RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (Full Version)

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Klydon -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/21/2011 9:49:56 PM)

Refit is your friend for those troops coming in, especially if they have good leadership. [:)]

If you didn't already, you may want to form up some RR construction guys in the HQs in the area. You have some damaged track here and there, but it looks like if you fix a hex here or there, it would help a lot. Getting a rail line going again to the Crimea would be big so you can move some troops over to put some pressure on those Rumanians.

TulliusDetritus -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/21/2011 10:05:33 PM)

Oh, and don't forget part of the rescuers are Motorized Divisions. Not as scary and dangerous as their Panzer chums. So that's good news for you. And bad news for your opponent. Good luck... and good HUNT! [:)]

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/22/2011 2:10:29 PM)



If you didn't already, you may want to form up some RR construction guys in the HQs in the area. You have some damaged track here and there, but it looks like if you fix a hex here or there, it would help a lot. Getting a rail line going again to the Crimea would be big so you can move some troops over to put some pressure on those Rumanians.

I am well aware of the utility of that rail line, that was the main objective for my blizzard offensive! I want to heavily reinforce and fortify that whole area, because I don't see how he can mount any kind of southern offensive (ie, towards Stalingrad or Baku) without at least corking me into the Crimea. I also expect to lock down the North by the spring, so that will only really leave the center to really worry about next season. At least that's the plan...

Almost all of my armies have at least two RRCBs, but since I can't direct them, they are taking their own sweet time, and they are very slow in the blizzard. Morever, they can only work from the East, because there is no railhead on the Crimea side. I'm afraid the blizzard will be long gone before the rail is repaired!

Aussiematto -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/23/2011 11:02:45 AM)

Stunning... I love what you've done to the Axis in the south! The advice about throwing in the whole lot to exploit is perfect operational art -- I predict doom for the Axis.

As a side note on the Finns - one problem with the Finns is the lack of morale. There's not a lot to be gained up there strategically, so it's a no brainer to avoid attacking. (blizzard fear?)

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/23/2011 11:50:14 AM)

Yeah, I have no intention of attacking the Finns, but was pretty afraid of them after the fall of Lgrad. In retrospect I think I overcommitted up there, but in any event I don't see him making much progress up there, ever.

One more question about the Finns--do they start to withdraw at some point? If he loses some Finnish troops, that nice quiet sector could be ripe for a surprise attack at some point...

karonagames -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/23/2011 12:52:13 PM)


One more question about the Finns--do they start to withdraw at some point? If he loses some Finnish troops, that nice quiet sector could be ripe for a surprise attack at some point...

I'll double check the exact withdrawals - there is a fair bit of coming and going for the Finns, but I would guess he will have about 1 corps less in 1942 compared to 1941

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/23/2011 1:04:23 PM)



...I would guess he will have about 1 corps less in 1942 compared to 1941

So a bit less, which helps, but nothing dramatic...or actually, now that I think about it, I guess those Finnish corps are pretty big, I mean, I think the Finns only have 3 or 4 corps, right? And I need to check the Finn deactivation rule, I think if I capture Narva and Vyborg, or something, they might all go home? Dreaming for now, but that would be fun!

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/23/2011 1:08:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: majeloz

There's not a lot to be gained up there strategically, so it's a no brainer to avoid attacking. (blizzard fear?)

I misunderstood you initially, but now I understand that you're saying that it is a no brainer for the FINNS not to attack, but I don't understand this...

First, there is a great deal to be gained strategically, by occupying the entrance to the Sonkovo Corridor--see my previous post. Come spring you could park a couple of Panzer armies there (mainly hidden by the dense woods), and Moscow could fall quickly.

Second, what else are you going to do with the Finns? I don't see what the German gains by just having them sit there, and he can't use them in any other way, so why not attack? Of course now any attack would probably be doomed, but right after the fall of Lgrad, before I dug in, he could have pushed me around pretty easily.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/28/2011 10:40:36 PM)

Hi there comrades, sorry for the break but Ketza was travelling and then I was. Just finished Turn 30. To summarize, he did a good job pulling out his isolated units, but his problems are hardly over. Here are some screenshots:

I think his whole line NW of Bryansk is about to collapse unless he reinforces it soon, although he seems to have some panzers in reserve...he will need them! Otherwise, I'm continuing to extend the line. Given that I've got more units, I figure the longer the line, the better--in the bottom of this picture until he can form a solid line his problems will continue. I figure he can either attack my cav/tank units piercing his line, or retreat, but can't do both very well. Will be interesting to see what he does, and I expect more units are on the way (my recon is almost non-existent as usual).

