes it worth it.

Maybe I will write up details on how I see the air battles from a game perspective in a later post, CT asked a long time ago that I post details and my interpratation
of the events, and I think its a good idea.

All I will say now is that I think the air model is splendid and reflects true events more closely than is appreciated on the boards. Really my compliments to TheElf and his team.
This is not mentioned often enough!

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Burma rethink (7/24/2011 4:00:35 PM)

Recon in Burma

The CW has lots of short ranged Lysander/hurricane recon units that cover all bases in range v regularly. We also have one remaining example of the Mitchell Recon that's used to poke around bases further back. Both para landing zones are empty as of last turn , but recon will continue.

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Burma rethink (7/28/2011 2:54:21 PM)


Great 2 days for Allied ASW efforts around Australia and the new bases in New Guinea. 2 subs are confirmed sunk ( I spoke to Mike (offenceman) on team-speak(clan chat for World of Tanks game) last night and he confirmed 2 sunk and one badly damaged) .

First one damaged was off Broome

ASW attack near Broome at 60,127

Japanese Ships
SS I-168, hits 14

Allied Ships
DD Vendetta
AS Lucia
AKV Engadine
xAP Koolinda
xAP Koolama
PG Hindustan

This TF was delivering some badly needed supply to Broome (lack of transports on West coast Australia atm).

Next one was In Milne bay hex where a lot of needed men and material is being delivered. This base is now secure and the 5th Australian div will split up and prep for Japanese held island nearby that can be attacked using short ranged landing craft and LBA

Submarine attack near Milne Bay at 101,133

Japanese Ships
SS I-31, hits 33, and is sunk

Allied Ships
AM Strahan
AM Madras
AP Fuller
AP Hunter Liggett
xAP Illisos
xAP Montoro
xAP Merkur
xAP Raranga
xAP Lycaon
xAP Khedive Ismail
xAK Elisavet
xAK Period
DD Inconstant
DD Thracian
DD Arunta

Nest sub was hot by a dedicated ASW group clearing the seas around Townsville. The area between here and NG is lousy with Japanese subs , hopefully the loss of 2 will make Japan withdraw before I begin using heavy surface assets. Speaking of Heavy ships, remember the torpedo magnet BC Repulse ? Well she's all fixed up and now at anchor in Sydney awaiting her DD escorts upgrade.

Submarine attack near Palm Island at 93,143

Japanese Ships
SS I-172, hits 24, and is sunk

Allied Ships
APD Alden
DD Frazier
DD Bailey
APD John D. Edwards

The Low level attack Mitchell's based in Darwin got another Japanese Patrol boat , these few but elite bombers are making the small oil producing bases near to Australia a bit more dangerous for Japan , Allied/Dutch subs patrol the waters and the bombers are keeping Japanese ASW efforts to a minimum.

More soon .


Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Burma rethink (7/30/2011 3:04:16 PM)


A great day for the silent service, Dutch subs made a real nuisance of them selves in the DEI , having read a captured german U-boat manual , surface night attacks were tested and found to be v effective.

Submarine attack near Legaspi at 81,83

Japanese Ships
xAK Kizan Maru, Torpedo hits 4, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships

xAK Kizan Maru is sighted by SS KXII
SS KXII attacking on the surface

Also hit :-

Submarine attack near Catbalogan at 82,84

Japanese Ships
xAK Bisan Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships

xAK Bisan Maru is sighted by SS KXII
SS KXII launches 2 torpedoes at xAK Bisan Maru

Back to port for torpedoes , tea and biscuits !

The US sub SS Shad hit a jap merchantman between the Chinese coast and Okinawa, keeping to the deep waters off the continental shelf she was able to avoid all Japanese ASW attacks.

And some very valuable recon in the SW Pacific (both groups east of Rabaul and seemingly heading SE towards ontong Java. very well spotted , even if the torps failed to detonate.

Sub attack near Emirau Island at 107,117

Japanese Ships
CA Mikuma
BB Kongo
CA Kumano
CA Mogami
DD Kagero
DD Naganami
DD Shiranui
DD Yukikaze

Allied Ships
SS Trigger, hits 3

ASW attack near Lihir at 111,120

Japanese Ships
BB Fuso
BB Mutsu
CA Furutaka
CA Kinugasa
CA Nachi
DD Shigure
DD Akigumo
DD Suzukaze
DD Umikaze

Allied Ships
SS Sargo

Japans managing to overwhelm the engineers on Christmas island at last with raids of over 100 helens at a time , we did shoot down about 2/day and damaged many more. Note the piccie at the bottom is of the previously mentioned monster AAA unit. It's just unloaded at cocos and awaiting some US air groups (one from India , one from East coast vis Cape Town. both due soon.) to get some air cover for the transports.

