RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (Full Version)

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GreyJoy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/22/2011 6:52:52 PM)

I love the way you both are using your a very historical way...not massed in death stars but used in kinda like CV divisions operating in different theatres....this gives to the game a completely different taste imho....

About the Kuriles...when the blizzard arrives? AFAIK he cannot even think to invade when winter arrives so he has to do it before its arrival....

zuluhour -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/22/2011 10:38:53 PM)


send the carriers to Colombo, one or two at a time.

I am at 9/2/42 and I noticed, I believe it was a destroyer refit, that I missed it. I guess my question is: how long can you delay a refit and not lose it? or is it only some specific upgrades or types?

note when I tried to do the refit it was in red and said something to the effect that the time had passed. (latest Beta BTW)

Ketza -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/22/2011 11:28:17 PM)

An odd situation indeed.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/24/2011 5:14:18 PM)


And so September ends quietly and the Allies look forward to ramping up operations as reinforcements continue to arrive here and there, now and then....

NoPac: SBDs newly based at Para sortied against a small DD TF but managed only to sink a Japanese torpedo boat. Japan has thirty-one days to invade Para before winter sets in.

CenPac/SoPac: The Big Quiets continue.

SWPac: A big xAK TF sigthed sotuh of Lunga on a SW heading, which is odd. I strongly suspect it's on its way to Luganville or Noumea or Suva, and that I just happened to catch it on a weird job in its course. But what if it were part of an all-out Japanese move on Oz? I examined this for while. Did I truly feel as sanguine about Oz as I've made out for so long? After mulling it over, I decided, "Yes!" If Steve were to commit to a massive invasion of Oz, the Allies would counter by ramping up operations in the DEI. If Oz were to then really face conquest, I would use the triggered reinforcements to reinforce the DEI. He's not coming, but I wish he was.

DEI: A big Indian armored brigade and an Indian divions are en route from India to Oosthaven. These units will probably go forward to Pontianak, Borneo, from there. Billiton Island's airfield just went to level two, meaning Allied fighters can begin putting up some CAP in the region around Billiton, Pontianak and Ketapang. Palembang forts should go to level nine in two days. The Allies have begun shifting aruond freed-up engineering units there and at Oost. A bunch of Sea Bee units are en route to Capetown from East Coast USA.

Burma: The Allies have occuped (and will take tomorrow) unoccupied Prome. This severs the supply line of the IJ army at Magwe. This is odd. Steve keeps letting big armies get isoalted (here and at Padang, Sumatra).

Alfred -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/24/2011 5:57:24 PM)

A move by your opponent on Australia is not as silly as you make it out to be. I don't think he is contemplating it because it would be quite inconsistent with his play to date. But if he were ....

1. The emergency reinforcements are only triggered if he moves south of Brisbane.

2. If he is moving in from the east he should go straight for Melbourne (best choice) and Sydney (second best choice) and forget about the emergency reinforcements. Triggering the emergency reinforcements does not weaken Japan's overall strategic position but if the invasion is carried out for the reason I outline in the next point, Japan's strategic position is actually improved even after the emergency reinforcements are triggered.

3. The smart move for Japan is to land a massive raiding force with only one objective. Capture Melbourne, and if possible Sydney too, and thereby destroy the Australian aircraft industry. That would cripple the RAAF for the rest of the game whereas the emergency reinforcements are just LCUs which are scheduled to appear in the Allied OOB anyway.

4. Japan should consider landing at either Geelong or Portsea. The former location has a good light industry base to feed the raiders and is adjacent to Melbourne. Geelong will probably be very lightly defended so a quick capture is quite possible and then I would expect the Japanese army to march overland to Melbourne quicker than you could rail in reinforcements from elsewhere in Australia. The alternative to landing at Geelong is Portsea whose CD unit will not defeat the invasion. If he is being more cautious, he can land at Sale which is probably completely undefended.

5. For a move on Sydney, landing at Port Kembla should be an easy task for Japan. Not only would it immediately threaten Sydney but if the landing coincided with Geelong, it would inhibit the movement of Allied reinforcements to Melbourne as Sydney, even though it has fewer aircraft factories than Melbourne, nonetheless has a more important industrial base (including the only decent size shipyard west of Pearl Harbor) which must be held by the Allied player.

