asdicus -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108m2 updated 2 May (5/8/2011 1:42:32 PM)
ORIGINAL: michaelm quote:
ORIGINAL: asdicus I have a query rather than a bug regarding the ease of moving large amounts of supply between distant bases via very poor terrain. In the opening release of ae it was near impossible to move supply by land from india to burma and from burma to china. This seemed very realistic as in reality the terrain between burma/india is thick jungle with just a few muddy tracks. Supplies and goods were shipped by sea to rangoon. The more recent patches have allowed supplies to flow automatically from india to burma and then from burma to china - in very large amounts eg tens of thousands of supply points. This means I never have to ship supply by sea into burma very unrealistic and in china I can supply all my troops and bases quite easily. You can see this in my current pbm game. Chunking has recently gained around 50k supplies drawn from rangoon. save pbm attached. Is the supply draw system working as planned and if so is it allowing supply to flow too easily over impassible terrain ? Also are too many supply points being allowed to move in this way ? This is the resource/supply movement between bases for that turn. I don't see that movement. 1 Chungking receives 13 supply from Neikiang (99), store = 70736 req = 5623 1 Mandalay receives 24 supply from Rangoon (99), store = 1052 req = 351 1 Meiktila receives 11 supply from Rangoon (99), store = 737 req = 246 1 Prome receives 100 supply from Rangoon (99), store = 257 req = 53 1 Taung Gyi receives 18 supply from Rangoon (99), store = 770 req = 257 1 Toungoo receives 13 supply from Rangoon (99), store = 800 req = 267 1 Pegu receives 4010 supply from Rangoon (100), store = 20598 req = 3182 2 Magwe receives 500 oil from Rangoon (91), store = 10000 req = 1000 3 Rangoon receives 3000 oil from Magwe (91), store = 7000 req = 1000 The path for resource movement from Rangoon to Chungking can be traced through the rail/road network mainly. It's length is not affected by any of the beta patches. The only patch change was to extend the supply length for resource movement once every 7 days to go one or two hex to cater for a path tracing hitch. michaelm thank-you for looking at this. I have gone back over my save games for the last month and I think I have a better example of the growth of supply stocks in china. The first save is for the 16 May 1942. The second is for the 17 May 1942 Supply stocks changes - Bombay 201k to 175k, Calcutta 134k to 164k, Rangoon 76k to 72k, Chungking 46k to 70k, Changsha 36k to 37k. 16 may save attached My concern is the increase at Chungking from 46k to 70k. This supply is not coming from within china so it must be coming from burma or india. 24k increase in supply at Chungking in 1 day. Over time this soon adds up.