RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (Full Version)

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String -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/14/2011 10:01:05 AM)

You could try moving your TF's in an out of port each turn so that they only are there during daytime. It should be possible. Less so with 2 day turns. Allied BB's do reasonably well in daylight. I managed to wipe out two large amphibious convoys that had just landed 2k AV worth of japanese troops with three TF's which had 2 BB's each (two british and four american ones total). Happened at Derby in march '42.

Sadly my opponent hasn't returned a turn since then, been almost a month now.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/14/2011 6:25:29 PM)


The amazing complexity and challenge of AE is revealed in the developments this turn, as the Allies face a variety of problems and opportunities all over the map, with every decision made in one area affecting decison-making everywhere else. What a game!

NoPac: Things settled down here nicely. The Allies will send two combat TFs back to Para (one with cruisers, the other four DDs and perhaps a CL). Some of the supply ships will also return, although I'll stagger these a bit so that I don't have such a tempting target. A squadron of P-40Es will reach the island in two days, but a squadron of P39Es at Adak remains stubbornly totally disabled.

CenPac: KB remains on station east of Maloelap. The reinforcement convoy is just a few hexes south of Makin Island, but I dare not send them in due to the threat just to the north posed by the KB. I'll wait and hope that the KB pulls back shortly. In case Steve moves to invade Makin, Tarawa or Ocean Island, the Allies do have a big CL/DD force at Tabituea (plus Arizona over at Christmas Island, but I dare not commit her after yesterday's fiasco). Still no signs of enemy detection at Ndeni, where a Port Service unit will arrive in two days.

SoPac: Quiet around Pago Pago at the moment.

Burma: A very complex situation here, as Japan can try to outflank the Allies or overwhelm one of the two main garrisons (Magwe or Meiktila). Yet the Allied can also threaten flanks and use good airfields (Chittagong is level seven now) to harrass and damage the enemy. I'm willing to stay and fight, partly because the Allied units here are not needed for the defense of India. If the Allies can wage a successful campaign to remain in upper Burma it wlll give them a six month headstart when the Burma campaign ramps up somewhere down the line.

Sumatra: Here's where the really interesting chess match is developing. The Japanese have at least two divisions (21 and 38) approaching Padang via the yellow-road system in southern Sumatra. This force is augmented by at least two good armored units. There may be more - perhaps many more - IJA units on the way. With stakes high and many uncertainties, this makes for a tense sitatuion that requires astute and careful analsysi (I leave it to the reader if the player is capable of this). The considerations:

1) Padang is an important base the protects the left flank of the Allied defensive complex in eastern Sumatra. Lose it and Japan can then move further east to threaten Benkolen, Oosthaven and/or Palembang. Padang would also give Japan a very helpful level four airfield, and deny same to the Allies. It would also complicate Allied shipping trying to reach Sumatra from India. It is therefore important to defend Padang unless Japan brings such overwhelming numbers that there would be a clear and present danger of losing the Allied garrison quickly.

2) The Allies can reinforce Padang's 500 AV by transfering units from the key east Sumatra bases. Here's the thing, though. If Japan's move on this base is really just a diversion, then Steve would want me to do just this. Then he could invade a weakened Benkolen or Oosthaven. Until I am certain that the real push is coming overland aimed at Padang, I well assume that this move is in fact primarily a diversion. Yet I do want more than 500 AV. I need more PPs to bring in some reinforcements from India.

3) There is a yellow-road network in the jungles north of Padang. Both sides can use these roads to threaten the flanks of the enemy.

4) The Allies will use 4EB to harrass the advancing IJA army. Since the units are on yellow roads, this should enable the Allies to slow the enemy advance to a crawl. I think it will take at least two weeks for the Japanese to be in position to besiege Padang. That's getting into late August. Clearly, it would be late September before any enemy army could threaten the major bases to the east via overland campaign. That gives the Allies alot of time to reinforce.

5) The Allies might be able to use combat TFs to bombard enemy unit in coastal hexes. The Allies have one AE at Cocos Island, which will help in re-arming. But the battleships would likely have to retire to Colombo. Thus, bombardment runs might create windows in which a Japanese amphibious force could strike with many important Allied ships temporarily unavailable.

