RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (Full Version)

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Schlemiel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/30/2012 12:52:20 AM)

I'll go a -1 here. I'm intrigued if he might actually have something going on.

JeffroK -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/30/2012 11:27:09 AM)




ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

... I don't expect the Allies to make any major offensive thrusts in NoPac in 1943, but these two bases will continue to pose a threat to Japan, and the Allies can make use of them in 1944 or later should the need arise...

At the height of McGrath and Warne terrorising the English batsmen, it used to be said that the definition of optimism was an English batsman putting on sunscreen before walking out to the middle.

I think we have a new definition of optimism.


Edit: just doing my bit for the post count competition

Heard the same quote recently but with the Poms playing Pakistan.

JeffroK -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/30/2012 11:29:29 AM)



Jeffk's fundamental point is correct but his quoted ill effects are inaccurate.

A winter landing is possible. There is no absolute bar that makes it impossible.

Pages 223-224 of the manual list the ill effects of winter. Unloading troops onto a defended beach will see the attacker suffer 3x the normal casualties. Clearly a snap unplanned invasion will incur horrendous losses in the initial unloading phase. But subsequent combat does not suffer from any particularly unique adverse modifiers.

ChezDaJez won't essay a winter landing because (a) he has had all summer and autumn to launch an easier counter invasion, and (b) because of the public comments he made in a different third party AAR which is regularly read by Canoerebel.

Unless of course ChezDaJez has been planning all along a great operational surprise to catch the Allied napping.[;)]


Must've relied on my memory, or someone posted inaccurate info, cant remember.....
Clearly a snap unplanned invasion will incur horrendous losses in the initial unloading phase.
He's had enough time to have them prepped 2-3 times!

CaptBeefheart -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/30/2012 1:10:44 PM)

Would also like to see if something goes down. Then put out a truce flag.


BBfanboy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/30/2012 5:10:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: witpqs


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Anybody know the answer to my lack of CAP query (see the post about ten above this one)?  I sure need to fix the problem before I send the turn back to Steve.  If the problem isn't fixed, Renown and Repulse are not going to have a good day tomorrow.

Hi CR - reading through this fascinating AR and just hit page 70 where you hit this problem with no CAP flying. Did you look at the weather for that hex? I have had that situation when a heavy storm prevents take-offs and landings but does not stop a/c already in the air from attacking. That may also explain why the Kate attack did not do well.

Will read onwards and comment on anything else I think I know (as a noobie still experimenting with the game) on some of the mechanics. Have done a lot of air/sea bombardments and will write later about what I have learned (per your questions on page 60).

Many thanx and kudos for taking the time to write up such an entertaining and educational narrative!


(edited to remove unintended inclusion of another person's comment - doing this on a new tablet with imprecise user fingers )

BBfanboy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/30/2012 5:21:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Oy! The Mystery of the Missing Cap at Oosthaven, the latest Hardy Boys mystery, was finally solved! Boy, howdy, am I a capable sleuth! It took me just three days to puzzle through it (a feat for which I am disqualified from joining Joe Hardy in his next adventure). See combat report excerpt below. The culprit is "bolded."

Night Air attack on TF, near Oosthaven at 48,96

Weather in hex: Overcast

Japanese aircraft
B5N1 Kate x 9

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N1 Kate: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged

Allied Ships
BB Valiant
CA Portland

Aircraft Attacking:
8 x B5N1 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo

Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 34 minutes

D'oh ... hazards of reading through an AAR and offering answers to things that were resolved further in! disregard my previous post, except for the kudos part. [:D]

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/30/2012 10:30:32 PM)

BBFanboy:  That brings back paintful self-realization at how many details I overlook.  :)

NoPac:  No invasion of Para or Onne.  Steve apparently thinks that I packed the islands with stout defenders.  If he only knew.  Anyhow, the forcast across the region is "blizzard," so the Allies are sending in the troop and supply ships to Para, escorted by a DD TF with a small BB/CA TF in reserve, and carriers further in reserve.  I don't know how much Steve has up here now, but this is the time to test him.  These bases could be of use when it's time to prosecute the "end game" (as bomber and sub bases); hence my desire to secure them and build them out.

