RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (Full Version)

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JeffroK -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 5:12:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel
"No, you suck worse than you think,"

You're right. No sense in replying. [:D][;)]

At least he's an honest newspaperman, not many around.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 5:19:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

I hope you gents won't mind me being frank with you about my performance in the game as I see it. I am going to be honest about where I see strengths and flaws. No need in replying, because that will just devolve into a long, "No, you're really good," "No, you suck worse than you think," cascade.

I am not walking away from this match with an elevated opinion of my abilities. I don't think what I've done here would work against the vast majority of experienced IJ players. I've been most fortunate.

On a scale of 1-10, measuring a combination of experience and skill, I'd rate myself a 6 or a 7. The rating of any player who plays as the Allies is probably going to get a decent bump due to the inequities between the two sides. Taking that into consideration, a 6 is probably a better measure.

But the truly elite players of this game - the 8s and 9s and 10s - would have pushed forward and already eviscerated Japan. Where I took a cautious course, they would have been bold and, given their skill, would have succeeded.

There are too many nitty-gritty details about the game that I'm not interested in and that doesn't suit my preferences. You cannot be a top-level performer without doing and knowing the things I shrug off. I am good, but I am not great.

But I sure do love this game!

I edited your response CR, but well said.

I find myself, being a relative new player, always concious of what I'm saying to others and remind myself that my knowledge is limited and I really don't know all the nuances of the game yet. We all like to think we know what we are doing, but I've found this game downright humbling. It literally will take years of my life playing to improve, providing new situations against different people that test my skill and make me continue to learn through my mistakes or successes.

I think part of the frustration with the game is the sheer scope. You find an opponent, you set up your game parameters, you develop your strategy and off you go...turn one. Then through the course of the game things start going wrong, the "if only I'd done this instead" moments start occurring and then you're in real trouble and the game just spirals out of control. I think this happened to Chez, and as Japan, you really can't have many of these moments...even one can be a game breaker.

I'm sure Chez wished for a different experience, the nature of the beast that is WitP AE sometimes is just too big to overcome too many setbacks early in the game for some players, myself definitely included in that group. The time and commitment needed to improve game play is beyond the norm, it takes a real chunk away from RL to improve. It's unfortunate, but the sheer scope of the game often doesn't allow the average player to have a mulligan here and there, or a chance to restart to get things right, because that could literally be years of gameplay down the drain. I love the game too, but she can be a cruel mistress at times.

Just some thoughts.

Alfred -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 7:48:07 AM)

For those of you who can I strongly recommend finding ChezDaJez's AAR which IOIRC was last updated about may last year. There in the first couple of pages you will find all the factors which accurately explain the subsequent developments in this match. Read ChezDaJez's outlined expectations and plans, the response to those expactations and plans from others (which include me and IIRC Nemo too) and there will be no difficulty in understanding the current situation. Combine those comments with a couple of other public posts made by ChezDaJez elsewhere and there is no mystery to unravel as to what the future holds.


JeffroK -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 10:12:42 AM)



For those of you who can I strongly recommend finding ChezDaJez's AAR which IOIRC was last updated about may last year. There in the first couple of pages you will find all the factors which accurately explain the subsequent developments in this match. Read ChezDaJez's outlined expectations and plans, the response to those expactations and plans from others (which include me and IIRC Nemo too) and there will be no difficulty in understanding the current situation. Combine those comments with a couple of other public posts made by ChezDaJez elsewhere and there is no mystery to unravel as to what the future holds.


Made interesting reading.
IMVHO, a lot of farting around the Aleutians, Sth Pacific and PI when he should have been taking the important points (which I think he listed in his opening plans)
Then he had too many unescorted TF or Bomber raids which CR managed to hit.
What I have found in a few AAR is the lack of support by JFB for their fellow JFB, at least to the level of help I have seen looking at various AFB AAR.
Its a pity he stopped the AAR, we might be (and still might) be celebrating a brilliant strategic plan.

Alfred -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 11:09:15 AM)

Speaking just for myself I follow many more Allied AARs than Japanese ones.

I find Japanese players to be generally less responsive to third party comments. Probably because they already start the game with pre-formed paln and objectives and set up their opening moves to achieve them. At best most of them only look to second phase objectives after the initial low hanging fruit has been picked. They really have no interest in preparing for 1944/45 and those who are so inclined, tend to be very competent and in need of very little third party assistance/commentary.

