RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (Full Version)

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Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (6/7/2013 11:07:23 PM)

Agreed on two points - first this Spurs team is no longer the "boring" defense only Spurs. These guys are fun to watch. Second, Miami hasn't lost two games in a row since January, and has a great record after losing Game 1 of playoff series. We have a long way to go, yet.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (6/21/2013 10:36:15 PM)

March 29, 1943


I-168 misses a DD near Madras. I-27 misses a DD near Viz. Looks like an ASW TF leading a supply convoy from Madras to Calcutta.

K XVIII misses an xAK loaded with troops near Shortlands, much to our relief. Pogy torpedoes a supply xAK near Pagan. This ship is in a huge convoy that is working to move hundreds of thousands of tons of excess supply from Tokyo to the perimeter. We are going to pump up the stockpiles at Truk, Rabaul, Kwaj, Babel and Kendari, ready to support defensive Ops. Tokyo has over 4 million supply, we plan to move about 1M out.

Something Allied sinks - surely the big TK we hit near Karachi.

5th Fleet

Many damaged ships from the Adak battles are hiding out in Dutch Harbor, per recon. Hmm. Perhaps a visit from Mr. Tanaka is in order.

4th Fleet

Bettys from TB sortie after a DMS near Funafuti but miss. Looks like a small supply convoy.

SE Fleet

Finschafen and Salamua go to forts 2.


We massively LRCAP Akyab but CF doesn't come out to play.


Another unescorted raid here costs us two bombers, but daily destruction of the KMT air force on the ground continues.

We launch a BA at the long besieged Tienshui. Raw AS shows as 1434 vs 3505 in China's favor. Cribtop HQ is sure all peripheral Chinese bases are out of supply due to recon bombing (no flak). We have several HQs and lots of troops fully prepped for this base. Assuming a supply malus for the garrison, we may be able to roll it with 1:1 odds in raw AS, which is about what we can scrape together. If this force were destroyed, it would radically alter the balance of power in northern China and allow a drive to the Central plains. Hmmmm....

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (6/21/2013 10:44:26 PM)

March 30, 1943


Narwhal duds on an xAK near Truk. The xAK torpedoed near Pagan yesterday sinks trying to make Saipan.

IJAAF ASW planes report a hit on a sub near Cam Ranh Bay. IJN ASW forces harass Finback near Donggala.

SE Fleet

Ndeni makes airfield 7.

Southern Army

Wyndham makes airfield 2. We are building this to support our overland drive to eliminate the Aussie beach heads at Derby and Broome.


Naturally, as we rest our Sentai CF hits the Akyab airfield today. We'll catch him one of these days.


Chinhae in Korea makes port 5. We are building this to encourage overland flows to the area.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (6/21/2013 10:49:34 PM)

March 31, 1943

Quiet, but my spidey senses tingle.

SE Fleet

A B-25 raid hits Tulagi from Ndeni. Combined with a sighting of three TFs at Ndeni, this causes Cribtop HQ to order Combined Fleet to head to Truk instead of Yokohama. My gut tells me CF may try for the Solomons or Gilberts again. If he does, we will be ready. If not, KB still has a good port to clear SYS damage and is well positioned to react to other moves.

Southern Army

Brunei makes forts 4.


Uttaradit makes airfield 2.

Bhamo is occupied by Allied rowboats.


Siangtan makes forts 4.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (6/21/2013 10:51:49 PM)


My hard drive crashed. Crap! This may delay the game for a while. I'm going to take it in this weekend.

Can you play AE on one of those Microsoft Surface things? I may have to buy a new PC.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (6/27/2013 10:32:25 PM)

OK, my computer issues have been resolved and the war continues tonight!

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (6/30/2013 7:27:05 AM)

April 1, 1943

Somewhere, an American squadron is upgrading to Mr. Hellcat. Yikes.

Quietest turn ever.

Southern Army

Saumlaki makes forts 3.


BA 1 hex SE of Akyab shows raw AS 930 vs 396. DA tomorrow.


