bednarre -> RE: Winter Idea......Comment (3/1/2011 9:24:37 PM)
ORIGINAL: Adnan Meshuggi Well, beside some problems about balancing, they is it not really discussed that the russians lost nearly as much troops by blizzard as the germans? In this game - as far as i could read - the russian army is winter-proof. in reality, the russians hat SOME well trained and winterized troops. They hat generally better prepared equipment (but even if you know that your engines can hold -20 Celisus, it dosenīt help you with -45 deg Celsius) But their troops suffered the same as the germans, even more if they do NOT throw back the german defence lines. Why should a russian soldier, even in winter cloths survive -40deg Celsius in a snow storm, it modern troops with 100times better equipment would loose 20-30% Combatreadyness? The blizzard is not to hard for the germans, but it is way to good to the russians. Just to remember, it was the coldest winter in russia in the 20th. Century... So my opinion: some troops are well prepared and do suffer only to a certain degree. (Mountain, sib. Troops, special trained russian troops (you can winterize em as russian), the romans had also harsh weather conditions, did they suffer the same as the germans? i donīt know exactly, but i think that this is not true), all others (including nearly all german troops) will suffer. So the russians can do their offensive action, but only with SOME troops. This should be possible to do - or is it a silly idea? Most important - the weather need a reprogramming... every hex or - if this isnīt possible, some zones (say each is east-west the same and some hexes in north-south) with similar weather have the SAME weather... so even in blizzard, some zones are winter... same is true for sumer 41... you get SOME clear hexes, but also mud... this could solve the other problem, the superduper-ultragermans (in the time before blizzard). Interesting, the German Army fought fanatically for villages, for losing one meant a unit would have to make a desperate retreat to the next village in the rear, and doing this at night would incure the worst parts of the blizzard! The Russian troops staying out night in the open must have been a horrible experience as well. This must have been a factor in the Russians not acheiving their desired objectives (leading to annihilation of Army Group Center). Troops in the cold also need much more calories and more fresh clothing (socks) than normal, requiring an increase in the normal supply allocation to remain at current capacity. The Russian supply system should be reduced substantially in blizzard. This gives the Russians a limited time going over to the offensive before these adverse factors start to dominate the combat equation. I was very impressed that throughout the war the German Army was a master of the local counter-attack. It was very effective against all of the Allied Armies, because the German planned in advance for its use and had trained troops. By currently down scoping the German CV in blizzard, this capability is completely eliminated from the game! Interesting, the Russian Army ability to counter-attack is virtually annihilated in the pre-blizzard part of the campaign as well. This is why is seems such a shame to have the German players forced to come up with creative, layered defenses, when the German Army would have much rather used the reserves to counter-attack Russian penetrations. Even as late as February 1944 at Korsun the German Army had this amazing capability.