6. Once the aircraft factories are destroyed, the Japanese forces would be removed to face the emergency reinforcements. In order for those emergency reinforcements to be truly valuable they would need the support of the RAAF for offensive operations but as the RAAF would be crippled, the value of the emergency reinforcements would be greatly diminished.

I doubt that your opponent would be thinking along these lines, but someone else ....


bradfordkay -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/24/2011 6:54:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: zuluhour


send the carriers to Colombo, one or two at a time.

I am at 9/2/42 and I noticed, I believe it was a destroyer refit, that I missed it. I guess my question is: how long can you delay a refit and not lose it? or is it only some specific upgrades or types?

note when I tried to do the refit it was in red and said something to the effect that the time had passed. (latest Beta BTW)

The missed upgrades are included in the next upgrade, with the time to upgrade adjusted to handle the full refit.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/24/2011 8:08:00 PM)

Alfred, I think you misinterpreted what I said. I said I was "sanguine" about an IJ move on Australia. I did not say or imply that such a move was "silly." It would not be silly, but I do know how I would handle it, which puts my mind at ease about the overall situation were it to take place. I am aware of the factors you point to, but at this point in the game the DEI is more important than Oz.

As I noted in my previous post, I don't think Steve is going to invade Oz, for the same reasons you set forth.

kfsgo -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/24/2011 8:49:59 PM)



3. The smart move for Japan is to land a massive raiding force with only one objective. Capture Melbourne, and if possible Sydney too, and thereby destroy the Australian aircraft industry. That would cripple the RAAF for the rest of the game whereas the emergency reinforcements are just LCUs which are scheduled to appear in the Allied OOB anyway.

9th Australian Div is indeed only three months away anyway - but 44th Brit Div, 7th South African Armoured Bde, 27th Rhodesian Bde, 2nd Brit Para Bde will only ever show up if triggered as emergency reinforcements, along with two Bde of Australian replacement squads and one Bde of Brit replacement squads. So that's effectively three infantry divisions that wouldn't be in-game, completely unrestricted and ready to jet from Cape Town to wherever - plus 9th Australian Div early.


6. Once the aircraft factories are destroyed, the Japanese forces would be removed to face the emergency reinforcements. In order for those emergency reinforcements to be truly valuable they would need the support of the RAAF for offensive operations but as the RAAF would be crippled, the value of the emergency reinforcements would be greatly diminished.

Well, I wouldn't go that far. Aircraft production in Melbourne at this point is, what...18 Beauforts and 10 Wirraways per month, I think? Beaufort is a useful aircraft insofar as it's an actual Allied aircraft that can sling torpedoes around, but it's not anything particularly special as a bomber. Everything else (including all the fighters) is abstracted production. So - Australia is out about 400 Beauforts, 10 Boomerangs (!) per month whenever that factory upgrades, and (eventually, if the game lasts as far as September 1944) a bunch of Beaufighters. Emergency reinforcements bring along 50 Mitchells and 50 Vengeance DBs, along with another 80 or so fighters - doesn't totally cover it, but it's not nothing...and that stuff's available immediately, not three quarters of the way into 1943.

Damaging? Sure. A better use of Japanese troops than sitting around festering in New Guinea? Probably. Crippling? Nnnnnn...probably not, really. Frankly, given a choice between a couple hundred marginal bombers and three infantry divisions, with half the IJN sleeping with the fishes already? I'd be thrilled to take the trade. Let the Japanese chase after heavy industry if they want to - ain't gonna help the fuel situation. Maybe that's just me, though.

Now, if you were to pull the same trick on Los Angeles or San Diego...that'd be crippling. Continental US LCU reinforcements are perma-restricted to the US except for one Canadian tank brigade, the emergency reinforcement air groups have pretty much all arrived by now, there's no free fighters... half the Liberators in the game come out of SD, and the majority of P-38, P-51, B-25 and A-20 come out of LA...bugger Melbourne, if you're going to do something like that, do it properly.

Alfred -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/24/2011 9:12:45 PM)

This game is being played with PDU OFF. I don't think you have factored that in and what it does for the units which have access only to the lost production.