We recently upgraded CLs Nagara and Isuzu. During the upgrade, we pulled the floatplane groups off the ships and upgraded to Jakes. Now the planes won't go back to the ships. Is the Jake too big, or do the upgraded versions of these CLs no longer host floatplanes?

obvert -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (6/30/2013 10:31:48 AM)

Glad to see you up and running again.

I know the later sub upgrades have been ejecting all kinds of Glen groups as they no longer carry them, and I think some of the CL upgrades did the same, but I'd have to check. Are those the ones that convert to CLAA?

PaxMondo -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (6/30/2013 2:20:55 PM)



Is the Jake too big, or do the upgraded versions of these CLs no longer host floatplanes?

AE doesn't look at FP "size", which is why a common HR is that only Glen be used on subs. So, obvert is likely correct, the upgrade removed the FP from the ship. Good thing you had it off, otherwise you lose the group entirely I believe.

obvert -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (6/30/2013 4:41:20 PM)





Is the Jake too big, or do the upgraded versions of these CLs no longer host floatplanes?

AE doesn't look at FP "size", which is why a common HR is that only Glen be used on subs. So, obvert is likely correct, the upgrade removed the FP from the ship. Good thing you had it off, otherwise you lose the group entirely I believe.

I would have thought this, but my Glens just got pushed to base during upgrades.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (7/1/2013 8:52:51 PM)

April 2, 1943

An interesting second day back now that my PC woes are repaired.


Finback sinks a 4200ish capacity TK near Balikpapan. Escorting DDs mounting improved DC launchers harass the sub but fail to sink it. We have ASW air patrols in the straits and will add 4 E class vessels with improved DC launchers in a day or so as a seaborne ASW group.

Tuna sinks a PB on escort duty near Kagoshima. As with the Makassar Strait, we are adding new air patrols from Okinawa designed to close an "Air Gap" in the East China Sea.

SE Fleet

Enemy B-25s, escorted by P-38s, hit Tulagi's airfield again today. We have a substantial bombardment TF inbound to their base at Ndeni. Cribtop Intel believes CF's next offensive move is most likely in the Solomons or Gilberts. This is the reason KB turned toward Truk instead of Yokohama as originally planned. Cribtop HQ really hopes the Allies try another amphib attack somewhere nearby so we can further attrit the USN.


CF sends small sweeps over Akyab and Cox's Bazar, probably probing the strength of our air defenses. We have no resistance today and no bombers come.

The IJAAF concentrates sweeps and bombing raids against the hex SE of Akyab today instead. This supports a DA in the hex by the two divisions of 15th Army against retreating Commonwealth troops forced to fall back by the capture of Akyab. We catch two Chindit Brigades and an HQ unit with the attack, inflicting a better than expected 10:1 that forces all three units to retreat to the East rather than toward the main enemy army in the hex just to the Northeast. Casualties are a satisfying 3077(180) vs 875(4). 15th Army will move NE to join up with 17th Army to engage the wrecked survivors of Akyab's garrison plus a British Bde and an armored brigade that got out of today's target hex in time.

As expected, we are seeing the cave in of the British/Indian front in the Arakan. We have a sizable advantage in ground and air power and plan to use it in a new offensive dubbed Operation Scorpion. Intention is to brush aside or pin and flow around the remaining defenders of the Arakan and break out into the plains. A supporting move from the SW will be launched by 18th Army toward Magwe while the main effort heads for Meiktila. Finally, a rapid armored thrust will seize Mandalay. The desired end state is to heavily attrit and possibly even isolate the main UK/Australian/Indian army currently stalemated at Taung Gyi. From a strategic perspective, wrecking and isolating or at least retreating this force will deplete the thin Commonwealth pools and put off for months or even a year the reconquest of Burma by the Allies. Another important benefit will be the freeing up of the elite 17th Army (worst division now has 87 EXP troops) as a strategic reserve that can be used for further offensive action in accordance with the overall counterattack doctrine for the war. The current period of IJN dominance has allowed this unit's extended commitment to Burma, but not later than July we need a floating reserve to counter expected offensives by the soon to be reinforced Allied navy.

We're not out of the woods yet, but IMHO our "defense by offensive" gambit has provided a better solution to Japan's "Burma problem" than the traditional approaches. Win or lose, it's certainly been more fun.


