RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (Full Version)

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Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (9/4/2013 11:25:50 PM)

April 26, 1943


Flying Fish duds on an xAK near Aogashima.

5th Fleet

CF sweeps Amchitka with P-38s, but our LRCAP has vacated the premises.

SE Fleet

All ships assigned to Combined Fleet at Truk are fully repaired and ready to go if needed.

Finschafen and Saidor make forts 3.

Southern Army

A6M3a and Rufes defend our army at Derby from the B-17s and do surprisingly well. The 3as get two outright shoot downs (ie on the first pass, not an attack on a bomber damaged in a prior pass), which I've never seen before from any Zero model. Nice. In total, 5 B-17s don't get home and many more are damaged. The raid itself does little damage to our forces.


We tried a night raid/sweep combo at Schwebo, but poor weather makes the former ineffective and scrubs the latter completely. This Op was ordered because the base is showing enemy fighters present for the first time in a while.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (9/4/2013 11:32:13 PM)

April 27, 1943


I-32 evades an ASW TF near Fiji.

5th Fleet

The B-26s return to Amchitka today. We will have to try to jump them again.

SE Fleet

The arrival of Dinah IIIs at Munda allows us to recon Luganville. We spot a large combat TF with a BB, CAs and CLs reported. Cribtop Intel thinks this is a defensive force that has been in position for a while, but we will be ready if they move north.

Southern Army

Our army in Oz marches into the Derby hex. The B-17s stay home.


We sweep Schwebo but find no CAP. CF bombs the airfields at both Cox's Bazar and Akyab.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (9/4/2013 11:55:32 PM)

April 28, 1943

Today marks the beginning of the end for the enemy beachhead in NW Oz.

IJN ASW DCs Gudgeon near Ominato and gets a hit. The Mod-2 and Type 2 DC launchers are starting to have an effect.

SE Fleet

Alert? Bettys spot a four ship TF at 112, 143, just south of Rennell Island. Is this a probe of our air defenses? A CAP trap? An FT TF invasion? The prelude to a bigger move? We don't know, but we will set the local IJNAF to Nav Attack with carefully chosen max ranges just in case. Cribtop HQ would very much welcome a move in this AO now with Combined Fleet parked at Truk. We are also savvy that CF may be trying to get our CAP reduced ahead of a raid on Munda. If his 4Es come there they will get a hot reception from Zeros, Nicks and Rufes.

Southern Army

A night raid by Nells gets good hits on parked B-17s at Alice Springs, further reducing the air threat to our offensive.

We had some trepidation attacking the Aussies with second line IJA troops, but after months of starvation, bombing and bombardment they are a shadow of their true strength. DA takes Derby easily from 1/3rd of the 3rd Australian Division with 30:1 odds. Casualties for the enemy are 2067(343). The 343 squads destroyed is compared to only 20 disabled, a sure sign of their poor supply status. The IJA takes 154(0) casualties and is in fine shape. Supplies and a base force will land at the captured port of Derby soon to shore up air defense and logistics.

Meanwhile, on to Broome! Cribtop HQ expects to receive the surrender of the rest of 3rd Oz Division plus 3 or 4 support units. That will bring the enemy's attempted counter-invasion of NW Oz to an end, finishing the campaign that began with the carrier battle at Exmouth in satisfactory fashion from the Japanese perspective.


Tomorrow the infantry of 17th Army will emerge from the jungle 1 hex SW of Magwe, while 18th Army will arrive 1 hex to the SE. Then all Hell breaks loose. Daily bombing has continued on the enemy forces concentrated at Meiktila, they can't be in good shape.


A concerted effort has LOTS of supply flowing to forward bases. Places like Darwin, Munda, Lae, and many more are receiving upwards of 30K in new supplies each. We want plenty of extra supply on hand once enemy counterattacks begin, and with four million tons plus at Tokyo, it was time to share the wealth a bit.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (9/7/2013 4:25:07 AM)

April 29, 1943


Our wolf pack East of Dutch Harbor spots a convoy and will try to converge on it tomorrow.