Additional LCU are of no real value if the production of devices are not commensurately increased. Plus all those units have to be landed on hostile shores, subject to any air interdiction. Also you are underestimating the loss of the Australian industry and the additional strain on Allied logistics, which will also have to feed the additional LCUs.


kfsgo -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/24/2011 10:32:16 PM)



This game is being played with PDU OFF. I don't think you have factored that in and what it does for the units which have access only to the lost production.

Still not the end of the world - there's what, half a dozen squadrons that can take Beauforts? e: hang on, I'll have a look

No. 1 Sqn will have limited Beaufort replacements (but doesn't arrive until Dec. 43)
No. 2 Sqn takes Beaufort (but can also take Mitchell, so no problem)
No. 6 will have to stay on Hudson
No. 7 have to stay on Hudson
No. 8 will be short Beauforts
No. 13 will have to skip Beaufort and take Ventura
No. 14 and No. 15 will be short Beauforts
No. 12, No. 23 and No. 24 and No. 25 can switch over from Wirraway to Vengeance six months early - considering the Beauforts have American torpedoes...

Beaufighter squadrons will take a hit, but not until near enough 1945.


Additional LCU are of no real value if the production of devices are not commensurately increased.

Good thing they arrive at full strength and the emergency resupply convoy brings along a boatload of the ancilliary stuff too, I guess. Besides - a brigade's worth of troops is a brigade's worth of troops whether you use them in their own container or put'em on a train to Delhi to fill out existing understrength units. End result is still that you have an extra brigade's worth of troops kicking about, no matter whose armband they're wearing...


Plus all those units have to be landed on hostile shores, subject to any air interdiction.

Well, that seems to have worked out ok so many carriers do the Japanese have left? I seem to remember it being an unusually small number, but I may be misremembering. Absent those the shores of Oz ain't likely to be too hostile, heh.


Also you are underestimating the loss of the Australian industry and the additional strain on Allied logistics,

Maybe. Australia puts out...about 5000t supplies per day with adequate fuel, or about half that without, right? Whether fuel is adequate I have no idea. I would've thought that a November 1942-scale Australian stockpile would last several months even without further input, but maybe that's me applying my crazy-cat-lady attitude to supply stockpiles inappropriately. Are Allied logistics particularly strained, with 1000t of supplies a day sprouting out of the incomprehensibly undamaged oilfields in the middle of the main combat area?

Anyway, the whole premise is kinda strange - whatever the Australian army's failings as a field force, it's plenty capable of parking in heavy urban terrain in SYD/MEL (which will both have 1m+ resources sitting around by this point, so not exactly easy to starve out) and just dragging things out for long enough for a relief force to show up. Unless it's been stripped of combat units, of course, but I haven't got that impression so far.

e: I gotta say, from a peanut gallery point of view, I wish it was an invasion of Australia - it'd be fascinating to watch, no matter which way it went.

Alfred -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/25/2011 1:02:10 AM)


You really are being quite selective with the information you are presenting.

1. By January 1944, of the 10 medium bomber squadrons of the Australian RAAF, 8 of them have as their final model the Beaufort VIII. As all these 8 squadrons will experience attrition of their earlier plane models through operational losses and combat casualties and they will eventually run out of airframes. When that happens there will be no Beaufort VIII production to make up the losses.

2. Australian production of all medium bombers excluding the Beaufort VIII in the period 1942-43 is quite limited in both airframes produced and the length of the production run. It is not really adequate enough to keep pace with operational losses in non combat zones, it cannot cope with combat losses as well.

3. By January 1944 the RAAF also has 2 additional Dutch medium bomber squadrons but their use is severely limitd by the extremely low production run of their aircraft models and the limited available Dutch pilots.

4. That leaves us by January 1944 with only the 13 RAAF and 22 RAAF crewed Australian medium bomber squadrons flying very low production airframes.

5. By January 1944, there would be 4 RAAF fighter bomber squadrons (plus see point 6 below) of which two would have lacked their mandated Boomerang C-12. These two squadrons could at an earlier time have changed over to other Australian fighter airframes but then that places an additional strain on the already limited Australian receipt of aircraft.