6) An Allies army at Ceylon and in India is prepping for Sabang. I will have to weigh whether it would be more advantageous to use those units, which don't require PPs, to reinforce Sumatra.

crsutton -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/14/2011 6:48:08 PM)





I feel your pain...Japanese DDs in 42 can be a terrible opponent even for CAs or BBs...i lost several BBs in these kind of fights...

Especially against slow BBs. That TF would probably have done better without Pennsylvania in it.........

I agree here. I no longer place single BBs in a TF. It justt seems to be a disaster in waiting. The single ship not only seems to eat most all torpedoes but slows the rest of your TF as well. I just lost the Repulse due to this and have resolved to never place a single capital warship in a TF. Multiples only. I know that the temptation to use them is great but have decided that my old BBs are there to support landings except in the most dire situations.

crsutton -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/14/2011 7:00:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

5) The Allies might be able to use combat TFs to bombard enemy unit in coastal hexes. The Allies have one AE at Cocos Island, which will help in re-arming. But the battleships would likely have to retire to Colombo. Thus, bombardment runs might create windows in which a Japanese amphibious force could strike with many important Allied ships temporarily unavailable.

Just bear in mind tha that for some reason any SCTF set to bombard a non base hex-even when set to retire, will stay around and bombard in the day. So you want to have them well capped. This is at least my limited experience with this in Sumatra.

JeffroK -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/14/2011 10:35:18 PM)

Try a TF with lighter units which can reload in your Sumatran ports.

Less effect, less potential loss.

Cribtop -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/14/2011 11:55:41 PM)

CR, I'd shift troops from Benkolen but not Oosthaven. I know in theory Steve could invade Benkolen, but in practice he knows your CVs are in the neighborhood and mentally he believes they already constitute a "Death Star" per his e-mails. Hold him at Padang for as long as you can and either win the reinforcement race in Sumatra OR invade Sabang OR invade the Krab Peninsula (sp?) when the time is right.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/15/2011 5:53:17 PM)

Cribtop HQ:  It is encouraging to see you make an entire post without interruption.  :)  I pulled two armored units from Benkolen for the reasons you point out, but the remaing 500 AV has to stay just in case Steve tries something massively unexpected.  But I'll be able to insert additional ground units into Sumatra, so I may move some west from Benkolen while replacing them with troops from other bases.

NoPac:  Allied CAP is getting meager, but handled IJ bombers and escorts pretty well.  I have a P-39 unit led by a bunch of veterans of the AVG who were in Burma one month ago.  One of these pilots now has 18 kills.  A second (Boyington) has about 9.  I want to get these guys out of P-39s and into P-40Es.  I should be able to do that in a day or two.  A day of unloading supply still only brings the level up to 3.5k.  Supplying Para is a true challenge - a war within the war.

CenPac:  KB still in place near Maloelap.  Lots of IJ TFs at Mili.  Port Service unit will unload at Ndeni by tomorrow, which should really help with unloading equipment and troops.  No sign of detection at Ndeni.

SoPac:  The fighter cover at Pago Pago has become very weak, though I was able to draw some Buffalo replacements today.  Bettys claimed one xAKL.

DEI:  Ent and York are on station now.  The took the aircraft from Hornet and Saratoga, which will now retire to Colombo to upgrade and replenish sorties.  Allied 4EB and 2EB continue to harrass the IJA units west of Padang.  182 RCT will unload at Oosthaven tonight.  The plan is to gradually move this unit to Billiton Island by APD.  I am still leaning towards that, but I will at least weigh the option of keeping the unit in Sumatra to help face the threat to Padang.

Burma:  Allied 2EB continue to effectively harrass the IJA army threatening Magwe and Mekteila.

China:  A Chinese army is going to move on Ichang, which is defended by just one unit.

Cribtop -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/15/2011 6:44:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Cribtop HQ:  It is encouraging to see you make an entire post without interruption.  :) 

5 month old daughter + fear that your post will time out if you don't hit the ok button = postus interruptus! [:D]

ny59giants -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/15/2011 7:10:23 PM)

I know you are facing the need for double PP every turn, but have you upgraded some of your Aussie Armor to Lee and/or Grants?? They would do well in Sumatra against that poor Japanese armor.