SE Fleet

The Liberators hit PM today. This begins to establish a pattern, as CF recons the base the day before he attacks. Our interceptors may finally have a "tell" here.

No sign of the mystery TF spotted near Rennell Island yesterday. We will stay on alert one more day just in case.

Southern Army

We shift the IJAAF to bombing troops at Broome and are surprised to hit the 4th Aussie Division. After checking the combat logs from the battle at Derby, we are shocked to realize we defeated the entire 3rd Division there. That means we may have two full Australian divisions in the bag. Wow.

Dobo goes to airfield 4.


17th Army enters the plains near Magwe. 18th Army is one day late due to messed up Op mode settings, but they will arrive tomorrow.

The Allies recon Ramree Island today, which is unusual. The base is well defended.

A night raid at Schwebo hits several Hurricanes. Tomorrow we are making an all out effort against the fighters here.


Timely reinforcements, in the form of 3 brigades, 1 arty unit and 1 engineer unit, arrive today. We have already maneuvered to blunt CF's attempted counter-offensive near Kweiyang, but more troops is always good.

Liuchow goes to forts 5.


We have continued to pull fuel to Fusan via the Tokyo convoy, even after loading 50K tons onto tankers that tomorrow will make the short leap to Fukuoka. Clearly, this gambit will work, but the question is how much are we losing by using the land route from Hong Kong to Fusan? How does spoilage in transit work?

I have to credit Michael a/k/a nygiants59 here. I adapted his tactic of setting ships to have Oosthaven as home port to pull fuel from Palembang on a grand scale by having excess Tokyo ships set homeport as Fusan. This overcame the fact that both HK and Port Arthur are level 9 ports and got lots of gas moved to level 8 Fusan.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (9/24/2013 11:15:46 PM)

April 30, 1943

It's been a long two weeks working an offsite assignment and the AAR has suffered. Time to catch up. Big things continue to come to a head in Burma.


Gar duds on an xAK near Toyohara.

Combined Fleet

Shokaku and Zuikaku, fully upgraded and sporting Judys, arrive at Truk. Akagi, Kaga and a CVL will head home for their upgrade cycle next. Jills are officially in production but it will take them a while to ramp up.


The Allies sweep and bomb 17th Army SW of Magwe. We sweep and bomb the airfield at Schwebo in return. Neither raid is particularly successful.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (9/24/2013 11:26:24 PM)

May 1, 1943

May of '43 and Japan still holds Tulagi, Tabiteuea, Darwin and Burma. In fact we are currently counter-attacking in Oz and the Irrawaddy Plain. Not bad, IMHO. Today Japanese VPs exceed the 30K mark.


Gar duds on an xAKL near Toyohara. This sub is starting to be annoying.

SE Fleet

Namatanai makes forts 4.


We launch a big raid on Schwebo and catch the Hurris unprotected by CAP. We destroy 19 planes on the ground and damage 35. Banzai!

The Allies raid the airfield at Cox's Bazar. While we would love to get this base and Akyab up and running, for now every time CF bombs them he is ignoring our advancing armies in Burma, so we will let this happen for now.

Uttaradit goes to airfield 4.


We have decided to use the "Fusan pull" for another week or two to build a reserve of fuel in the Home Islands. Then we will switch back to hauling it from Hong Kong in order to minimize spoilage. This trick will come in handy later in the war.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (9/24/2013 11:39:29 PM)

May 2, 1943


Escorts harass Gar near Toyohara. Time to deal with this threat. Gudgeon duds on a hunter SC near Ominato.

5th Fleet

B-26s raid Amchitka. All signs point to another move by the Allies up here. Combined Fleet is staying at Truk in case we get a good opportunity to intervene.

Southern Army

Our forces SA across the river near Derby and force the Aussie 3rd Division to retreat a second time. Odds are 17:1, casualties 1969(120) vs 428(0). We will rest one day to clear DIS and then push on to Broome, hoping for a big Allied surrender. Supply ships have made good use of the captured port at Derby and all our troops are in the white on this front.