6. Two of the seven Wirraway squadrons are scheduled to upgrade to the Boomerang C-12, which of course they would not be capable of doing. There might be, or might not be sufficient surplus stocks of Wirraway airframes to see these two units still flying Wirraways till the end of the war. But does anyone seriously propose the argument that flying Wirraways into 1944 is a good outcome? As it is, these two squadrons will have to compete for the surplus Wirraways with the W Flight squadron which can never upgrade to anything else.

7. That leaves us with 4 Wirraway squadrons which can convert to the Vengeance I. That plane has a 9 month production run, of which approximately 4 months of the production run will be consumed in merely re-equipping the squadrons with this plane. Doesn't leave much production to cover operational losses and combat losses, the latter potentially being quite heavy depending on how the player uses the Vengeance I.

8. Most RAAF fighter squadrons are not affected to the same extent as the medium or fighter bombers. But some will not be able to convert to the Boomerang C-12 and those which are eventually slated for conversion to the P-51D Mustang will have to make do with only the abstracted non factory Mustang repalcement rate, having lost the on map Mustang factories.

9. Logistics is much more than just about global production levels. You have to get the supply and fuel into position for it to be used, a point I thought would have been obvious to you in light of your work in getting supply up the Alice Springs track to Katherine. I suggest you read page 237 of the manual regarding what happens to captured Heavy Industry and consider the ramifications that would have on the capability of Australia remaining a base for hosting sizeable Allied forces fed entirely from local capabilities. A conclusion you may then come to is that additional cargo runs to Australia might be necessary. How well would that outcome fit into the otherwise planned use of allied naval assets.

10. Additional LCUs consume additional supply. Yep we get back to the fundamental logistics issue of getting the stuff to where it is needed. As the additional LCUs see combat they will need additional supply for repalcements. But then if one receives additional LCUs but no greater production of devices, which includes infantry squads, in time the combat effectiveness of the additional LCUs will wane. Yep, logistics can be quite a tricky matter.

11. Oh before I forget does Canoerebel have adequate sea lift capacity to effectively use those additional LCUs in the short term. He doesn't really need to deploy them in Sumatra, so where exactly does he deploy them to best advantage. And then does he have the supporting combat assets to accompany them.

My basic point is that an invasion of Australia, in light of the current game situation is not a one way street of bountiful goodies to the Allied player only. Properly structured, in the short to medium term the Japanese strategic position can be improved over what it currently is. It won't happen because ChezDaJez doesn't think outside of the circle. Nor should the current situation have been allowed to develop. But it was Canoerebel wondering aloud whether the spotted enemy TF pressaged an invasion of Australia and I merely explained how there could be merit in such a plan.


Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/26/2011 5:12:23 PM)


NoPac: Bettys and Nells sortie ineffectively against a small USN DD TF near Para. No sign of an enemy invasion force.

CenPac/SoPac: The Big Quiets continue.

SWPac: No sign of that enemy TF south of Lunga discussed at length in my previous post and subsequent commentary.

DEI: Two Chindit brigades recently arrived at Madras and have/are reporting to Cochin for transport to the DEI. One is prepping for Kuching, the other for Beufort (an isolated base north of Brunei). This is consistent with the current Allied plan to pack as much weight into Sumatra as possible, to be in a position to then move north into the Java Sea and Borneo in strength over coming months. A major goal is to expedite movement of units currently available in order to be able to implement this plan if Steve, as expected, commits a major force to the Kuriles before the end of the month.

Burma: THe Allies took Prome, thus isoalted the Japanese army at Magwe. The isolating units are weak, so Japan can bust through fairly easily, but the Allies will continue to work troops along the edges and rear to complicate Steve's efforts to claim the initiative in this theater.

GreyJoy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/26/2011 5:59:31 PM)

Merry X-Mas CR!!!!!!