On the other hand many Allied players are inexperienced and lack a firm grip on the game's mechanics. Hit by the initial Japanese tsunami, they tend to be much more responsive to third party assistance/commentary, a bit like a drowning man clutching at anything.


obvert -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 12:09:18 PM)


What I have found in a few AAR is the lack of support by JFB for their fellow JFB, at least to the level of help I have seen looking at various AFB AAR.

Its a pity he stopped the AAR, we might be (and still might) be celebrating a brilliant strategic plan.


I find Japanese players to be generally less responsive to third party comments. Probably because they already start the game with pre-formed paln and objectives and set up their opening moves to achieve them. At best most of them only look to second phase objectives after the initial low hanging fruit has been picked. They really have no interest in preparing for 1944/45 and those who are so inclined, tend to be very competent and in need of very little third party assistance/commentary.

On the other hand many Allied players are inexperienced and lack a firm grip on the game's mechanics. Hit by the initial Japanese tsunami, they tend to be much more responsive to third party assistance/commentary, a bit like a drowning man clutching at anything.

I think 'players' in general, whether they tend to play the Allied or Japanese side, tend to read and comment more in Allied AARs. There are a plethora of fairly new Japan side AARs that get hits but virtually no helpful comments from anyone. It's too bad that more experienced Allied players even can't go in and give advice to the Japanese side, as I see a lot of players who primarily play Japan here and in other Allied AARs.

From my own experience, I feel that readers don't post comments even when direct questions or outright cries for help have been placed in the AAR. I know when I see comments on some of the Japanese AARs from newish players they are grateful and respond immediately to try to engender a dialogue. It seems that with the growth of the game, there are a lot of AARs out there, but most of the new player AARs get less attention, and particularly those by IJ payers, which is too bad.

Every time I go into a AAR I try to think, what difficult question could I ask this player, or what comment could I give from a perspective not already shown, so that even if i don't know as much, or can't help directly with the tactics or larger strategy, that I am somehow taking part in the process. Any comment can help. I for one would like the tough comments to come more often. 'You should do ... differently because ... .'

Or just an occasional, 'Hey, keep it up,' or 'Tough one.'

As for Chez, I think he stopped writing for several reasons, possibly because of the same time constraints that led him to several mistakes in game, but also because he has a specific view on how the game 'should' be played, and people were offering opinions that went against these self-imposed 'rules.' It's hard to keep it going when you know things are spiraling out of control, I'm sure.

Alfred -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 12:30:38 PM)


Probably also a factor that there are many more people prepared to paly the Allied position than the Japanese position. Naturally they would tend to populate Allied AARs to get a feel for what they may confront.

I hadn't particularly noticed a plethora of newish Japanese AARs. Would you care to nominate some worthy ones for me to drop in?


obvert -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 12:49:51 PM)

I mostly mean players that consider themselves to be fairly new, or are doing their first AAR. Some that I find interesting are those by Erkki, vicberg, SqzMyLemon, koniu and andav that could use a bit more attention. Now, these could be more experienced players than i know them to be, but I just enjoy reading about their games and occasionally offering support, as I try to do with some of the newish Allied AARs.

Of course I try to read others by experienced players as much as I can, so probably I'm missing some that are out there as well.

Sorry CR for the OT posts here.

Alfred -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 1:11:05 PM)

Can't post to Erkki's AAR as i have been green buttoned by him.

Problem with Koniu's AAR is that I regularly provide advice on his opponent's AAR. Whilst not completely impossible, it is difficult to not inadvertently breach Op Sec when posting to both AARs.

Andav I believe is involved in a DaBabes match. As I don't have installed that mod, I would be unaware of the particular nuances of that mod. Same reason why I don't read his opponent's Allied AAR.

Vicberg I thought was in the same situation as Andav but I could be mistaken.

Which leaves us with SqzMyLemon. He has always struck me as being too modest regarding his AE skill level. Plus I thought he already received feedback from experienced japanese players. Oh well, I might have to drop by because I don't recall who his Allied opponent is and therefore I probably am not following the Allied side.

As to the temporary hijacking of Canoerebel's AAR. I wouldn't be concerned, I think he appreciates increasing his through traffic, no matter how accomplished, just to rival GreyJoy's AAR hit count.[:)]


Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 1:47:43 PM)

[:D]  (Thanks, Alfred!)