CenPac/SoPac/SWPac:  I cannot imagine any scenario under which anything of strategic importance happens in this theater for the rest of the war.  I see no need to advance here when the whole of Asia and the DEI (and then points north) will be available under cover of LBA as long as I do my job and advance methodically.  Steve may try to push things here (SigInt reports a Naval HQ at Noumea, so he thinks this theater is important) which might create some problems and/or opportunities, but as far as I'm concerned the curtain has come down.

DEI:  Lots of enemy combat ships around Kuching and vicinity, including CAs Takao, Furutaka, and Chikuma and BB Kirishima.  Japan is giving alot of attention to the new Allied bases in the region.  The Allies are too.  Both sides have alot of firepower in close proximity, so something is gonna break lose soon.  SigInt reports 6th Guards Div. on marus bound for Cam Ranh Bay, which is clearly Steve's staging point.  I think he's going to try something now.  Meanwhile, another Indian division, a Brit brigade, and a Chindit bde. fresh from India are about to arrive at Oosthaven.  The Allies no longer feel besieged in Sumatra.  The position is secure and rapdily growing stronger. 

Burma:  The Allies will try a shock attack at Toungoo tomorrow.

China:  The Chinese stack attacked the IJA stack near Nanyang.  Results were disappointing consdier raw AV and the quality of my troops.  Many of the units were fully supplied, at least at the moment the attack order was given.  A few weren't.  Despite the many advantages, Chinese AV was adjusted down from 5,400 to 1,700.  IJ AV was adjusted down from 2,100 to 1,200.  The Chinese suffered higher losses.  The computer wants my guys to attack again.  I have roughly 3,500 AV with low fatigue/disruption, but supply is down now.  I'm trying to decide whether to obey the computer or to stand down for a few days (300 AV is two days away and another 600 is three days away).  Here's the particulars for this important battle:

Ground combat at 86,45

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 145110 troops, 888 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5465

Defending force 60012 troops, 638 guns, 181 vehicles, Assault Value = 2101

Allied adjusted assault: 1739

Japanese adjusted defense: 1203

Allied assault odds: 1 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
     8470 casualties reported
        Squads: 13 destroyed, 418 disabled
        Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 469 disabled
        Engineers: 2 destroyed, 84 disabled 

Allied ground losses:
     5352 casualties reported
        Squads: 34 destroyed, 601 disabled
        Non Combat: 32 destroyed, 453 disabled
        Engineers: 2 destroyed, 35 disabled

Assaulting units:
   13th Chinese Corps
   96th Chinese Corps
   61st Chinese Corps
   80th Chinese Corps
   68th Chinese Corps
   45th Chinese Corps
   85th Chinese Corps
   2nd Chinese Cavalry Corps
   36th Chinese Corps
   90th Chinese Corps
   38th Chinese Corps
   40th Chinese Corps
   89th Chinese Corps
   75th Chinese Corps
   48th Chinese Corps
   93rd Chinese Corps
   67th Chinese Corps
   9th Chinese Corps
   59th Chinese Corps
   47th Chinese Corps
   98th Chinese Corps
   24th Group Army
   3rd Group Army
   33rd Group Army
   4th Group Army
   36th Group Army
   2nd Group Army
   26th Group Army
   39th Group Army

Defending units:
   37th Division
   29th Division
   1st Mobile Engineer Regiment
   10th Division
   32nd Division
   25th Division
   6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
   11th Field Artillery Regiment

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/30/2012 11:00:45 PM)

After a pretty detailed analysis of the Chinese units, I have ordered all but a two or three, which are heavily disrupted, to attack again tomorrow.  My decision is based on the quality and strength of the attacking units and the likely ratio assuming all units disrupted in the battle, both Chinese and Japanese, remain disrupted.  Here are some important details:

In the first battle, the Chinese attacked at roughly 33% of raw AV (5,400 AV rounded down to 1,700).  The Japanese defended at roughly 60% raw AV (2,100 rounded down to 1,200).

Barring reinforcements by Japan (two units are a hex away, but I think they are guarding the rear), the new attack will be:  4,516 Chinese AV vs. 1,700 Japanese AV (the original 2,100 less 400 disrupted or destroyed in battle).  Applying the same percentages of reduction, the Chinese fall to 1,500 while Japan falls to 1,000.  Still a 1:1 battle, but worth trying. 