We have so many spare Helens that even the China air groups are getting them now. This enables the largest raid yet at Chengtu. The KMT air force is down to a handful of damaged air frames here and is functionally out of the war until enemy supplies improve.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (7/1/2013 8:59:41 PM)

Thanks for the info, Pax and Obvert. I can always use more groups for search and ASW. Any way to get these groups to fly Emilies?

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (7/5/2013 9:02:20 PM)

April 3, 1943

SE Fleet

The B-25s and P-38s hit Tulagi again. A large IJN bombardment force is two days out from Ndeni, waiting for recon to bring up the base's DL to 9/10 and for a better moon. We really want to punish these raids with a CAP trap as the P-38 isn't ideal in the escort role, but the small and damaged airfield at Tulagi is a poor arena for this battle.


All enemy stacks remaining in the Arakan, and even a small force of Indian units NW of Toungoo, show movement arrows to the NE. The enemy is in retreat - time to up the pressure.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (7/5/2013 9:19:05 PM)

April 4, 1943

Ground battles in Burma today.


Steelhead torpedoes and sinks a small 1250 capacity tanker near Truk. These working torps are no fun.

5th Fleet

All major Kuriles garrisons are in place. Shimushiri makes forts 4. We are working on a plan to raid damaged enemy CAs at Dutch Harbor while flooding the area with subs. Then if CF runs we maybe pick them off. Need a brighter moon, though.

SE Fleet

B-25s raid Tulagi again while B-24s hit Port Moresby. Is all this a prelude to invasion, a feint, or advanced training?

KB arrives at Truk to rest up and remain in position to deal with any moves in the Pacific.

Southern Army

Port Hedland makes airfield 1. We didn't improve this field thinking the base wouldn't stay in our hands for long, but now want an airstrip to assist with our slow developing offensive aimed at Derby and Broome.


Two attacks today with ok results.

First, 14th Division draws the unenviable task of establishing a bridgehead over the river from Akyab to the hex just to the East, where a battered but still decent sized Commonwealth force is trying to retreat through the jungle. The SA comes off at 1:3, casualties are 106(8) vs 2128(13). Painful but necessary. The division's remaining AS should be strong enough to invoke the bridgehead rule, preventing a further SA when the infantry of 17th Army arrives tomorrow or the next day. Very interesting to see disruption and morale minuses applied to the Allies here. They are in bad shape.

Next, we try a DA in hex 56, 49 near Toungoo, where two Indian Divisions are trying to retreat. We get a 1:1, casualties 854(5) vs 1101(5). We were a little greedy here and kept 1st Armored Division on pursuit orders. We will try again tomorrow with the tanks committed to the fight this time. As near Akyab, the Indians have the morale malus. In addition, one enemy unit got its AV smashed pretty good if the replay is to be believed.

CF's attempted withdrawal in Burma is logical and interesting. Operation Scorpion may have to adjust on the fly. Our main goal is to neuter the Commonwealth forces by depleting their replacement squad pools.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (7/7/2013 6:20:34 AM)

April 5, 1943


Sculpin torpedoes but does not sink an xAK returning to Rabaul from Truk. The ship can still make 8 knots and should survive so long as she avoids further encounters.

SE Fleet

KB begins a well deserved rest at Truk. Back at Kure, CV Shokaku upgrades her dive bombers to Judys, the first operational deployment of this aircraft.

A big B-24 raid hits the port at PM with moderate results. Damage is slight, but two ACMs are sunk. Due to a lack of fuel, the minefield here is long gone anyway.

An SSX sailed into Ndeni as recon for the upcoming bombardment. She hits two mines and sinks. This result causes Cribtop HQ to scrap the attack here. While we could probably hit a bunch of Allied planes, we are unwilling to risk capital ships for that result. The enemy's use of his bombers at Tulagi and PM is not decisive. The risks don't outweigh the reward of discouraging pursuit of a sub-optimal strategy by the Allies.


Three crack infantry divisions of 17th Army successfully cross the river near Akyab without triggering a shock attack. Once the armor catches up and 15th Army arrives (both in about 2 days) we will smash the enemy stack just East of Akyab.