In the OKK area, as mentioned, he pulled his troops out of isolation, but he still has issues:

I imagine that he is desperately pulling units from other parts of the line to create line, but that will simply weaken other parts of the line, so hopefully I'll be able to take advantage. If he doesn't abandon Kharkov this turn, I will be launching attacks on both flanks next turn to isolate it, in addition to the deep run. I have lots more tank brigades on the way, they are surprisingly useful.

Finally, the South:
Here hs has been retreating a hex every turn, so it has been hard to come to grips with him.

One major question: For some reason, this turn, I was either unable to launch a lot of attacks, or only maybe one unit in a stack would attack, giving me terrible there some special attack cost for the Sovs during the blizzard? Even infantry units with more than 6 MP could not deliberate attack, often they could not even hasty attack. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

karonagames -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/28/2011 11:01:59 PM)

Are the units unready? They can only attack if they start the turn adjacent to an enemy unit.

Q-Ball -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/29/2011 4:02:38 AM)

Run everthing you have between Sumy and Poltava. Not sure how much RECON you did, but it appears nobody is home. Infiltrating between units is also a good idea.

This game is probably going to end pretty soon, like when that patch comes out

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/29/2011 4:22:49 AM)

Biganorak, some of the units might have been unready, but others had CVs of up to 6, so I don't think all of them were.

Q-Ball, I did all the recon I could, which was very little. Pushing in everything I can there, but without rail my armies move very slowly cross country, so we'll see.

Also, I didn't mention in my previous post, but I finally hope to start attacking the Romanians along the Dnepr next turn, although the attacks will start out pretty weak.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/30/2011 7:47:04 AM)

Finished Turn 31 and sent the turn back before I remembered to get screenshots. Oh well, nothing that exciting this turn anyway...

In general, he pulled back 1-2 hexes across most of the front, although he left some stronger stacks in place without pulling them back. In particular, he pulled back in the Bryansk area (although he still holds Bryansk), although I've managed to encircle one lonely infantry division. He has more or less plugged most of the gaps in his line north of Kursk, although the Sumy-Poltava gap is still open (but narrowing...). I am rushing everying I can towards there, but there is not that much, and as luck would have it, that is the one part of the map where I have not gotten ANY recon flights for the last couple of turns.

He still seems determined to hold Kharkov, with the city now at the angle of lines running to the west and south. I doubt he will hold it much longer, but we'll see. Down south, he has continued his strategy of pulling back slowly, so it is difficult to attack him successfully there. I finally launched my first (unsuccessful) attack on the Romanians across the frozen Dnepr, I have been reinforcing this area as quickly as possible, but it is ridiculously difficult to do (no rail or ports nearby).

A few general comments--it has been much more difficult to launch attacks in the last turn or two, for a variety of reasons. First, he has generally been pulling back at least a hex every turn, which makes it very difficult to launch deliberate attacks. Second, his units seem to be on the mend, picking up a couple of CV over the last turn or two. Third, his tactics have become much better, and he is actively whacking whatever tank brigades or cavdivs that I insert into gaps in the line. Fourth, in general, the Luftwaffe has been kicking my butt, not something I really expected during the blizzard.

I haven't shown you my attacks each turn, so I thought I'd comment on general, I have launched very few attacks per turn, maybe 10--12, sometimes fewer. While I would like to attack more, my weak units and his withdrawals make it very difficult to get adequate odds, and if I don't win the battle I suffer punishing losses--several thousand men, generally 10x what he loses, which I cannot afford. If I win, my losses are generally the same as his, perhaps 1.5x. I'm not certain, but I think that so far I have only suffered about 300k losses during the blizzard (went from 3.8 mln to 4.1 mln losses). IIRC, his losses are now at 1.1 mln, probably up from 400-500k at the beginning of the blizzard (not really sure what his losses were pre-blizzard, but they weren't very high).

Also, unless I can pull off something major in the next couple of turns (I'm trying my hardest!), I doubt that the game will end after the blizzard. I think his losses are relatively light, and while his strategic position won't be great, it won't be disasterous either (although I'm not sure what his objectives would be be for 1942). Most important, according to his last e-mail, he is having fun, so I expect he'll stay with the game.

Klydon -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/30/2011 1:27:45 PM)

You have done well pushing him back, especially in the south. Now is the time to start thinking about where you will try to set up your lines and where he may attack. Big thing is where he may be able to slice you up with a big encirclement. 

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/30/2011 1:35:39 PM)


Now is the time to start thinking about where you will try to set up your lines and where he may attack. Big thing is where he may be able to slice you up with a big encirclement. 