Japan also launched some night air raids on Mandalay , met with night flying Canadian hurricanes that damaged a few and really destroyed the bombers aiming so that only very minor damage was reported. Meanwhile Mandalay airfields now upto size 8.

More soon


LoBaron -> RE: Burma rethink (8/3/2011 10:15:39 AM)

Just a short op overview:

Marcus Island: Supply convoy coming in. Sadly it has been spotted by submarines so this could
mean carnage as I have no SAG protection.
I hope to unload the majority during the next 2 days, even in case Mike intercepts its only small AKs
and aux ships lost. Still I will make up my mind of how to assure future safety of this exposed place
without severely reducing the defensive capability there.
Current idea is to replace the 1st Marines with 2 USMC def and a CD unit.
For this exchange I will need the Carriers though, which currently take part in operation "Juicy Alternative".

OP Juicy Alternative: This op will decloak in the next 2 turns although its entirely possible that Mike
does not even notice at first.
The goal is to occupy and build up Tarawa and Abemama as a forward naval and airbase.
As with the invasion of Guadalcanal concerning the Solomons, the goal is not staging an invasion of the
Marshal Isl., but to present a new frontline to Mike.
We will try to pose a threat manly carried out with 2 B24 squads assigned to the area as soon as the
airfields are ready and it will enable us to operate naval assets closer to the Marshal Isl. with a safe harbor
in vincinity.
The second assignement of this area will be to act as a defensive line enabling the US to shorten the supply route
to NZ and the Solomons by a good margin.
The third and main goal though will again to cover up my planned attack on Guam, which is in the early stages of
planning and will be launched late ī43. The more ressources Mike invests south, the greater the loss
of Guam will weight.

Rob Brennan UK -> not a lot (8/3/2011 1:07:17 PM)


The Dutch sub XII sent up to investigate Japanese ASW off of Palembang (Sumatra) was sunk almost immediately on arriving on station by Helen 2's on air patrol. This area is still off limits to allied subs for now.

Japanese Patrol boats near Buna were attacked by beau-fighters on naval strafe missions , at 100ft it seems strafe is the skill used and not LNav (FYI) as skills increased in this category and one PB was blown to smithereens. Strafe skills were already high, averaging 64 in both sqds on attack orders.

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Buna at 99,129

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

Allied aircraft
Beaufighter Ic x 7

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
PB Kyo Maru #10, Bomb hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage

Aircraft Attacking:
7 x Beaufighter Ic bombing from 100 feet
Naval Attack: 2 x 250 lb SAP Bomb

Overin china , Japan switched its main air attack target and the 60% LRCAP failed to intercept anything, the remaining 40% were on normal CAP (not rest) and did intercept in penny numbers several raids and Oscar sweeps. Despite being outnumbered they did acquit them selves very well and one unescorted Helen raid was badly hurt. Shame the full weight of the Chinese air did not intercept as friendly losses to the newer Japanese fighters was noticeable, esp among the rather hopeless P66's. The usual practise is to withdraw after combat to Chungking but today we will stay and fight and see what happens. Japan has far too much aerial freedom in china at the moment.

the only ground combat in china is heavy jap artillery hammering our defensive line , I just hope its eating supply as fast as its eating my inf squads.

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 3110 troops, 156 guns, 258 vehicles, Assault Value = 3083

Defending force 97874 troops, 465 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3881

Japanese ground losses:
5 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied ground losses:
124 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Assaulting units:
102nd Infantry Regiment
20th Recon Regiment
22nd Division
66th Infantry Regiment
40th Division
6th Division
5th Armored Car Co
12th Tank Regiment
39th Division
15th Tank Regiment
78th Infantry Regiment
12th Ind.Mixed Brigade
14th Division
5th Ind.Hvy.Art Battalion
Tonei Hvy Gun Regiment
8th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
1st Mortar Battalion
11th Army
2nd Hvy.Artillery Regiment
4th Mortar Battalion
6th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
7th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
4th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
8th Medium Field Artillery Regiment

Defending units:
10th Chinese Corps
26th Chinese Corps
75th Chinese Corps
6th Construction Regiment
65th Chinese Corps
79th Chinese Corps
60th Chinese Corps
8th Chinese Corps
74th Chinese Corps
99th Chinese Corps
10th Construction Regiment
33rd Group Army
1st Artillery Regiment
Lusu War Area
56th AT Gun Regiment

AV is roughly evens at 3.5k but we are in fort 2 mountain/woods hex so I am not overly worried about Japanese breakthroughs here and given the immobility of either side the stalemate continues. Meanwhile the Ledo air transport groups fly in supply to china and the allied bombers fly in supply to Burma. this now seems to be balanced in Burma and we only need the C47's in extremis, even with base building and more troops entering the theatre.