Another DA at 56, 49 does the trick. Odds are 8:1, casualties are 1352(332) vs 368(7) as two Indian divisions are ejected from the hex. The enemy suffered a brutal set of minuses: disruption, fatigue, morale, and (most importantly) supply. The Commonwealth front in Burma is collapsing. CF has time to withdraw to a line running Cox's Bazar to Kalemyo to Katha to Lashio. If he does not do so soon, he is in trouble here. Our strategy is to avoid the appearance of aggressive action until 17th Army is freed up for the offensive. We want the Allies to stay put at Taung Gyi, Magwe and Mandalay until we can close with them.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (7/13/2013 6:54:02 PM)

April 6, 1943


Saury misses an xAK near Rabaul. Harder mercifully duds on a DD escorting the withdrawing SCTF near Ontong Java. CF gets a full look at the 2 BB, 4 CA force that intended to bombard Ndeni until the mission was scrubbed. There is a substantial uptick in sightings of Allied subs in the Solomons.

Two Es in an ASW TF DC Thresher near Balikpapan. We'll clear the Makassar Strait soon now that better ASW ships are available.

Glens report 3 APs at Suva.

SE Fleet

After the sub encounter, the Japanese SCTF near Ontong Java is overflown by something Allied, presumably Cats out of Ndeni.

Put the air raids, sub activity, APs, and sudden naval search efforts together, and it appears that CF is either planning something in SE Fleet or staging a feint. KB is resting at Truk and can intervene if he makes a move. In addition, we shift a big Netty group to Merauke just in case.

Satawal goes to forts 2.


15th Army marches into the hex just East of Akyab from the Southwest. Supplies should begin to flow to 17th Army, which until now was living off the substantial supply dump left at Cox's Bazar by the navy. BA tomorrow and DA the day after assuming the force correlation looks good, which it should.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (7/13/2013 7:07:48 PM)

April 7, 1943


Finback duds on one of the E class ASW ships sent to hunt it. This does allow a big TK convoy to get past the sub, at least.

Our ASW harasses Searaven near Billiton.

I-36 misses an AM in a medium sized TK TF near Kabara in the Fijis. Thanks for shooting at the escort, skipper. More evidence that something is up in SE Fleet.

SE Fleet

A big B-24 raid pounds Port Moresby. We are considering pulling a Tojo group to the area. Then Tojos, Zeros and Nicks could oppose these attacks, which are escorted by P-38s.

The raid, plus the fact that Kingfishers show up as Ops losses for the second day in a row, continue the steady flow of intel that the Allies are about to launch an offensive. Is the enemy fleet already at sea? If CF tries to land in SE Fleet AO, he may be in for a serious response by the Empire. Frankly, we welcome his effort.

Southern Army

Jolo makes forts 4. A lone base force here has been hard at work since the early days of the war.


BA in hex 55, 45 shows raw AS at 2529 vs 361. We still have two tank divisions that haven't quite gotten there yet, and the enemy forces are messed up and possibly low on supply. We will DA tomorrow with a massive air effort, including sweeps, LRCAP, and ground attacks.

Ramree Island goes to airfield 2.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (7/18/2013 11:16:26 PM)

April 8, 1943


Finback duds on a PB escorting tankers near Balikpapan. Thresher torpedoes an xAK in the same vicinity, then Finback finishes her off as she tries to limp back to port in an Escort TF. These two subs are becoming a pain.

5th Fleet

CF is reconning Attu daily, but is ignoring Amchitka. No sign of a big move up here yet. The Kuriles are fully garrisoned, although not all garrisons are as big as we would like.

SE Fleet

PM is bombed again. We are engaging in a massive supply lift from Japan to frontline bases via Truk and Rabaul. Once this is complete, we will try to address these raids.


