vettim89 -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/19/2012 12:19:45 AM)
ORIGINAL: Canoerebel Jeff, that very thought occurred to me earlier today or yesterday. "Is this game," I pondered, "the mirror image of my game vs. Q-Ball?" It may be, but the effects are much different. If the Allied player pulls a massive Sir Robin, an experienced and bold IJ player can take advantage of the circumstances and make things that much worse for the Allies. It is also guaranteed to end as at some point the Allies will come out of their shell - as I was going to do with a massive invasion of Sumatra in early 1943. But when an IJ player pulls a Sir Robin in 1942 - at least on this scale - it means the game will wither away. Japan has got to make it difficult, expensive, and time-consuming to get the first major lodgement in the Japanese MLR - whether that be Sumatra, Java, New Guinea, the Kuriles, or the major IJ island holdings east of the Philippines. If not, the Allies get a one-year or more head start and can methodically advance under the cover of LBA. I've thought about your game in these terms. Geographically you are far ahead of the curve but logistically it is still Fall 1942. The bulk of your reinforcments are a year or more away (ships, planes, BD, etc, etc, etc,). I was prodding you a little while ago but I do understand where you are. Historically the Allies were locked in a slugfest on GC and PNG at this point.