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/26/2011 6:08:39 PM)

And to you too, GJ. And I should thank you for an immensely entertaining game and AAR. It's really been a treat.

kfsgo -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/26/2011 6:14:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel


DEI: Two Chindit brigades recently arrived at Madras and have/are reporting to Cochin for transport to the DEI. One is prepping for Kuching, the other for Beufort (an isolated base north of Brunei). This is consistent with the current Allied plan to pack as much weight into Sumatra as possible, to be in a position to then move north into the Java Sea and Borneo in strength over coming months. A major goal is to expedite movement of units currently available in order to be able to implement this plan if Steve, as expected, commits a major force to the Kuriles before the end of the month.

Have the Japanese attempted to mine the Sunda strait at Merak at all? It seems like you've been able to get shipping past Java and up as far as Palembang, which is rather puzzling insofar as it's a narrow strait and any mines there would be absolutely lethal. Or is it that minesweepers at Oosthaven been able to keep it clear?

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/26/2011 7:08:43 PM)

Shhhhhh! Don't stir up the enemy with ideas of that sort! [:)]

Steve's subs have been mining Oosthaven periodically for months, to some good effect at first. But, to the best of my knowledge, he hasn't mined the Merak hex. The Allies have DMS doing duty to elminate the period mine threat, and IJ mine-laying subs have been pretty heavily molested by ASW the past few weeks. Overall, enemy mines at in this region have been nothing more than a minor nuisance.

zuluhour -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/31/2011 3:36:52 PM)

anyone home?

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/31/2011 4:38:13 PM)


Zuluhour: Yup, I'm here. Steve and I have just gone through one of those "awkward ages" that seem to vex a PBEM every now and then:

Monday, Dec. 26: Email from Steve notifying that a turn won't be coming today.
Tuesday, Dec. 27: No word from Steve.
Wednesday, Dec. 28: Turn in the inbox! Watch combat replay. Arg, though, because Steve attached the turn file for the previous day.
Thursday, Dec. 29: Steve re-send a turn file, but once again it's for the previous day.
Friday, Dec. 30: Steve sends the correct turn file, which I've just run.

It was a nice, quiet week for me to play the game, but thus far we've played two turns. :(

DEI: Palembang forts go to level 9, joining Oosthaven. The Allies continue shifting around engineers, including a detachment of Bombay Engineers that arrives at Toboali via fast transport. Everything looks good in Sumatra. Still no indication that Japan is organizing a force sufficient to threaten the Allied left flank at Padang. The big reinforcement convoys are nearing the mdiway point from India. In about a week, the Allies will be ready to try to reinforce southern Borneo. That should stir up the enemy - and the Allies could take losses as I don't have big airfields available yet.

Burma: A Brit brigade throws back the deplated IJA cav unit just west of Toungu. Two Chinese units are on the way - one at Schwebo will join the Brits near Toungu. The second is coming down the coastal road from Akyab. Both these units had been in India for some time trying to use the abundant supply there to fill out the ranks - both units have about 100 AV, up from about 50 originally, but I'm not sure it was worth the effort.

NoPac: No sign of imminent moves on the Para and Onne.

CenPac and SoPac: The Big Quiets continue.

SWPac: No sign of enemy attention to PM or Milne Bay.

kfsgo -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/31/2011 5:43:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel


NoPac: No sign of imminent moves on the Para and Onne.

It's a little late in the year, surely? I understand winter weather makes landings extremely painful. Whether the Japanese know that...

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/31/2011 7:20:40 PM)

Winter conditions don't begin until November 1. That's a critical date ot keep track of (that and that winter is over beginning with the March 1 turn). Winter conditions play mayhem on contested invasions. They are nearly impossible to pull off. Disruption and disablements are exceedingly high.

New email just into the inbox from Steve. Played the combat replay, but the turn file asks for his password. He apparently forgot to click the "end turn" button. Sigh.

Cribtop -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/31/2011 7:50:35 PM)

Sounds like Steve is sampling too much holiday egg nogg. [:D]

kfsgo -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/31/2011 8:40:37 PM)

Ah, ok - I thought the ice started in October. You'll be marking off the days from here to November, then...

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/1/2012 9:35:25 PM)


Japan didn't do anything today that poses an obvious threat to the Allies.

Miller -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/1/2012 11:24:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel


Japan didn't do anything today that poses an obvious threat to the Allies.