Lots of interesting comments.  I wanted to reply to Schlmiel's in some detail.  I hope I understood his questions so that my reply is responsive.  How would a truly "great" player have handled this game differently that I have?  Some major points:

1.  Thru native caution, born perhaps of comparative inexperience, I have been very conservative with my Sumatra garrison (and even, for a long time, my India garrison).  Some players would have long since deduced that both places were safe, or that they would be just as safe if the Allies used those garrison troops to push forward into Borneo, Java, Malaya or the Philippines.  (I think those players who have played both sides would have an advantage in accurately estimating opponent capabilities and proclivities; also, players that are very good at psychological analysis of their opponents have an advantage).

2.  I have declined to engage in some fundamental strategies that require alot of micromanagement.  With major Allied naval bases and airfields so proximate to equally major IJ installations, I could repeatedly set up major flak traps using my ships as bait and my aircraft as the hook.  But that requires a heck of alot of clicking - send ships here, set all these fighter units to LRCAP, if nothing happens stand them all down with various other CAP duties the next turn, etc.  (I might engage in that kind of detail - probably inartfully at first - in a game in which I was pushed, but I don't enjoy that level of management.) 

3.  In similar fashion, I haven't done the work to figure out where there are gaps in the enemy patrol arcs and then exploited those gaps with timely and unsettling (to the enemy) DD raids.

4.  Some players - the cream of the crop - are not just adept at employing every weapon at their disposal, but also finding new ways to do things.  I hope Nemo won't mind me using him as just an example (and it's possible that he got this from somebody else, but I don't think so):  In his game with 1 Eyed Jacks he used his subs to sniff out gaps in the patrol arcs and then sent DD raiders very deep behind enemy lines, not only doing significant damage but totally unhinging his opponent's psyche (not just through that one tactic, but the cumalitve effect of his smart aggression).  I can implement clever strategies, but I'm not the kind of player who knows the rules and mechanics and then comes up with new things.

Alfred -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 3:03:12 PM)

In the interests of keeping the post count up (only fair as I seem to have dragged myself unintentionally into a debate on GreyJoy's AAR, which will inevitably end badly for me over there) I'll just add a few brief comments.

I have always proceeded on the basis that of those who post here regularly only Canoerebel has not read ChezDaJez's short lived AAR. Some may have forgotten its contents but I can assure Canoerebel that if he too had access to that AAR he almost certainly would have changed his play significantly. For everyone else, advocating a more aggressive Allied posture, or adopting some other objective/plan, such a position would have been made considerably less stressful to advocate armed with the knowledge contained in the other AAR.

Canoerebel naturally hasn't had such a benefit and therefore the adoption of a more conservative approach is almost inevitable. For it is a much sounder basis to assess potential opponent actions based on their capabilities rather than on wishful thinking. Of course then you have to factor in how those capabilities may be best or poorly employed.

It is this foreknowledge which has largely been responsible for my limited posts in this AAR.


SqzMyLemon -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 4:26:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert

I mostly mean players that consider themselves to be fairly new, or are doing their first AAR. Some that I find interesting are those by Erkki, vicberg, SqzMyLemon, koniu and andav that could use a bit more attention. Now, these could be more experienced players than i know them to be, but I just enjoy reading about their games and occasionally offering support, as I try to do with some of the newish Allied AARs.


Thanks for the endorsement. I'm always looking for advice/feedback or even just a chance to talk about different aspects of the game to improve my play and learn better strategy/tactics. I'm glad to hear you enjoy following along.



Which leaves us with SqzMyLemon. He has always struck me as being too modest regarding his AE skill level. Plus I thought he already received feedback from experienced japanese players. Oh well, I might have to drop by because I don't recall who his Allied opponent is and therefore I probably am not following the Allied side.


I think I'd sum up my skill level as average at best at this point. A few things that definitely hold me back from improving are I'm far too indecisive and can also become frustrated easily at times. There are so many things I look back on and think...if only I'd done this three months ago, or I should have followed this up and other things along those lines. I'm glad to hear you've actually followed my posts a little to even comment Alfred.