Air battles galore. They go well, but could have been much better.

The IJAAF hits enemy forces struggling toward Magwe for 404(10) losses. The targeted forces have been retreated multiple times and must be in frightful shape.

The enemy 2Es attack 17th Army but find LRCAP that does a decent job. Weather kept the CAP from its full potential, but losses are still 9:3 in our favor. Our pilot quality versus the English flyers really shows up here, as the Tojos usually win individual engagements even when bounced.

In a major disappointment, two unescorted 4E raids on Ramree Island find 36 crack
Tojos on CAP. Unfortunately, for some reason the combats only go a round or two and end almost immediately, allowing the raids to effectively bypass our planes. I will make sure we have radar there but I think we do.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (9/24/2013 11:46:10 PM)

May 3, 1943


I-34 misses a DD near Perth but evades the inevitable hail of depth charges.

K-XIV misses an E in a big tanker convoy near Hong Kong. We DC the sub for many rounds and land a penetrating hit. Loving the improved DC launchers.

IJN troop convoy escorts chase off Truant near Groot Natoena. The convoy is bringing base forces and AA units to bolster defenses on Sumatra and in Burma.

5th Fleet

USN DDs raid Amchitka and destroy a mini sub there. The drumbeat continues up here. Is it a feint? It wasn't last time.

SE Fleet

Guam makes forts 3.

Southern Army

Boela makes forts 3.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (9/24/2013 11:59:53 PM)

May 4, 1943


Enemy DDs attack I-34 near Fiji and land a penetrating hit.

Despite a lot of attention, Gar stubbornly stays put near Toyohara and torpedoes an xAK. The ship may survive.

5th Fleet

Kushiro goes to forts 4.


17th and 18th Armies unite 1 hex SW of Magwe. They will immediately march on the base with 8 crack infantry divisions, artillery and heavy air support.

One hex NW of Magwe, our three armored divisions also come together (a day earlier than expected). A few survivors of the enemy's Arakan forces are still in the hex. We will try for a DA tomorrow if they don't reach the safety of Magwe.

These occurrences create a grave danger to the main Allied army in Burma. If Magwe falls we will have Meiktila almost completely surrounded in just a few days' time. If he splits his forces to defend both bases, we will defeat him in detail. If he turtles at Meiktila, he will be isolated as our armor will grab an almost ungarrisoned Mandalay and cut his LoC. CF should abandon the plains by rail immediately, or at least fall back to Mandalay asap, but we hope he doesn't. I'll post a screenshot later to show the current situation.

In the air, the Allies raid our garrison at Cox's Bazar. He has also pulled his fighters out of Schwebo.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (9/25/2013 12:02:06 AM)

Operation Scorpion, May 5, 1943


Red Numbers:

1 = 17th & 18th Armies marching on Magwe. ETA tomorrow. The body of the Scorpion.

2 = 3 IJA armored divisions driving East toward Mandalay. The Scorpion's stinger. This image is taken after the next replay, which I will report on soon, so their hex is now cleared of enemy forces.

3 = Various IJA units, which appear to be in positions to defend against another British thrust from Lashio. Actually positioned to close off any escape to the East out of Meiktila. The Scorpion's claws.

Green Numbers:

1 = Main enemy force at Meiktila. 10 LCUS. There is a secondary enemy force at Magwe. 14 LCUs, but most have already been retreated. Evidence of enemy withdrawal toward Meiktila.

2 = Two UK divisions are the only enemy reserves. One is at Lashio.

3 = The other has marched into the Chinese mountains and is thus functionally out of the fight.

Bottom line: IMHO CF's only move is to immediately withdraw to Schwebo or even Katha. If he sticks around, he will end up isolated and out of supply at Meiktila. If we destroy or even maul these forces, the Commonwealth Army will be out of the war for months to come, if not for the duration.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (9/25/2013 11:39:13 PM)

May 5, 1943

Air battles galore today.


The xAK hit by Gar succumbs to its wounds one hex away from safety.