LoBaron -> RE: not a lot (8/7/2011 10:02:35 AM)

March, 3rd:

Juicy Alternative/Gilberts:
Landings at Tarawa and Abemama are proceeding nicely with departure of the 2nd wave heading Tabitauea imminent.
These three bases will form the southern front against the Marshalls for ī43.

Marcus Island:
Supplies are up again (30k), but from experience this will hold for about 10 days. The faster I am done with Juicy Alternative, the
faster I can get troop strenght down to a bearable level. 1st Marines will return to PH and become part of the Guam invasion plan
after some R&R (in this case probably more physical exercise, the guys are eating 3 large prime ribs per day and gun...)

6th Marines landed at Lunga and will prepare for the seizure of Munda. I hope this to be clean and fast as no CVs will be available for
this OP. Still since Mikes attention is divided between the growing pressure on Rabaul from the east. Will take some time till we are ready for this move.

If anybody knows: is there a specific pattern concerning which USN squads upgrade to B24Ys or is that something only tracker can answer?

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: not a lot (8/8/2011 5:49:13 PM)

March 1943

apologies for lack of updates , but not a lot going on in-game right now. Aussie troops are still advancing on Buna and Aussie high command has ordered all the fragments to get organised so the limited AP/AK are hauling up support squads to PM from townsville.

Spits (Aussie Vc) and Sea hurricanes have encountered Zeros over Lae now and the spits did v well while the hurricanes survived but did little damage to the enemy. PM is now Torpedo bomber capable and 16 Beauforts have loaded up for anti ship duty next turn.

Christmas island had 1 day off from the heavy pounding due to weather and got the runways below 50% damage. Annoyingly the 2 US air-groups newly arrived in cocos are not able to upgrade to lightnings as its only AF5 (grrrr .. forgot about that) I might have to ship them to Broome for upgrading.

Burma and china are quiet (ish) and the allied transports haul round supply ad-infinitum to both theatres as its required.

The only really useful news is the huge transport upgrades that are now in motion. the saved-up AK+AP ships that convert to APA or LSI(L) are in shipyards and scurrying to convert. this will hugely help the allied amphib capability in a month or so when all have been organised.

when summat interesting happens we will let you know.


tiger111 -> RE: not a lot (8/10/2011 2:01:38 PM)

Message for Lobaron.

Rob is at the moment having big computer problems. He hopes to get a new computer delivered and up and running by the end of the coming weekend.So no updates from him `till then.

He asked me to say to LoBaron to do his Allied turns for him until he`s sorted out.

witpqs -> RE: not a lot (8/10/2011 4:15:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Augustas

Message for Lobaron.

Rob is at the moment having big computer problems. He hopes to get a new computer delivered and up and running by the end of the coming weekend.So no updates from him `till then.

He asked me to say to LoBaron to do his Allied turns for him until he`s sorted out.

[:(] I hope Rob's avatar doesn't get lost!

LoBaron -> RE: not a lot (8/11/2011 8:44:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: witpqs


ORIGINAL: Augustas

Message for Lobaron.

Rob is at the moment having big computer problems. He hopes to get a new computer delivered and up and running by the end of the coming weekend.So no updates from him `till then.

He asked me to say to LoBaron to do his Allied turns for him until he`s sorted out.

[:(] I hope Rob's avatar doesn't get lost!

Mee too!

Thanks for the info Augustas. [:)]

tiger111 -> RE: not a lot (8/11/2011 5:29:47 PM)

Update regarding Rob.

New computer will not be arriving until Monday.So please expect delays until he can get online etc.
Lobaron please continue doing his turns for him until he returns.


LoBaron -> RE: not a lot (8/11/2011 8:27:13 PM)

Ah thanks, perfect, I wanted to try out the CW performance in suicide attacks anyway...
I sincerely hope to reduced your command to a more reasonable size until youre back. [8D]

LoBaron -> RE: not a lot (8/12/2011 10:34:46 AM)

Mar 08, 43

Only major event was the capture of Buna:

Ground combat at Buna (99,129)

Allied Shock attack

Attacking force 13297 troops, 184 guns, 328 vehicles, Assault Value = 800

Defending force 1078 troops, 57 guns, 21 vehicles, Assault Value = 4

Allied adjusted assault: 1556

Japanese adjusted defense: 9

Allied assault odds: 172 to 1 (fort level 2)

Allied forces CAPTURE Buna !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), op mode(-), preparation(-)
Attacker: shock(+)

Japanese ground losses:
805 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 58 destroyed, 19 disabled
Engineers: 33 destroyed, 3 disabled
Guns lost 19 (12 destroyed, 7 disabled)
Vehicles lost 22 (16 destroyed, 6 disabled)
Units retreated 4

Allied ground losses:
13 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Defeated Japanese Units Retreating!

