RE: The remaining summer days (Full Version)

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Jajusha -> RE: The remaining summer days (3/28/2011 10:49:54 AM)

Not everything looks bad on the soviet side. State Defense Committee ordered the replacement of the light T-60 (armed with a poor 20mm cannon).

There are several candidates, but this one stands out:


Packing a 76.2 mm gun, if aproved, more then 120 individual brigades, support units and corps will receive this tank destroyer by December.

fiva55 -> RE: The remaining summer days (3/28/2011 5:01:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: Infanteer

What's the reasoning of the scenario to have all those units in static?

Just so you know, large parts of Army Group central and south are also in static mode. The Germans in static mode is probably to simulate that a large effort was put into a offensive in the south, and to encourage the player to start a summer offensive in that sector.

The Soviets in static mode is probably to simulate the Germans having achieved a strategic surprise. Combined with the low CV and DV in the south, it allows for initial gains very much like the Germans achieved in 1942.

And for those curious, it cost the Germans 3-5 AP reactivating inf regiments and divisions and about 20-30 Ap to reactivate motorized and panzer divisions. This while getting 50 AP a turn. Now you know where I spend all my AP on :P.

fiva55 -> Turn 12: cleaning up pockets (3/28/2011 5:51:54 PM)

This turn I mostly spend cleaning up pockets. Only a few persistent pockets remain on the Valdai Hills, the swamps around Leningrad and Leningrad itself. The Soviets make some probing attacks on my lines in the north, most likely to prevent me from digging in.

I have also started to reorganise my front lines, trimming down and filling up armies wherever needed. From the way things look, I will be able to put at least one more army in strategic reserve without weakening my frontlines, but we will see.

The success of 4th Panzer Army also made me decide to duplicate its structure for the other 3 Panzer Armies. Like 4th Panzer Army I will fill those up with only Panzer and Mot/Mech divisions as long as I can find them . I find such a concentration of firepower ideal to break through and exploit the Soviet lines of 1942 onwards. Infantry divisions simply don't cut it anymore with an average of 4-7 CV against a defensive value of 40+. With all across the board deep advances impossible, I believe its more practical to focus all my firepower into several key breakthrough armies.

There are obvious disadvantages though:
1) Putting all my eggs into one basket. Should such a army get severely weakened or even destroyed, I will have lost a significant amount of offensive strength.

2) I probably will have less panzer armies. Though some of the current panzer armies are panzer armies in name only. 1st Panzer army only has 3 armoured and 1 mot division versus 14 infantry divisions.

3) The remaining armies will have lost a important mobile reserve and offensive strength.

Though this is all theory, we will see how it works out in the coming offensives.

On the side note, I predict not much will happen the coming turns, so I will mainly make some post with some warpics like I have done until now. Does anyone find them annoying and think I should stop posting non game related pictures and screenshots?

fiva55 -> Turn 13: Leningrad under siege (3/28/2011 7:52:43 PM)

18th Army has been given the honor to capture Leningrad. Initial reports indicate that although resistance is fierce, substantial progress has been made. General Georg Lindemann, commander of 18th Army, assures us that that the fall of Leningrad will be achieved within 3 weeks.


Infanteer -> RE: Turn 13: Leningrad under siege (3/28/2011 11:59:54 PM)

Personally, I like how you are making this AAR a story with a bit of personality- it makes it unique and makes the moving a small boxes with numbers interesting. Keep on keeping on!

fiva55 -> Memories of a summer (3/29/2011 10:42:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: Infanteer

Personally, I like how you are making this AAR a story with a bit of personality- it makes it unique and makes the moving a small boxes with numbers interesting. Keep on keeping on!

Alright, thanks for the encouragement. Here is a pic for you :P.

The final phase of the 1942 summer offensive: Tiger tanks of 502nd Heavy Pz Bn, attached to the depleted 24th Panzer Division, prove their worth against enemy T34s


fiva55 -> Turn 14-15: The siege of Leningrad entering its final phase (3/29/2011 2:02:16 PM)

Having crossed the Neva and captured over 75 percent of Leningrad, just one final effort has to be made to capture the crown of our summer offensive: Leningrad.