Sallys from Okinawa claim two hits on Hake.

5th Fleet

Today's Marauder raid at Amchitka is escorted by P-38s for the first time. More signs of an enemy build up here.

Ketoi Jima makes forts 3.

SE Fleet

We believed we had a "tell" on the next 4E raid, and put up LRCAP over Buna. Jackpot! CF sent a huge raid with 20ish P-38s escorting 51 B-24s. Our intention all along was to engage the Fork Tailed Devils when they are in the unfavorable escort role. This is how it plays out, with our crack Zeros bringing down 14 P-38Gs via A2A and Ops losses. Just wait until a group of Tonys gets down here.

The bombers get through and demolish the airfield, but we can afford to lose a few Jakes and recon Judys in exchange for the heart of a P-38 squadron.

Southern Army

The Mogamis, Nagato, Mutsu and a heap of destroyers, in two separate TFs, bombard Broome. Results are good but not stellar. The main goal of the bombardment was to destroy any supply still in the units, hopefully that happened. No sign the enemy will try to flee. We are currently moving to close three of four hex sides and will get the last one shortly thereafter.

Saumlaki makes forts 4.


The enemy sweeps the hex NW of Magwe where our armor is located. In fact, he sweeps it seven(!) times with Hurricane and P-40K groups. The first wave of Hurricanes is mauled by a few leaking Tojos (at least 5:0), the next two sweeps each claim one Tojo as we wear down, and the last four hit air. Interestingly, there is no follow up bombing raid.

Our bombers hit the few enemy units still in the same hex. Then the armored corps sends them packing with odds of 223:1. Three support units are retreated into Magwe, casualties 868(81) vs 49(2). The way to Mandalay is now open.

At least some enemy units show a move arrow out of Magwe toward Meiktila. Is this a general retreat or just an evacuation of the mangled Arakan forces?

Today, as shown in the screenshot above, Cribtop HQ was thrilled to see one of two divisions in the enemy's theater reserve march into the mountains on the Chinese border. These guys won't be available to stop our army.

Air Battle Scoring

Total A2A in Burma and over Buna today was 24:7 in our favor. Better still, we only had 2 KIA and 3 WIA pilots in all air groups.

Capt. Harlock -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (9/26/2013 8:34:23 PM)

You seem to be doing pretty well for May 1943. What's the Victory Point tally?

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (9/26/2013 8:45:04 PM)

Yeah, I'm not sure I can pull off the central Burma thing, but I can easily fall back to level 6 forts with air superiority if it fails. It it succeeds, however... Wow.

Broome looks like a done deal. Can't see how CF extracts them now (I would've slogged overland once the Battle of Exmouth cut my SLoC). That's two full Aussie divisions plus three or four support units in the bag.

VPs are currently about 31K to 11K. No way I can hit 4:1, but 3:1 in early '44 is possible.

temagic -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/2/2013 9:07:48 PM)

Good going there Cribtop. 'Still lovin' reading this AAR. Burma will be sweet after you've pulled the encirclement thing off :)

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/2/2013 9:19:24 PM)

May 6, 1943


I-176 catches a kamkaze xAKL near Exmouth trying to run the Japanese blockade of Broome. The sub uses its guns to sink the merchie. RO-35 misses a DD near Umnak Island.

As Kaga and Akagi head home for refits, Vals on anti-sub duties claim hits on two USN boats south of Kyushu. This might be useful if CF interprets this as all of KB heading into Kure, when in fact most of our CVs are sitting at Truk.

SE Fleet

B-25s raid the airfield at Tulagi.

Southern Army

Our pickets near Exmouth are spotted by enemy search planes. No sign of CVs, so these are probably Cats operating from land bases.


Today CF sends all seven of his Chittagong fighter groups on sweeps over our armor NW of Magwe, then follows with the bombers. We are concerned because our Tojos, after fighting well initially, are worn out and overwhelmed over time. Losses are 4:7, not in our favor. Although pilot losses are lower, the problem we have defending these sweeps is that we have to LRCAP, which costs us the normal numerical advantage usually inherent in our larger IJAAF air groups. Ground losses to the combined 2E/4E strike are light, but this is an ominous development. We order yet another big elite Tojo group to Burma from Palembang, but this won't magically solve the LRCAP problem.