Assaulting units:
2/10th Armoured Regiment
2/7th Armoured Regiment
1st Australian Division
4th Australian Division
II Australian Corps
21/22 Field Regiment

Defending units:
2nd Mortar Battalion
2nd Naval Construction Battalion
1st Hvy.Artillery Regiment
42nd JNAF AF Unit

The token force retreated north, I donīt know what Rob planned here, so the Aussies will
currently stay where they are.

Rabaul Harbor still has roughly 40 ships at anchor. I wonder why Mike takes this risk, I would
have evacuated all but the most essential ships to the Admiralties and Truk weeks ago.
Well maybe we can make him pay for this, as soon as the invasion group for Munda is ready and Moonlight
permits we will fly a heavy night attack against the port wiht B24 from Lunga which will turn lvl 7
next turn.

tiger111 -> RE: not a lot (8/15/2011 3:21:25 PM)

Update on Rob`s position.

Due to mix-up in the ordering of the computer(theirs not his) he won`t be online `till at least Thursday or Friday.

Lobaron-please keep on doing his turns.

LoBaron -> RE: not a lot (8/16/2011 5:09:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: Augustas

Update on Rob`s position.

Due to mix-up in the ordering of the computer(theirs not his) he won`t be online `till at least Thursday or Friday.

Lobaron-please keep on doing his turns.

Thats sad news, really.

* Confirm sinking animaitons are working on British BCs - Check
* Confirm shock attacking Magwe with the current garisson is a bad idea - Check
* Test Spitfire Vc ground attack capability is low - Check
* Confirm Spitfire Vc ground attack capability is even lower against flak traps - Check
* Perform regreession tests on above with all remaining CW fighters - Check
* Scout Singapore, Rangoon and every +7 port in the region for minefields with thos sturdy British submarines - Check

Damnit I need more time... [8D]

Poor Rob, he must have withdrawal symptoms by now...

tiger111 -> RE: not a lot (8/16/2011 5:41:15 PM)

Yes he`s fairly cheesed off. Especially as he can`t use his new tanks in World of Tanks[:D]

LoBaron -> RE: not a lot (8/16/2011 7:41:00 PM)

Thanks for keeping me up to date. [:)]

Btw: reminder for Rob:

Our Christmas Isl. Special needs P38G, F range is too short.

I made changes accordingly so there should be 2 squads ready. Although concerning the opposition a 3rd one might come in handy.
Pools should suffice, but logistics is not my decision here and youd need another US army squadron.

I have retired to a single P38f unit at Lunga, for your op you can have every G plane from the pools.

Just my 2cīs, better hurt Mike bad if we want to keep that island.

PS: Tojos are available for him but they would fly at max range...

SoliInvictus202 -> RE: not a lot (8/16/2011 8:01:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Augustas

Yes he`s fairly cheesed off. Especially as he can`t use his new tanks in World of Tanks[:D]

LMAO - that would annoy me too - A LOT! (especially since I just got the E-75)

LoBaron -> RE: not a lot (8/17/2011 8:21:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: SoliInvictus202


ORIGINAL: Augustas

Yes he`s fairly cheesed off. Especially as he can`t use his new tanks in World of Tanks[:D]

LMAO - that would annoy me too - A LOT! (especially since I just got the E-75)

I am still grinding my PzKpfw IV... [;)]
Non premium account, wont spend money on such a game, though its good.

6th Marines will land at Munda next turn, I hope the opposition is light enough, if not
I hope Mike wants to fight for it. The nice thing is island hopping favors the Allies and
frees up the carriers for more sinister duties.

PzB74 -> RE: not a lot (8/17/2011 8:38:09 AM)

Just wait until you have to grind the awful VK3... tanks LoBaron, opened my wallet to convert some free xp [:'(]
The E-50 is a nice piece of heavy tankery though [8D]

Did you read that WG plan a World of Battleships game?-)
The wanna be capitalists in Minsk have gotten gready, a partly arcade - tank sim game has it's appeal - but battleships?
Come on.. think I'll stick to the tanks and AE.

LoBaron -> RE: not a lot (8/17/2011 11:56:24 AM)

There goes my hope of dominating the battlefield with a VK.
Grinding for the 3600. [;)]

I heard about World of BB and agree, cant imagine its fun to arcade-drive
Battleships around a mini-map.
What I really want to see is a Task Force 1942 remake, there were some rumors.

tiger111 -> RE: not a lot (8/18/2011 5:25:16 PM)

Rob said that there is a plane based game on the horizon. Air battles on the Eastern Front with a lot more players involved.

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