Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/5/2011 6:48:22 PM)
7/24/42 Some folks might be wondering why the Allies aren't pushing even harder than they are. There are two primary reasons: (1) the incredible shortage of political points for the Allies. I have continually drained the pool to permit the operations that have taken place to date, making it hard to orchestrate large new operations that would draw on restricted units; and (2) I have a bit of a transport shortage in the Pacific. Actually, I have quite a few good APs at Pearl Harbor, but I'm careful about using those, reserving them for invasion use rather than routine shuttling of troops from the West Coast to Hawaii. At the moment, I don't have enough xAP available to efficiently handle things. I'm working on that. DEI: APDs will deliver 1st Marine Raiders to Siberot Island tonight. The APDs will then report to Oosthaven, where I intend to use them in some shuttling of troops to Billiton and Bangka islands (just north of Oosthaven). A base force and an engineer unit bound for Billiton and Toabali (on Bangka) begin loading on transports at Cochin, India, tonight. The Japanese have just landed at Mataram, east of Java, so Steve is attending to some house cleaning in the area. China: In about two days, Steve will find out that the Chinese are on the move east of Changsha. NoPac: Transports loaded with a US Army RCT will depart Adak Island tonight and then rendezvous with the combat ships, Wasp, and supply TFs well to the north. I believe these ships will each Para and vicinity in about a week. I'm looking forward to this "raising of the ante" and seeing how Steve reacts. CenPac: I'm ready to move garrison troops plus engineers to Vanua Lava and Ndeni, but this operation is the vicitm of my xAP shortage at San Diego. I have a bunch of infantry units at Pearl that are prepping for Mili, but Steve is now strongly garrisoning and building that island. So, instead I will divert many of those units to the Santa Cruz operation, which will be effective because it will seriously compromise Steve's LOC to his outposts in New Caledonia, Fiji, and Savaii. SoPac: Japan's airfield at Savaii just went to level two. Steve is clearly very focused on the campaign in the Samoa region, even though it's taking alot of time, with alot more still to come.