Without continuing to hijack CR's AAR, Alfred, I'd appreciate you dropping by to offer suggestions or point things out in my AAR, or even just follow along if you find it enjoyable to do so. You have much to offer to anyone willing to listen and learn a different way to approach playing the game. I'm all about trying to have fun, but more importantly learn and improve. I have my share of bad moments, rants and frustration, as my AAR clearly shows, but I think it stems from a real desire to become a better player. I have received much advice and suggestions from some of the better or more knowledgeable Japanese players and am thankful to all who have posted, but I find myself still floundering at times or just not able to apply some of the advice due to my own inhibitions, doubts or lack of understanding. Having no prior personal experience as to what the end game entails, I continue to make mistakes and most likely continue to struggle preparing for it. I'm exactly the type of player that wants to prepare for 44/45 with Japan to remain as competitive as possible. Nemo has said I'm too self-deprecating at times, that may be, but I just call it like I feel it.

Sorry CR, but +1 to the thread count at least. [8D]

Grfin Zeppelin -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 4:31:46 PM)

deprecating...... Thanks to Nemo and also Canoerebel I cant read anything fluent without my dictionary....deprecating.....heh is that even a word ? [;)]

Schlemiel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 4:41:27 PM)

Thank you, Canoerebel. Please don't take my questions as any kind of judgment (positive or negative) on your play, your analysis or your strategy. I'm just interested in your self-analysis (and probably getting you to consider your own self-analysis).

This has been a very entertaining game for the most part, though an epic clash at Sumatra or a proper attempt to isolate it would have been great.

I do think there is a general lack of Japanese players, and I'd say there are two huge reasons (beyond just the picking the "good guys" and wanting to pick the ultimately winning side). Japan absolutely must start off fast. If you don't know your own dispositions well and what you wish to do with them, as well as game mechanics, you are at a pretty severe disadvantage in the long term. The Allies, in contrast, start with much less (which in some ways makes it easier to know what you have and what you want to do with it) and a huge cushion to be able to come back despite losses. The Allies may benefit from starting fast, but they are absolutely not required to do so, making it far more learning-friendly.

Secondly is the obvious-the economy. I have yet to do my proper research into how to run the Japanese economy, but my sense is that it is more psychologically imposing an obstacle than practically imposing. It seems to me that you don't need to manage the Japanese economy *that* much to have a competitive game (at least if you can manage the logistics like you need to as the Allies), but the potential of economic control and all the long term decisions you seem to need to make early, as well as all those numbers that you won't understand the first time, make the psychological barrier to entry pretty high, it seems to me.

I think if I every do a PBEM, I'll try to learn Japan and play that side, since who doesn't love an underdog. Still, there's an awful lot to know.

Alfred -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 5:00:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Schlemiel

... Secondly is the obvious-the economy. I have yet to do my proper research into how to run the Japanese economy, but my sense is that it is more psychologically imposing an obstacle than practically imposing. It seems to me that you don't need to manage the Japanese economy *that* much to have a competitive game (at least if you can manage the logistics like you need to as the Allies), but the potential of economic control and all the long term decisions you seem to need to make early, as well as all those numbers that you won't understand the first time, make the psychological barrier to entry pretty high, it seems to me...

Just doing my bit for Canoerebel's AAR post count.

I think that observation of the psychological barrier spot on. Also the degree of micromanagent required is a lot less than people realise.

What a new Japanese player needs to do is invest the time to undertake a proper inventory of his assets (both military and economic). Also note the future linkages and needs which will arise from future arriving units. There is no real extra knowledge of game mechanics required because such knowledge is also indispensable to play the Allied side.

Instead what happens is that most lack the patience and jump in to start play. Some do so with no real plan in mind, others with a half baked plan which has not taken into account the objective situation. Others, based on their reading of history, start off with their own interpretation of how the game should play and disregard how the game actually plays. In all these cases the groundwork for a successful campaign and management of the Japanese economy has not been laid.


Chickenboy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 5:04:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert
As for Chez, I think he stopped writing for several reasons, possibly because of the same time constraints that led him to several mistakes in game, but also because he has a specific view on how the game 'should' be played, and people were offering opinions that went against these self-imposed 'rules.' It's hard to keep it going when you know things are spiraling out of control, I'm sure.

Good post, obvert.