Smeulders -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/15/2011 10:45:18 PM)

I don't believe the move on Padang is a diversion. For one, 2 divisions is a significant investment with all the other battles going on, it's not like he has hordes of troops hanging around. On top of that he is risking lots important ships in different places. If this is a diversion, he should have his invasion force ready to move as soon as you weaken your main bases. So either he can't act if his diversion works (because his ships aren't there to cover the invasion) or this isn't a diversion.

Edit; of course it is "2 divisions is a significant investment"

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/15/2011 11:39:37 PM)

Smeulders, that makes sense, but I'm not positive Steve is thinking that way. He knows the Allies have alot of power in the DEI. While I think he ought to have all his BBs and CVs present to help in an invasion, Steve may have decided to rely heavily on LBA to cover any invasion, thus freeing up his capital ships for duty he considers pressing in the Pacific.

I think this reasoning is flawed, but it could work by sheer weight of numbers. It isn't far from his big ports to Oosthaven or even Benkolen. Under cover of bad weather or poor patrols, a massive Japanese invasion force could suddenly pop up right at Oosthaven's doorstep. Oost is clear terrain, which means defending the hex is a bit problematic. The Allies have 1600 AV behind seven forts. It is possible - not likely, but possible - that Japan could get six or eight divisons ashore in a quicky invasion, before the Allies had time to strike. Again, that's not likely, but the consequences of the Allies not defeating an enemy invaison of Oosthaven would be calamitous.

Therefore, I have to remain cautious in Sumatra.

Cribtop -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/15/2011 11:58:43 PM)

For what it's worth I agree with Smeulders, CR. This is his big push on fortress Sumatra. It makes sense - given how stung Chez has been on the naval front, he would seek a way to "take the hazard out of play."

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/16/2011 3:56:44 AM)


NoPac: Netties finish off two xAK. After four days of frustration, the Allies will depart Para, leaving behind 4.5k supply. They'll be back shortly, with more and better fighters. In the interim, PBYs at Attu will transport a Port Service unit to Para that will help with unloading rates. In about a week, the Allies should return with more supplies and a few more troops.

CenPac: KB still posted near Maloelap with lots of shipping at Mili. The Port Service unit landed at Ndeni, thus allowing four of the eight Sea Bee engineering vehicles to finally make it ashore. At that rate, the rest will unload tomorrow, permitting the transports to retire. The infantry and additional engineers are just five or six days away now. No signs of detection.

SoPac: Bettys sink three xAKL at Pago Pago.

DEI: APDs will take the first battalion of 182nd RCT from Oosthaven to Billiton. Canoe HQ thinks the enemy will perceive this as a distinctly aggressive action once it is discovered...and there's enough traffic in the region that Steve should get some kind of clue soon enough. The fact that the Allies have taken steps to assume an offensive stance in the DEI should send a bit of shiver through him. In a few days, the Allies will also send part of all of 22nd East African to Toabali. Over at Padang, the first enemy units have arrived at the base, consisting of an infantry division and an armored unit. Steve should now bombard to see what the Allies have there. Palembang forts are 7.87. Oosthaven are 7.50.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/16/2011 1:38:21 PM)


NoPac: CL Phoenix and a DMS take heavy damage from Vals. A Port Service unit is arriving via air transport. The P-40E squadron has arrived.

CenPac: KB remains at Maloelap. Sea Bees and Port Service fully unloaded at Ndeni, no detection, and those transports are on the way home. The major reinforcements will arrive beginning in about two or three days.

SoPac: Buffaloes do some good work against Bettys. An IJN combat TF is heading for PP from Fiji.

DEI: It looks like the Kirishima TF is setting up for another combat run at Oosthaven. Allied SBDs scored three hits, one of which took out an AA mount. I've moved the transports out of port, but decided to let the Allied navy stay and fight. The APDs took the first detachment to Billiton Island without incident. The APDs will clear the port until the Kirishima threat is resolved. Air transport begings for an Aussie brigade at Lahat, which has been the reserve unit for Benkolen, to move forward to Padang.

