Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/18/2011 3:22:08 PM)
8/9/92 Decisions, decisions! DEI: Japanese subs are finding good pickings at Oosthaven, although the port is mined and patrolled by ASW ships and aircraft. Two APs took torps today, and several other good transports and a tanker got clobbered yesterday. Also, the subs got a look at my roster of APDs, which continue to do valuable service on runs to the islands to the north. I may need to stand down my APDs for a few days, or send them on a run or two to Padang, lest Steve catch wind of them and send combat ships to intercept. Most of a USA RCT and an Indian engineer unit are ashore at Billiton, where forts are at level one. 22nd East African unit just arrived at Oosthaven and will go to Toabali when the APDs are available again. Padang: A very sharp repulse for the Allied garrison at Padang as it again attacks the two tank regiments. This time, the Japanese units did show a "negative" for supply, which is very encouraging. Patrols report the two divisions (21 and 38) on the road between Sibolga and Padang. The first is probably only a week or ten days out. However, recon reports just one small enemy unit at Sibolga and no other units between the two bases. This means Steve has nothing big coming in the near term, which is a relief. The Allies already have reinforcements at sea (6th UK Brigade) for Padang. This TF will arrive in a week or less. CenPac and SoPac: More detection levels reported over the TFs at Ndeni. One is at 1/1 and another at 4/4. The jig is up! Surprise is lost now. But the Allies do have 186 AV ashore with a Sea Bee unit and part of an EAB. A big part of that transport TF is just one hex out, but I think I'm going to have to flee the scene. Patrols didn't catch wind of the KB up at Kwajalein, nor did they report Hiyo/Junyo around Fiji. There is a pretty fair chance Steve is responding to the situation at Ndeni. It's much sooner than I had hoped, but if he's alarmed then that's good. I will cling to the hope that the Allies can still go into Vanua Lava and Luganville, though those hopes might be fast fading. If those missions are scrubbed, I have two large TFs loaded with some good infantry. I might use one to reinforce Makin Island and the other possibly to reinforce Pago Pago, though I need supply and reinforced CAP there more than anything. NoPac: Quiet here as the Allies work to assemble the next "insertion of supply and troops" TFs north of Attu Island. It will be five or six days before they're ready to make the run into Para. Burma: The IJ army at Magwe still hasn't attacked. Tomorrow, the Allied army receives 200 AV reinforcements, bringing to total AV to about 700. Allied 2EB are doing good work, in part because Japan's LRCAP is weak. The only base close by is Toungoo and it is level one. The Allies, on the other hand, have plenty of airfields nearby with a decent number of RAF fighter squadrons. I feel sure Steve is bringing in heavy ground reinforcements, so the situation will remain tense and fluid well into the future. But the Allies would like Burma to serve as a sponge, soaking up infantry that might otherwise be deployed on Sumatra.