Sure, agreed. I've got a few more turns to think about it, and then it will probably take several turns to untangle and redeploy my various armies. I am currently spread very thin in several areas. That said, I am already building reserves and digging in some areas. Once the blizzard is over and we can see what the frontline looks like, I will be asking why you guys think on where he might be headed in the 1942 campaign.

After blizzard, I think it is mainly mud until June or so, but there must be some snow turns--any particular periods I should be worried about? Gamey I know, but I have to assume that he'll have such info, so I need to know as well...

Similarly, how quickly do his units bounce back after the blizzard? I'm hoping his units will need at least a month or so to heal, which would give me enough time to reorganize properly.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (3/31/2011 5:41:33 AM)

OK, finished Turn 32, nothing dramatic, but a couple of pleasing developments...

SW of Moscow, I was able to take Bryansk (ok, he abandoned it, but I'll still take it) and got my first German surrender, the hapless 7th Infantry Division.

No more real strategic objectives up here, I will just continue to beat up on weak German units on an opportunistic basis to inflict casualties. If possible I'd like to push my line to the Sudost River.

As expected, he pulled back from Kharkov this turn, and even had to abandon three infantry regiments there, which I've surrounded. I think they are goners. He has mostly plugged the gaps in his line, albeit weakly. For instance the Hungarian unit facing my spearhead units is a security regiment. Unfortunately my strength here is also limited, I'm mainly continuing to advance here just to keep him off balance, and hopefully pull more units from the south.

I still have some ambitions for the south, although I recognize that I'm running out of time. Since this is where I planned my main offensive, I have a lot of powerful units here, but the problem has been that he has been pulling back a hex or two virtually every turn of the blizzard, so it has been hard to punch any holes in his lines. At this point, however, he is running out of room and may decide to stand and fight.

Just SW of Zaporozhye launched my first succesful attack against the Romanians, got a bridgehead over the Dnepr, although a weak one. Continuing to slowly reinforce this area.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/4/2011 9:33:57 AM)

Sorry for the delay in posting, we've been turning turns faster than I could post the AARs...

I'm currently working on Turn 37, which I think is the last turn of the blizzard. I'll post screenshots once it's finished, but basically nothing particularly interesting has happened since my last post. In a nutshell, took a few more hexes in the center and south, including Kharkov, but along the far south (near Zaporozhye), his units were able to defeat most or all of my attacks, so no progress there. In the last few turns I've been redeploying my armies for a defensive posture.

One question I have before finishing this turn: I'd really like to set up my air force better as we head into the 1942 campaign, but am a bit confused about what to do. Here are some specific questions:

1) Airbases: Some of my fronts have about ten airbases, others have 1-2, others have none. I don't seem to be able to create any more airbases (as far as I can tell), should I transfer some of the Stavka airbases to the fronts? Transfer airbases from one front to another, or what?

2) Partisan resupply: There are now several dozen partisan cadres behind enemy lines, but in the fall I was complaining that I could not get supply drops to them. There were virtually no drops during the blizzard. I noted that the transports have really short range, but some of the level bombers in the VVS bases have decent range but still do not seem to be making drops. I have turned on night flights for bomber units in some of the other bases, hopefully that will help.

3) Aircraft: I looked at my various airbases and noticed that I still have tons of biplanes in various roles...this can't be good, can it? I assume that the IL-2s are good for ground attack? Also, I don't see how to transfer planes from one airbase to another, it must be possible?

4) Air doctrines: I read about this stuff when I read the manual a few months ago, but have forgotten everything. I'll reread that section, but in the meantime any tips would be appreciated.

loricas -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/4/2011 11:16:10 AM)



1) Airbases: Some of my fronts have about ten airbases, others have 1-2, others have none. I don't seem to be able to create any more airbases (as far as I can tell), should I transfer some of the Stavka airbases to the fronts? Transfer airbases from one front to another, or what?

i reorganize the air force, with standard for every front: 1 VVS 2 for fighter 3 for bomber 1 level 1 tactical 1 with U2 night bomber version.
you cannot create bases (and SAD bases start to disband at a rate of 3 at turn) but when all the on map bases are full of aircraft you receive additional airbases as reinforcement


2) Partisan resupply: There are now several dozen partisan cadres behind enemy lines, but in the fall I was complaining that I could not get supply drops to them. There were virtually no drops during the blizzard. I noted that the transports have really short range, but some of the level bombers in the VVS bases have decent range but still do not seem to be making drops. I have turned on night flights for bomber units in some of the other bases, hopefully that will help.

