collegeprof -> RE: Status? (1/23/2011 9:49:58 PM)
I for one am excited about the pending release ! And I must applaud matrix for providing this huge amount of material, as a FREE UPDATE, for those of us whom already own PzC karkov and winterstorm! Unlike many other game companies out there that charge for patches in the vague form of an expansion (think hearts of iron 3 semper fi), Matrix has this thing right. I for one, am proud of what Matrix has done to date, and look forward to downloading this update. Like nearly everything in reality, what one wants is always tempered by things like: budget, time, expertise, standards, desires, wants, and so on. It reminds me of the famous cartoon of the playground - a multi panel cartoon, where you see an image of the playground as the students want it to be, as the principal wants it, as the school board wants it, as the financial secretary wants it, as the health and safety people want it, and finally, how it actually gets built. Like the previous posting mentioned, eventually one has to "freeze" the design and just do it, rather than keep adding and putting things off. In many ways its like construction engineering - theres the "plan" then theres how it was really built. Lets get on with this, make sure its not buggy being the most important, and be happy with what we get. After all, it is FREE, and for me, that makes it priceless and worth the wait ! Kudos to Matrix for doing this.!