Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/10/2012 3:19:13 PM)
10/10/42 Screen shots later today. Billiton Island: More troops comng ashore. Level 2(0) port; 2.49(5) airfield; 3.07 forts; 327 AV; 3275 supply. Toboali: Level 2(1) port; 1.05(7) airfield; 2.28 forts; 100 AV; 5000 supply. 18 unescorted Bettys raided from Singapore today. LRCAP from Billiton - elite F4% and Hurricane squadrons - soritied and splashed 16. The Bettys sank one xAKL. Muntok: Level 1(1) port; 1(5) airfield; no forts; 600 supply; 107 AV. 268Mortorized Bde begins coming ashore at Toboali tonight and will report for duty at Muntok. This unit was originally slated for Singkawang, but Steve is suddenly giving a heckuva lot of attention to Muntok. If possible, I'd like to discourage him from even trying to contest Toboali, Muntok and Billiton. High priority airfields at all three. The full slate of Sallys from Singapore (roughly 140) visited the island again. These bombers had been committed to the Padang campaign for months, so their focus on Muntok is meaningful there and at Padang, where forts will now reach four in just a few days. Singkep: Level 2(1) port; 1(5) airfield; 2.14 forts; 350 supply; 39 AV. I don't think Steve is aware that the Allies have occupied and are building this base right on the outskirts of Singapore. I have only a token force there at the moment, but hope to address that after I first deal with the most pressing needs to the east. Oosthaven: Another IJN sub savaged by ASW; the third in as many days. More reinforcement convoys in bound. Sumatra: It does not look like Japan is going to try to conquer Sumatra by moving on Padang and then on to the eastern bases. No meaningful activity around Padang, though two IJA divisions are isolated there. Supply is undoubtedly the problem. If the Allies succeed in building Billiton, Toboali and Muntok large, that will form a new outer defense that will take a bit of the heat off Sumatra. That, in turn, will permit the Allies to begin drawing down the Sumatra garrison to expand further into the DEI. I'm not there yet, but it's not far off. Java: Western Java appears lightly held by Japan. That mysterious IJ TF bound for Tjilitjap apparently made it there and is retiring. I have no idea. My best guess is that it was testing to see if the Allies reacted. I didn't because I don't want to reveal my strength against a TF that, while vulnerable, didn't appear to be a threat of any kind. Burma: Allied bombers are daily savaging the enemy garrison at Magwe. Allied units are on the flanks and threatening to sever the supply/retreat path. I am somewhat surprised Steve hasn't either reinforced or retired this army. NoPac: No sign of imminent enemy counterinvasion yet. CenPac: A small enemy carrier strike force badly damaged an xAK and an xAP in the TF that recently brought supply and reinforcements to Tarawa. CA Nachi sighted is in a separate combat TF. The Allies are almost certain to lose a number of low-grade transports over the next few days, but whatever happens it was worth the cost to really secure (in my estimation) Tarawa.