the U2 transport have short range. that of the others is good: you have i think six U2 transport group on map/reserve: but if you change to another aircraft, you receive another U2 group one turn later. take in account that you can use bomber in this mission, but you must place in VVS bases


3) Aircraft: I looked at my various airbases and noticed that I still have tons of biplanes in various roles...this can't be good, can it? I assume that the IL-2s are good for ground attack? Also, I don't see how to transfer planes from one airbase to another, it must be possible?

this is where different players make different choice: the most of red pleyer withdraw the air force at turn 1.
i don't as the tons of biblanes have a low performance. but low is better than nothing.
but you have to change to monoplane: now i think you have a lot of mig-3, yak-1 and LaGG in the pool. i use to start to change from one biplane class when in the pool i have less than 100. you start to receive a class of two engine fighter: i use it as night to harrass the axis resupply missions. the rate of replacement is too low for day duties

the Il-2 is good. and is the only tactical bomber you have to 44 so...the Pe-2 is level. and the rate of replacement is too low to make all with this

it's is possible to transfert aircraft from one bases to another: the command is air transfert, near air supply. but i usually send to reserve and keep reinforcement to reserve: i loose one turn but is in order to have a more standard mix of aircraft for every bases

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/4/2011 12:04:28 PM)

Loricas, thanks for the tips.

So I guess to get your mix of bases you simply transfer airbases between fronts, and then get more airbases as you fill up the existing ones? That's helpful, I didn't realize that...

Also, what do you mean when you say "i use it as night to harrass the axis resupply missions"--how do you do that, via some kind of setting in air doctrine?

Also, is there any real benefit to standardizing the planes at each base? It appeals to my sense of order, but am not sure I'll bother to rearrange everything if there is no practical difference.

loricas -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/4/2011 10:35:01 PM)


So I guess to get your mix of bases you simply transfer airbases between fronts, and then get more airbases as you fill up the existing ones? That's helpful, I didn't realize that...

yes: but i think no more than 1 base every turn, and frozen the 1st on map turn: but after the first it' s not a real trouble. it's in same place in the manual. but i forgot exactly where. and i'm at work so...
for this is indifferent at what front the on map bases are linked: you get the additional when all bases are full even if all are in the same front. and if i remember correctly, only not frozen front: ie bases to ural MD don't need to be full (sorry from my english)


Also, what do you mean when you say "i use it as night to harrass the axis resupply missions"--how do you do that, via some kind of setting in air doctrine?

only put in night mission: if your opponent fly ju-52 at night sametimes they fly to intercept
the air doctrine is still a mistery: the only things i change is no escort to recon. no ground support before the first blizzard as i think is better interdiction for Red in the first summer. and change the % of minimum ready in the group in order to fly. i leave the rest untouched:more test needed:)


Also, is there any real benefit to standardizing the planes at each base? It appeals to my sense of order, but am not sure I'll bother to rearrange everything if there is no practical difference.

i make this in order to spare time: i make the rework at the first mud turn: all in reserve, than the turn after in the bases where i want. but it's only to avoid micromanagement after: there is no combat benefit i think

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/5/2011 4:53:07 AM)

Loricas, thanks, your english is fine.

I see that you turn off escorts for recon. I did this too, but during my turns towards the end of the blizzard, I noticed that my recon planes were getting shot out of the sky! I would say that in a majority of my recon flights, half or even ALL of my recon planes were being shot down!! So last turn I turned recon escort back on, but I did not notice any effect, maybe I have to wait a turn. I hope I stop losing so many planes!

Encircled -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/5/2011 10:24:55 PM)

Sorry for barging on the AAR, but are you saying that if you put level bombers on night missions in VVS bases, they will automatically supply the Partisans?

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/6/2011 6:15:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: Encircled

Sorry for barging on the AAR, but are you saying that if you put level bombers on night missions in VVS bases, they will automatically supply the Partisans?

I think they are supposed to, and even if they are not in VVS bases, I believe. In any event, I am getting VERY few partisan supply drops; I probably have three or four dozen transport and level bomber air groups set to night flights, and last turn had a grand total of four supply drops, almost of which were within a few hexes of the front line...

loricas -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/8/2011 8:25:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: Encircled

Sorry for barging on the AAR, but are you saying that if you put level bombers on night missions in VVS bases, they will automatically supply the Partisans?

is in the manual, 17.1.1. PARTISAN NIGHT AIR SUPPLY, yes: if you put level bomber on night on VVS bases they automatically supply partisans.

from what i understand it work in that way:
1. transport in night mission from VVS bases
2. if more supply nedeed level in night mission from VVS
3. if more supply nedeed transport in night mission from everywhere
4. if more supply nedeed level in night from everywhere

the manual make no difference between transport and level: but even if ready to fly need at 0 transports fly everytime, level sametimes so, i think, the only reason for this is that there is same priority assigned to transports.

