witpqs -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/13/2011 5:55:47 PM)
Unloading from the manual: quote: TASK FORCE UNLOADING TF Unloading is governed by the TF type and is put into two categories: Normal Unloading and Assault Unloading. NORMAL UNLOADING Normal Unloading is governed by exactly the same rates, as a function of Port Size, as Loading; both for individual Ship Rates and for the Daily Port Rate. A TF will Unload using the same rate calculations used for loading, modified by the presence of Naval Support and Port Damage, as described above. 1. Port Load Adjustments: Naval Support and Damage both affect a Port’s native ability to unload a Task Force. 2. Port Rate Limitations: The Daily Port Rate applies to Loading and Unloading together. If a Loading TF uses 70% of the Daily Port Rate, then only 30% remains available for Unloading. 3. Port Dock Limitations: The Largest Ship in Port and the Total Tonnage Docked limitations apply to Loading and Unloading together. 4. TF Docked/unloaded. All TFs can unload when not docked, amphibious TF types at a more advantageous rate. AMPHIBIOUS UNLOADING The Amphibious Unload Rate bonus applies only to ships in an Amphibious TF. Amphibious Unload rates are determined by ship type (i.e., beaching craft, amphibious ship types, or ordinary transport/cargo ship types). There are no Port-derived cargo handling limits. Amphibious Unload only applies to Troops and Cargo (equipment and supply). Amphibious Unload does not apply to Fuel, Oil or Resources. Note that there is also an “initial operations” bonus for the Japanese during the first 4 months of the war. Amphibious Unload may be used in two situations: an assault unloads over the beach, and amphibious unload in a small friendly port. Amphibious Unload Rate bonuses differ for the two situations. OVER THE BEACH This is for assault unloading over the beach. » Beaching Craft. Beaching craft unload completely in one turn. » Attack Amphibious Ships. (APA/AKA plus LSD, LSV and British equivalents) in Amphibious TFs, unload at a Rate of 3000 points per ship, per turn. 128 » Regular Transport Ships. (Commissioned Naval AP/AK) in Amphibious TFs, unload at a Rate of 600 points per ship per turn. » Merchant Ships. (xAP/xAK) in Amphibious TFs, unload at a Rate of 250 points per ship per turn. » Special Japanese early war bonus of 1200 for all AP/AK and xAP/xAK types. FRIENDLY PORT For Amphibious docked at and unloading in a friendly port of Size 4 or less, the unload rate is slightly different for Troops and Cargo. » Beaching Craft. Troops unload at a Rate of 1000 points per ship per turn. Cargo unloads at a Rate of 750 points per ship per turn. » Attack Amphibs. Troops unload at a Rate of 1000 points per ship per turn. Cargo unloads at a Rate of 750 points per ship per turn. » Regular Amphibs. Troops unload at a Rate of 300 points per ship per turn. Cargo unloads at a Rate of 300 points per ship per turn. » Merchant Ships. Troops unload at a Rate of 125 points per ship per turn. Cargo unloads at a Rate of 125 points per ship per turn. Amphibious TFs not docked at a friendly port unload at a different rate, depending on port size, amount of free dock space, and the types of ships in the TFs. Amphibious ship types, with attached landing craft, will unload faster than non-amphibious ships. CR, you said that you have xAKs in an amphibious TF, right? My guess based on how many are there versus the port size is that most will be unloading at the 'over the beach in a friendly port' rate. The manual uses "turn" here when it actually means "phase" (confirmed many times), of which there are 2 per turn. So your xAKs could be expected to each unload 250 supply per day, provided they don't get interrupted by combat or whatever.