Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/4/2011 5:19:42 AM)
About Little Vietnam aka Pago Pago This interesting little campaign really has been something. Four-plus months ago, Japan invaded, didn't bring enough, brought reinforcements, and then committed as many as two carriers, three BBs, and three CAs to the effort for weeks and months at a time. When that didn't work, Japan invaded nearby Savaii Island, built the airfield to level three, and took control of the theater so that Allied supply hasn't reached the base in months. The defenders are down to about 50 supply now, from a high of 30,000+. But the Allied invasion of the Gilberts followed by the building up of Ndeni caught Steve's attention, so all his carriers, battlewagons and cruisers have been sent that way. Just when it seemed that Japan might be able to do something at PP, her troops began to hemorrage AV. Undoubtedly, this is due to supply problems. So it looks like the Allies may win this campaign having committed, over the past four-plus months, nothing more than CVE Long Island (to shuttle fighters to the base). Compare the roster of troops for the 8/11/42 and 8/25/42 turns and note that four naval guard units and elements of an engineering unit and base force evaporated: AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Aug 11, 42 Ground combat at Pago Pago (148,161) Allied Bombardment attack Attacking force 7837 troops, 298 guns, 150 vehicles, Assault Value = 528 Defending force 20526 troops, 185 guns, 18 vehicles, Assault Value = 810 Japanese ground losses: 13 casualties reported Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled Assaulting units: 762nd Tank Battalion Samoan Marine Battalion 19th Infantry Regiment 21st Infantry Regiment 7th Marine Defense Battalion 104th USN Base Force 115th USAAF Base Force 2nd USN Naval Construction Battalion 148th Field Artillery Battalion 8th Marine Defense Battalion 131st Field Artillery Battalion 2nd Marine Defense Battalion 147th Field Artillery Regiment N Force Detachment 114th USAAF Base Force /1 Defending units: 20th Recon Regiment 62nd Naval Guard Unit 44th Naval Guard Unit 89th Naval Guard Unit 84th Naval Guard Unit 16th Infantry Regiment 43rd Naval Guard Unit 24th Infantry Regiment 63rd Naval Guard Unit 41st Naval Guard Unit 66th Naval Guard Unit 42nd Naval Guard Unit 18th Naval Guard Unit 87th Naval Guard Unit 86th Naval Guard Unit 88th Naval Guard Unit 65th Naval Guard Unit 37th JNAF AF Unit /11 20th Engr Rgt /11 AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Aug 25, 42 Ground combat at Pago Pago (148,161) Allied Bombardment attack Attacking force 7832 troops, 298 guns, 150 vehicles, Assault Value = 528 Defending force 16715 troops, 148 guns, 18 vehicles, Assault Value = 663 Japanese ground losses: 59 casualties reported Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled Assaulting units: Samoan Marine Battalion 762nd Tank Battalion 19th Infantry Regiment 21st Infantry Regiment 104th USN Base Force 8th Marine Defense Battalion N Force Detachment 2nd USN Naval Construction Battalion 115th USAAF Base Force 147th Field Artillery Regiment 148th Field Artillery Battalion 131st Field Artillery Battalion 7th Marine Defense Battalion 2nd Marine Defense Battalion 114th USAAF Base Force /1 Defending units: 18th Naval Guard Unit 16th Infantry Regiment 89th Naval Guard Unit 42nd Naval Guard Unit 44th Naval Guard Unit 86th Naval Guard Unit 66th Naval Guard Unit 24th Infantry Regiment 88th Naval Guard Unit 87th Naval Guard Unit 62nd Naval Guard Unit 20th Recon Regiment 65th Naval Guard Unit