Burma: The first IJ units arrived at Magwe. The Allies force, which is 550 AV, will bombard tomorrow to gauge strength.

Cribtop -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/16/2011 4:44:39 PM)

It looks like the Kirishima TF is setting up for another combat run at Oosthaven. Allied SBDs scored three hits, one of which took out an AA mount.

Das darf however you say it! Chez seems to be pursuing a honeybadger strategy with the IJN here (apologies to those who don't follow SEC football for the reference).

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 1:48:45 AM)


NoPac: BB Kongo leads a TF against three USN DDs that put up a game fight and retire without taking losses. The last time we saw Kongo was in the Battle of the Andaman Sea in April when she ate a torp. The Allies are pleased that the latest Kuriles activity has drawn this battlewagon. Interesting too that she was teamed with nothing larger than a CL. (Steve is running low on CAs.) The Para CAP reinforced by P-40Es rips apart several Japanese raids.

CenPac: KB has retired to Kwajalein. I'm still waiting for a window to insert the Makin reinforcements. Things remain quiet at Ndeni. The first infantry should arrive by tomorrow. The Vanua Lava TF is probably eight days out. The Allies begin loading the Luganville invasion force at Pearl Harbor, consisting of 35 RCT, 6th Marines, 102 Combat Engineers and 627 Tank Destroyers. I have no idea what's there, but the fact that the airfield is a level zero, and the fact that no patrols are flying, suggests that the base is lightly garrisoned. There is a good chance Steve will stumble on these activities before I can fully take advantage of them, but if he doesn't, the Japanese are going to wake up in about three weeks to find a massive problem right on the LOC between Rabaul and Fiji. That should take some of the pressure off Pago Pago.

DEI: Kirishima did not come in to Oosthaven. A bunch of Allied troop transports will reach Oost tonight, so I hope the combat TFs there can handle all contingencies. Bombardment at Padang showed one small IJ infantry unit and two tank regiments, totaling about 150 AV. The Allies, with 550 AV, will deliberate attack tomorrow.

Burma: 1,100 IJ AV (including 33rd Div. and 4th Guards Div.) has arrived at Magwe, where the Allies have 550 AV. This could be a problem, but we'll just have to see.

China: The Chinese are moving on lightly defended Ichang. I think there is no more than a mixed brigade there. The Chinese will bring 3,000 AV, but that may not be enough against supplied troops in forts in a wooded hex.

witpqs -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 1:57:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel


Busy day... [sm=innocent0009.gif]

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 1:58:25 AM)

LOL. I meant to "bold" the date, but somehow inadvertetly clicked "submit." Figures some wise-acre ([:'(]) would comment before I could edit the post to add something actually worthwile.

Cribtop -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 2:19:10 AM)

Hee Hee, a little case of postus interruptis of your own, eh, CR?

Absent big forts and/or air support you may have to give up on Magwe. Open terrain is hard to hold.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 4:11:48 PM)


In case anybody can't tell, I am really enjoying both AE and this game. Lots going on. Lots of challenges. Lots of decisions to make.

NoPac: CL Phoenix went under. The Allies are loading up additional troops and supplies at Dutch Island and will make the next insertion effort in about a week. I have Kongo to deal with, and I have to keep an eye out for enemy carriers, but I think the Allies can handle this campaign under the present circumstances with acceptable losses. The key is maintaining a decent land-based CAP.

CenPac: KB remains at Kwajalein. 100+ AV infantry should be ashore at Ndeni tonight with more arriving tomorrow and the following day. One of these TFs is reporting detection (1/1) about four hexes east of Ndeni. I would like Steve to have missed that, but it's unlikely. Hiyo/Junyo are at Suva, so trouble isn't far away. If Steve did notice, I'd expect some kind of patrol snooping over the next day or two. Ndeni should be secure, at least for the short term, but whether the Allies will have the all-clear to proceed with the Vanua Lava and Luganville parts of this operation are uncertain. A CL/DD force will move from near Tabituea over to Ndeni to guard agains surface raiders. That leaves the Makin reinforcment TF without protection. A window to insert these troops may or may not occur. I'm weighing whether to just land the troops at Tarawa and move them forward later in small detachments. In fact, that sounds like a good idea.

