Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (2/25/2012 10:48:54 PM)
August 20, 1942 Subs Escorts chase off Truant from an empty troop convoy returning to Singers. Truant then shoots and misses a DD, taking a penetrating and several minor hits in return. That should send the sub home. Grayling misses an xAK near Miyako Jima. DD Stuart DCs I-7 without effect north of Sydney. 4th Fleet No change. SE Fleet No change. 14th Army BA Bataan shows raw AS of 1528 vs 432. This will be over quickly, which is great news to a Cribtop HQ worried about an early Allied offensive catching us with our pants down. 16th Army Despite the efforts of 27 B-17s, the IJAAF and our tank regiments prevail at Tennant Creek. Severe storms in the hex helped to minimize the effect of the 4Es. Adjusted AV soars due to the availability of supply. Odds of the SA are 4:1, the base falls with 3 LCUs retreated, casualties 463(123) vs nil. Via e-mail, Cuttlefish commented that he hopes we enjoy Tennant as we won't be there long. This is probably true, but the spoiling attack is judged a nice success in Tokyo as it will impose delay on any offensive toward Darwin. 25th Army Ketapang occupied. Christmas Island makes level 3 forts. 15th Army Our first night raid at Ledo damages 5 C-47s. Not great, not bad. By e-mail, CF and I tentatively agree to limit night attacks to harassment raids of one group except for 4E firebombing raids (scary for me, but that's what happened IRL). We'll re-evaluate as the game goes on. There's a moment of panic when a PT TF at Port Blair reports an enemy floatplane, but there are no attacks, and after the replay we figure out that some variants of Catalina can just reach Port Blair from Trincomalee. China Chineses troops recently moved adjacent to a recon regiment deep in enemy territory (hex 76, 50 two hexes east of Tuyun, blocking a road). Today the Chinese air force bombs this unit. If this keeps up we'll CAP trap. A fresh brigade arrives at hex 81, 40 (the mountains between Ankang and Tienshui where CF tried a DA recently), bolstering AS to 940. We are having weirdness with an armored car near Pingsiang. It's twice been ordered to march from hex 83, 53 to 84, 54 (from there it could close out an enemy controlled hex side), but twice has instead marched from 83, 53 to 83, 54. Must be a bug, because we're ordering the move from one hex to the other (i.e. no further destination). The first time it happened we assumed it was a "beer enabled" moment ([sm=00000436.gif][sm=party-smiley-012.gif] it was a weekend turn), but it happened again after we triple checked the move. We will try marching overland from 83, 54, but it's annoying to have the delay for an important Op. In the good kind of problem department, a recon group that is perma-restricted to Formosa is running out of Chinese units in range of Pescadores to recon. [:D] Combined Fleet Not a lot going on as far as moves go, but we're assembling assets for the Baker counterinvasion, dubbed Operation Retread. Other Maizuru hits level 6 port.