There are many variables that give me some comfort.  The range of experience for the Chinese units is 50 to 57 with an average of about 54 (that's darn good).  Morale is uniformly high (every unit between 95 and 99).  Leader quality is decent (most in the high 40s to low 60s).  And supply is at roughly 75% to 85% for these units.

witpqs -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/30/2012 11:02:05 PM)

Stand down for a few days. Have everything as perfect as you can before you attack again, including air attacks if you got 'em and a good weather forecast. Without looking in Tracker I don't remember the IJA values, but the Chinese have pretty modest anti-soft fire power and quite low anti-hard fire power. Until they get really experienced you can expect these kind of results, not to mention their generally poor leaders. Plus the disparity in morale.

witpqs -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/30/2012 11:03:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

After a pretty detailed analysis of the Chinese units, I have ordered all but a two or three, which are heavily disrupted, to attack again tomorrow.  My decision is based on the quality and strength of the attacking units and the likely ratio assuming all units disrupted in the battle, both Chinese and Japanese, remain disrupted.  Here are some important details:

In the first battle, the Chinese attacked at roughly 33% of raw AV (5,400 AV rounded down to 1,700).  The Japanese defended at roughly 60% raw AV (2,100 rounded down to 1,200).

Barring reinforcements by Japan (two units are a hex away, but I think they are guarding the rear), the new attack will be:  4,516 Chinese AV vs. 1,700 Japanese AV (the original 2,100 less 400 disrupted or destroyed in battle).  Applying the same percentages of reduction, the Chinese fall to 1,500 while Japan falls to 1,000.  Still a 1:1 battle, but worth trying. 

There are many variables that give me some comfort.  The range of experience for the Chinese units is 50 to 57 with an average of about 54 (that's darn good).  Morale is uniformly high (every unit between 95 and 99).  Leader quality is decent (most in the high 40s to low 60s).  And supply is at roughly 75% to 85% for these units.

Sounds cool...

zuluhour -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/31/2012 1:36:05 AM)

Dan, I know you kicked around the IJA early in China, two questions though. Did you commit the reserves in Chungking from the outset? and did Chez try anything along the Pearl River from Hong Kong? I looked back quite a way and could not discern if you were ever threatened west of Kukong.

Schlemiel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/31/2012 2:31:50 AM)

Aren't 1:1 attacks fairly likely to generate experience for your units though? Might be worth it to get that extra experience now if given a good opportunity. The Japanese seem unlikely to be able to push you out even with 1 bad result. I'll say I definitely don't know the formulas, but I do get the sense that 1:1 (or especially better) attacks tend to generate experience.

BBfanboy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/31/2012 6:43:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel


Burma:  My armored recon unit is still one mile short of reaching Toungoo.  So no attack until day after tomorrow.

You could probably have attacked with this unit next day by putting it into combat mode and setting all the units in the destination hex to shock attack. With only one mile to go this unit would almost certainly join in as they will have had an hour or two to wash down the road dust with a nice cuppa tea before the attack got underway.

BBfanboy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (1/31/2012 7:14:08 AM)

Allied Subs CR, I have seen a few mentions of allied sub activity in this AAR, but not near what I expected in terms of results. When Chaz kept his carriers and BBs milling around the same areas for weeks I was sure your sharks would circle in and bite him in the butt!

Are you using auto-sub ops? Are you hitting his xAKs and not mentioning it because it is of little import? Or is the lousy torpedo issue resulting in so few successes? Trying to get a handle on what to expect from sub ops. When I used auto-ops playing against the AI, I wasn't happy with the deployments or patrol zones. When I took over and set them at choke points or vectored them toward juicy, loitering targets life got better. However, since I was in noob mode I confess to using the “reliable torpedos” switch.[8|]

Lomri -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/1/2012 2:29:13 PM)

I'd like to humbly request a screen shot of China, in particular the region your stack in question is in. I know you have been more interested in mauling enemy divisions than picking up territory, but curious to see what the front looks like.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/1/2012 3:25:43 PM)



Allied Subs CR, I have seen a few mentions of allied sub activity in this AAR, but not near what I expected in terms of results. When Chaz kept his carriers and BBs milling around the same areas for weeks I was sure your sharks would circle in and bite him in the butt!