That sums up the whole game to date[:D]

By the way, Happy New Year Dan.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/2/2012 5:55:27 PM)


Malaybaylay: Imperial Guards and 6th Guards Division show up at this isolated Allied outpost in the Philippines. This base, garrisoned by 450-besieged Allied AV, had withstood several IJ attacks over the months. Steve has decided to finally and desicively deal with the outpost, but this was overkill that gives the Allies important intelligence. These two divisons were last seen at Semereng, Java, in May. One of them was reported prepping for Oosthaven. Their diversion to Malaybalay suggests that nothing major is about to happen in the DEI (not because their current deployment is conclusive, but rather that it is additional evidence that Steve is defensively rather than offensively minded). The Aliles currently have tabs on six IJA divisions outside China - these two, two isolated at Padang, Sumatra, and two somewhat isolated at Magwe, Burma.

Other Than That: Another quiet turn as the Allies are awaiting arrival of reinforcements at Oosthaven, the staging point for the upcoming push to garrison or reinforce key Java Sea bases north of Oosthaven.

zuluhour -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/2/2012 7:50:04 PM)

Best wishes for a happy new year "rebel". I have somehow caught up to you (Terry and I are at Oct. 1st '42 ) and only wish I could "compare notes" as to being in a similar time frame, but alas by circumstances are quite different. The DEI being completly gone and I mean 99% base capture, one small base force (20 guys) left in the PI, and I face a reinforced Solomons, a beseiged Port Morseby, and an unscathed Kido Butai with four carrier and a modern battleship kill. I would like to see your China situation though. Has Chez recovered from your earlier drubbing of his larger divisions there? You must have received the new aircraft in China also, how are they faring against the vaunted empire?

John 3rd -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/2/2012 8:03:51 PM)

Happy New Year Dan!

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/3/2012 6:58:00 PM)

Happy New Year to all you kind gents, also.

Steve has once again sent the wrong turn file, so no turn today.

For several weeks, I have been mulling over starting a new game once this game reaches January 1, 1943, but I'm starting to think about whether I might want to move that up, since this game has gone into a nearly stagnant mode.

I think - I'm not positive, but I think - that I only want to start a new game against Nemo or Alfred. Both of those gents, to my way of thinking, would be strong candidates to shoot for auto victory. (There are others out there who could also, but I don't know them as well because I only follow a very, very few AARs.) So, if Nemo or Alfred (or both of them) were interested, I think I'd be interested in a Scenario Two match. If neither of those gents rises to the bait, I'll mull over things for awhile before proceeding.

GreyJoy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/3/2012 7:04:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Happy New Year to all you kind gents, also.

Steve has once again sent the wrong turn file, so no turn today.

For several weeks, I have been mulling over starting a new game once this game reaches January 1, 1943, but I'm starting to think about whether I might want to move that up, since this game has gone into a nearly stagnant mode.

I think - I'm not positive, but I think - that I only want to start a new game against Nemo or Alfred. Both of those gents, to my way of thinking, would be strong candidates to shoot for auto victory. (There are others out there who could also, but I don't know them as well because I only follow a very, very few AARs.) So, if Nemo or Alfred (or both of them) were interested, I think I'd be interested in a Scenario Two match. If neither of those gents rises to the bait, I'll mull over things for awhile before proceeding.

Looking forward to see you challenge the best of the best CR![:D]

pws1225 -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/3/2012 7:29:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Happy New Year to all you kind gents, also.

Steve has once again sent the wrong turn file, so no turn today.

For several weeks, I have been mulling over starting a new game once this game reaches January 1, 1943, but I'm starting to think about whether I might want to move that up, since this game has gone into a nearly stagnant mode.

I think - I'm not positive, but I think - that I only want to start a new game against Nemo or Alfred. Both of those gents, to my way of thinking, would be strong candidates to shoot for auto victory. (There are others out there who could also, but I don't know them as well because I only follow a very, very few AARs.) So, if Nemo or Alfred (or both of them) were interested, I think I'd be interested in a Scenario Two match. If neither of those gents rises to the bait, I'll mull over things for awhile before proceeding.

If Nemo accepts your challenge, it'll only be because he wants to peak inside your OODA loop. I think he's kinda kinky that way.

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