kfsgo -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (12/24/2011 8:49:59 PM)
ORIGINAL: Alfred 3. The smart move for Japan is to land a massive raiding force with only one objective. Capture Melbourne, and if possible Sydney too, and thereby destroy the Australian aircraft industry. That would cripple the RAAF for the rest of the game whereas the emergency reinforcements are just LCUs which are scheduled to appear in the Allied OOB anyway. 9th Australian Div is indeed only three months away anyway - but 44th Brit Div, 7th South African Armoured Bde, 27th Rhodesian Bde, 2nd Brit Para Bde will only ever show up if triggered as emergency reinforcements, along with two Bde of Australian replacement squads and one Bde of Brit replacement squads. So that's effectively three infantry divisions that wouldn't be in-game, completely unrestricted and ready to jet from Cape Town to wherever - plus 9th Australian Div early. quote:
6. Once the aircraft factories are destroyed, the Japanese forces would be removed to face the emergency reinforcements. In order for those emergency reinforcements to be truly valuable they would need the support of the RAAF for offensive operations but as the RAAF would be crippled, the value of the emergency reinforcements would be greatly diminished. Well, I wouldn't go that far. Aircraft production in Melbourne at this point is, what...18 Beauforts and 10 Wirraways per month, I think? Beaufort is a useful aircraft insofar as it's an actual Allied aircraft that can sling torpedoes around, but it's not anything particularly special as a bomber. Everything else (including all the fighters) is abstracted production. So - Australia is out about 400 Beauforts, 10 Boomerangs (!) per month whenever that factory upgrades, and (eventually, if the game lasts as far as September 1944) a bunch of Beaufighters. Emergency reinforcements bring along 50 Mitchells and 50 Vengeance DBs, along with another 80 or so fighters - doesn't totally cover it, but it's not nothing...and that stuff's available immediately, not three quarters of the way into 1943. Damaging? Sure. A better use of Japanese troops than sitting around festering in New Guinea? Probably. Crippling? Nnnnnn...probably not, really. Frankly, given a choice between a couple hundred marginal bombers and three infantry divisions, with half the IJN sleeping with the fishes already? I'd be thrilled to take the trade. Let the Japanese chase after heavy industry if they want to - ain't gonna help the fuel situation. Maybe that's just me, though. Now, if you were to pull the same trick on Los Angeles or San Diego...that'd be crippling. Continental US LCU reinforcements are perma-restricted to the US except for one Canadian tank brigade, the emergency reinforcement air groups have pretty much all arrived by now, there's no free fighters... half the Liberators in the game come out of SD, and the majority of P-38, P-51, B-25 and A-20 come out of LA...bugger Melbourne, if you're going to do something like that, do it properly.