Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (8/4/2011 2:43:05 PM)
6/7/42 Abbreviated report due to only getting the combat replay file (Steve forgot to press the "end turn" button for the turn file, so I probably won't get to issue orders until tomorrow morning). Tarawa: The Allies take vacant Nauru Island, thus completing the invasion portion of the Tarawa operation. Short-term priorities: (1) retrieve the high-value AP and AK; (2) attend to supply and base-building; (3) bring in garrison troops. Long-term priorities: (1) consider moving on Mili if it seems to remain vacant, and (2) evaluate next move. Next Move in Cen/So Pac: After mulling this over awhile, I'm going to take a careful look at the western Solomons - possibly prepping 32nd Div. for Shortlands, Buka, Kaeving, or someplace in that area. Such a move would sever Japan's link to the only region where it has accomplished anything - New Caledonia, Fiji, etc - so my guess is Steve would consider such a move a crisis. He'll probably prepare sufficiently to discourage me from venturing into the Solomons, but if he does the Allies can look elsewhere. The Allies have also begun prepping troops in Hawaii (and also San Diego) for Marcus and Wake. DEI: A few air battles involving B-17s hitting an airfield east of Batavia and a small Netty raid on an xAKL at Batavia. The Allies come out on top of both. Yesterday, the Allies crated two P-40E squadrons at Ceylon for delivery to Sumatra. Bay of Bengal: The combat replay didn't show any big moves by the KB nor any imminent invasion of Port Blair. Burma: Roughly 75% of the Allied strength at Pegu (including 27th Div.) departed for western Burma. As for NYGiants suggestion to move 20th Indian Div. to Burma, I thought that over a long time. The Allies won't have a good supply situation in Burma, meaning for now they will be on the defensive mainly. Also, Japan can take control if enough troops are sent. A defense anchored around 27th Div. is probably enough to force Japan to bring a heck of alot or to dissuade Japan from doing anything major until after a decision in Sumatra. Reinforcing: So, if I send 20th Ind. Div. anywhere it would probably be Sumatra. I would like to bolster Benkolen's AV, currently about 650, to prevent Japan from taking it relatively easily. With about 900 AV at Benkolen and at least 1,600 each at Oosthaven and Palembang, Japan's initial landing at any of these bases should mire down against defensive AVs augmented by forts and supported by plenty of air and combat ships. Land Campaign: What if Steve says "the heck with it" and marches a ten-division army over the yellow roads from western Sumatra? If he landed boukoup supply at Merak and Sabang, could it float through the jungles to supply the army? I think this is possible, but there's not a heck of alot I can do about it. Such a march would, however, be pretty slow and subject to harrassment raids by B-17s.