Are you using auto-sub ops? Are you hitting his xAKs and not mentioning it because it is of little import? Or is the lousy torpedo issue resulting in so few successes? Trying to get a handle on what to expect from sub ops. When I used auto-ops playing against the AI, I wasn't happy with the deployments or patrol zones. When I took over and set them at choke points or vectored them toward juicy, loitering targets life got better. However, since I was in noob mode I confess to using the “reliable torpedos” switch.[8|]

My subs haven't scored a major hit in many months. A few against merchants, tankers and patrol craft. They have, however, provided alot of good information about enemy capital ships - carriers, cruisers, and battleships - even while missing those shots. That's where I've really gotten important assists from my carriers.

I have vectored subs into regions where enemy capital ships were known to operate, but I don't "flood the zone." In the first place, that level of micromanagement drives me nuts. In the second, I figure it's best to have a good network of subs all over the map in hopes of getting the good intel and an occasional lucky shot.

Right now, I do have alot of subs operating in the South China Sea, and perhaps ten helping with the supply situation in Paramushiro. But with winter having arrived there, I can now move those subs into an offensive role.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/1/2012 3:53:44 PM)

China:  Per request, I will post a map later today.  You are right that the Chinese misison in the game has been to hunt down and maul IJA divisions.  The Chinese have been pretty successful at this, but not today.  Today's attack was a lopsided IJ victory - the Chinese attacking at only 20% of raw AV and the Japanese at roughly 75%, which means my estimates were way off on both ends.  I have no idea what a strong Chinese army, high morale, good experience, litte or no disruption, good leaders, and 80% or better supply would attack at 20% of raw AV.  There is mystery in the game!  The result is posted at the bottom of this page.

Burma:  Allied shock attack at Toungoo achieves 3:1 odds, drops forts from three to zero, but doesn't quite take the base. It should fall soon, eliminating the only base that could provide efficient CAP for the isolated IJ army at Magwe.

NoPac:  Quiet.  :)

DEI:  Quiet except for the massive amount of troop movements as the Allies continue to bring men and equipment into Oosthaven and then move them forward to the critical bases in and on the Java Sea.

The Battle of Nanyang (one hex from that base, but the name is good anyway):

Ground combat at 86,45

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 111807 troops, 673 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4908

Defending force 53626 troops, 638 guns, 181 vehicles, Assault Value = 1646

Allied adjusted assault: 962

Japanese adjusted defense: 1324

Allied assault odds: 1 to 2

Combat modifiers
Defender: supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
     1525 casualties reported
        Squads: 3 destroyed, 103 disabled
        Non Combat: 55 destroyed, 104 disabled
        Engineers: 52 destroyed, 19 disabled
     Vehicles lost 56 (49 destroyed, 7 disabled) 

Allied ground losses:
     5933 casualties reported
        Squads: 36 destroyed, 392 disabled
        Non Combat: 17 destroyed, 380 disabled
        Engineers: 0 destroyed, 18 disabled 

Assaulting units:
   75th Chinese Corps
   59th Chinese Corps
   9th Chinese Corps
   67th Chinese Corps
   68th Chinese Corps
   13th Chinese Corps
   61st Chinese Corps
   85th Chinese Corps
   36th Chinese Corps
   90th Chinese Corps
   47th Chinese Corps
   80th Chinese Corps
   45th Chinese Corps
   2nd Chinese Cavalry Corps
   40th Chinese Corps
   48th Chinese Corps
   89th Chinese Corps
   38th Chinese Corps
   93rd Chinese Corps
   96th Chinese Corps
   98th Chinese Corps
   2nd Group Army
   26th Group Army
   24th Group Army
   36th Group Army
   4th Group Army
   3rd Group Army
   33rd Group Army
   39th Group Army

Defending units:
   1st Mobile Engineer Regiment
   32nd Division
   29th Division
   37th Division
   10th Division
   25th Division
   6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
   11th Field Artillery Regiment

Chickenboy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/1/2012 4:44:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel
Today's attack was a lopsided IJ victory

Eh? Considering the number of support, vehicle and engineers outright destroyed (and their comparative VP differential), I'd say this was at least a draw, if not a Chinese victory.

