76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (4/23/2011 8:56:00 AM)
OK, just finished Turn 43, mud turn, so not much happened. I am still in the process of untangling/redeploying my armies, will posts some screenies with all of the pretty colors in a couple of turns once I am finished. I spent this turn looking at my air forces, which I hate to say I generally ignore. I filled all of them up with air units a few turns ago, and have been getting new air bases. But when I looked at what fronts had what air assets, it was a total mess--some Fronts (Leningrad) had as many as 8 air bases, others (Kaliningrad) had zero. So I've cross-leveled, so that almost all of them have 4-5 air bases. I've also assigned most of my Stavka air bases to various fronts, but am keeping 1-2 Stavka air HQs so that they can provide air support to my shock armies, which I keep under Stavka control. I want to put the best aircraft into these "shock air bases", but I have no idea which ones are best. I have determined that biplanes are worse than mono-wing, and if a bomber looks like it is made out of cardboard it might not be worth much, but not much beyond that. I have also tweaked my air doctrines: [image]http://www.vervecom.net/WITE/43-AirDoc.jpg[/image] Some of the settings might be a little unusual (or not, I don't know), but my theory is that I want a war of attrition, so I want as much in the air, all the time, as possible. I am actually thinking about increasing interdiction to 300% and fighter intercept to 200%, but will probably wait a few turns to see how the current numbers work out. Does all of this make sense? Please provide any words of wisdom on all air topics, I really have no idea what I'm doing. Other semi-random thoughts: Air recon seems much better, not sure if it is the weather, or what, but this turn I got many, many recon flights (not as if they do a good job of IDing anything, but at least they're flying...). Air recon is critical for interdiction missinos, because if you have not ID'd a unit, you cannot interdict it. Recon results show that he's got panzer groupings sitting on rails near Byransk, Kursk, and Zapo, but of course he can move those halfway across the map in a single turn, so it doesn't matter much. And I think Ketza is too smart to simply park his panzers where he plans to attack in several weeks, so I would almost think that he is LESS likely to attack in these areas. But we'll see. During the air recon, I did lots of air recon in the north, just south of the Finns. I don't have any plans up there, just did it to mess with his head. I'll try to do this every turn in some random area, so maybe when I do recon in prep for my first major counterattack (god knows when), he will disregard it. I have been evacuating factories steadily this whole time, and finally finished this turn. I've evacuated everything from Stalingrad but the tank factory, I figure I'll have at least one turn's notice to get that out if he comes that way. Also, I have not evacuated ANYTHING from Moscow--I think I can hold it. I have a grand total of one (1) guards division, along with one guards arty regiment and several guards air units. Also, rather bizarrely, I have an "elite" RR construction brigade which, according to the commanders report, has earned one victory (no losses). Also, just in case anyone is curious, here is my production screen; my manpower pool is down to 37k, the lowest it has ever been as far as I know: [image]http://www.vervecom.net/WITE/43-Prod.jpg[/image] That's it for now, I look forward to getting your feedback on air stuff.