Chilperic -> RE: Fatal Years for 1.03 (8/4/2011 10:43:56 PM)
So how Regional Policies are handled in FY? 1) First Requisitions and conscriptions are eligible in any area where your Military Control is at least 51%. Military Control isn't loyalty, as you will have 100% military control in a conquered region occupied by your units even if loyalty is 1%. So you may apply thses policies in regions you have conquered the turn after your victory, as it was the case in RCW. Of course, doing so will lower loyalty, your and for the other factions. Some could consider this "gamey" as if your loyalty is 1%, it seems you have all reasons to pressure peasants in regions with high lyalty for your enemies. In reality, this feature is both historical and not so gamey. Historical because peasants didn't waited liberators to come back. They revolted independantly and sometimes continued their revolts even after region was captured back, because they despised both sides, Reds or Whites, in their eyes equally alien and dangerous. Then, by acting so you're taking the risk to create a Green revolt in your rear,cutting your supply lines. Green revolts are a new opponent you will have to deal with with your limited means. Creating a new enemy isn't exactly a gamey tactics even if indeed Greens will be at war with your opponents too. And once the Green loyalty is higher than 40, the risk of revolts in the area will remain... 2) Reforms aren't granted at start. The 3 main factions, Whites and Reds, must play an option to get the possibility to play some Reform policies.Doing so will lower the number of requisitions and xconscriptions available. Here the choice: either follow the historical path by pressuring peasants without limits, or choose alternate and more balanced politics by undertaking a land reform to accomodate peasantry. The first path will create huge Green revolt risk, the latter will deprive you of a part of your rerssources, as both land reform and extorsion are uncompatible. Without entering details, the system being rather intricated, the longer you will wait for enforcing reform option, the higher it will cost. This feature simulates first the msitruting of peasants before your new policy as you have followed the opposed one for a long time; then it addresses a possible gamey tactics: pressure in 1918 and 1919, convert to reform in 1920...If you're taking the reform path soon, you 're taking the risk of losing the necessary ressources in 1920. But at this time, you will maybe have a secured rear with high loyalty in the population, a longer Allied Intervention, some spontaneous enrollments. Who knows? :-) Last conscription will cost not only loyalty but 1 NM. So you can't temporize in FY: your conscription capacity is tied with your NM, ie your victories. The ore you win , the more you may recruit...And vice versa...