RE: Planning map(on a zoom 2 map) (Full Version)

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Kharkov43 -> RE: Planning map(on a zoom 2 map) (7/9/2011 11:59:13 PM)

I finally gave up I had my game so messed up  I had to download  it again..........Mercy!

goranw -> RE: Planning map(on a zoom 2 map) (7/10/2011 10:18:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: Kharkov43

I finally gave up I had my game so messed up  I had to download  it again..........Mercy!

Hi again!
Probably a good idea.If you dont succed with the new try I could think of uploading to my home site
the folder Zoom2_nogrid with the 63 tga-files without making a zip-file and with the correct name.
Then you just have to replace the game Zoom2_nogrid with the new one.

goranw -> RE: Planning map(on a zoom 2 map) (8/30/2011 3:51:50 PM)

I have updated the 13 and 14 tga-files inside the fully playable " Operationskarte".
The area has importance regarding the Demjansk pocket.
Here is an ex. (14th tga-file) as jpg.
Just take the zip-file ( with the tga-files) in next message.


goranw -> RE: Planning map(on a zoom 2 map) (8/30/2011 3:53:48 PM)


Captain -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (8/31/2011 1:47:52 PM)

Goranw, I installed your map. It is really a work of art! It really has the look and feel of OKH operation maps.

Great job.

KenchiSulla -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (9/1/2011 12:45:45 PM)

Only just discovered... awesome job!

JamesM -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (9/30/2011 1:16:04 PM)

Goranw, just discovered your maps, looks like they could be useful.  Thank you for a great job.

BTW, were you involved in drawing the maps for Road to Moscow?  Shame it became vapourware.

goranw -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (10/2/2011 6:16:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: jamesm

Goranw, just discovered your maps, looks like they could be useful.  Thank you for a great job.

BTW, were you involved in drawing the maps for Road to Moscow?  Shame it became vapourware.

I followed the development of that game with great interest but I was not involved in the map.
The map is still one of the best but the game was too ambitious in its goal for that time.

goranw -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (10/3/2011 8:10:10 AM)

Just to see how that map looked in a zoom-in picture.


heliodorus04 -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (10/6/2011 2:14:59 PM)

Nevermind, found instructions on Page 2 for installation

goranw -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (10/6/2011 11:52:56 PM)

A great scenario, Red Army Resurgent 42-43, done by Trey Marshall.
I am impressed to see this scenario play as a historical simulation.
Check the dates and frontlines!
Its played to be shown on the frontline-date map.
From turn 1 up to turn 12. Start 19 nov. Part of Operation Uranus.
Its played AI against AI. German-Soviet Difficulty level 90-110.(Soviet attack scenario during choosen time)
Map1. axis start turn 2 26 nov-42 Soviet has established a big pocket. Tschir-Kalatsch area..see also the 30 nov-line. Otherwise nearly starting lines.
2. turn 4 10 dec Hard fighting in Stalingrad area.In nw attacks along Don and big attack in Morozovsk-Kotelnikowo area.
3 turn 8 7 jan-43 German forces in narrow Stalingrad. Millerowo-Morozovsk Kotelnikowo taken by the Soviets.Elista-Diwnoje fallen.
Attack also in direction of Voroshilowsk and Krasnodar in Kaukasus area Woronesh still kept by the Germans.
4 turn 10 21 jan German forces make an outbreak attept from Stalingrad to the west!Germany looses Woronesh.
Broad Soviet attack along Don in direction of Rostow and against Waluiki area east Charkow.More slow attack in south-east.
5 turn 12 4 feb Outbreak from Stalingrad failed.German forces there surrendered. Charkow-Stalino-Rostow-Taman peninsula goals for
the Soviet offensive.
End of the historical simulation!


goranw -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (11/4/2011 2:22:33 PM)

Brückenschläge Bruns. Riga. 1 Juli-21 Okt. AOK NORD.
From the discussion about Eastern front logistics in that forum.

marty_01 -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (11/5/2011 9:07:30 PM)

Great map Goran. Thanks for posting it.

Interesting to see some of the railroads and terrain features on the Einsatz des Bruckenstab Bruns map which didn't (or couldn't) make it into the WiTE map.

goranw -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (11/6/2011 10:56:31 AM)

To complete the map above. A detailed railway map AOK NORD until 21 okt-41.

wosung -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (11/6/2011 1:30:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: goranw

To complete the map above. A detailed railway map AOK NORD until 21 okt-41.

Thanks for posting!

It's H.Gr. (Army group) Nord. AOK would be Army HQ.


goranw -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (11/6/2011 2:45:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: wosung


ORIGINAL: goranw

To complete the map above. A detailed railway map AOK NORD until 21 okt-41.

Thanks for posting!

It's H.Gr. (Army group) Nord. AOK would be Army HQ.


Of course. Formally - Das Oberkommando der Heeresgruppe Nord.

goranw -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (11/28/2011 8:13:00 AM)

New version of the modded map, " Planning map" "Operationskarte"
Fully playable.Zoom 2.( and of course also zoom 1 and 3.
No changes that interfere with ordinary game play.

This time som occupation dates are put into the map.
You can always compare to history when playing.

The dates are organized like this;
All dates that are blue are from -1941
yellow are from -1942
red are from -1943
white are from -1944
black are from -1945
Mostly there are 2 dates, one for the German occupation and one for the Soviet retake.
Some times there are more dates for one side at the same name.
Then the place has been occupied and reoccupied by that side.
German occupations always have a ( . ) Ex 24.6
Soviet occupations always have a ( - ) Ex 24-6
If there is a ( ) sign around the date its just an attack. Ex ( 24.6 ) or (24-6)
Noted are also -45 declared fortresses, Ex FESTUNG
dates of some "Sieges" Ex at Cholm
and initial mines areas in the Baltic.
Regrettably I havnt been able to consequently have all dates for a place and that makes
the map more difficult to read.
The modded map can be downloaded from
Downwards are some views of the map.