Under the watchful eyes of the Luftwaffe, the siege of Leningrad enters its final phase

fiva55 -> Turn 16: Mud halts all offensive operations (3/29/2011 2:50:28 PM)

All offensive operations have been halted due to the mud season. Leningrad still has 1 hex left for me to capture.

Meanwhile, down south, a interesting new development:

Taking advantage of the mud, the Soviets advance into no man's land and start hugging our frontlines in the south

fiva55 -> Turn 17: Leningrad still prevails (3/29/2011 5:12:03 PM)

Despite fierce attacks and overwhelming firepower, the last defenders of Leningrad still continue to resist.

Down south, a massive build up of Soviet troops can be detected. Everything points to a major Soviet offensive in this sector. Still, OKH decides not to send their strategic reserve down south. With 3 lines of fortifications, we feel confident that we will be able to hold the line. Suspecting that the south is merely a diversion for a real thrust somewhere else, 4th Panzer Army will only be committed once we are sure where the Soviet plan to strike.

Resisting till the last, these Soviet antitank gunners prove to be a formidable obstacle for the stugs supporting the infantry

fiva55 -> Fortune teller needed (3/29/2011 5:16:41 PM)

So are there any good fortune tellers who are willing to predict for me where the Soviets will strike :P?

fiva55 -> Turn 18: Leningrad finally falls (3/29/2011 7:36:36 PM)

Leningrad finally falls after a long and bloody battle. This great victory is tarnished however, when 18th Army, eager to get revenge, starts looting and burning the city. Only the summarily execution of the worst offenders calms things down again.

By then, the worse has already been done. News of the looting and burning of Leningrad spreads across the world, when a photo is leaked to the western media. This prompts mass outcry among the allies, with the USA in particular promising increased support to the Soviet Union. In the Soviet Union, partisans start emerging everywhere, ready to avenge Leningrad.

Though it was initially intended to pull back 18th Army from the front lines and use them as a strategic reserve, this plan has changed. To punish them for their behaviour and allow them to regain their honor, 18th Army has been send to the front lines in the Northern sector, where skirmishes with partisans and Soviet front line troops are daily occurrences.

In other news, our statistics bureau have told us that they are nearly done analysing the results of our summer campaign, and will publish a report soon.


krupp_88mm -> RE: Turn 18: Leningrad finally falls (3/29/2011 7:41:38 PM)


So are there any good fortune tellers who are willing to predict for me where the Soviets will strike :P?

if u look for him near he will devour everything behind, if you look for him far he will devour everything ahead, if you look for him within he will be devoured

fiva55 -> RE: Turn 18: Leningrad finally falls (3/29/2011 7:55:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: krupp_88mm

if u look for him near he will devour everything behind, if you look for him far he will devour everything ahead, if you look for him within he will be devoured

How could we possibly lose the war in the east with such an accurate prediction. OKH has appointed me to negotiate a contract with you to have your advice on all military matters from now onwards. Perhaps you desire a winter dacha around Moscow :P?

Klydon -> RE: Turn 18: Leningrad finally falls (3/29/2011 8:29:57 PM)

Congrats on just a shattering victory.

As far as where he will strike; I think in the south is a good start. His army is largely intact there I assume and he also has several tank corps that were with Southern Front unless he sent them up north. The commanders down there are not that hot, but given time, he can probably get that fixed. If it was me, I would probably try to get going down there just to see how thin you are. I would have some reserves forming up some place if I could and wait and see how things go down south. If they get going well, then I would be tempted to send them down there. If you respond in a heavy way, then I would send the reserves elsewhere to start pushing.