The Allies bomb our troops at Akyab, trying to prevent arrival of reinforcements at the contested hex to the East. We sweep the contested hex, but our bombers don't fly due to weather. This doesn't matter much, as a DA by both 15th and 17th Armies overwhelm the enemy stack here despite the presence of a fresh UK Brigade and a British tank unit. Odds are 2:1, 7 of 9 LCUs are retreated toward the SE, casualties are 2724(315) vs 1911(12). Only two battered AA units remain in the hex. We will clear them out shortly and proceed with the offensive. That's over 600 Commonwealth squads destroyed over the past week or so.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (7/18/2013 11:35:27 PM)

April 9, 1943

Signs of a full bore enemy retreat in Burma.


An ASW Sally claims a hit on Gato near Okinawa.

SE Fleet

A small convoy of enemy ships is spotted near Ndeni. Looks like supply or troop transport. Lots of "chatter" in this region by CF.

Southern Army

Dobo goes to airfield 2.


The Allies bomb our division garrisoning Cox's Bazar. Possibly a recon bombing to gauge our strength.

Big news today as a multi-divisional enemy stack abandons the siege of Taung Gyi and falls back to Meiktila. Clearly CF recognizes the danger to his overall Burma position caused by the IJA counteroffensive in the Arakan. We will continue with Operation Scorpion. It will be interesting to see whether he abandons the Irawaddy plain or stands and fights. We sincerely hope he chooses the latter course.

This action frees up two divisions and a horde of arty at Taung Gyi to participate in offensive operations. The anvil will transition to another hammer, so to speak. We have a massive 16 divisions available for Scorpion, including all 3 IJA armored divisions. The goal is to bleed Commonwealth pools to the point that further offensives by the enemy in this theater are stymied well into 1944. While shifting to Plan B out of Operation Whirlwind was disappointing, Cribtop HQ is still proud of the potential result here. There are not a lot of Scenario 1 games where the Allies are pushed back into the jungles of Assam once they roll into Burma.

Looking ahead, we hope to transition to a defense centered around 10 divisions plus the RTA and various smaller units. That would free up the 3 armored divisions to run riot in China and allow 17th Army to resume its role as Strategic Reserve. We are not getting ahead of ourselves here and presuming victory, but with around 6 division equivalents of varying quality and facing total IJAAF air superiority in clear terrain, we don't see how CF maintains a credible position south of a line running Cox's Bazar - Kalemyo - Katha.

Home Islands

Iwo Jima makes forts 1 as a big engineer group gets to work fortifying the Bonins. The inner perimeter is shaping up nicely.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (7/18/2013 11:41:18 PM)

Upgrade question: What is the general consensus on upgrades of the Kagero and Asashio DD classes that remove one of the turrets? You can't get radar without going through this upgrade, and it also gives you more AA and in some cases Type 2 DC launchers. Valuable stuff for escorts, but as fighting platforms they suffer a bit.

Do you upgrade all of these ships, none or some? If some, which and why?


Capt. Harlock -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (7/19/2013 4:30:48 AM)


Do you upgrade all of these ships, none or some? If some, which and why?

Eventually, I would recommend upgrading all of them: when the USN gets a good force of Fletchers and Sumners, surface combat against them becomes too risky. You will need your DD's for escorts. Until late 1943, however, I would keep some of the fully-gunned ships for raids and fast bombardment missions.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (7/19/2013 4:35:30 AM)

Good advice. I may convert one class and keep the other up gunned for now.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (7/19/2013 4:55:04 AM)

April 10, 1943


We had a wolf pack lurking outside Dutch Harbor, hoping to pick off the two damaged heavy cruisers sheltering there after the battle at Adak. Today we hit pay dirt as I-177 puts two TTs into the limping CA Wichita, sinking her instantly. Better yet, despite shallow water the brave skipper gets his boat safely out of the inevitable barrage of DCs. Banzai!

S-28 misses a supply xAK just East of Rabaul.

A Sally attacks Lehon near Okinawa. The deployment at Oki has served to close the air gap in the East China Sea nicely.


DA 55, 45 clears this hex just East of Akyab, destroying two light AA units left behind in the previous retreat. Odds are 1881:1, which is even better than it sounds since the enemy mustered up two AV and we had one division sitting this out, meaning our actual AS is around 4,000. At least 60 more enemy squads are destroyed, pushing the recent total close to 700. This sort of attrition has to play havoc with the Commonwealth pools if we can keep it up.