When Canoerebel started his game against Chez, I had hoped to be more involved in Chez's AAR. Having been familiar with Canoerebel's other (all excellent) AARs, I felt that I may have been able to offer an exclusively Japanese POV to Chez based upon this familiarity. Beyond the first page or so, I didn't read Canoerebel's AAR, as I wished to remain objectively free of its influence. Only within the last couple weeks have I 'allowed' myself back in.

Alas, Chez quickly ceased his AAR. I agree with your summary of rationale for why he did so, Obvert. It was really too bad. I think his game and gameplay could have been improved with some additional viewpoints and input.

Chickenboy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 5:20:28 PM)



Speaking just for myself I follow many more Allied AARs than Japanese ones.

I find Japanese players to be generally less responsive to third party comments. Probably because they already start the game with pre-formed paln and objectives and set up their opening moves to achieve them. At best most of them only look to second phase objectives after the initial low hanging fruit has been picked. They really have no interest in preparing for 1944/45 and those who are so inclined, tend to be very competent and in need of very little third party assistance/commentary.

On the other hand many Allied players are inexperienced and lack a firm grip on the game's mechanics. Hit by the initial Japanese tsunami, they tend to be much more responsive to third party assistance/commentary, a bit like a drowning man clutching at anything.


I agree with these points.

Once upon a time, Bullwinkle posted some comments about Japan-side players that I agreed with (and still do). He indicated that they were an odd duck, content enough in their world view that they were willing to take the losing side in a years-long game, forced to watch their short-lived Empire crumble over the majority of the game for fleeting early war glory.

I have more thoughts on this, but will break those into another post in an effort to pump up Canoerebel's AAR hit count. [:D]

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 5:25:11 PM)

I'm interested in your thoughts, PoultryLad (and those of the others).

I might have to play Japan one of these days.  No doubt it will make me a better player overall.  But here's how I will play Japan:

1942:  Japan advances rapidly and makes lots of snazzy conquests.
1943:  Japan encounters some bad luck or bad leadership or both and loses a bunch of vital assets, especially cruisers, battleships and carriers.  Japan begins to fall behind and the Allied advance is expedited.
1944 (early):  The Japanese player realizes the wheels have come off.  The Japanese player gathers all remaining asset into one massive strike force, aiming to pull a sexy inside straight.  The plan goes awry, the damage is massive, the Japanese leader blames game mechanics, the Japanese player concedes the game, wipes the moisture from his handsome brow, and gleefully looks forward to his next game as the Allied commander.

Grfin Zeppelin -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 5:28:42 PM)

I would love an AAR from you playing Japan. At least there I could give you a tip from time to time (maybe)

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 5:32:25 PM)

I hope your tips wouldn't be deprecating....

Chickenboy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 5:36:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Thanks for the comments regarding PDU, gents. I am listening carefully. One of my favorite things in AE (and WitP) has been the occasions when I really had my back against the wall, facing a Japanese auto victory and pulling my hair out. That kind of delicate balance between excitement and fear, and the challenge of coming back, is exhilarating. (Never mind that I contributed very much to my predicaments, as some folks might accurately point out.)

I hope you gents won't mind me being frank with you about my performance in the game as I see it. I am going to be honest about where I see strengths and flaws. No need in replying, because that will just devolve into a long, "No, you're really good," "No, you suck worse than you think," cascade.

The situation in this game has come about from a variety of factors. I did some really good things early on, I had some luck early on, I was smart enough to act on an excellent suggestion about Palembang (thank you, Nemo), and every action has been met by an equal and opposite inaction on the part of my opponent. It just seems like everything I've touched has turned to gold and frozen my opponent solid. It must be said that much of what has happened wouldn't have happened against many players.

I am not walking away from this match with an elevated opinion of my abilities. I don't think what I've done here would work against the vast majority of experienced IJ players. I've been most fortunate.

On a scale of 1-10, measuring a combination of experience and skill, I'd rate myself a 6 or a 7. The rating of any player who plays as the Allies is probably going to get a decent bump due to the inequities between the two sides. Taking that into consideration, a 6 is probably a better measure.

I have done some really fine work in predicting where the game would be months down the road. I knew where I was going and I was able to do it when I said (with the inaction by Japan contributing much to that record). I've also managed to skillfully, in my opinion, build on the position in Sumatra and the Java Sea without sticking my nose out to far and taking a drubbing in the process. The Allies are in a very, very strong position. I am proud of that. With all the work that has gone into doing so much all over the map, I don't want to see the game end.