Apollo11 -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (11/28/2011 10:10:52 AM)

Hi all,

Thanks Goran!

Leo "Apollo11"

bcgames -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (11/28/2011 3:41:07 PM)


goranw -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (11/30/2011 11:37:21 AM)

I think I ought to say something about the "dates of occupation" on the map.
The first thing is that they should be doubted as very reliable dates.
(I am not talking about obvious errors in my writing.)
Reasons are that on maps and in literature some dates are from reaching a place,
others from fighting there, partial occupation or full controll occupation.
On the map I try to keep to the latest.
Another problem is to know which sources are most reliable.
Also my sources are mostly Germany orientated.
I havnt noted the sources and the reason for that is that they are 30-40 ones.
The way to date has been first to use on-net daily chronological sources as a base.
Next step is to go to more detailed books and maps.
( Of more wellknown authors and map sources).
Despite this the dates are different, mostly 1-2 days apart.
Its also obvious that errors seem to live on from one source to another.
They citate each other.

goranw -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (12/12/2011 11:18:28 PM)

As said elsewhere; a new version of the "Planning map" Operationskarte
This time most facts from OKH Karten from -42.
More dates on the map now checked ex. with Nara rolls.
Still more names that you can meet when reading about the war.
You can anywhere and for the actual time compare to history for both forces.
The dates are organized like this;
All dates that are blue are from -1941
yellow are from -1942
red are from -1943
white are from -1944
black are from -1945
German occupations always have a ( . ) Ex 24.6
Soviet occupations always have a ( - ) Ex 24-6
The dates are not deduced fom frontline maps they are clearly mentioned in documents.
There is no change in game play ,its just a modded map.
The playable map "Dates-Names Zoom2_nogrid" can be downloaded from
Just unzip, rename it to Zoom2_nogrid and put it into the ordinary folder; Art ( keep the old Zoom2_nogrid by changing its name)
The real map has of course clear dates, not to be said about the pictures downwards.


bcgames -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (12/13/2011 6:26:24 AM)

Another exceptional achievement. Good job!

goranw -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (12/17/2011 12:51:00 PM)

First a situation map from a scenario where German forces in june-42 have occupied Krim with the exception of Sewastopol.
I will use it ( with removed forces) to explain the dates since questions have arised.

Blue dates are from -41 Yellow are from -42 Red are from -43 White are from -44 Black are from -45
German dates have a (.) and Soviet have a (-)

That gives the following;

German forces took Perekop 26.9, Simferopol 2.11 and came in front of Sewastopol 17.12.
They took Feodossija 4.11 and Kertsch 16.11.
26-12 Soviet attacked Kertsch, 29-12 Feodossija and occupied these towns 30-12 resp. 29-12.

5-1 Soviet attack on Jewpatorija but failed.
17.1 Germany recaptured Feodossija and 16.5 Kertsch. 1.7 Sewastopol was fallen.
4.7 last area at Kap Chersonnes. All Krim is German.

Soviet occupied Armjansk 10-4, Kertsch 11-4, Feodossija and Simferopol 13-4. Sewastopol 9-5.
Kap Chersonnes 12-5 and then all Krim is again Soviet area.

In that manner all the map can be read and you have the historical situation in the back ground when playing on it.



goranw -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (1/2/2012 1:14:07 PM)

Operationskarte 1941-45.With historical names from German OKH-maps
and some dates of occupation throughout the war.
Will upload a playable version ( in 63 Tga-files) to my server in 3-4 days.
No change, of course, in game play.

bcgames -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (1/3/2012 6:15:29 AM)


This continues to be an amazing effort in historical research and how to present it. I only hope your eyesight holds out! A superb effort!



goranw -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (1/4/2012 8:45:08 PM)

Operationskarte 1941-45.With historical names from German OKH-maps
and some dates of occupation throughout the war.
Will upload a playable version ( in 63 Tga-files) to my server in 3-4 days.
No change, of course, in game play.

Have added information about some defence lines in -41 and possible passes in the Pripjets.
More dates from Thiess Army group Mitte. This version will be the one I
will upload as a playable map in a couple of days.

goranw -> RE: Planning map (Operationskarte) and Frontline-Date map. (1/5/2012 3:03:12 PM)

A screen shot from start turn 5 ( 17/7) on the "Operationskarte".
AI against AI. 110-90. You can with help of the dates see that its quite historical.
Soviet tries to hold the Dnjeper-line and Smolensk.
Germany tries to " pocket" the Smolensk area.For the moment its an " Angriff" over the Dnjeper.


markwall06 -> RE: Planning map(on a zoom 2 map) (1/7/2012 6:27:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: rolypoly

I actually got framed and laminated 100cm x 130m wall painting of this map. i can use board pens, different colours and erase them as I please :P what´s next; field marshall´s baton? =D

Is there one reasonably large map somewhere that I can download and have printed? All the links on goran's page seem to have multiple files inside them, I'm not too bothered at the moment about importing these updated maps into the game - I just want the capability to do what you've done here

goranw -> RE: Planning map(on a zoom 2 map) (1/7/2012 10:25:29 PM)

Now I have uploaded the playable map to my site Free to download.
Its the jan 7 -2012 version with the 63 Tga files.

To print it you need a high quality full map picture. Not a very compressed jpg one.
Use ex the free Irfanview program and put together (make panorama) the 63 files and you
get a tga file with 9218*7168 pixels. After that you can experiment with size and print it.

Tentpeg -> RE: Planning map(on a zoom 2 map) (1/7/2012 10:31:50 PM)


I have switched over to your map. It is the best.

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