Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (2/9/2012 7:29:02 PM)
August 9, 1942 A fun day in Burma has Cuttlefish threatening war crimes trials via e-mail. [:D] Subs No contacts. We have a sub lurking near Auckland in case the enemy CVs are headed here. 4th Fleet We are combat loading the Nav Guard unit bound for TB today at Kwaj. SE Fleet CF recons a now empty Munda. Maybe we'll throw him off for a time. Shortlands makes level 3 port and will switch back to building forts up to level 6. 14th Army We are back in the white at Clark and order a DA for tomorrow. 16th Army A rare quiet day here. 25th Army We load DBCL forces to clear up the islands off Sumatra and a few empty bases in southern Borneo. 15th Army The attack on Calcutta is a success. First, we sweep with Oscars but there is no CAP. Then a wonderfully co-ordinated strike sees every Netty in 15th Army AO hit the Calcutta port. When the smoke clears, we sink an xAP outright, put 13 xAKs in a "heavy fires, heavy damage" state, and do lesser damage to three other vessels. No aircraft are lost except for one Oscar that's a write off after landing. BANZAI! We are surprised the enemy didn't maintain a CAP here. Surely he will have to now. Elsewhere, an amphib TF arrives at Ramree Island under heavy LRCAP and begins to unload without being spotted or attacked. China 13th Army beats up the unfortunate 11 LCUs that were twice defeated at Hengyang, sending them packing toward the six effective LCUs one hex west of Pingsiang. Odds are 10:1, casualties 2932(182) vs 120(1). After a failed shock attack and two forced retreats, these LCUs must be in awful shape. This victory also opens a new and shorter LoC from 17th Army to the coast. 17th Army arrives at Shaoyang and will DA tomorrow with heavy air support. Combined Fleet Hiryu, Soryu and Ryujo arrive safely at Truk. MKB is now fully assembled. If we read correctly, the CV co-ordination penalty kicks in when a task force exceeds 400 aircraft. Is that read accurate? If so, we are able to put all CVs and CVLs into two TFs without penalty. If we need to get below 300, we will have to go with three TFs, which will eat up fleet DDs. Other While we're asking questions: 1) How do you convert an R&D factory to the next model without damage? Any magic to it other than changing the month before the current model goes into production? 2) We have 75k armaments points in the pools. Is this enough or should we "bank" 100K? 3) When Japan gets SigInt for a Japanese controlled base, does that mean the radio message was a SigInt report for the Allies? Just curious. I could see them being coast watchers but sometimes it happens at inland bases too.