The thing that has him in so much trouble is the amount of units he will have to replace if you get all those to surrender. At 10 CP's a shot, divisions are not cheap to replace. Not only do they have to be replaced, then you have probably a 3 turn minimum where they come on as shells, start getting equipped and are frozen before you can even think about using them for anything. 5 turns is probably more ideal as a time frame to get them up to speed and be ready for whatever you have in mind. Even if he got started right away at replacing the units you will have destroyed and blew 30 points a turn on forming new units, it will take 10 turns to replace 30 units. 30 Units is probably around the amount of guys you got in one of the mega pockets and you basically had 3 of those easy. We won't mention the absolute strain to his armaments industry trying to come up with all this stuff not to mention all the support units that likely went down as well.

Finally, I would also look for at least a distraction amphib operation in the Crimea from him. He really has nothing to lose and even for a small expenditure of units, he could either draw a big reaction from you or build up to the point as to be a big distraction. Command of the sea is a wonderful thing. [:D]

fiva55 -> Statistics (3/29/2011 9:06:17 PM)

Ty for the analysis Klydon.


Finally, I would also look for at least a distraction amphib operation in the Crimea from him. He really has nothing to lose and even for a small expenditure of units, he could either draw a big reaction from you or build up to the point as to be a big distraction. Command of the sea is a wonderful thing. [:D]

Yeah, I'm pretty certain he will try something like that. I spotted several divisions over there, among them a guard division. They would be pretty wasted if he won't try a amphib op. I will probably detach a corp somewhere and send it to the Crimea. A quick question though, 11th Army is scheduled to withdraw in turn 22, does this mean that only the HQ will withdraw, or the entire army including all corps and divisions? And if so, will detaching the corps and divisions prevent this?

Anyway, here is a front line map with the most current positions of the German and Soviet armies. Might make it easier for people to predict where the Soviets will strike.


fiva55 -> Reality sinks in (3/29/2011 9:48:45 PM)

November 1942
Location: Berlin, OKH Headquarters, meeting room

Today, present in this room is the entire leadership of Germany. They have gathered here to discuss the latest report of our Statistics Bureau.

The meeting starts with President Ludwig Beck making a short introduction speech. The people present note that our president is looking surprisingly sombre, despite our great victory during the summer of 1942. Then the reports are being handed out. No sound except for the turning of pages is heard while the generals and politicians start reading.

Suddenly, one of the generals stands up and slams his hand on the table. "Certainly this report is inaccurate. With the losses the Soviets have suffered, how can they still outnumber us 2 to 1 in almost everything!" Sounds of agreement can be heard among the people present.

Our president stands up and starts with a grave tone: "This is reality gentlemen. The report has been verified by our friends from the SS, who made a separate analysis parallel to that of our Statistics Bureau. We must face it, we have severely underestimated the Soviets, and if we aren't careful, it will be our downfall. Our intelligence indicate that the Soviet will launch a major winter offensive soon, one that we must stop while preserving our strength, less we lose in a war of attrition. From now on, the goal will be to bleed the Soviets so much that they will be forced to sue for peace"

Silence once more ensues. Then one of the generals speaks up: "At least we have winter clothing this time....


A few weeks later, one of our diplomats, who had been send to try to negotiate a armistice with Stalin, returns with the message: "For the crimes against Leningrad and the Soviet Union, there will be no peace until Berlin has been razed to the ground..."

So be it, perhaps the Soviets will be more agreeable once they have to send out their elite party members to the front instead of farmers or when our flag is raised over the Kremlin.

Summary of the report handed out during the meeting

Klydon -> RE: Reality sinks in (3/29/2011 10:44:34 PM)

Incredible. I would have thought you would have bagged over 1 million easy with all those encirclements. Still, you got a net decrease in Russian strength while German strength actually increased. Artillery and planes are fewer, but not by much and tanks actually went up but not by a lot. Looks like its clear he was able to save the vast majority of his armor corps.

To give some perspective on how much it will take him to replace those infantry divisions at 10 a shot, if he does nothing else with 50 command points a turn but rebuild infantry divisions, it will essentially take 30 weeks to replace those divisions. He may be ok on manpower and equipment, but the numbers of units he has is hurting. I would assume his lines up north are a bit thin at this point. Hard to tell how deep they are in terms of units. To me, this should be a bit Axis advantage for a bit as he tries to rebuild his armies.