SoPac: Numerous IJN combat ships nearing Pago Pago (probably a bombardment run). I need to get supply into this base, but to do so I need to draw down some of the fighters currently at Tarawa.

DEI: Allied deliberate attack at Padang comes off at 1:1 even though the Allies have 500+ AV vs. just 150. This suggests that the enemy troops aren't having trouble with supply, which if true means that Japan might be able to wage a ground campaign for eastern Sumatra by drawing suppy through the jungle. Padang is much more important than it would seem at first blush. If Japan takes it, then Japan can select any one of the three other major bases to the east, concentrating on one at a time to overwhelm. But Japan really can't do that with Padang in Allied hands. Therefore, I am going to reinforce Padang. An Indian armored unit is just four or five days away, but I'll bring in more including some by sea from India. BB North Carolina and CAs New Orleans and Pensacola reached Cocos Island. I'm inclined to leave them there as a strategic reserve. At Oosthaven, the Allies have BC Repulse, BB Valiant and two R-Class BBs along with a good combat TF flagged by CA Salt Lake City. Am I making a mistake in posting BB NC at Cocos?

A Major Change in Plans: The Allies are gathering a large army at Colombo and Cochin to counterinvade western Sumatra or Malaya when (and if) Japan ever invades eastern Sumatra. It is questionable whether Japan will ever do so. More importantly, the Allies can create an immediate quandry for Japan by strongly occupying Toabali, Muntok, and Billiton Island, and then possibly moving a step further to do the same at Ketapang, Pontianak, and Singkep Island (all of which are still under Allied control). So, the Allies have scrubbed the counterinvasion plans and will proceed to occupy and build up these bases in the Java Sea. Some of this has been underway for weeks, but the Allies will ramp up the operations greatly. The staging point will be Oosthaven. The troops will be dropped there first, and then inserted forward using fast transport and smaller, less valuable troop transports. This will also serve to strengthen Oosthaven, allowing the Allies to shift some troops from there (and Benkolen) to Padang.

Burma: The Japanese didn't attack at Magwe. Forts there went to two. I think Steve must be awaiting reinforcement. Suits me.

Cribtop -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 4:44:35 PM)

What about reprising your invasion at Moulmein, then marching up the enemy's posterior at Magwe after re-taking Rangoon? A short hook rather than long, and possibly dangerous depending on enemy LBA strength, but it's a thought. Alternatively, what about a campaign to re-take Singers? Let him feed all his LCUs into twin fur balls in Sumatra and Burma and then land at Georgetown and drive on the chewy nougat center of his position? Riskier, but rewardier.

John 3rd -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 4:48:35 PM)

I like Cribtop's idea. Go for Singers!

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 5:07:27 PM)

Steve is alert to a move on Malaya. For instance, I'm getting repeated SigInt that Guards Tank Division is posted at Tavoy. That's a huge commitment of a big asset (if my memory of that unit's strength is accurate) that could be used elswhere. It's there just to guard against an invasion of Malaya. If Tavoy is garrisoned, I feel sure Moulmein is too.

In addition, Steve seems to be strongly reinforcing Burma, so there's alot of traffic to and from Rangoon and Singers. This includes combat shipping, needed for escort duty because the Allies previously stung some transports around Tavoy. There's a fair bit of enemy aircraft at Rangoon, and I suspect also at Georgetown and/or Victoria Point. IE, Malaya is quite possibly a hornet's nest now.

But the Allies accomplish nearly as much - or maybe more - by occupying and strongly building the bases in the Java Sea and South China Sea, and at less risk. I say "maybe more" because my plan is an extension and strengthening of the current Allied deployment in the DEI. Taking control of the western Java Sea severs the direct Japanese LOC from Singers to Batavia and Soerabaja. The airfields also offer better shots at Balikpan and Miri. And the Allies should be able to use FT to secretly insert garrison units and supply before Steve catches wind of what's going on. When he does its going to create a huge problem problem for him that he has to address at the same time he has so many other problems to address.