But the truly elite players of this game - the 8s and 9s and 10s - would have pushed forward and already eviscerated Japan. Where I took a cautious course, they would have been bold and, given their skill, would have succeeded.

There are too many nitty-gritty details about the game that I'm not interested in and that doesn't suit my preferences. You cannot be a top-level performer without doing and knowing the things I shrug off. I am good, but I am not great.

But I sure do love this game!


I hope you'll forgive my flippant response yesterday. Please know that it was in jest only.

I hope you don't mind me being frank in some comments about your gameplay:

I spent 6 years of my formative life in Texas and have dealt with many Southerners in my job. Enough so that I can identify a-forgive me please for the gross generalization-character trait amongst them that gives me pause. That is unnecessary (and sometimes false) self-modesty. The Southern gentleman thing gets my goat for some reason. The 'aww-shucks' response from someone with an impeccable pedigree of accomplishment, be it science or leisure or whatnot, gets under my skin. So, I have to watch myself when dealing with Southerners, particularly those with these tendencies.

You could have-and have been in the past-very aggressive in your Allied conquests. I believe that you have held back in the interests of not 'breaking' the game. This shouldn't be seen as weakness on your part, but strength in your sense of fairness and gameplay. That you're not ripping your opponent's guts out and stomping on them isn't because you don't know how to do that, but are restrained out of fairness to your partner. This is a sign of an experienced and excellent Allied partner, in my humble opinion.

Perhaps your feats have not been satisfying to you-I can understand this with a disengaged opponent. Don't let your opponent's blase attitude towards this game affect your introspective view about how you've played, given the cards dealt.

You need to know that you're an excellent Allied player. Full stop. You did what you needed to win this war in 1942. Very few Allied players could do that. A 6 or 7? Naw. Not buying it. Sorry.

Grfin Zeppelin -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 5:38:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

I hope your tips wouldn't be deprecating....

Suddenly I remember I never posted a picture from me. Btw I would love to have your adress [:)]


SqzMyLemon -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 5:40:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gräfin Zeppelin

deprecating...... Thanks to Nemo and also Canoerebel I cant read anything fluent without my dictionary....deprecating.....heh is that even a word ? [;)]

I'm just glad I spelt it right. [;)]

John 3rd -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 5:52:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

I'm interested in your thoughts, PoultryLad (and those of the others).

I might have to play Japan one of these days.  No doubt it will make me a better player overall.  But here's how I will play Japan:

1942:  Japan advances rapidly and makes lots of snazzy conquests.
1943:  Japan encounters some bad luck or bad leadership or both and loses a bunch of vital assets, especially cruisers, battleships and carriers.  Japan begins to fall behind and the Allied advance is expedited.
1944 (early):  The Japanese player realizes the wheels have come off.  The Japanese player gathers all remaining asset into one massive strike force, aiming to pull a sexy inside straight.  The plan goes awry, the damage is massive, the Japanese leader blames game mechanics, the Japanese player concedes the game, wipes the moisture from his handsome brow, and gleefully looks forward to his next game as the Allied commander.

...or...gather your last remaining assets and fuel and lunge for a hopeless target (India) in 1945 scream BANZAI at the top of your lungs while crashing in flames!

Having just read the last page or so of the AAR, I concur regarding the analysis of JFB and AFB. For Japanese player a PLAN for the conquest is a must and when something happens to unhinge that vision then the measure of the player is taken. I read the beginning of Dan's opponent AAR and then checked out of it due to allegiance to my old WitP opponent. It is sooooooo easy to read both sides and WANT to help. I try to avoid this at all costs and so didn't read much beyond the first few entries over there.

Dan: You rate yourself too low on your scale. I think the thing you forget within this game is how you CHANGED your playstyle. The aggressiveness you demonstrated from December 8th was bold to the extreme! It was magnificent and dealt Chez blows that he never recovered from. I point the finger to the destruction of his AOs within the first days. What a nightmare from the Japanese side! Additional well-timed moves and punches totally disrupted the Japanese 'vision' for 1942 and he never recovered. This was due, in part, to your changing your style of play.


Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 6:15:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gräfin Zeppelin

ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

I hope your tips wouldn't be deprecating....

Suddenly I remember I never posted a picture from me. Btw I would love to have your adress [:)]


You must be looking for the Cap Mandrake AAR. He keeps referring to someone by the name of Stalker Girl....