Certainly this is one of the best alternative 42 campaigns I have seen from the Axis perspective in terms of putting the Russians back on their heels.

Infanteer -> RE: Reality sinks in (3/30/2011 12:33:20 AM)

Dude, you need to write books or something - the flavour you add to this is good....

fiva55 -> Turn 21: Start of the winter of 1942 (3/30/2011 10:09:49 AM)

Thanks Infanteer for the compliments. I will try to keep this AAR interesting. Screenshots of the game alone are fine, but I think adding pics and a little background story gives the AAR something extra. I understand that some of the readers might find it distracting, but I hope that some of the less hardcore guest visitors of this forum might be tempted to buy the game when they see the game isn't just counters and statistics.

Now back to the game: the mud turns have ended, with not much interesting happening besides clear signs of a major Soviet offensive in the south. With winter having begun this turn, I expect a major offensive in that area at any moment.

Having recently formed a rebuild 1st Panzer Army under von Kleist, I could very well spread my 2 Panzer Armies between Army group central and North, lessening the chance of a Soviet breakthrough. I have decided against that for now, instead adhering to the adage "The best defense is a good offense". I have planned 2 offensives this winter, hoping that it will throw the Soviet plans in disarray and preventing the Soviets from restoring their lost strength.

Troops in the sector of Army Group South enjoying their rest. It has mostly been a quiet summer for them, but we expect that to change soon

fiva55 -> Turn 21: Preview of the Kaluga offensive (3/30/2011 10:18:39 AM)

Not only the Soviets have used the mud season as a opportunity to build up forces. Taking advantage of the fact that the Soviets are focusing all their attention in the south, a massive build up of German forces north and south of Kaluga has been achieved relatively unnoticed.

Forces gathered for the Kaluga offensive, moments before the attack

Klydon -> RE: Turn 21: Preview of the Kaluga offensive (3/30/2011 1:24:18 PM)

Very nice! I think this is what you have to do.. keep destroying units and thinning him out on counters. Be interesting to see how many infantry corps he has. 

fiva55 -> Turn 21: The plan (3/30/2011 2:05:46 PM)


German OOB

Northern Pincer
4th Panzer Army (Herman Hoth)
-7 Panzer Divisions
-1 Mechanized Division
-5 Motorized Divisions

Southern Pincer
1st Panzer Army (Ewald von Kleist)
-10 Panzer divisions
-5 motorized divisions

Infantry Armies
3rd Panzer Army
4th Army
16th Army
2nd Panzer Army

11th Army

In order to disrupt the Soviet winter offensive, it was suggested to OKH that Germany itself should launch a limited winter offensive. A plan was drafted and authorized begin october, and the rebuilding and massing of forces earmarked for the operation began in the greatest secrecy during the mud season.

The planned location of attack, the Kaluga salient, was chosen for various reasons:
1) Although an obvious location for a offensive even to the Soviets, it was hoped that the enemy wouldn't suspect an attack at this location at least until the summer. By eliminating this salient before our next summer campaign, we hope to remove this obvious axis of attack, forcing the Soviets to guess where we will strike in the future.

2)The Kaluga salient is roughly 70 miles from Moscow, hopefully forcing the Soviets to commit their reserves of their southern sector less they risk losing their capital.

3)The terrain is ideal to field test our new panzer armies. Should the concept of a fully motorized and mechanized army prove to be less ideal in practice then hoped, we can always reform our armies again in time for the summer.

In conjunction with this offensive, a smaller offensive will be launched a few weeks later in the Northern sector, where 18th Army will strike south from the Finnish border, hopefully forcing the Soviets to also reinforce that sector.


Northern pincer
Because of the greater level of defences employed by the Soviets on this side of the salient and the presence of several guard divisions near Moscow, the veteran 4th Panzer army has been tasked to function as the northern pincer. Theoretically having less panzer divisions then the southern pincer, they are tasked to advance just 30 miles towards Kaluga, and if possible cross the river Ugra towards the southern Pincer.