17th and 18th Armies enter the Magwe hex and will DA tomorrow.

The Allies DA in the mountains on the Chinese border at 63, 45, obtaining 1:1 odds against an isolated RTA division despite the presence of a UK division. Casualties are 135(1) vs 325(4). The terrain is saving us, but this position won't hold long. That's ok, as it was designed as a kamikaze mission from the start, and as previously noted is tying up some of the enemy's best troops in theater while we attack at Magwe.

Lots of bases improve

Eniwetok goes to forts 5, Vella LaVella and Rossel Island to forts 3, Batavia to forts 4, and Salamua to airfield 2.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/2/2013 9:48:37 PM)

May 7, 1943

Two years to VE Day.


Mingo duds on an ASW SC near Pescadores, return fire puts a DC into the sub. Pompon misses an E near Tokyo. Near Kwaj, Scorpion first duds on a PB, then torpedoes and sinks the xAK it was escorting.

5th Fleet

CF somehow divines that we were hiding out mini subs at Kiska and sweeps it with DDs, sinking both minis present. Probably SigInt. Their next sweep of Amchitka will find Japanese mines.

SE Fleet

CF continues to raid the Tulagi airfield and we continue to let him. Tulagi was always designed as a foreground to soak up attacks. Our Solomons air power relies on bases farther up the chain, primarily Munda and Shortlands.

Southern Army

We close off three of four hex sides into Broome. An armor unit will now clean up the last hex side. We have almost completed the isolation of two Aussie Divisions here.

Koepang goes to forts 5.


There are no enemy air attacks today. Quite a surprise - perhaps the enemy fighters are worn out, as weather was good.

We had our Nells at Port Blair launch a night raid on overstacked Chittagong airfield with frankly disappointing results. This deterrent effort will continue, however, as it may force redeployment or at least cause CF to use up an air group slot on night CAP. The IJN at Singapore is further readying a bombardment mission to Chittagong, but this will take time.

We DA Magwe and are both pleased and concerned. Raw AS is well in our favor, but forts were at level 5, more than we expected. Still, we knock them down to level four and get a decent 1:1 (close to 2:1). Casualties are 2578(111) vs 2543(25). Bottom line, we will take this base unless the Allied air force ruins our troops. The IJAAF will give maximum effort to prevent this.

However, Magwe won't fall quickly, which sets up the possibility of reinforcement from Meiktila. We still have one infantry division en route, and could throw in more troops if we risked weakness at Taung Gyi and its approaches. On the plus side, our armored corps, ignored for a day by the Allied air force, will cross the river and be positioned 1 hex NE of Magwe and 1 hex West of Mandalay. We should be able to seize Mandalay and at least temporarily cut the LoC to Meiktila and Magwe. The fun will be in making this stick. If he hasn't already, CF will surely see the danger to Meiktila tomorrow, with only one hex left to escape from (Mandalay), and that hex garrisoned by one small unit with three armored divisions only a day away on a good road.

The war in Burma hangs in the balance over the next week. Times like this are when you realize how fun this game truly is. Will Operation Scorpion be Japan's Saratoga or her Gettysburg? I guess we will all have to wait and find out! Our troops are in good shape and we DA again tomorrow at Magwe.


A seemingly innocuous BA at long besieged Tienshui sets in motion a plan dubbed Operation Edelweiss by Cribtop HQ. More on this later.

Kure Naval Base

Akagi, Kaga, Ryujo, the two Tone class CAs, and about 6 DDs arrive to begin their refits.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/2/2013 9:57:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: temagic

Good going there Cribtop. 'Still lovin' reading this AAR. Burma will be sweet after you've pulled the encirclement thing off :)

Thanks, temagic! Let's hope I can pull it off. The mighty 17th Army is hard to stop, but this is a stern challenge. If we can just capture Magwe quickly, then CF simply has to withdraw or face true encirclement at Meiktila. If we take too long to reduce Magwe, I can see a few ways for him to wriggle out of the trap. Either way, we still have the initiative for the moment. No mean feat in mid-'43, IMHO!