This is one of those complex situations where I can just "feel" that this move is right. Possibly there's a more aggressive move out there that might accomplish more, but I think any of them would entail more risk too. It's only August '42, and for the Allies to be moving forward with a plan to close the Java Sea sounds fairly aggressive. Especially since this region is in my own front yard, where any enemy countermeasures can be whacked and good by Allied LBA.

princep01 -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 5:18:35 PM)

Agree with CRs view. I normally advise the most aggressive counter move feasible, but in this case, I advise a bit of caution. Getting a strong footing in western Sumatra makes a lot of sense should he move against eastern Sumatra. Moving into Malaya is maybe a little premature as it appears both Rangoon and Singers are well protected with numerous LBA and LCUs currently. Western Sumatra is doable without tremendous risk if the LYBs are tied down fighting in Burma and easterm Sumatra. It creats the opportunity to trap the eastern Sumatran army and build some really nice bases to close off sea traffic to Rangoon, flank Singers and partially isolate Burma. Ocuppying it in force might even force the LYBs to pull out without a big fight (but, probably not).

witpqs -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 5:36:11 PM)

At a time when Steve needs to be expanding to his final perimeter you have managed to cause him to use lots of land and sea assets defensively - that's a major success. Invading Western Sumatra behind his invasion of/advance on Eastern Sumatra would present both great uncertainties and supply problems for him.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 5:46:09 PM)

Thanks for the support for a western Sumatra invasion....but did I make it clear that I have decided to stand it down? Instead, I'm sending those troops to Padang and to the bases in and around the western Java Sea? [:)] Whether I made that clear or not, that's what I'm doing. Some of you may be tempted to exlaim, "What? I like the Sabang invasion better!" I just think there is an immediate payoff where the original plan was much more iffy, depending in part upon timing that might not ever arrive. So, the die is cast, I've switched troop prep, and I'm forging ahead.

Cribtop -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 6:01:24 PM)

CR, I don't blame you for taking this course. My suggestion assumed - wrongly - that the Krab Peninsula and Malaya were lightly garrisoned or would soon become so due to the developing battles in Burma and Sumatra. You are acting on a similar idea, but your knowledge of the situation is telling you that the islands you mention are the chewy nougat, and your analysis of the value of these islands once built up is accurate. The only downside is the risk of isolation by the IJN, but even that should give opportunities to attrit the IJN.

witpqs -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 6:11:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Thanks for the support for a western Sumatra invasion....but did I make it clear that I have decided to stand it down? Instead, I'm sending those troops to Padang and to the bases in and around the western Java Sea? [:)] Whether I made that clear or not, that's what I'm doing. Some of you may be tempted to exlaim, "What? I like the Sabang invasion better!" I just think there is an immediate payoff where the original plan was much more iffy, depending in part upon timing that might not ever arrive. So, the die is cast, I've switched troop prep, and I'm forging ahead.

I might have misunderstood, but I thought you were standing down an imminent invasion of Western Sumatra in favor of some other actions plus a possible Western Sumatra invasion if and when Eastern Sumatra is heavily invaded?

It's that last piece that I think has special merit, only because of how deeply your forces are dug in on Eastern Sumatra. When/if he does put major forces ashore to the east, he might well be depending upon supply flow from the west after his expeditionary force takes Padang (presuming there is more coming). But of course you only have so many troops and PPs...

princep01 -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 6:18:33 PM)

Oh, I understood. I was just saying that the western Sumatran invasion is advisable IF he really hits eastern Sumatra and really ties his troops up in trying to reduce the "fortress". I would opt for that rather than an outright invasion of Malaya IF he gets really embroiled in that effort. Frankly, I doubt he will. His offensive weight is elsewhere. He might even be looking at an attack on Hawaii from the current disposition of the KB. But, in all likelihood, I think it is there to guard against raids by you while he builds the perimeter in that area. Like witpgs said, your opponent is more on the defensive than the offensive now.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/17/2011 6:56:54 PM)

An attack on Hawaii would be a worrisome thing since I've just drawn down the garrison for troops involved in the Santa Cruz and New Hebrides gambits. I considered the risk here. He could successfully invade, I think, but he'd have to bring the kitchen sink, which would leave the DEI open....and I'd be willing to trade Pearl Harbor for an ironclad grip in the DEI. I don't think a Hawaii invasion is going to happen, but the Allies could take advantage of it in a big way.

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