Southern pincer
Tasked with advancing at least 50 miles north in order to close off the salient, the newly formed 1st Panzer Army has been allocated 3 more panzer divisions then 4th Panzer Army. Although newly formed, they are under the command of veteran general Ewald von Kleist, and they should be able to handle the job. Their objective is to at least reach the small town of Peremyshl, if not further.

After the salient is closed
Depending of the overall tactical and strategic situation of the front, we will decide to advance either towards Moscow or Tula, or hold our lines and retreat our panzer armies. A close eye will also be kept on our panzers in order to prevent losing too much of our offensive strength.


fiva55 -> Turn 21: The Northern Pincer (3/30/2011 2:24:51 PM)

Chosen to spearhead the attack of 4th Panzer Army is XXXXVIII Pz Corps, containing the veteran divisions 24th Pz Div, 15th Mot Div and the Gross Deutschland Mot Div. The initial attacks goes well, and thanks the the tiger battalion attached to 24th Panzer division, 4th Panzer Army makes great progress. Although the outskirts of Kaluga are reached, it was decided to let the following infantry capture the town. Instead, following the original plan, Wiking SS Pz Gr div crosses the Ugra, awaiting the arrival of 1st Panzer Army.


fiva55 -> Turn 21: The Southern Pincer (3/30/2011 2:39:19 PM)

Mechanical problems and trouble advancing through the snow slows the attack of 1st Panzer Army down. When the spearheads finally reach the first line of fortifications, poor coordination between the Panzers and their attached infantry leads to a failed assault. A second attempt is made, but once more the Soviets hold the line. This delays threatens the entire Kaluga offensive, and only the personal intervention of General von Kleist ensures a successful third assault. By now, the spearheads are worn down and the reserves must be committed to exploit the breakthrough. Although 1st Panzer army is able to reach the outskirts of Peremyshl, in the end they are unable to occupy the town. A gap of 20 miles now ensures that the Soviets will be able to retreat their entrapped forces if they chose to do so.


fiva55 -> Turn 21: End of turn overview (3/30/2011 2:46:21 PM)

1st Panzer lacks the strength to close the final 20 miles


Encircled -> RE: Turn 21: End of turn overview (3/30/2011 6:32:41 PM)

Excellent AAR

Great concept and the pictures and story really work

bigbaba -> RE: Turn 21: End of turn overview (3/30/2011 6:49:45 PM)

fiva you are realy a beast and i mean that in a positive way.:)

when rommel was the desert fox, you are the polar fox. makeing us to belive that you are done for this year and then starting such a huge attack.

nice one and you got not only us with our pants down but also your opponent.

fiva55 -> RE: Turn 21: End of turn overview (3/30/2011 7:34:37 PM)

Thanks guys for the compliments[:D]

I'm still a few turns behind on the game when it come to the AAR, so prepare for some updates.

fiva55 -> Turn 22: The thin red line (3/30/2011 8:06:04 PM)

It seems like the Soviets have opted for quality over quantity when it comes to their reserves in the Moscow sector. Several guard divisions are now blocking 4th Panzer Army's path to Moscow, though they seem content to remain on the defensive. Perhaps the mere rumour that they are facing our veteran formation has caused them to remain passive?

Meanwhile, in the Kaluga salient, the Soviets try to retreat east as fast as possible. Desperate to hold open the corridor, some guard divisions have "volunteered" to stay behind to buy their comrades as much time as possible.

Several tank corps have also begun streaming in, trying to enlarge the gap. In the ensuing tank battles, we manage to destroy almost 800 tanks, but at the cost of 200 of our own panzers. This is a battle of attrition that we can't afford for very long, and at this rate we might be forced to call of the second phase of the operation.


fiva55 -> Turn 22: The Salient closed (3/30/2011 9:40:51 PM)

Despite their heroic efforts to hold open the corridor, the guard units can only delay the inevitable. German panzers have closed the gap, and infantry has begun moving up, mopping up the entrapped Soviets on their way.


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