Then again, I'm an optimist. [;)]

Chickenboy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/1/2012 4:45:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel



Allied Subs CR, I have seen a few mentions of allied sub activity in this AAR, but not near what I expected in terms of results. When Chaz kept his carriers and BBs milling around the same areas for weeks I was sure your sharks would circle in and bite him in the butt!

Are you using auto-sub ops? Are you hitting his xAKs and not mentioning it because it is of little import? Or is the lousy torpedo issue resulting in so few successes? Trying to get a handle on what to expect from sub ops. When I used auto-ops playing against the AI, I wasn't happy with the deployments or patrol zones. When I took over and set them at choke points or vectored them toward juicy, loitering targets life got better. However, since I was in noob mode I confess to using the “reliable torpedos” switch.[8|]

My subs haven't scored a major hit in many months. A few against merchants, tankers and patrol craft. They have, however, provided alot of good information about enemy capital ships - carriers, cruisers, and battleships - even while missing those shots. That's where I've really gotten important assists from my carriers.

I have vectored subs into regions where enemy capital ships were known to operate, but I don't "flood the zone." In the first place, that level of micromanagement drives me nuts. In the second, I figure it's best to have a good network of subs all over the map in hopes of getting the good intel and an occasional lucky shot.

Right now, I do have alot of subs operating in the South China Sea, and perhaps ten helping with the supply situation in Paramushiro. But with winter having arrived there, I can now move those subs into an offensive role.

Against Chez, I would expect his IJAAF ASW aircraft to be well-trained and deployed. Have you noticed inordinate Allied submarine losses to his airborne (or naval) ASW?

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/1/2012 4:58:06 PM)

No, the Allied subs are in good shape.  I assign them patrol zones, mainly in deep water, and not right next to IJ bases (with a few exceptions), and keep them moving. 

bradfordkay -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/1/2012 7:05:32 PM)

I have taken great pride in the successes of my submarine fleets in my games against Chez. I do let them go close in towards his ports, but I don't let them delay. They keep moving. I did this even in our CHS game where I had to relocate each sub every turn. I am not at home right now, so I can't post my results - maybe tonight...

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/1/2012 10:12:47 PM)

I forgot to mention that there are major stirrings in the ether, so my "spidey senses" are tingling.  Lots more IJN combat ships in the South China Sea, lots more traffic and SigInt with regard to Cam Ranh Bay, and pesky Glens seem to have caught wind of my carriers, which have been moving around west of Cocos Island.

The Allies are preparing to move most of the carriers back to Colombo to upgrade.  I'll leave two on station in the Indian Ocean - one closer to Colombo and one west of Cocos Island.  These can help send carrier planes forward in the event they are needed in the DEI.

Some of the combat ships, including two fast USN BBs and one or two RN BBs, will go forward to Oosthaven.  If there's a major Japanese invasion coming, combat ships will be key.

I'm pretty sure Japan won't be able to successfully invade any of the major Sumatra bases nor Billiton Island.  The other Allies bases in the region are much less secure.

I feel storm winds a blowin'.

obvert -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/1/2012 10:38:57 PM)

Well this'll at least keep you more engaged than the non-activity of the past months. After hearing what you've been piling into Sumatra for almost a year, I'm not sure I'd like to send the Combined Fleet in that direction now. Waves of planes first for a month, then ships.

Grfin Zeppelin -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/1/2012 10:42:04 PM)

Hmmm maybe your recent actions waked a sleeping cherry blossom and filled it with terrible resolve.

princep01 -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/2/2012 12:38:29 AM)

Yes Graf, it could be the beginning of a winter offensive in the DEI....then, again, it could be a bunch of huffing and puffing about as has been the case so often in other areas. But, it is long past "doing something" time for the IJ forces in the DEI. I am certain our Allied commander is up to the task of not only holding the DEI, but bashing the living daylights out of Johnny Jap and all his toys. Good luck CR, if the LYBs do descend upon your fortress, I'm sure you'll use the following victory to accelerate your offensive designs..

