Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (8/17/2011 5:56:46 PM)
It's "optimal" for the Allies to "unleash" new operations periodically to keep Japan off balance. It is also important for the Allies to be prepared to unleash one right after Japan moves on eastern Sumatra in a big way. Such a synchronous move would really mess with Steve's mind. Conceiving, planning, and implementing successful operations is, of course, a major challenge. The Allies have come up with quite a few, but so much time has elapsed that these have mostly been implemented. At the moment, the Allies don't really have anything new or fresh - most of what I'm planning is building upon the successes in various theaters. While this may not be as effective as a new operation might be in disorienting the enemy, it is still better than nothing, especially since Steve keeps reacting very strongly to Allied moves - NoPac, Pago Pago, Burma and now the Gilberts are all proof of this proposition. Every time the Allies strike, Japan scrambles in major ways to deal with it. At the moment, the Allies have a number of "follow up" operations ongoing - the defense of Pago Pago, reinforcing newly won bases in the Giblerts, invading Baker Island, and ongoing efforts to harrass the enemy in Burma and China. But what about an operation to be implemented right on the heels of the Japanese move on Sumatra? As stated above, I'm in a bit of a lull where I'm not ready to do anything at the moment. Political points are my major problem. Just about anywhere I go now, I would need thousands of points to buy the necessary units. The one thing I can probably put together the most expeditiously would be a major operation to reinforce and resupply Para and Onnekotan. Doing so would open up Para's airfield (level three at the moment) and allow me to strategic-bomb Shikuka. That would get Steve's full attention! But even pulling that together will take many weeks. Most of the other options suffer from serious flaws at the moment: (1) Malaya - the enemy is aroused here now and present in big numbers; (2) Java/Timor - big enemy forces close by; (3) reinforce NW Oz, okay, but that doesn't really throw Steve off balance; (4) reinforce Port Moresby or occupy and buildt Milne Bay; okay, but that doesn't throw him off either; (5) operations in the Pacific - Wake and/or Marcus might be available, but I think Steve is attending to these now that he has problems in the Gilberts. The more I think about it, the more it seems like a massive operation in NoPac might be the most expeditious way of throwing a monkey wrench into Japan's machinery.