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/4/2013 5:24:02 AM)

Full report soon, but here's a quick update.

Remember that concern I had that Allied sweeps in Burma were unstoppable? The replay I just watched reminded me of a little in game quirk:

YOU... CAN'T... SWEEP... YOUR OWN BASES!!!!! [&:][:'(][:D]

CF could only put 14 fighters over Magwe with LRCAP, and that base is in big trouble based on today's attack. Our armored corps is one hex West of Mandalay and already 15 miles down the good road to that virtually undefended base. A big enemy army could be cut off at Meiktila like really soon.


Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/6/2013 9:15:29 PM)

Quick bulletin from the front:

Magwe falls! Meiktila isolated. Banzai!

temagic -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/6/2013 9:32:14 PM)


Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/6/2013 10:27:52 PM)

May 8, 1943

Heavy fighting in Burma.


I-25 misses an xAK near Luganville.

Gar duds on an SC hunter near Toyohara.

5th Fleet

Uruppu Jima goes to forts 1.

SE Fleet

The Liberators come for Lae, but our Zeros had returned to Rabaul. We are moving Tonys and Nicks to defend the Lae complex of bases, but this well timed raid hammers the airfield without opposition.


It's all about Burma.

Huge air battles reveal an Achilles Heel for the Commonwealth. Now that our armies have entered the Magwe hex, CF can't sweep his own base. Thus, instead of 7 enemy fighter sweeps, we only face 14 P-40K on LRCAP over Magwe and 7 more Flying Tigers on escort this turn. This swings the air battle in Japan's favor.

Our night raid at Chittagong fails to launch, and our Helens run into the LRCAPing P-40s. However, the 36 Oscar IIs on escort are enough to get our bombers through.

Enemy 2Es and 4Es raid our troops at Magwe but have only 7 P-40s as escorts. Massed Tojos and Nicks on LRCAP get through the screen and really hurt the enemy 2Es. Total A2A losses are 23:13, with many of our 13 being ablative armor Oscars.

On the ground, enemy units still show a move arrow from Magwe to Meiktila. We DA and drop forts to 3, odds 1:1, casualties 1169(165) to 2270(7). The enemy is losing his grip on this base. A fresh division arrives at Magwe tomorrow. Meanwhile, our armor is now 1 hex West of Mandalay and certain to arrive with the next replay. CF is about to lose his ability to rail out of Meiktila; his ability to march out will disappear if Magwe and Mandalay fall.

The enemy SA at 63, 45 in the mountains on the Burma/China border and chase off our Thai blocking force with 5:1 odds, casualties 348(7) vs 1245(61). Luckily, the RTA retreats NW and should be able to take Bhamo, forcing the Brits to respond to our guerillas rather than march toward the main battle in the Irawaddy Delta.

Taung Gyi makes forts 6, both solidifying our defensive line and freeing up a horde of engineers to work the bases along the Burmese/Thai border.

The Bottom Line

If things go well tomorrow, the enemy at Meiktila will be all but isolated. Wow.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/6/2013 11:09:46 PM)

May 9, 1943

Anticlimax at Magwe, but Meiktila's only lifeline at Mandalay should be cut tomorrow.


RO-35 misses a DD near Umnak Island.

Escorts harass Gar near Toyohara.

Sally claims a hit on Truant near Groot Natoena.

4th Fleet

Four LCUs recently landed at Kwaj prepare to ship out by plane and ship for the four frontline bases in this AO (The bases in line with Majuro).

SE Fleet

Enemy Liberators again hit Lae. Our new fighter groups are still a day away. Frustrating.

Enemy 2Es also hammer Tulagi's port, destroying an ACM.

Saidor goes to airfield 1.