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 6:25:00 PM)

Poultrylad, I am that rare (and modest) southerner who is capable of frank and accurate self appraisal.

I confirmed this back in my days at the University of Georgia (this sounds like the beginning of a joke, but it's actually serious).  I noticed there was this immense trait among my classmates to poo-poo their performance on tests and exams.  "Augh!" they would exclaim.  "I failed."  Then, unfailingly, they would get the test back and score a solid A.

I, on the other hand, knew pretty much exactly how well I had done and would honestly comment:  "I did okay" meant I would get a B.  "I did very well" meant that I got an A.

In similar fashion, I feel like I have accurately stated my overall skill level in AE.  But thanks for the nice comments.

Now, back in my UGA days, I was a relatively handsome lad who was pretty quiet (once again, this sounds like the beginning of a joke, but isn't).  One semester, I had back-to-back classes with this gorgeous southern belle who the entire compus was in love with (or lusted after) including some of our professors.  I, on the other hand, had hopes of a long-distance relationship with another young lady, so I wasn't "in the market," so to speak.  So I, unlike the rest of the drooling males on campus, treated this belle politely and as a friend.  Wouldn't you know it, that treatment was so different that it must have impressed her, for eventually she asked me out!  I turned her down since I was interested in that other female.  That's either very sad or very cool.  Later that year, she appeared in Playboy ("Angel is the Centerfold" by J Guiles Band, anybody?).  She was fully clothed and had won some kind of "Southern Honky Tonk women contest), but dang she was pretty!

witpqs -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 6:31:35 PM)



Can't post to Erkki's AAR as i have been green buttoned by him.

Problem with Koniu's AAR is that I regularly provide advice on his opponent's AAR. Whilst not completely impossible, it is difficult to not inadvertently breach Op Sec when posting to both AARs.

Andav I believe is involved in a DaBabes match. As I don't have installed that mod, I would be unaware of the particular nuances of that mod. Same reason why I don't read his opponent's Allied AAR.

Vicberg I thought was in the same situation as Andav but I could be mistaken.

Which leaves us with SqzMyLemon. He has always struck me as being too modest regarding his AE skill level. Plus I thought he already received feedback from experienced japanese players. Oh well, I might have to drop by because I don't recall who his Allied opponent is and therefore I probably am not following the Allied side.

As to the temporary hijacking of Canoerebel's AAR. I wouldn't be concerned, I think he appreciates increasing his through traffic, no matter how accomplished, just to rival GreyJoy's AAR hit count.[:)]


The Allied opponent is me in both cases. DaBabes, yes - Scenario 28-C (reduced cargo capacity), extended map, stacking limits, +/-15 days reinforcement arrivals. The game with vicberg is in late February '42, the game with Andav in late January '42. They began within a few days of each other, which caused me several psychotic episodes when opening turns and looking for things ([;)]).

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 7:47:17 PM)



Which leaves us with SqzMyLemon.

I had a laugh at this earlier, but forgot to mention it. It made me feel like the last kid picked for a team in gym class. [:D]

+1 to CR's thread count!

Alfred -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 8:09:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: witpqs

The Allied opponent is me in both cases. DaBabes, yes - Scenario 28-C (reduced cargo capacity), extended map, stacking limits, +/-15 days reinforcement arrivals. The game with vicberg is in late February '42, the game with Andav in late January '42. They began within a few days of each other, which caused me several psychotic episodes when opening turns and looking for things ([;)]).

Ahem .. continuing to do my bit for the AAR's post count.[;)]

I was aware of those changes, all of which appear to be worthwhile developments. Other DaBabes enhancements not mentioned include the special code hooks which allow addressing the DP gun flak/surface combat issue which irks so many Allied players in the official scenarios.

Not having the mod installed I can't really see the specific stacking limits on particular hexes. This is the sort of nuance which can get one into considerable trouble for it would be very easy to recommend a particular march route/operation which might look good on paper but once the relevant stacking limits are taken into account, the entire idea may be shown to be very poor.

Ok, I'm passing the baton on to the next relay runner in this boost the post count race.


Grfin Zeppelin -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/26/2012 8:14:55 PM)

Anyone else thinking that the Type 93 AA MG uses to much supplies if firing ? I think this is the right time and place for a healthy discussion about that post cou... I mean topic.

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