76mm for airbases is here 18.1.5. CREATING NEW SOVIET AIR BASE UNITS il a little different from what i remember, sorry.

ComradeP -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/8/2011 9:36:08 AM)


I am getting VERY few partisan supply drops

The number of air missions is essentially reduced substantially in blizzard turns due to missions being cancelled due to the weather and planes being damaged.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/15/2011 4:26:43 AM)

Sorry for the long delay...we've actually played a couple of turns, but I wanted to post the situation at the end of my turn at the end of the blizzard:

Here is the north, no movement up here in some time:

Here is just south of the Finnish sector, again, no real changes:

Here is my Kalinin Front, NE of Smolensk:

Here is Western Front...

Here is the area around Kursk:

And here is the South...

A quick commentary on the blizzard: in general I think that things went pretty well, other than failing to retake Zaporozhye I achieved all of my objectives. That said, the rail line to Crimea has been reestablished only very tentatively, and I doubt that I'll hold it for long. So all of that territory in Crimea and north of there will have no trains. I think this is completely unrealistic and makes a pretty signficant different to game play. I would and could have done much more in this area during the blizzard if I could moved more troops there...

Anyway, I have not shown behind the lines much, I have secondary defensive belts in most areas, digging in. I expect to be pretty much in reaction mode until I see what his plans are for the summer offensive. I will post Turn 39 (two turns after the blizzard) shortly, will be some significant differencs...

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/15/2011 5:48:15 AM)

OK, here is the end of turn 39...I have to say that I was very surprised by how quickly his troops bounced back, and he has given me a couple of nasty shocks in the two turns since the blizzard. All across the front, many of my units which were decent (2s, 3s, 4s) seem to have dropped to 1s, so some of the lines I thought were fairly strong turned out not to be.

North of Kursk, nothing really exciting happening, although he is pushing me back here and there. North of Kharkov, there is an ominous develop in the appearance of many panzer divisions:
The problem is I don't know what he plans to do with them, or more accurately, when...obviously they pose a threat but it seems like he wouldn't undertake a major attack with them right now, given that there will soon be lots of mud. Or would he? I could pull armies from elsewhere to backstop this sector, but I might only be weakening those sectors unnecessarily... Anyway, still thinking about what to do here.

I should mention the fate of the bulge which existed in this area prior to the end of the blizzard...obviously that was pocket bait--he kept retreating in this area, inviting me to create a bigger pocket. I decided to occupy that area with weak units, while creating a defensive line across the based of the salient. On the first turn after the blizzard, he swept in front of the defensive line and pocketed maybe 15 units (although many of them were brigades. I obviously recognized the threat but didn't think that this blizzard-battered troops would be able to move so quickly during the turn after the blizzard.

This whole blizzard/post-blizzard mechanic is totally screwed up, especially with historical weather. Units gain/lose strength in massive increments overnight on a predictable schedule, it is a joke. I will never play with historical weather again.

Worse than the potential threat are the moves he's made in the South:

The first turn after the blizzard he smashed through my line all the way down to the Sea of Azov, even though my line was fairly robust. In this turn, he made the penetration toward Crimea which threatens to cut off a bunch of my units...that would be bad, so we'll see. If the weather is mud next turn, he would be absolutely screwed, but I don't think it is, and I think he knows it. We'll see what happens...

timmyab -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/15/2011 11:53:08 AM)


If the weather is mud next turn, he would be absolutely screwed, but I don't think it is, and I think he knows it. We'll see what happens...

I think he might well be screwed anyway.If you stack out those hexes between the motorized and panzer divisions and maintain some strength along the Molochna river and in the 3 level forts in the gap between the rivers, I don't see how he's going to rescue those panzer divisions.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/15/2011 12:42:20 PM)

hmmm, we'll see, but I think you're being a bit optimistic. But keep the positive vibes coming..

sillyflower -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/15/2011 1:07:48 PM)



In general I should have started positioning troops for the southern offensive much earlier. Even now I'm really being hurt by the lack of tank and cav units.

But you are doing the right thing now in being bold and going for pockets. The 3 things you need to do are kill,kill and kill and that is best done with pockets - as always in this game.

Don't fret about having bulges at the end of winter. You don't have to stay in them

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