Southern Army

We continue to maneuver an armored regiment to take away the last enemy controlled hex side at Broome. ETA 5 days.


We launch night raids on the airfields at Chittagong, Magwe and Meiktila with decent results.

IJAAF bombers go in unopposed at Magwe. Enemy Blenheims bomb our division at Cox's Bazar.

32 unescorted B-24s attack the IJA at Magwe and face numerous Tojos and Nicks. Enemy losses are somewhat underwhelming, with 5 Tojos lost for 4 enemy 4Es. We only lose one pilot at least.

Our DA at Magwe finds that all but one enemy LCU has evacuated the hex. As a result, the base falls easily with 955:1 odds, casualties 16(16) vs 23(0). One Allied artillery unit is forced to retreat. However, this result is wonderful for us as our armor enters the Mandalay hex, still defended by a single base force. CF appears willing to accept encirclement at Meiktila. Tomorrow our armor will SA Mandalay while our forces elsewhere close on Meiktila from all sides. Cribtop HQ believes the enemy has lost his chance to abandon Meiktila - instead we are looking at a siege. Ominously for the Commonwealth, the Magwe defenders already show a supply malus.

We now enter the final phase of Operation Scorpion. We will seize Mandalay and close up on Meiktila. Cribtop HQ quietly positioned a horde of artillery at Taung Gyi that will assist with the siege. Likewise, various air support and AA units are already in strat mode and will move into Magwe tomorrow. Oil and refineries at the base were taken without damage, although that is of secondary importance to us.


After a big air attack, we try a DA at Tienshui, relying on the lack of supplies of the defenders and the fact we have both a Corps and Army HQ fully prepped. Results are ok, with forts dropped to 2; odds 1:2; casualties 1753(23) vs 4641(98), and the KMT has a supply malus that will only get worse. Our divisions are a bit messed up, but we will continue to bomb and recover. Eventual capture of this long besieged enemy base could open a path to Kienko.

temagic -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/10/2013 12:51:44 AM)

Good writing Cribtop, as usual. :) It will be interesting to see how you fare come autumn of 43. The allies will have broken parity again in the CV department and have better aircraft. I'm really looking forward to see how your defenses will shore up. As it looks now, allied morale must be very low. Burma was their obvious pick for an offensive, and it seems you've handed them a crushing defeat, least I hope so. Great going. I'm hoping for an update soon.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/10/2013 3:09:11 AM)

Thanks for the kind words! CF is a huge Detroit Tigers fan, so the baseball playoffs slowed him down a bit. Running a replay now, however. We hope to take Mandalay and close off the last hex out of Meiktila,

As for later, I have invested a lot in LBA and ground defenses. My hope is to get a winning exchange battle in late '43 that puts me at 3:1 VP odds, ending the war in January '44. We shall see if that comes to pass, however.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/10/2013 3:19:48 AM)

Mandalay falls! BANZAI!!!!! 130,000 Allied troops fully isolated at Meiktila!

temagic -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/10/2013 6:32:40 PM)

This is getting real exciting.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/10/2013 7:52:08 PM)

Yeah, I'm going to post a screenshot soon. The Commonwealth army in Meiktila now shows a move arrow toward Mandalay. Was that a few units trying to reinforce Mandalay or is the whole army pulling out? If the latter, it will be a race to catch them before they can push aside our armor now occupying Mandalay. We plan to fly reinforcements directly to Mandalay. Should be fun either way, but once our armor went into Mandalay instead of Meiktila CF definitely awoke to the danger.

temagic -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/11/2013 12:58:43 AM)

Can you hold Mandalay with the armored corps? Any hopes of that?

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/11/2013 3:36:29 AM)

Maybe for a day or two, it's about 900 AS against two Aussie divisions, one intact Indian division, a British brigade, and a bunch of smashed units. I'll only need to hold for a day or two before the main force traps him in Mandalay. It will be a damn near run thing, as Wellington said.

temagic -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (10/11/2013 3:32:37 PM)

hehehe :)

Can't wait to see how it plays out.

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