Home Depot Building Report

Hakodate makes airfield 5, Wewak airfield 1. More importantly, Horn Island makes forts 4.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (7/21/2013 4:53:39 AM)

April 11, 1943

VERY quiet!


Skipjack misses a PB headed through the Sunda Strait for picket duty.

4th Fleet

We spot a few APs moving East at a point exactly 15 hexes south of TB. We may try for an unescorted Betty strike tomorrow.

Home Islands

Iwo Jima goes to forts 2.

Told you it was quiet!

Sieppo -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (8/2/2013 7:50:43 PM)

Awesome AAR and playing for scen1! I'm playing the Japanese in pretty much the same locations I just had to quick read through it in a couple of hours :). I'm in no hurry in Burma so I chose to move via land. Really thinking of a circling landing but maybe it's not worth it because I have a huge mongol horde moving in from conquered China. Supply movement is horrible and I'm trying to build AF's nearer Chittagong so that planes could operate via normal range.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (8/3/2013 2:11:24 AM)

Thanks for reading, Sieppo! I've been busy at work but I'm on vacation next week. I owe y'all about a week of gameplay and will catch up while sitting on the dock of my family's house on the Texas Gulf coast! There may be a few ale-related typos. [;)]

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (8/15/2013 8:29:40 PM)

April 12, 1943

Back from vacation. The war has continued and I owe y'all about 8 days of catch up. Nothing Earth shattering has happened, but once caught up we have reached the day before the unleashing of Operation Scorpion in Burma.


Barb duds on a DD near Batan Island. A PB and an xAK strike sub laid mines at Fukuoka. Their sacrifices are appreciated as they suck up mines and allow a big tanker convoy to slip in safely behind them. Surprisingly, both ships survive. A swarm of local minesweepers depart Tokyo for the Tshushima straits in response.

I-16 misses a DE near Karachi and takes a DC hit in return. Back to the yards.

4th Fleet

9 Bettys miss unescorted USN tankers south of Funafuti. Frustrating, but we will try to vector in a nearby sub.


Taung Gyi forts go to 5. Amazing what 400 engineer squads can accomplish.

Our Helens raid Meiktila and inflict 318(5) casualties. This sort of thing happens daily as the IJAAF retains air superiority in the Irawaddy basin. The hope is to soften up the enemy and drain his supplies in advance of Scorpion.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (8/15/2013 8:33:28 PM)

April 13, 1943


Thresher sinks a medium size tanker near Balikpapan. Ugh.

IJN escorts chase off K XV near Kuantan.

SE Fleet

Manus makes port 3. We envision Manus and Kavieng as fall back anchorages once the inevitable bomber offensive begins at Rabaul.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (8/15/2013 8:40:47 PM)

April 14, 1943


Shad sinks an xAKL near Tokara Retto.

5th Fleet

With high moonlight, we try a night raid aimed at the damaged enemy ships still pumping out at Dutch Harbor. We don't get any hits, but the primary purpose is to spook the enemy out of port and into the horde of subs that sank CA Wichita.

Southern Army

Christmas Island IO and Cocos Island both go to airfield 1.


Our army continues to plod down the road in the Arakan toward the Scorpion Line of Departure.

Playing a hunch, we sweep Meiktila and sure enough find CAP. The result is further proof of Mr. Tojo's dominance in this theater. Final results are 20 Hurricanes shot down in exchange for two Ops losses to the IJAAF. Two new aces join the ranks of our elite air groups here. Next the big Helen raid comes in like clockwork and hits for 374(4).

Uttaradit goes to airfield 3. Calcutta goes to airfield 9 for the enemy.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (8/15/2013 8:45:07 PM)

April 15, 1943


Sargo sinks an xAK near Gorong. CF is getting about a ship a day now that his torps work.

Thresher misses a DD sent to hunt her near Balikpapan.

A Glen spots enemy shipping fleeing Dutch Harbor as hoped. We will try to swarm them.


Rangoon goes to forts 6.

Allied 2E and 4E bomb our rear guard at Cox's Bazar.

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