Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (10/26/2011 3:13:57 PM)
8/16/42 CenPac: Enemy shipping - mainly carrier TFs - continue to flank Tarawa on either side, though the ones to the west seem to be moving NW as though heading to Tulagi or some other port. No action here today. SoPac: Things have quited down around Pago Pago, though it will take me a few days or longer to get the fighters in place to try a supply run into the island. The two big transport TFs that were originally bound for Vanua Lava and Luganville have moved south from Christmas Island, will refuel at Tahiti, and then will move on to New Zealand. Given time, they're destinations will be Port Moresby and Milne Bay. DEI: The Allies had fortunate timing in yesterday's successful shock attack at Padang, for today one of the IJA divisions arrived. Allied AV is about 595 with forts three and jungle terrain, so Steve will probably have to await arrival of his second divisions. Padang airfield is still hurting: runway damage declined from 71 to 57, but airfield service damage remained steady at 66. Fortunately, no new raids today, for I'm not sure the Allies are getting any fighters up in the air. The 6th UK Bde transports are two days out of Padang. Choices: bring them in, hold them back for a few days to let the airfield repair, or divert them to Benkolen. As best I can tell, Toabali and Billiton haven't drawn enemy attention yet (in the form of recon missions or combat ships). I'm 95% sure Steve is aware of this activity now. China: The Allies will shock attack into lightly held Ichang tomorrow. Burma: IJA shock attack at Magwe fails, though the Japanese are getting decent odds. This particular report is tough to interpret. The Allies suffered higher infantry losses, but Japan suffered disproprortionate non-combat and engineering losses. In fact, I think the IJ engineering unit evaporated. I can't figure out if Japan will need to wait a few days before attacking again, or whether it should do so tomorrow. Look at the report and tell me what you think: Ground combat at Magwe (57,47) Japanese Shock attack Attacking force 32560 troops, 360 guns, 87 vehicles, Assault Value = 1088 Defending force 16701 troops, 327 guns, 228 vehicles, Assault Value = 742 Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 1 Japanese adjusted assault: 458 Allied adjusted defense: 302 Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 1) Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1 Combat modifiers Defender: preparation(-), morale(-), experience(-) Attacker: shock(+), disruption(-) Japanese ground losses: 1467 casualties reported Squads: 1 destroyed, 47 disabled Non Combat: 42 destroyed, 42 disabled Engineers: 57 destroyed, 7 disabled Guns lost 3 (3 destroyed, 0 disabled) Units destroyed 1 Allied ground losses: 935 casualties reported Squads: 5 destroyed, 109 disabled Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 78 disabled Engineers: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled Vehicles lost 21 (1 destroyed, 20 disabled) Assaulting units: 48th Engineer Regiment 33rd Division 42nd Infantry Regiment 4th Guards Division 14th Guards Regiment 55th Mountain Gun Regiment 21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion Defending units: 27th Infantry Division BFF Brigade 23rd British Brigade 132nd Infantry Regiment 45th Recce Regiment 2nd Burma Brigade 16th Indian Brigade