BBfanboy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/2/2012 1:48:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: princep01

Yes Graf, it could be the beginning of a winter offensive in the DEI....then, again, it could be a bunch of huffing and puffing about as has been the case so often in other areas. But, it is long past "doing something" time for the IJ forces in the DEI. I am certain our Allied commander is up to the task of not only holding the DEI, but bashing the living daylights out of Johnny Jap and all his toys. Good luck CR, if the LYBs do descend upon your fortress, I'm sure you'll use the following victory to accelerate your offensive designs..

As a southern gentleman, CR would never have offensive designs! [:-]
Assertive, even aggresive, yes, but always with the utmost courtesy and taste. [;)]

[edited to correct typo]

Schlemiel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/2/2012 2:10:35 AM)

Such a victory would hasten the acquisition of new properties in the tropics. Southern gentlemen don't even need to be aggressive when such a grand opportunity to ... acquire... appears before them. He will gently accept such an offering while politely thanking his opponent for the courtesy.

vettim89 -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/2/2012 3:28:18 AM)




ORIGINAL: princep01

Yes Graf, it could be the beginning of a winter offensive in the DEI....then, again, it could be a bunch of huffing and puffing about as has been the case so often in other areas. But, it is long past "doing something" time for the IJ forces in the DEI. I am certain our Allied commander is up to the task of not only holding the DEI, but bashing the living daylights out of Johnny Jap and all his toys. Good luck CR, if the LYBs do descend upon your fortress, I'm sure you'll use the following victory to accelerate your offensive designs..

As a southern gentleman, CR would never have offensive designs! [:-]
Assertive, even aggresive, yes, but always with the utmost courtesy and taste. [;)]

[edited to correct typo]

A Southern comediane once said, "We Southerners may be crazy, but we're always polite"

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/2/2012 3:42:30 PM)

A nice day for the Allies and a particularly telling day on the issue of how much attention Steve is giving the game.

DEI:  The Kirishima, Chikuma, Atago, Furutaka TF tangled with the CA New Orleans TF at Billiton Island.  The Allies performed unusually well, probably because the Japanese ships were on a "bombardment" rather than a "combat" mission:

Night Time Surface Combat, near Billiton at 52,93, Range 8,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
     BB Kirishima, Shell hits 1
     CA Chikuma
     CA Atago, Shell hits 2
     CA Furutaka, Shell hits 5,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
     DD Hamakaze, Shell hits 1
     DD Tanikaze
     DD Arashio, Shell hits 1
     DD Yamagumo, Shell hits 1
     DD Asagumo
     DD Arare

Allied Ships
     CA New Orleans, Shell hits 3,  on fire
     CA Cornwall, Shell hits 2
     CL Honolulu, Shell hits 1
     DD McCalla
     DD Stack
     DD Lamson, Shell hits 3
     DD Porter, Shell hits 3
     DD Clark, Shell hits 1
     DMS Dorsey, Shell hits 1

Steve sent the wrong replay, so I don't know why the five hits proved so damaging to Furutaka, but she only retired four hexes (an Allied sub missed a shot at her too).  She might make it, but heavy damage to an IJ cruiser is significant.  I think this will discourage Steve from making these raids into the hornet's nest until he can bring in reinforcements.  That will give the Allies some time to send in more reinforcements to the forward bases.

This action was followed by a subsequent action between the Japanese and the CA Devonshire TF, which resulted in no damage to either side, but did deplete enemy ammo.  So Kirishima will have to retire some distance to reload.

Also, Allied destroyers sank an IJ sub near Batavia.

Burma:  The Allies took Toungoo after another shock attack.  Yesterday's three to one that dropped forts from three to zero was a clear indication that the base was ripe for the plucking, but Steve forgot to move the 70 Zeros based there.  [:(]  IE, he's not paying attention.  He has a very demanding work schedule this week, which explains this particular oversight, but I may go ahead and approach himi about his desire to continue the game.

China:  Quiet at the moment.  I still owe you guys a screen shot.

NoPac:  Allied destroyers and transports arrived at Para.  The transports didn't begin to unload, and detection is high, so their life expectancy isn't very high.

Cribtop -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (2/2/2012 4:57:57 PM)

Dan, it is time to seek terms. Both players will benefit. Well done, sir.

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